116 research outputs found

    On the equivalence of different definitions of R-operation

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    Three well-known definitions of R-operation in the BPHZ formalism are presented. The equivalence between the Zimmermann’s forest formula and the factorized version of R-operation is proved

    Factorized renormalization formula

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    A factorized subtraction formula for R-operation is discussed. The notion of T-diagrams as a special class of Feynman diagrams, is introduced. For T-diagrams the factorized renormalization formula is shown to be reducible to Zimmermann’s forest formula for R-operation

    Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi new to Babia Góra National Park (Poland, Western Carpathians)

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    46 lichenized fungi and 1 lichenicolous fungus new to the Babia Góra Massif, a Polish and Slovak transborder mountain range, the highest in the flysch Western Carpathians, are presented here. Taxonomic and ecological remarks, as well as the distribution of some noteworthy taxa in other Carpathian ranges, are included. Helocarpon crassipes is reported in detail for the first time from the Western Beskidy Mts and Leptogium intermedium is rediscovered in the Polish Carpathians

    Applying affective design patterns in VR firefighter training simulator

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    We present a prototype of virtual reality training simulator for firefighters. Our approach is based on the concept of Affective Patterns in Serious Games. One of the most serious problems when it comes to training firefighters is to maintain the right level of their commitment. The idea to solve the problem of repetitive and monotonous exercises is to combine them with those implemented in VR. While creating the solution for optimizing a psychological background of knowledge acquisition in training, we used concepts from the Motivational Intensity Theory

    Ocena zaufania inwestorów indywidualnych do obligacji bankowych w Polsce

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    The article aims to assess individual investors’ confidence in Poland bank bonds and identify whether the type of bank and the category of bonds issued by banks determine the level of confidence in these financial instruments. The theoretical part of the study emphasized the importance of trust in the financial market. Also, the bank bond market in Poland was described. Furthermore, other authors’ studies referring to the assessment of the level of confidence in bonds and banks in Poland were analyzed. The methods used in the article include questionnaire surveys addressed to individual investors (CAWI) and non-parametric statistical tests (Wilcoxon test)Celem artykułu jest ocena poziomu zaufania inwestorów indywidualnych do obligacji bankowych w Polsce, a także ustalenie czy rodzaj banku oraz kategoria obligacji emitowanych przez banki determinują poziom zaufania do tych instrumentów finansowych. W teoretycznej części opracowania podkreślono znaczenie zaufania w kontekście funkcjonowania rynku finansowego, dokonano charakterystyki rynku obligacji bankowych w Polsce, a także odniesiono się do badań innych autorów nawiązujących do oceny poziomu zaufania do obligacji korporacyjnych oraz do banków w Polsce. Do realizacji celu badawczego i weryfikacji przyjętych hipotez badawczych wykorzystano badania ankietowe skierowane do inwestorów indywidualnych (CAWI) oraz nieparametryczne testy statystyczne (test Wilcoxona)

    Comments on equations of motion, boundary conditions and energy-momentum for a classical rigid string

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    The correct forms of the equations of motion, of the boundary conditions and of the conserved energy-momentum for a classical rigid string are given. Certain consequences of the equations of motion are presented. We also point out that in Hamiltonian description of the rigid string the usual time evolution equation F˙\dot{F} = {H, F} is modified by some boundary terms

    Hoop-like configurations of the classical string with rigidity

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    Time evolution of hoop-like configurations of the classical string with rigidity is studied. Emphasis is put on effects which are due to the presence of higher derivatives in the theory. Trajectories close to Nambu–Goto trajectories and tachyonic trajectories of the string are found. It is pointed out that the dynamics of the hoop-like string with rigidity is probably non-integrable

    On relativistic point particles with curvature-dependent actions

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    Systematic analysis of classical trajectories of a point-like analogue of the smooth string is presented. It is shown that the point-like analogue contains tachyons on the classical level

    New records of driftwood lichens in the Kaffiøyra Plain (NW Spitsbergen, Svalbard)

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    This paper refers to lichen biota growing on driftwood in the Kaffiøyra Plain (NW Spitsbergen, Svalbard). The presented list of 25 lichenized fungi includes both the eurytopic, accidental, typical, and stenotopic species. Taxa that belong to the last two groups can be considered as lignicolous. This study confirms the existence of a specific group of lichen species, for which the driftwood is a main substrate in the Arctic. Additionally, five lichen species new for the whole Svalbard were recorded, namely: Candelariella coralliza, Elixia flexella, Lecanora saligna, Lecidea plebeja, and Xylographa sibirica

    Smart technology w przedsiębiorstwach turystycznych jako element zrównoważonego rozwoju

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    Założeniem artykułu jest przedstawienie wykorzystania technologii cyfrowych w przedsiębiorstwach turystycznych z uwzględnieniem zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju. Część teoretyczna poświęcona jest zrównoważonemu rozwojowi, technologiom cyfrowym oraz możliwościom finansowania smart technology w branży turystycznej. Część badawcza artykułu ukazuje praktyczne zastosowanie technologii cyfrowych w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem hotelarskim i znaczenie tych technologii dla zrównoważonego rozwoju. Celem pracy jest ustalenie, w jaki sposób nowe technologie cyfrowe wpływają na  funkcjonowanie przedsiębiorstw w sektorze turystycznym, przy uwzględnieniu zasad zrównoważonego rozwoju