490 research outputs found


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    Abstract In both developed and developing countries, the construction industry is considered to be one of the most significant industries in terms of its impact on health and safety of the working population. Construction industry is both economically and socially important. However, the construction industry is also recognized to be the most hazardous. The objectives of this research are to investigate the safety performance in the construction sites. The data were collected from the contractors, consultant, and owners by using questionnaire to evaluate the safety performance in the construction sites. In total, there were 40 questionnaires which were distributed to respondents, with a response rate of 75%. The results show that there was still a lack of commitment from the government, the insurance company, the labor ministry, the owners, consultants, and also the contractors to improving safety performance on the construction sites. The suggestion is to improve the safety performance on the construction sites. The government should follow up the safety performance by visiting the construction sites. The insurance company should be more active in visiting the construction sites. The owners should be more active towards the safety by controlling, visiting the process in the construction sites. The contractors have to train the workers and promote the safety culture and follow up the safety performance. The consultants should control all the tools in the construction sites to insure that those tools are safe. Keywords: Safety performance, construction project, Tripol


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    2015. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Sebelas Maret University. This final project report was written based on the job training done by the writer in SD Al-Firdaus Surakarta. The objectives were to describe the process of teaching English to the fourth grade students, to describe the problems encountered by the writer, and to describe the solutions to the problems. The writer did an observation on the first day of the job training. The result of the observation was used as an initial reference in arranging lesson plan. The lesson plan was used to keep the writer on track when teaching a certain material in the class. In the teaching process, the writer had a class procedure which consists of three steps, they are: preparation, explanation, and exercise. There were some problems encountered by the writer. The first problem was the students’ attention, and the second one was unequal level of speed in acquiring the material given. The writer also provided some solutions to the problems; for example, increasing his voice volume or warned the noisy students, and giving a personal attention to the students with slower speed in acquiring the new materials. The writer tried to build a personal link between teacher and students

    Yield Performance of Locally Selected Cocoa Clones in North Luwu

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    Participatory selection in North Luwu District selected some locally cocoa clones, of which MCC 01 and MCC 02 the most promising to be developed as clonal material. This research has objectives to observe the stability performance of yield of these clones that enable be characterized of the potency as the basis for recommendation. Observation were carried out in 35 selected-farms be differentiated according to clone\u27s type, namely MCC 01, MCC 02 and Sulawesi 01 (control) and the year of planting (age). These farms were establised at the main area of cocoa in North Luwu. The assessed variables were the number of pod, yield components, the resistance to cocoa pod borer (CPB), vascular-streak dieback (VSD) and phytophthora pod rot (PPR). Data were recorded through 20 sampled-trees per farm in the period of April 2013 to April 2014 with monthly basis assessment. Data were analyzed refer to Eberhart & Russel method to perform stability parameters of the yield. The results indicate that these clones stable performing yield potency among plant age. MCC 01 and MCC 02 performed yield potency in amount of 3,682 kg/ha and 3,132 kg/ha respectively higher than Sulawesi 01 of 2,772 kg/ha. Evaluation of the resistance, MCC 01 having moderate resistance to CPB and VSD and resistance to PPR, however MCC 02 having resistance to CPB, VSD and PPR. Referring to the potency thus MCC 01 and MCC 02 were legally recommended as clonal material for farmers, restricted at the agroclimatic area similar to the condition in North Luwu

    Relationship Between Physiological Characteristic and Bean Quality on Some Cocoa Clones (Theobroma Cacao L.)

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    Photosynthesis is one of the physiological process that influence the bean weight and this process related with the efectiveness of the stomata character and chlorophyll content in the leaves. The research was conducted at Kaliwining Research Station, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute. Design of experiment was randomized complete block design (RCBD) consisted of six clones as treatment were Sulawesi 1, Sulawesi 2, Sca 6, ICS 60, TSH 858, ICCRI 03, PA 300. Each treatment was replicated three times. Stomata resistance diffusion, tranpiration,the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll total (a+b), bean number and bean weight were observed. The resuts of experiment showed that difference in chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, chlorophyll total (a+b), stomata resistance diffusion, bean number and bean weight existed within six clones tested. Transpiration rate did not show the significantly different between six clones tested. Sulawesi 1 showed the highest content of chlorophyll a and ICS 60 and ICCRI 03 showed higher content of chlorophyll b than the other clones. Chlorophyll a, b and total (a+b) showed positively influence on bean number and bean weight. Transpiration rate had negatively influence to bean number per pod, on the otherhand it showed positively influence to bean weight. Chlorophyll total (a+b) showed high genetic variance (σg2), high phenotypic variance (σf2) and high estimated value of heritability (H). The chlorophyll a,b had moderate genetic variance, moderate phenotypic variance and high of estimated value of heritability. Chlorophyll total (a+b) could be used a selection criteria based on the value of correlation, genetic variance, phenotypic variance and estimated value of heritability would give high opportunity in selection process

    Analysis of Genotype by Environment Interaction on Cocoa Hybrids (Theobroma Cacao L.) Resistance to Phytophthora Pod Rot

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    Phenomenon of genotype by environment interaction was able to influence the stability performance of cocoa resistance to Phytophthora pod rot (PPR). This research had an objective to evaluate the effect of genotype by environment interaction on resistance of cocoa hybrids to PPR. The tested hybrids were F1 crosses between selected clones of TSH 858, Sulawesi 1, Sulawesi 2, NIC 7, ICS 13, KEE 2 and KW 165. There were 14 tested hybrids and an open pollinated hybrid of ICS 60 x Sca 12 was used as control in multilocation trials at four different agroclimatic locations, namely Jatirono Estate ((highland-wet climate), Kalitelepak Estate (lowland-wet climate), Kaliwining Experimental Station (low land-dry climate) and Sumber Asin Experimental Station (highland-dry climate). Trials were established in the randomized complete block design with four replications. Resistance to PPR were evaluated based on the percentage of infected pod for the years during wet climate of 2010 in Jatirono, Kalitelepak and Kaliwining followed in dry climate of 2011–2015 in Kaliwining and Sumber Asin. Variance of data were analyzed for detecting the effect of genotype by environment interaction (GxE) then visualized with a graph of genotype main effect and genotype by environment interaction (a graph of GGE) biplot. There was consistently no interaction effect between hybrid and location to PPR incidence which was affected by single factor of hybrid, year, location and interaction between year and location. The effect of year indicated yearly change of weather was more important to PPR incidence than location difference. A graph of GGE biplot indicated a stable performance of the tested hybrids among locations

    The Correlation Between Body Fat Percentage and Peak Expiratory Flow in Children Aged 10-12 Years at SD Negeri 8 Dauh Puri

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    Background: The accumulation of fat decreases lung function. Peak expiratory flow is an indicator for assessing pulmonary function and can be used to identify the narrowing or obstruction of the airway. This study aimed to examine the correlation between body fat percentage and peak expiratory flow in children aged 10-12 years.Methods: This study was an analytical study with a cross-sectional design carried out in March 2019 at SD Negeri 8 Dauh Puri, Denpasar. Sampling was done by simple random sampling, and 84 samples were recruited who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Body fat percentage was measured using Bioelectric Impedance Analysis, while peak expiratory flow was measured using Peak Flow Meters. Data analysis was done using the Pearson Correlation test..Result: The Pearson Correlation Test showed a negative weak correlation between the percentage of body fat and peak expiratory flow with p=0.009 and a correlation coefficient of -0.284. It can be interpreted that the higher the body fat percentage, the higher the value of peak expiratory flow.Conclusion : There is a significant correlation between body fat percentage and peak expiratory flow in children aged 10-12 years at SD Negeri 8 Dauh Puri

    Vihara Buddha Theravada di Surabaya

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    Vihara Buddha Theravada di Surabaya ini merupakan sebuah tempat ibadah bagi umat Buddha Theravada di Sruabaya. Proyek ini menyediakan tempat ibadah yang baik dan nyaman, sehingga umat Buddha dapat menjalankan ibadanya dengan khusuk dan nyaman. Selain itu, proyek ini juga dilengkapi dengan fasilitas meditasi yang terpadu, serta menyediakan tempat tinggal yang baik bagi para praktisi meditasi dan juga para biksu yang tinggal di vihara ini. Bangunan vihara ini diharapkan akan menjadi salah satu icon agama Buddha Theravada di Surabaya, yang selain dapat mewakili semangat dan pertumbuhan umat Buddha Theravada di Surabaya, juga dapat menjadi pemersatu dari umat Buddha di seluruh Surabaya

    Analysis for Yield Stability of the Promising Cocoa Hybrids at Diverse Agro-climatic Conditions

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    Analysis for yield stability on cocoa hybrids has objective to select high yielding hybrid with stable performance throughout the different agro-climatic conditions. These hybrids were crossed between selected clones of TSH 858, KEE 2, KW 162, KW 163 2, KW 165, ICS 13 and NIC 7. Fourteen hybrids were tested with control in a series of multilocation trial at the locations which were classified by altitude and climate differences such as lowland of dry climate in KP Kaliwining, lowland of wet climate in Kalitelepak Plantation, medium highland of wet climate in Jatirono Plantation and medium highland of dry climate in KP Sumber Asin. Trials were established at the randomizedcomplete block design with 4 blocks where in a plot planted 16-24 trees. Yield assessment was evaluated during 4 consecutive years of harvest by counting the number of pods per tree then converted using yield components and bean quality. Stability analysis was performed in linier basis for the yield. The combined analysis of variance performed a significant effect of interaction between hybrid and location within year that means an effect of genotype by environment interaction. Of the tested hybrids, TSH 858 x KEE 2, TSH 858 x KW 162, KW 162 x KEE 2 and the reciprocal performed higher value of the yield than control with deviation to regression (S2di) equal to zero and coefficient of regression (bi) equal to one except for KEE 2 x KW 162 with bi >1. It could be interpreted that those hybrids were stable to perform the yield and well adapted through the locations except for KEE 2 x KW 162 which specifically adapted to the more suitable condition. By respecting to the potency of yield, bean quality and vascular streak dieback resistance, TSH 858 x KW 162 has been released as new hybrid variety and renamed as ICCRI 06H. The hybrid was characterized by the yield potency of 1.99 kg/tree, a dry bean of 1.07 g and fat content of 54.3%
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