441 research outputs found

    The complex binder based on Portland cement andash-and-slag wastes from thermal power stations

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    Increase in the balance of boiler and furnace fuel of the energy sector of the Republic of Belarus the proportion of own energy resources (milling peat and wood chips) places priority on resolving the issues of utilization of ash-and-slag wastes and reducing the area of ash-and-slag disposal sites, which cause irreparable damage to the environment. A considerable amount of research has been devoted to the utilization of ash-and-slag wastes. There are more than 300 technologies of their recycling and use. Ash and slag wastes are used in the production of concrete, mortars, ceramics, heat and water insulating materials, road construction. The world experience shows the potential of 70-80% utilization of ash and slag, as, for example, in some European countries. However, the cost of the recycling of ash-and-slag wastes with the production and simultaneous neutralization of wastes can be higher than the cost of the production. One of the directions of the use of ash and slag wastes is the production on their basis of new types of complex binder that have increased strength and low prime cost. The replacement of a part of cement with active mineral additive allows to achieve significant saving of binder. The existing methods of the production of complex binders include the stages of joint or separate grinding of cement clinker and mineral additive with following mixing. Significant energy costs for grinding increase the cost of binder. In this regard, the development of the effective complex binder with the use of ash-and-slag wastes of the Belarussian state district power station in Orekhovsk using resource-saving technology is the actual research objective


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    The work deals with the problems of improving General English teaching materials for undergraduates in terms of the neuro-psychological trends in Foreign Language Teaching Methodology and developing a tutorial based on the knowledge of students’ cognitive styles caused by the individual profile of the functional asymmetry of the brain, i.e. we aim at proposing the methods of neuropsychological approach implementation in the educational process. The topicality of the research is attributed to the lack of teaching materials applying neuro-psychological approach, though it is proved to be productive, as its implementation is known to help the process of mastering a foreign language. The primary methods used are as follows: observation, pedagogical experiment, statistical processing of data. Neuro-psychologically grounded teaching methodology forms the basis of the English language successful mastering, as it takes into account such extremely important features of the student as the profile of his inter-hemispheric asymmetry, which in its turn determines the specific cognitive style, and hence the type of mastering the foreign language.


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    The paper deals with the problems of students-translators professional competence development in the framework of terminological expertise acquisition. Terminological work is stated to be one of the key means of translation competence development. The emphasis is made on theoretical aspect of the matter. The clarification of basic concepts – competence, translation competence, and terminological competence – is provided. Translation competence is viewed as a set of several sub-competences, characterizing translator’s social, communicative and properly text-oriented skills. Terminological competence is viewed as the constituent of translation competence. The objectives and the tasks of terminological work for Translation students are stated. Curriculum components resulting in terminological expertise acquisition are analyzed. The system of exercises aimed at terminological competence development is outlined

    Distribution of mineral extraction revenue: overview of international practice

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    Purpose. To study basic principles and conditions of the efficiency of the system to redistribute mineral extraction revenue including the countries with lower levels of welfare. Methods. The research applies a method of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the scientific literature, data by the Natural Resource Governance Institute, national reports according to the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, and open Internet sources. Taxation schemes for mineral extraction revenue as well as the most important tendencies in the schemes changes over the recent years were considered. Distributions of the resource taxes in terms of the state administration levels as well as vertical distribution of budget receipts from the development of natural resources were analyzed. The countries distributing tax receipts from the mineral extraction in favour of the local authorities were selected as the object of the research. Findings. It has been determined that in the majority of countries, payments from mineral extraction are sent to the national-level institutions being distributed back to the mining areas or neighbouring territories. It has been pointed out that certain countries send a share of the mining income to the local budgets automatically using the formulas based on the objective indicators such as amount of population, amount of budget receipts from the area, poverty rate or geographical position. It has been identified that the basic principle of the system of resource use taxation to provide social welfare is represented by the optimal taxation scheme stimulating the production and maximizing the income which share is redistributed in favour of the society to cover all the local administration levels. Originality. The comparative analysis and determination of the recent data of distribution of budget receipts from mineral resources in terms of the developing countries. Practical implications. The obtained results may favour the scientific substantiation of the strategy to distribute mineral extraction revenue, planning of the development of mineral and raw material complex of the Central Asian countries; moreover, they may be useful while assessing the efficiency of investment projects of the field development.Мета. Вивчення основних принципів та умов ефективності системи перерозподілу доходів від видобутку корисних копалин, у тому числі в країнах з невисоким рівнем добробуту. Методика. У дослідженні використаний метод якісного та кількісного аналізу наукової літератури, даних Інституту управління природними ресурсами (Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI)), національних звітів за стандартом Ініціативи прозорості видобувних галузей (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, ІПДО), відкритих джерел у мережі Інтернет. Розглядалися режими оподаткування доходів від видобутку корисних копалин і найбільш їх важливі тенденції протягом останніх років. Досліджувався розподіл податків на корисні копалини за рівнями державного управління, а також вертикального розподілу бюджетних надходжень від природних ресурсів. Як об’єкт дослідження обрані країни, що розподіляють податкові надходження від видобувних галузей на користь органів місцевого самоврядування. Результати. Встановлено, що для більшості країн платежі від видобутку корисних копалин надходять до інститутів загальнонаціонального рівня, однак розподіляються назад на місця видобутку або в довколишні райони. Відзначено, що деякі країни передають частину з доходів від видобувних галузей до місцевих бюджетів автоматично, використовуючи формули, що базуються на об’єктивних індикаторах, таких як кількість населення, обсяги бюджетних надходжень з території, рівень бідності або географічне положення. Виявлено, що основним принципом системи оподаткування використання ресурсів для забезпечення суспільного добробуту є встановлення оптимального режиму оподаткування, що залишає стимули до виробництва і, в той же час, максимізує дохід, частина якого перерозподіляється на користь суспільства між усіма місцевими рівнями управління. Наукова новизна полягає у порівняльному аналізі та виявленні особливостей новітніх даних розподілу бюджетних надходжень від природних ресурсів на прикладі країн, що розвиваються. Практична значимість. Результати можуть сприяти науковому обґрунтуванню стратегії розподілу доходів від видобутку корисних копалин, плануванню розвитку мінерально-сировинного комплексу країн Середньої Азії, а також можуть бути корисними при оцінці ефективності інвестиційних проектів освоєння родовищ корисних копалин.Цель. Изучение основных принципов и условий эффективности системы перераспределения доходов от добычи полезных ископаемых, в том числе в странах с невысоким уровнем благосостояния. Методика. В исследовании использован метод качественного и количественного анализа научной литературы, данных Института управления природными ресурсами (Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI)), национальных отчетов по стандарту Инициативы прозрачности добывающих отраслей (Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (ИПДО)), открытых источников в сети Интернет. Рассматривались режимы налогообложения доходов от добычи полезных ископаемых и наиболее их важные тенденции на протяжении последних лет. Исследовалось распределения налогов на полезные ископаемые по уровням государственного управления, а также вертикального распределения бюджетных поступлений от природных ресурсов. В качестве объекта исследования выбраны страны, которые распределяют налоговые поступления от добывающих отраслей в пользу органов местного самоуправления. Результаты. Установлено, что для большинства стран платежи от добычи полезных ископаемых поступают в институты общенационального уровня, однако распределяются обратно на места добычи или в близлежащие районы. Отмечено, что некоторые страны передают часть с доходов от добывающих отраслей в местные бюджеты автоматически, используя формулы, которые базируются на объективных индикаторах, таких как количество населения, объемы бюджетных поступлений с территории, уровень бедности или географическое положение. Выявлено, что основным принципом системы налогообложения использования ресурсов для обеспечения общественного благосостояния является установление оптимального режима налогообложения, что оставляет стимулы к производству и, в то же время, максимизирует доход, часть которого перераспределяется в пользу общества между всеми местными уровнями управления. Научная новизна заключается в сравнительном анализе и выявлении особенностей новейших данных распределения бюджетных поступлений от природных ресурсов на примере развивающихся стран. Практическая значимость. Результаты могут способствовать научному обоснованию стратегии распределения доходов от добычи полезных ископаемых, планированию развития минерально-сырьевого комплекса стран Средней Азии, а также могут быть полезны при оценке эффективности инвестиционных проектов освоения месторождений полезных ископаемых.The authors are grateful for the support in conducting the research to Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI), Moscow Metropolitan Governance University (MMGU), Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, and MIREA – Russian Technological University Institute of Educational Technologies and Humanities

    Development of special endurance for cross-country skiers of 15-17 years old

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    Purpose: to devise and prove experimentally a method of objective dosing of training exercises in the development of special endurance among young athletes in cross-country skiing. Materials and methods: the study involved cross-country skiers (15-17-year-old boys). The experiment took place on the basis of the Children's and Youth Sports School (Yakhroma, Russia). The experimental group used the special programs for the development of special endurance along with the generally accepted method. All microcycles in the one-year training cycle were divided into two types: containing special training exercises aimed at developing special endurance and not containing any, as a means of general physical training. Studies of the functional state of athletes were carried out using the diagnostic complex «Omega Standard». Results: the athletes of experimental group have significantly higher levels of special endurance. There was a distinct increase in results. Besides, the favourable changes of physiological parameters in the experimental group were proved such as: maximum oxygen consumption (ml/min/kg) from the beginning of the preparatory period to the end of this period increased by 2.8%, it was noted a significant slowing of the heart rate and an increase in stroke volume at rest. Conclusions: in the content of training exercises aimed at developing special endurance in the micro, meso and macrocycle training of cross-country skiers aged 15-17 yr., three variants of microcycles are identified (developing, supporting, restoring). The content of the first two may vary according to the predominant orientation of the training exercise on the basic factor (critical aerobic speed) and the main factors of special endurance (speed and stayer endurance)

    О стойкости кодовой электронной подписи на основе протокола идентификации Штерна

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    The paper provides a complete description of the digital signature scheme based on the Stern identication protocol. We also present the proof of the existential unforgeability of the scheme under the chosen message attack (EUF-CMA) in the random oracle model (ROM). Finally, we discuss the choice of the signature parameters, in particular providing 70-bit security

    Shi'a principles and Iran's strategic culture towards ballistic missile deployment

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    [Excerpt] On 8 January 2020, in response to the assassination of General Qasem Soleimani, Iran deployed 13 long-range ballistic missiles in an attack on two US military bases in Iraq, Al Taji and Ain Al-Asad, the latter being the biggest US military base in the Middle East.1 This attack was exceptional for Iran, which had used its ballistic missile programme (BMP) only twice since the 1980–88 Iran–Iraq War: in 2017 and 2018, in both instances in retaliation against attacks by Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), in each case deploying six mid-range missiles.2 The January 2020 strike was recognized as exceptional within Iran as well as outside, being referred to as the ‘first official attack on the US military bases after World War II’.3The authors would like to thank the three anonymous reviewers and the editors of International Affairs for their very constructive comments. This study was conducted at the Research Center in Political Science (UID/CPO/0758/2020), University of Minho/University of Evora, and supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the Portuguese Ministry of Education and Science through national funds

    Language Means of Newsmaker Interpretation in Internet Titles

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    An event can be represented through the mention of its participants, their actions, the object of action, individual circumstances and other. Analysis of the newsgroup «Yandex» allows us to compare the headlines of news items with a general information reason in the publications of different types (federal and regional, Russian and foreign) and identify the language tools for creating headlines that interpret the news story in different ways and have different manipulative potential.Событие может быть репрезентировано через упоминание его участников, производимых ими действий, объекта действия, отдельных обстоятельств и под. Анализ подборки новостей «Яндекс» позволяет сопоставить заголовки новостных материалов с общим информационным поводом в изданиях разных типов (федеральных и региональных, российских и зарубежных) и выявить языковые средства создания заголовков, по-разному интерпретирующих новостной повод и обладающих разным манипулятивным потенциалом

    Detailed analysis of a new translocation in pig

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    The effective means of aquafitness in correction of mature women’s functional state

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    Purpose: the search of the effective means of aquafitness for the correction of the functional state of women in the age of 35-45. Materials and methods: 1) theoretical analysis and consolidation of data of the scientific and methodological literature; 2) estimation techniques of the morphofunctional state; 3) bioimpedance analysis; 4) pedagogical testing; 5) expert assessment; 6) questionnaire survey; 7) pedagogical experiment; 8) methods of the mathematical statistics. Results: the experiment was implemented from 2016 to 2019. 256 women, who were just starting to do aquafitness, took part in it. They were subdivided into two groups: control group (128 women) and experimental group (128 women). Examinees of the control group had 40-minute workout 3 times per week: twice a week – aqua aerobics and once – swimming. Examinees of the experimental group did aquafitness 3 times per week for 40 minutes according to our developed method of integrated use of aquafitness means. Unique water workout programs, nutritional recommendations and its control were developed for the experimental group. The aquafitness’ effective means were combined by us in 9 workout programs, which were distributed throughout training courses of the women in the age of 35-45. Conclusion: During the pedagogical experiment, the effectiveness of the author's method was established, which was expressed by more significant positive changes in the results in the experimental group compared to the control group in terms of functional status, fat and muscle components of the body