686 research outputs found

    HahtiperÀn hylyn biografia:1600-luvun lotjasta immersiivisen taideteoksen proomupÀÀosaan

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    TiivistelmĂ€. Tarkastelen pro gradu -tutkielmassani Oulusta elokuussa 2019 löydettyyn proomutyyppiseen hylkyyn liitettĂ€viĂ€ arvoja kolmella aikatasolla. Löytöpaikkansa mukaan hylkyĂ€ kutsutaan HahtiperĂ€n hylyksi. Dendrokronologisen ajoituksen perusteella alus on rakennettu vuoden 1684 jĂ€lkeen. Hylky löytyi Radisson Blu -hotellin (ent. Vaakuna) parkkipaikalta hotellin remontin yhteydessĂ€. Löytöpaikalla on toiminut HahtiperĂ€n satama 1600- ja 1700-luvulla. Tutkin muinaisjÀÀnnöksen arvoa objektibiografiana tutkimuskirjallisuuden ja haastattelujen sekĂ€ hylyn löytymiseen liittyvĂ€n uutisoinnin ja lukijakommenttien kautta. Pohdin myös, voiko anonyymin muinaisjÀÀnnöksen biografinen tarkastelu avata uusia vĂ€yliĂ€ tulkinnalle. Oulun kaupungin historiaan liitetÀÀn usein vahvasti tervakaupungin imago, mutta konkreettisia merenkulkuun ja tervakauppaan liittyviĂ€ muinaisjÀÀnnöksiĂ€ — tervatynnyreitĂ€ tai aluksia — on tuolta ajalta vĂ€hĂ€n. Tutkielmani tuo esiin sen, ettĂ€ viestinnĂ€llÀÀn arkeologit vaikuttavat siihen, millĂ€ tavalla yleisö suhtautuu heidĂ€n työhönsĂ€ ja kulttuuriperintöön. Kulttuuriperintöön liittyviin arvoihin voidaan vaikuttaa myös esimerkiksi tieteiden- ja taiteidenvĂ€lisellĂ€ toiminnalla. Esimerkiksi HahtiperĂ€n hylyn osien pÀÀtyminen osaksi immersiivistĂ€ taideteosta syksyllĂ€ 2020 loi objektille uusia merkityksiĂ€ ja elĂ€mĂ€ntarinakÀÀnteitĂ€. Biografinen tarkastelu osoittaa sen, ettĂ€ pelkĂ€stÀÀn arkeologisilla menetelmillĂ€ saatava tieto jÀÀ suppeaksi, kun taas biografinen, spekulatiivinen ja paikoin jopa fiktiivinen lĂ€hestymistapa laajentaa tarkastelua. Tutkimuskohteena anonyymikin proomu voi valottaa paitsi Oulun kaupungin historiaa, myös suomalaisen laivanrakennuksen ja merenkulun historiaa laajemmassakin kontekstissa.Abstract. In my Master’s thesis, I examine the values associated with a barge-type wreck found in Oulu in August 2019 on three time levels. According to its location, the wreck is called the wreck of HahtiperĂ€. Based on dendrochronological timing, the vessel was built after 1684. The wreck was found in the car park of the Radisson Blu Hotel (formerly Vaakuna) during the renovation of the hotel. HahtiperĂ€ Harbor has been located at the site in the 17th and 18th centuries. I study the value of the relic as an object biography through research literature and interviews, as well as news coverage and reader comments related to the discovery of the wreck. I study whether a biographical examination of an anonymous barge could open up new avenues for interpretation. My dissertation highlights that in their communication, archaeologists influence the way the public views their work and cultural heritage. The values related to cultural heritage can also be influenced, for example, by interdisciplinary and arts. Parts of HahtiperĂ€ wreck were included in an immersive work of art in Autumn 2020. This creates new meanings and life story twists for the object. A biographical examination shows that the information obtained by archaeological methods alone remains limited, while a biographical, speculative, and to some degree even fictitious approach broadens the interpretation. As an object of research, an anonymous barge can shed light not only on the history of the city of Oulu, but also on the history of Finnish shipbuilding and shipping in a wider context

    New Test Day Model for the Genetic Evaluation of mastitis in dairy cattle

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    In this study, genetic parameters of test-day (TD) somatic cell score (SCS) and lactation average (LA)clinical mastitis (CM) were estimated using a random regression model (RRM) that combine two differentdata models. A multitrait RRM (mt-RRM) was then developed for the genetic evaluation of mastitis.Estimates of breeding values (EBVs) from the mt-RRM were compared to corresponding multitrait LAmodel (biv-LAM) and univariate LA models (univ-LAM). A total of 147500 and about 5.6 million recordsfrom 27500 and 1.4 million Finnish Ayrshire cows were used for estimation of genetic parameters andprediction of breeding values, respectively. Heritabilities of CM1 and CM2 traits: (CM1, -7 to 30 andCM2, 31 to 300 DIM) were 0.026 and 0.016, respectively, while for TD SCS they ranged from 0.06 to0.11. During first lactation, the genetic correlations between TD SCS and CM1 and between TD SCS andCM2 varied from 0.40 to 0.77 and from 0.34 to 0.71, respectively. In genetic evaluation of mastitis, modelcomparisons have showed that mt-RRM has high model predictive ability and high standard deviation ofbreeding values. Moreover, it has added advantages of making efficient use of available TD SCSinformation and offers proofs for bulls and cows. Therefore, mt-RRM can be used as best practical modelin the future evaluation of animals for mastitis resistance

    Children's Relative Age and ADHD Medication Use : A Finnish Population-Based Study

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    Using population-based register data, we examine the association between children's birth month and ADHD medication use in a single jurisdiction (Finland). OBJECTIVES: The youngest children in a classroom are at increased risk of being medicated for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We examined the association between children's birth month and ADHD medication rates in Finland. METHODS: Using a population-based study, we analyzed ADHD medication use among children born in 2005 to 2007. Cases (n= 7054) were identified from the first purchase of medication for ADHD. Cox proportional hazard models and hazard ratios (HRs) were examined by birth month and sex. Finnish children start first grade in the year of their seventh birthday. The cutoff date is December 31. RESULTS: Risk of ADHD medication use increased throughout the year by birth month (ie, January through April to May through August to September through December). Among boys born in September to December, the association remained stable across cohorts (HR: 1.3; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.1-1.5). Among girls born in September to December, the HR in the 2005 cohort was 1.4 (95% CI: 1.1-1.8), whereas in the 2007 cohort it was 1.7 (95% CI: 1.3-2.2). In a restricted follow-up, which ended at the end of the year of the children's eighth birthday, the HRs for boys and girls born in September to December 2007 were 1.5 (95% CI: 1.3-1.7) and 2.0 (95% CI: 1.5-2.8), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Relative immaturity increases the likelihood of ADHD medication use in Finland. The association was more pronounced during the first school years. Increased awareness of this association is needed among clinicians and teachers.Peer reviewe

    Stringency of the 2-His–1-Asp Active-Site Motif in Prolyl 4-Hydroxylase

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    The non-heme iron(II) dioxygenase family of enzymes contain a common 2-His–1-carboxylate iron-binding motif. These enzymes catalyze a wide variety of oxidative reactions, such as the hydroxylation of aliphatic C–H bonds. Prolyl 4-hydroxylase (P4H) is an α-ketoglutarate-dependent iron(II) dioxygenase that catalyzes the post-translational hydroxylation of proline residues in protocollagen strands, stabilizing the ensuing triple helix. Human P4H residues His412, Asp414, and His483 have been identified as an iron-coordinating 2-His–1-carboxylate motif. Enzymes that catalyze oxidative halogenation do so by a mechanism similar to that of P4H. These halogenases retain the active-site histidine residues, but the carboxylate ligand is replaced with a halide ion. We replaced Asp414 of P4H with alanine (to mimic the active site of a halogenase) and with glycine. These substitutions do not, however, convert P4H into a halogenase. Moreover, the hydroxylase activity of D414A P4H cannot be rescued with small molecules. In addition, rearranging the two His and one Asp residues in the active site eliminates hydroxylase activity. Our results demonstrate a high stringency for the iron-binding residues in the P4H active site. We conclude that P4H, which catalyzes an especially demanding chemical transformation, is recalcitrant to change

    Analysis of pancreas tissue in a child positive for islet cell antibodies

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    Conclusions/interpretation These observations suggest that positivity for ICA alone, even when lasting for more than 1 year, is not associated with inflammatory changes in the islets. However, it is most likely that the pancreatic islets were infected by an enterovirus in this child

    Validation of the Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm for estimating sleep-wake patterns from activity recordings

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    © 2021 The Authors. Journal of Sleep Research published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Sleep Research Society. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.Periods of sleep and wakefulness can be estimated from wrist-locomotor activity recordings via algorithms that identify periods of relative activity and inactivity. Here, we evaluated the performance of our Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm. The Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm uses a moving 24-h threshold and correlation procedure estimating relatively consolidated periods of sleep and wake. The Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm was validated against sleep logs and polysomnography. Sleep-log validation was performed on two field samples collected over 54 and 34 days (median) in 34 adolescents and 28 young adults. Polysomnographic validation was performed on a clinical sample of 23 individuals undergoing one night of polysomnography. Epoch-by-epoch analyses were conducted and comparisons of sleep measures carried out via Bland-Altman plots and correlations. Compared with sleep logs, the Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm classified sleep with a median sensitivity of 80% (interquartile range [IQR] = 75%-86%) and specificity of 91% (87%-92%). Mean onset and offset times were highly correlated (r = .86-.91). Compared with polysomnography, the Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm reached a median sensitivity of 92% (85%-100%) but low specificity of 33% (10%-98%), owing to the low frequency of wake episodes in the night-time polysomnographic recordings. The Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm overestimated sleep onset (~21 min) and underestimated wake after sleep onset (~26 min), while not performing systematically differently from polysomnography in other sleep parameters. These results demonstrate the validity of the Munich Actimetry Sleep Detection Algorithm in faithfully estimating sleep-wake patterns in field studies. With its good performance across daytime and night-time, it enables analyses of sleep-wake patterns in long recordings performed to assess circadian and sleep regularity and is therefore an excellent objective alternative to sleep logs in field settings.ASL received a stipend from the Max‐Weber‐Programm (Studienstiftung), AMB received funding from the Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences Munich, CR received funding from the Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia (FCT) PhD research grants (PDE/BDE/114584/2016), LKP received a fellowship from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento Pessoal de NĂ­vel Superior (CAPES, Finance Code 001), and NG received research funding from the FoeFoLe program at LMU (registration No. 37/2013).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    24-h urinary sodium excretion and the risk of adverse outcomes

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    AimsThe objective was to evaluate whether sodium intake, assessed with the gold standard 24-h urinary collections, was related to long-term incidence of death, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes mellitus (DM). MethodsA cohort of 4630 individuals aged 25-64 years collected 24-h urine samples in 1979-2002 and were followed up to 14 years for the incidence of any CVD, coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, heart failure (HF) and DM event, and death. Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate the association between the baseline salt intake and incident events and adjusted for baseline age, body mass index, serum cholesterol, prevalent DM, and stratified by sex and cohort baseline year. ResultsDuring the follow-up, we observed 423 deaths, 424 CVD events (288 CHD events, 142 strokes, 139 HF events) and 161 DM events. Compared with the highest quartile of salt intake, persons in the lowest quartile had a lower incidence of CVD (hazard ratio [HR] 0.70; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.51-0.95, p = .02), CHD (HR 0.63 [95% CI 0.42-0.94], p = .02) and DM (HR 0.52 [95% CI 0.31-0.87], p = .01). The results were non-significant for mortality, HF, and stroke.Conclusion High sodium intake is associated with an increased incidence of CVD and DM.</div

    Attachment and Entry of Chlamydia Have Distinct Requirements for Host Protein Disulfide Isomerase

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    Chlamydia is an obligate intracellular pathogen that causes a wide range of diseases in humans. Attachment and entry are key processes in infectivity and subsequent pathogenesis of Chlamydia, yet the mechanisms governing these interactions are unknown. It was recently shown that a cell line, CHO6, that is resistant to attachment, and thus infectivity, of multiple Chlamydia species has a defect in protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) N–terminal signal sequence processing. Ectopic expression of PDI in CHO6 cells led to restoration of Chlamydia attachment and infectivity; however, the mechanism leading to this recovery was not ascertained. To advance our understanding of the role of PDI in Chlamydia infection, we used RNA interference to establish that cellular PDI is essential for bacterial attachment to cells, making PDI the only host protein identified as necessary for attachment of multiple species of Chlamydia. Genetic complementation and PDI-specific inhibitors were used to determine that cell surface PDI enzymatic activity is required for bacterial entry into cells, but enzymatic function was not required for bacterial attachment. We further determined that it is a PDI-mediated reduction at the cell surface that triggers bacterial uptake. While PDI is necessary for Chlamydia attachment to cells, the bacteria do not appear to utilize plasma membrane–associated PDI as a receptor, suggesting that Chlamydia binds a cell surface protein that requires structural association with PDI. Our findings demonstrate that PDI has two essential and independent roles in the process of chlamydial infectivity: it is structurally required for chlamydial attachment, and the thiol-mediated oxido-reductive function of PDI is necessary for entry

    Eco-physiological responses of copepods and pteropods to ocean warming and acidification

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    We compare physiological responses of the crustacean copepod Calanus pacificus and pelagic pteropod mollusk Limacina helicina to ocean temperatures and pH by measuring biomarkers of oxidative stress, antioxidant defences, and the activity of the respiratory electron transport system in organisms collected on the 2016 West Coast Ocean Acidification cruise in the California Current System. Copepods and pteropods exhibited strong but divergent responses in the same habitat; copepods had higher oxygen-reactive absorbance capacity, glutathione-S-transferase, and total glutathione content. The ratio between reduced to oxidised glutathione was higher in copepods than in pteropods, indicating lower oxidative stress in copepods. Pteropods showed higher activities of glutathione reductase, catalase, and lipid peroxidation, indicating increased antioxidant defences and oxidative stress. Thus, the antioxidant defence system of the copepods has a greater capacity to respond to oxidative stress, while pteropods already face severe stress and show limited capacity to deal with further changes. The results suggest that copepods have higher adaptive potential, owing to their stronger vertical migration behaviour and efficient glutathione metabolism, whereas pteropods run the risk of oxidative stress and mortality under high CO2 conditions. Our results provide a unique dataset and evidence of stress-inducing mechanisms behind pteropod ocean acidification responses.</p
