313 research outputs found

    Aktualni problemi profesionalne socijalizacije u novačkom sustavu: slučaj prirodnih i društvenih znanosti

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    Analiza novačkog sustava pokazala je da formalnopravni okvir, kao i nedostatno definiranje ciljeva politike osposobljavanja mladih istraživača u Hrvatskoj, generiraju neka od obilježja radnopravne nesigurnosti ili prekarnosti na tržištu rada poput neizvjesnosti budućeg zapošljavanja i/ili zadržavanja niše u profesiji. No, podaci o uspješnosti novačkog sustava ukazuju na ozbiljne manjkavosti i u ishodima profesionalne socijalizacije što upućuje na probleme profesionalnog osposobljavanja u smislu reprodukcije znanja i vještina u okviru znanstvenog i visokoobrazovnog sustava. Ova kvalitativna studija istražuje koje su prepreke procesu profesionalne socijalizacije mladih istraživača u prirodnim i društvenim znanostima te koja je priroda i koje su okolnosti nastanka navedenih prepreka. Istraživanje putem polustrukturiranih intervjua provedeno na uzorku od 40 mladih istraživača iz različitih polja društvenih i prirodnih znanosti pokazalo je da su ozbiljne prepreke procesa profesionalne socijalizacije više povezane s načinom svakodnevnog praktičnog funkcioniranja znanstveno- novačkog sustava, nego sa samim radnopravnim okvirom. Tako su kao najveće prepreke u oba područja znanosti prepoznati problemi poput prekomjernog rada novaka u nastavi i/ili na tržišnim projektima trećih naručitelja, problemi s formalnom supervizijom i/ili mentorstvom, prepreke vezane uz nedostatno financiranje znanstvenih istraživanja, premali istraživački timovi i nedostatak stručnog i tehničkog osoblja, te problemi povezani s dominantnim vrijednostima akademske zajednice koje se izražavaju i kao generacijski jaz između mlađih i starijih istraživača. Rad zaključuje da unatoč činjenici da je novaštvo komparativno povoljniji formalnopravni okvir istraživačke socijalizacije u odnosu na internacionalna iskustva, praktično provođenje sustava upravo istraživačku, a naročito disciplinarnu socijalizaciju, često onemogućuje te da je kontradikcija formalnopravnog okvira i praktičnog funkcioniranja prisutna na svim socijalizacijskim razinama. Razmatrajući u istraživanju prepoznate probleme profesionalne socijalizacije mladih istraživača u svijetlu novijih znanstvenih politika, primjećuje se da one idu u smjeru povećanja radnopravne nesigurnosti mladih istraživača, a da pritom ne rješavaju aktualne probleme novačkog sustava, već ih potencijalno i produbljuju. (IN ENGLISH: Analysis of the scientific novice program has shown that a formal framework and the lack of definition of the policy objectives related to the training of young researchers in Croatia generate aspects of labour insecurity or labour precarity, such as future employment insecurity or inability and lack of opportunity to retain a niche in employment. However, the data on success of scientific novice program show serious deficiencies in professional socialization outcomes that are also pointing out to problems related to lack of skill and knowledge reproduction security within the science and higher education system. This qualitative study investigates what are the main obstacles of successful professional socialization of young researchers in natural and social sciences and analyses their nature together with the circumstances in which those obstacles occur. Analyses of the data gathered from the interviews with 40 young researchers from different fields of natural and social sciences have shown that existing serious obstacles and problems related to professional socialization are more related to the practical everyday functioning of the scientific novice program than to its formal framework. As most prominent obstacles respondents from both disciplines have recognized teaching burden and excessive workload related to commercial projects, problems related to formal supervision and/or mentorship, obstacles related to the lack of financial support of research projects, shortage of project staff and lack of technical personnel, together with the problems related to dominant values of domestic academic community that is often described as generation gap between younger and older researchers. Therefore, despite the fact that scientific novice program can be seen as somewhat more favourable framework for young researchers' socialization compared to international experiences, practical everyday functioning often makes research and especially disciplinary socialization impossible, and contradiction between formal framework and practical functioning of scientific novice program that exists on all levels of young researchers professional socialization is described. In conclusion, research findings on obstacles of young researcher socialization are commented within the context of recent science policy changes that are further deepening precarity of labour of young researchers, and, on the other hand, are not solving issues described in this study and related to the process of professional socialization, but are making them potentially even more profound.

    Promoting social accountability in Cambodia

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    Marija Babović and Danilo Vuković overview their recent study of a social accountability programme in Cambodia. They argue future initiatives ought to be grounded in and tailored around citizens’ real interests, taking into account the country’s restrictive patronage based political environment as one of the key variables

    Gender regimes and the challenges of macroeconomic paradigm in Serbia in the light of the global economic crisis

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    The paper is focused on the causes and gender effects of the current global economic crisis, its particular effects in the Republic of Serbia and on the possibilities of overcoming the crisis. Using feminist development economics perspective this paper offers criticism of neo-liberalism with respect to the crisis. The strong imbalance in the relationships between work and capital is explained as a result of neoliberal deregulation and separation of the market economy from social and natural reproduction, as well as ignoration of the hierarchical relation established between paid work and care as unpaid work performed mainly by women. With regard to Serbia, when foreign capital is lacking, privatization funds are empty and the structure deficit is significant, the economy has faced decrease in income, rise in unemployment, fall in aggregate demand and women and children suffer the most. A new gender sensitive development strategy should re-address the current unequal power relationship, so that all people can exercise choices that would lead them to a fulfilled life

    How the Croatian daily press presents science news

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    Research into media representations of science is widespread and well-established in scientifically and technologically highly developed countries. However, very little is known about the characteristics of media reporting of science in transition countries, which are only just beginning to recognize the importance of research into the relationship between science, the media and the public. In this study, using content analysis of the daily newspapers with the largest circulations in Croatia (Jutarnji list and Večernji list) we researched the quantity and quality of media reporting of science. We link them to the characteristics of the Croatian media (tabloidization, the erosion of professional criteria) and the wider social context from which they stem. Our findings have shown poor representation of science news in the daily press as well as a low level of trustworthiness, especially in reporting biomedical news

    Biti medijski pismen u Hrvatskoj: karakteristike i odabrane dimenzije medijske pismenosti kao društvene prakse

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    This paper combines social practice theory, new literacy studies, and critical media literacy. Media literacy allows citizens to participate in society through traditional and digital media. Using existing survey instruments such as the News Literacy Scale and the Internet Skills Survey with originally developed items, we observe media literacy as a social practice encompassing the dimensions of critical thinking, content production, and technical skills. The three dimensions were further operationalised into additive scales of the Critical perception of traditional news media (CPTNMS), Critical perception of digital tools (CPODTS), Media and social justice issues (MSJIS), Content production (CPSS), and Internet information search skills (IISSS). The results from a stratified survey conducted on a sample of adult Croatian citizens (n=1033), representative of gender, age, region, and education, show that age is the main predictor for all scales. The relation between scales shows a positive correlation between CPTNMS, CPODTS, and MSJIS. At the same time, CPTNMS, CPODTS, and MSJIS correlate negatively with the IISS. Those less skilled in internet search are less critical of traditional media and digital tools and are less convinced that media should cover social justice issues. Additionally, being more skilled in content production does not imply any other attitudinal relationship except for a negative association with the lack of IISSS. This paper contributes to the operationalisation of media literacy for sociological research and a better understanding of media literacy in the general population of Croatia.U ovom se radu koriste teorije društvene prakse, nove studije pismenosti i kritike medijske pismenosti. Medijska pismenost omogućuje građanima sudjelovanje u društvu putem tradicionalnih i digitalnih medija. Primjenom odabranih dimenzija postojećih instrumenata kao što su News media literacy scale i Internet skills survey te originalno razvijenih čestica, medijsku pismenost promatramo kao društvenu praksu kritičkog mišljenja, proizvodnje sadržaja i dimenzije tehničkih vještina. Tri su dimenzije dalje operacionalizirane u aditivne ljestvice kritičke percepcije tradicionalnih medija (KPTM), kritičke percepcije digitalnih alata (KPDA), društvene uključivosti u medijima (DUM), proizvodnje sadržaja (PS) i vještina pretraživanja internetskih informacija (PII). Rezultati istraživanja provedenog na uzorku odraslih hrvatskih građana (n=1033) reprezentativnih za spol, dob, regiju i obrazovanje pokazuju da je dob glavni prediktor za sve ljestvice. Odnos između ljestvica pokazuje pozitivnu korelaciju između KPTM-a, KPDA-a i DUM-a. U isto vrijeme, KPTM, KPDA i DUM u negativnoj su korelaciji s PII-jem. Oni manje vješti u internetskom pretraživanju manje su kritični prema tradicionalnim medijima i digitalnim alatima i manje su uvjereni da mediji trebaju pokrivati pitanja društvene uključivosti. Također, biti vještiji u proizvodnji sadržaja ne podrazumijeva nikakav drugi odnos, samo onaj koji se odnosi na negativnu povezanost s nedostatkom PII-ja. Ovaj rad pridonosi operacionalizaciji medijske pismenosti za sociološka istraživanja i boljem razumijevanju medijske pismenosti u općoj populaciji u Hrvatskoj


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    Tema ovoga rada jest Usmenoknjiževna baština u suvremenoj etnografiji Studenaca kod Imotskoga. Usmena književnost najstariji je i najdugotrajniji oblik književnosti koji u Hrvatskoj postoji od davnina pa tako i u Studencima, malom mjestu Dalmatinske zagore, s bogatom usmenom književnošću. Zahvaljujući tome u radu su obrađene usmene lirske pjesme, predaje, pričanja iz života, ganga, običaji u vrijeme poklada i svadbe te mudre izreke. U tekstovima se pronalaze mnogi mitski dijelovi, demonološki likovi, povijesne priče i sve ono čega su se pripovjedači sjetili te nadodali u svoja kazivanja. Djelo je nastalo kao splet teorijskih uvoda o svakoj umenoknjiževnoj vrsti nakon čega slijede kazivanja pripovjedača koji su svi podrijetlom sa Studenaca. Na kraju samog rada nalazi se i rječnik s pojašnjenjima nepoznatih riječi koje se u njemu pojavljuju. Sve teme prikazane u radu predstavljaju dragocjen opus usmene hrvatske književnosti koji je još nedovoljno istražen te se treba nastaviti zapisivati kako bi se mogao sačuvati za buduće generacije.The subject of this thesis is the Oral literary heritage in the contemporary ethnography of Studenci near Imotski. Oral literature is the oldest and most enduring form of literature that has existed in Croatia since ancient times, so the same is applied when it comes to Studenci, a small place of Dalmatian hinterland, with rich oral literature. Thanks to this, in this thesis are elaborated oral lyric poetry, legends, life stories, ganga, customs at the time of carnival and weddings and proverbs. In the texts are found mythical parts, demonological characters, historical stories and evertything that narrators have remembered and added to their story form. The thesis is created as compilation of the theoretical introductions of each type of oral literature followed by the stories of narrators who are born in Studenci. At the end of the work there is also a dictionary with explanations of unknown words appearing. All the themes discussed in the thesis represent a precious opus of oral Croatian literature, which is still underdeveloped and should continue to be written and preserved for future generations


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    Tema ovoga rada jest Usmenoknjiževna baština u suvremenoj etnografiji Studenaca kod Imotskoga. Usmena književnost najstariji je i najdugotrajniji oblik književnosti koji u Hrvatskoj postoji od davnina pa tako i u Studencima, malom mjestu Dalmatinske zagore, s bogatom usmenom književnošću. Zahvaljujući tome u radu su obrađene usmene lirske pjesme, predaje, pričanja iz života, ganga, običaji u vrijeme poklada i svadbe te mudre izreke. U tekstovima se pronalaze mnogi mitski dijelovi, demonološki likovi, povijesne priče i sve ono čega su se pripovjedači sjetili te nadodali u svoja kazivanja. Djelo je nastalo kao splet teorijskih uvoda o svakoj umenoknjiževnoj vrsti nakon čega slijede kazivanja pripovjedača koji su svi podrijetlom sa Studenaca. Na kraju samog rada nalazi se i rječnik s pojašnjenjima nepoznatih riječi koje se u njemu pojavljuju. Sve teme prikazane u radu predstavljaju dragocjen opus usmene hrvatske književnosti koji je još nedovoljno istražen te se treba nastaviti zapisivati kako bi se mogao sačuvati za buduće generacije.The subject of this thesis is the Oral literary heritage in the contemporary ethnography of Studenci near Imotski. Oral literature is the oldest and most enduring form of literature that has existed in Croatia since ancient times, so the same is applied when it comes to Studenci, a small place of Dalmatian hinterland, with rich oral literature. Thanks to this, in this thesis are elaborated oral lyric poetry, legends, life stories, ganga, customs at the time of carnival and weddings and proverbs. In the texts are found mythical parts, demonological characters, historical stories and evertything that narrators have remembered and added to their story form. The thesis is created as compilation of the theoretical introductions of each type of oral literature followed by the stories of narrators who are born in Studenci. At the end of the work there is also a dictionary with explanations of unknown words appearing. All the themes discussed in the thesis represent a precious opus of oral Croatian literature, which is still underdeveloped and should continue to be written and preserved for future generations

    Influence of soil reaction to the potential of nitrogen mineralization soil

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    Na temelju provedenog laboratorijskog pokusa inkubacije uzoraka tla tijekom 4 tjedna utvrđen je potencijal mineralizacije dušika za 30 uzoraka tla različite pH reakcije tla mjerenjem koncentracije nitratnog dušika u tlu. Uzorci su podijeljeni u 5 skupina na temelju pH vrijednosti tla: slabo alkalna, neutralna, slabo kisela, jako kisela i izrazito kisela tla s područja istočne Hrvatske te je analizirana povezanost sadržaja ukupnog dušika u tlu, sadržaja mineralnog dušika u tlu, te intenziteta disanja tla sa utvrđenom razinom mineralnog dušika u nitratnom obliku nakon 28 dana inkubacije. Ukupna razina mineralnog dušika u nitratnom obliku kao indikatora potencijala tla za mineralizaciju dušika je pokazala rapidan porast nakon prvih 7 dana inkubacije koji je iznosio 168,5 % u odnosu na početno stanje. Uzimajući u obzir podjelu uzoraka tla prema pH vrijednosti, najveći intenzitet mineralizacije je utvrđen za neutralna tla koji je iznosio 3,49 mg/kg/dan odnosno 138,7 % u odnosu na početno stanje. Za slabo kisela i kisela tla, te slabo alkalna tla utvrđen je prosječan porast u odnosu na početno stanje. Podjelom uzoraka tla prema pH reakciji za skupinu slabo alkalnih tala je zabilježen vrlo značajan pozitivan međuodnos između potencijala mineralizacije dušika i sadržaja mineralnog dušika u tlu (0,957**), sadržaja humusa (0,910**), sadržaja ukupnog dušika u tlu (0,905**) te je podjelom tala prema pH reakciji moguće ostvariti veću preciznost izračuna predviđene potencijalne mineralizacije dušika u tlu primjenom regresijskih jednadžbi osim za neutralna tla jer nisu utvrđene značajne korelacije između potencijala mineralizacije dušika iz promatranih svojstava tla.By the laboratory examination conducted on the soil incubation samples through 4 weeks, it was determined potential of nitrogen mineralisation for 30 samples of the soil with different pH reactions by measurements for nitrate nitrogen concentration in the soils. Samples are divided in 5 categories based on: slightly alkaline, neutral, slightly acid, strong acid and extreme acidity from east Croatia territory and is also analised relationship content amount in overall mineral nitrogen form after 28 days of incubation. Total level of mineral nitrogen in form as an indicator for the mineralisation soil potential has indicated rapid growth after first 7 days of incubation which was 168,5 % considering initial state. Considering classification samples by pH value, most significant mineralisation intensity has been established for neutral soils which was 3,49 mg/kg/day (138,7 %) considering initial state. For slightly acid, acid soils and alkaline soils it has been determined average increase considering initial state. By classification for neutral soils it was registered specisficaly significant interrelationship between content of mineral nitrogen in the soils (0,957**), humus content (0,910**), content of overall nitrogen in the soils (0,905**) and by classification of the soils by pH reaction it is possible to realize higher calculation accuracy for provided potential nitrogen mineralisation in the soils by using regression equations with exeption for neutral soils because there is no significant correlation between potential of nitrogen mineralisation from observed feature of the soil


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    Novija istraţivanja iz podruĉja korporativnog upravljanja usmjerena su na utvrĊivanje u kojoj mjeri kvaliteta financijskog izvještavanja utjeĉe na daljnji razvoj poduzeća. S obzirom na asimetriju informacija koju posjeduje menadţment, a prouzroĉeno suprotstavljenim interesima u vezi raspolaganja dobiti, dolazi do manipuliranja u financijskim izvještajima, pa je stvorena potreba ukljuĉivanja vlasnika, i drugih investitora i vjerovnika u primjenu nadzornih mehanizama. Globalizacija trţišta stavlja pred poduzeća sve teţe zadatke, jer je konkurencija sve veća. Investitori lakše ulaţu u dionice poduzeća koja iskazuju dobit, pa tako raste i vrijednost dionice, povećava se trţišna kapitalizacija, lakše se pribavljaju izvori financiranja. Zbog pritiska i od straha od gubitka korporativne reputacije, manipulacija se poĉinje koristiti kao oblik utjecaja na rezultat. Zbog sve većeg broja pronevjera, uvode se razni sistemi zaštite u vidu zakona ili naĉela. Raste interes za brojnijim istraţivanjima koja bi ukazala na vaţnost kvalitetnog izvještavanja i potaknula menadţment na kvalitetnije izvještavanje, a investitore da uoĉe i nagrade kvalitetnije izvještavanje kroz niţe troškove financiranja.Recent studies in the field of corporate governance are aimed at defining the extent to which the quality of financial reporting affects the further development of a company. Due to asymmetry of information possessed by management, and caused by conflicted interests regarding the disposition of earnings, a problem of manipulation in the financial statements occurs, so the owners and other investors and creditors have to be included in the implementation of the supervising mechanisms. Market globalization poses increasingly difficult tasks to the company, because competition is increasing. It is easier for investors to invest in shares of companies with reported earnings, with that the share price, as well as the market capitalization increase, and it is easier to obtain funding sources. Because of the pressure or fear of loss of corporate reputation, manipulation starts being used as a form of influence on the company's result. Due to increasing number of proven fraud, various systems of protection in the form of laws or principles are introduced. There is an increase of interest in more research that would indicate the importance of quality reporting and encourage management to perform reporting of higher quality. It would also encourage investors to recognize and reward a higher quality of reporting through lower financing costs