8 research outputs found


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    Financijska pismenost zauzima sve važnije mjesto u današnjem svijetu kompleksnih i dinamičnih financijskih tržišta. Financijska pismenost kao relativno novi pojam nema točnu utvrđenu definiciju već se najčešće spominje kao kombinacija financijskog znanja, vještina i ponašanja kako bi pojedinci donijeli racionalne financijske odluke. Svrha ovog rada je bila istražiti i analizirati pismenost hrvatskih studenata s ciljem utvrđivanja razine pismenosti studenata te su rezultati pokazali da su studenti Republike Hrvatske nepismeni s tim da su studenti ekonomskih fakulteta pismeniji od studenata ostalih fakulteta.Finacial literacy is becoming more and more important in today's complex and dynamic financial markets. As a relatively new concept its exact definition is still not determined but it is often mentioned as a combination of financial knowledge, skills and behaviour so that individuals could make racional financial decisions. The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze the level of financial literacy among Croatian students and the results showed that Croatian students are financially illiterate and furthemore students of the faculties of economics showed higher level of financial literacy


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    Financijska pismenost zauzima sve važnije mjesto u današnjem svijetu kompleksnih i dinamičnih financijskih tržišta. Financijska pismenost kao relativno novi pojam nema točnu utvrđenu definiciju već se najčešće spominje kao kombinacija financijskog znanja, vještina i ponašanja kako bi pojedinci donijeli racionalne financijske odluke. Svrha ovog rada je bila istražiti i analizirati pismenost hrvatskih studenata s ciljem utvrđivanja razine pismenosti studenata te su rezultati pokazali da su studenti Republike Hrvatske nepismeni s tim da su studenti ekonomskih fakulteta pismeniji od studenata ostalih fakulteta.Finacial literacy is becoming more and more important in today's complex and dynamic financial markets. As a relatively new concept its exact definition is still not determined but it is often mentioned as a combination of financial knowledge, skills and behaviour so that individuals could make racional financial decisions. The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze the level of financial literacy among Croatian students and the results showed that Croatian students are financially illiterate and furthemore students of the faculties of economics showed higher level of financial literacy


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    Financijska pismenost zauzima sve važnije mjesto u današnjem svijetu kompleksnih i dinamičnih financijskih tržišta. Financijska pismenost kao relativno novi pojam nema točnu utvrđenu definiciju već se najčešće spominje kao kombinacija financijskog znanja, vještina i ponašanja kako bi pojedinci donijeli racionalne financijske odluke. Svrha ovog rada je bila istražiti i analizirati pismenost hrvatskih studenata s ciljem utvrđivanja razine pismenosti studenata te su rezultati pokazali da su studenti Republike Hrvatske nepismeni s tim da su studenti ekonomskih fakulteta pismeniji od studenata ostalih fakulteta.Finacial literacy is becoming more and more important in today's complex and dynamic financial markets. As a relatively new concept its exact definition is still not determined but it is often mentioned as a combination of financial knowledge, skills and behaviour so that individuals could make racional financial decisions. The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze the level of financial literacy among Croatian students and the results showed that Croatian students are financially illiterate and furthemore students of the faculties of economics showed higher level of financial literacy

    Extending a Dynamic Muscle Model for Usage with Amputees

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