126 research outputs found

    The Influence of Humidity and Soil Texture on the Degradation Process of Selected Herbicides Immobilized in Alginate Matrix in Soil under Laboratory Conditions

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    The inflence of humidity and soil type on the degradation process of clomazone, metazachlor and pendimethalin immobilized in the alginate matrix were studied under laboratory condi tions, and herbicidal degradation parameters obtained for alginate systems and commercial formulations (Command 480 EC, Metazachlor 500 SC and Panida 330 SC) were compared. Two soils with different organic content were used in the experiment: loamy sand (S1) and sand (S2). The effect of soil humidity on the rate of herbicide degradation was assessed for soil S1 at 15% and 60% of maximum water holding capacity. Herbicides residues were analyzed using GC/MS method. The experimental data were fited to the mathematical model based on the fist-order reaction kinetics. There was no signifiant effect of soil type on the degradation rate of herbicides immobilized in the alginate matrix. For all alginate systems analyzed process was faster with an increased soil moisture. Formulation is a signifiant factor affecting the degradation process of herbicides in soil

    Doktryny konserwatorskie a paneuropejska idea Nowego Europejskiego Bauhausu i Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu

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    Nowadays, economics and the global economy and issues of the energy and climate crisis dominate. The issues of cultural heritage have receded into the background. An example is the multitude of declarations and conferences versus NextGenerationUE, Green Deal, Revival Wave and New Bauhaus.Współcześnie dominuje ekonomia i globalna gospodarka oraz sprawy kryzysu energetycznego i klimatycznego. Sprawy dziedzictwa kulturowego odeszły na plan dalszy. Przykładem mnogość deklaracji i konferencji versus NextGenerationUE, Zielony Ład, Fala Rewaloryzacji i Nowy Bauhaus

    System ochrony zabytków - studium ewolucji w latach 1918-2023

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    The system for the protection of historical monuments has evolved continuously. Its origins in the Polish lands date back to the time of the Partitions of Poland. They are connected with the distinctiveness of the approach to "memento" in the Austrian, Prussian and Russian partitions. The Austrian partition was dominated by a collegial mode for resolving conservation issues and the use of public opinion. This model was largely the basis for the creation of the preservation system in 1918, in free Poland. In the course of 105 years, its organisation and functioning have changed many times. It still requires constant improvement and reflection in such dynamically changing social, political, scientific and technical conditions. These are not the only factors that indicate the directions in which change is sought. The social factor is also important, evident both in the need to protect monuments and in the increasingly strong need for broadly interpreted care for monuments, contemporary cultural assets and cultural and landscape heritage.  The legal factor, related to the codification of the issues of monument protection, building law and space conditions, was and is also extremely important. A 'standardisation' and integration of the system of protection of monuments and cultural heritage seems to be needed. It may also be worth considering a so-called Conservation Code that would standardise the whole issue.System ochrony zabytków ulegał ciągłej ewolucji. Jego początki na ziemiach polskich sięgają czasu rozbiorów. Związane są z odrębnością podejścia do „pamiątkowości” w zaborze austriackim, pruskim i rosyjskim. W zaborze austriackim dominował kolegialny tryb dla rozstrzygania spraw konserwatorskich oraz korzystanie z opinii społecznych. Ten model był w dużej mierze podstawą tworzenia systemu ochrony w 1918, w wolnej Polsce. W przeciągu 105 lat jego organizacja i funkcjonowanie zmieniały się wielokrotnie. Nadal wymaga to ciągłego doskonalenia i refleksji w tak dynamicznie zmieniających się uwarunkowaniach społecznych, politycznych, naukowych i technicznych. Nie tylko one wskazują kierunki poszukiwania zmian. Istotny jest również czynnik społeczny, widoczny tak w potrzebie ochrony zabytków, jak i w coraz silniejszej potrzebie szeroko interpretowanej opieki nad zabytkami, współczesnymi dobrami kultury oraz dziedzictwem kulturowym i krajobrazowym.  Niezwykle ważny był i jest również czynnik prawny, związany z kodyfikacją zagadnień ochrony zabytków, prawa budowlanego i uwarunkowań dotyczących przestrzeni. Potrzebna wydaje się „standaryzacja” i zintegrowanie systemu ochrony zabytków i dziedzictwa kulturowego. Może także warto zastanowić się nad tzw. Kodeksem Konserwatorskim normującym całość problematyki


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    „Record cards of immovable properties” may be used for holding information about specific assets. This tool is of utmost importance for protecting and preserving architectural heritage assets built after the second World War in the second half of the 20th century. It allows for recognising a property in advance, defining the scope of protection (whether the entire property should be protected or only its particular elements), and specifying types of works which can be carried out to the property in question. This tool turns out to be particularly important in the event of changing ownership, carrying out renovation works or any other works pertaining to redevelopment, development, adaptation, etc. Additionally, it may be used for developing historic preservation guidelines for architectural designs and the areas they affect and, at the same time, preserving their initial form. Moreover, the tool in question allows historic preservation services to carry out such works to historic monuments and sites that will not only respect their cultural values but also „give them a new lease of life.” Furthermore, it may be used not only in scientific or academic works but also in works aimed at general public. In the current body of law, there are two types of „record cards of immovable properties.” The first one contains information on assets listed in the national register of historic monuments and sites. The second one provides data on assets not listed in this register - in this case, specific merit-related and graphical information is required. Its broader use by historic preservation service may result in increased effectiveness in preserving architectural heritage of the second half of the 20th century.„Record cards of immovable properties” may be used for holding information about specific assets. This tool is of utmost importance for protecting and preserving architectural heritage assets built after the second World War in the second half of the 20th century. It allows for recognising a property in advance, defining the scope of protection (whether the entire property should be protected or only its particular elements), and specifying types of works which can be carried out to the property in question. This tool turns out to be particularly important in the event of changing ownership, carrying out renovation works or any other works pertaining to redevelopment, development, adaptation, etc. Additionally, it may be used for developing historic preservation guidelines for architectural designs and the areas they affect and, at the same time, preserving their initial form. Moreover, the tool in question allows historic preservation services to carry out such works to historic monuments and sites that will not only respect their cultural values but also „give them a new lease of life.” Furthermore, it may be used not only in scientific or academic works but also in works aimed at general public. In the current body of law, there are two types of „record cards of immovable properties.” The first one contains information on assets listed in the national register of historic monuments and sites. The second one provides data on assets not listed in this register - in this case, specific merit-related and graphical information is required. Its broader use by historic preservation service may result in increased effectiveness in preserving architectural heritage of the second half of the 20th century

    Methane Production and Consumption in Loess Soil at Different Slope Position

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    Methane (CH4) production and consumption and soil respiration in loess soils collected from summit (Top), back slope (Middle), and slope bottom (Bottom) positions were assessed in laboratory incubations. The CH4 production potential was determined under conditions which can occur in the field (relatively short-term flooding periods with initially ambient O2 concentrations), and the CH4 oxidation potential was estimated in wet soils enriched with CH4. None of the soils tested in this study emitted a significant amount of CH4. In fact, the Middle and Bottom soils, especially at the depth of 20–40 cm, were a consistent sink of methane. Soils collected at different slope positions significantly differed in their methanogenic, methanotrophic, and respiration activities. In comparison with the Top position (as reference soil), methane production and both CO2 production and O2 consumption under flooding were significantly stimulated in the soil from the Middle slope position (P < 0.001), while they were reduced in the Bottom soil (not significantly, by 6 to 57%). All upper soils (0–20 cm) completely oxidized the added methane (5 kPa) during 9–11 days of incubation. Soils collected from the 20–40 cm at the Middle and Bottom slope positions, however, consumed significantly more CH4 than the Top soil (P < 0.001)

    Application of stress-only myocardial perfusion imaging

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    BACKGROUND: Single-photon emission computed tomography myocardial perfusion study is usually a sequence of stress and rest part. In case of a normal stress study rest part can be given up. The objective of this study was to examine factors affecting concordance of results of stress-only (SO) and stress-rest (SR) studies. MATERIAL AND METHODS: SO and SR studies without and with attenuation correction (AC) of 212 selected patients (without cardiomyopathy, history of myocardial infarction or coronary artery bypass grafting) were analyzed visually. Influence of percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in the past, type of stress (physical/pharmacological) and application of AC (in form of combined method of non-corrected and corrected images — CM), patient body mass index (BMI) and gender on concordance rates of SO and SR studies were examined. RESULTS: Neither a history of PCI, nor a type of stress affected concordance rate. AC (in form of CM) improved concordance rate significantly, from 60% to 68% (p = 0.018). Patient BMI affected concordance rates — 72% in non-obese and 59% in obese patients (p = 0.05). In the whole group, risk of overlooking patients with abnormal perfusion in SO study was small (&lt; 2%), but it grew significantly with patient BMI. Rest study was necessary in about 20% of non-obese and in about 50% of obese patients. CONCLUSION: MPS can be limited to stress part in appropriately selected, especially non-obese, patients provided that AC is applied, due to a low risk of overlooking patients with abnormal perfusion. In case of obese patients, careful analysis of exercise images for their normality is particularly important

    Controversies related to the indicator assessment of natural environment – contribution to the discussion

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    W artykule zaproponowano konstrukcję syntetycznego wskaźnika umożliwiającego klasyfikację województw według osiąganego poziomu ładu środowiskowego dzięki danym dostępnym w bazie BDL GUS. Łączne zestawienie wyników obliczeń własnych i danych z OECD umożliwiło sprawdzenie, i na ile wnioskowanie na podstawie tylko jednej zmiennej, jak to miało miejsce w przypadku raportu OECD, było zbieżne z oceną ładu środowiskowego opartą na wszystkich zmiennych dostępnych w BDL dotyczących tej kategorii. Oba podejścia przyczyniły się do wysnucia bardzo zbliżonych wniosków.The article proposes the construction of a synthetic indicator which allows the classification of regions according to the achieved level of environmental governance based on the data available in the database BDL GUS. The comparison of results of own calculations and data from the OECD allows to assess, if the inference based on only one variable, as is in the case of OECD report, is consistent with the assessment of environment based on all available in BDL variables. Both approaches lead to very similar conclusions.Małgorzata Burchard-Dziubińska: [email protected] Szubska-Włodarczyk: [email protected] hab. Małgorzata Burchard-Dziubińska - Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny, Uniwersytet Łódzkimgr Natalia Szubska-Włodarczyk - Wydział Ekonomiczno-Socjologiczny, Uniwersytet ŁódzkiAnaliza stanu zanieczyszczenia pyłem PM109 i PM2,5 z uwzględnieniem składu chemicznego pyłu, w tym metali ciężkich i WWA, 2008, Główny Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska, Warszawa.Borys T., 1984, Kategoria jakości w statystycznej analizie porównawczej, Prace Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, nr 284, Wrocław.Borys T., 1999, Wskaźniki ekorozwoju, Wydawnictwo Ekonomia i Środowisko, Białystok.Hellwig Z., 1968, Zastosowanie metody taksonomicznej do typologicznych podziałów krajów ze względu na ich poziom rozwoju oraz zasoby i strukturę wykwalifikowanych kadr, ,,Przegląd Statystyczny”, nr 4.How's Life in Your Region? Measuring Regional and Local Well-being for Policy Making, 2014, OECD, Paris.Kociołek-Balawejder E., Stanisławska E., 2012, Chemia środowiska, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław.Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, Ecosystems and human well-being: synthesis, 2005, Island Press, Washington, D.C.Ochrona powietrza przed zanieczyszczeniami, 2014, Najwyższa Izba Kontroli, Warszawa, www.nik.gov.pl (data wejścia: 20.09.2015).Panek T., 2009, Statystyczne metody wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej, Oficyna Wydawnicza Szkoły Głównej Handlowej, Warszawa.Pluta W., 1974, Zastosowanie metod taksonomicznych i analizy czynnikowej do konstruowania syntetycznych wskaźników techniczno-ekonomicznych, ,,Przegląd Statystyczny”, r. XXII, z. 2.Pluta W., 1976, Agregatowe zmienne diagnostyczne w badaniach regresyjnych, „Przegląd Statystyczny”, r. XXIII, z. 1.Regional Well-Being: A Closer Measure of Life, 2014, http://www.oecdregionalwellbeing.org (data wejścia: 15.09.2015).Rzeńca A., 2014, Ład przyrodniczy, [w:] Zrównoważony rozwój – naturalny wybór, M. Burchard-Dziubińska, A. Rzeńca, D. Drzazga (red.), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź.Statystyczne metody analizy danych, 1999, W. Ostasiewicz (red.), Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego we Wrocławiu, Wrocław.The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, http://www.teebweb.org/ (data wejścia: 05.09.2015).Walesiak M., 2004, Problemy decyzyjne w procesie klasyfikacji obiektów, Prace Akademii Ekonomicznej we Wrocławiu, „Ekonometria 13”, nr 1010, Wrocław.Wskaźniki zrównoważonego rozwoju Polski, 2011, Główny Urząd Statystyczny, Urząd Statystyczny w Katowicach, Katowice.www.stat.gov.pl (data wejścia: 10.09.2015).Żurawik M., 2014, Polska to jedno z najtrudniejszych miejsc do życia, http://wyborcza.biz/biznes/1,100896,16777502,Polska_to_jedno_z_najtrudniejszych_miejsc_do_zycia_.html#ixzz3nIIioru1 (data wejścia: 29.09.2015).77-933(81)779

    Indoor Generation Era. Risks and challenges

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    Our ability to remain in good health, both physical and mental, largely depends on the amount of time we spend out of doors. Certain changes to our lifestyle which came about due to technological progress have reduced the frequency of direct contact with the natural world and resulted in people remaining indoors for around 90% of their time. This has a negative impact on our health due to prolonged exposition to indoor pollutants, including light pollution on account of artificial lighting. A reasonable conclusion can be drawn that members of developed societies will, in the nearest future, continue to spend most of their time in various enclosed spaces. Because of this, in addition to taking steps aimed at motivating people to spend as much time as possible outside, we need to ensure that the conditions indoors are detrimental to us to the least extent possible and that the structural design of rooms where we stay supported our biological and mental needs.&nbsp

    Transplantacja nerki jako metoda leczenia nerkozastępczego pacjenta z przewlekłą chorobą nerek

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    Introduction. It is estimated that 500-600 million people are affected by chronic kidney disease. In Poland, 6500 among 4-5 million patients with chronic kidney disease require renal replacement therapy de novo every year. Renal transplant is a well-established treatment of end-stage chronic kidney disease, and the most effective one in comparison to alternatives – hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Aim. Presenting the current condition of knowledge of issues is a purpose of the work to the subject chosen concerning transplanting kidneys as procedures in chronic nephropathy. Review. In this review the author presents the current state of knowledge about selected aspects of kidney transplantation in Poland from deceased and living donors, including transplantations from nonrelated living donors (Kidney Paired Donation program). Conclusions. Renal transplant allows to achieve both longer survival and better quality of life than dialysis and therefore is the treatment of choice in end-stage chronic kidney disease.Wstęp. Szacuje się, że przewlekła choroba nerek stanowi problem zdrowotny 500–600 milionów osób, z czego 4-5 milionów mieszkańców Polski, spośród których rocznie de novo 6500 wymaga leczenia nerkozastępczego. Transplantacja nerek jest uznaną metodą leczenia nerkozastępczego i najskuteczniejszą w porównaniu z alternatywnymi metodami leczenia przewlekłej choroby nerek - hemodializą i dializą otrzewnową. Cel. Celem pracy jest przedstawienie aktualnego stanu wiedzy na temat wybranych zagadnień dotyczących przeszczepiania nerek jako metody leczenia nerkozastępczego w przewlekłej chorobie nerek. Przegląd. W pracy przedstawiono aktualny stan wiedzy na temat wybranych zagadnień dotyczących transplantacji nerek w Polsce od dawców zmarłych i żywych, w tym przeszczepień od żywych dawców niespokrewnionych w ramach Programu Wymiany Par.&nbsp; Podsumowanie. Transplantacja nerek zapewnia chorym dłuższe przeżycie i lepszą jakość życia niż dializoterapia, dlatego jest metodą z wyboru w leczeniu schyłkowej niewydolności nerek

    Effect of changing P/Ge and Mn/Fe ratios on the magnetocaloric effect and structural transition in the (Mn,Fe)2 (P,Ge) intermetallic compounds

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    The magnetocaloric effect in the MnxFe2-xP1-yGey intermetallic compounds with the amount of Mn in the range of x = 1.05 to 1.17 and amount of Ge in the range of y = 0.19 to 0.22 has been studied. It was found that a higher Ge/P ratio causes an increase in Curie temperature, magnetocaloric effect at low field (up to 1 T), activation energy of structural transition and a decrease in thermal hysteresis, as well as transition enthalpy. Contrary to this observation, higher Mn/Fe ratio causes a decrease in Curie temperature, slight decrease of magnetocaloric effect at low magnetic field, and an increase in thermal hysteresis. Simultaneous increase of both ratios may be very advantageous, as the thermal hysteresis can be lowered and magnetocaloric effect can be enhanced without changing the Curie temperature. Some hints about optimization of the composition for applications at low magnetic fields (0.5 T to 2 T) have been presented