172 research outputs found


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    As with other subject areas, badminton instruction for practitioners is experiencing a lot of changes under the impact of technology. Recently there has been the possibility of moving badminton training classes to the online platform but there is no consensus on its efficacy. This study is conducted to study the effects of blended learning activities on the perceptions and performance of students in physical education. Forty students in physical education are selected and divided into two groups: an experimental group, and a control group. All groups in face-to-face learning sessions have the same curriculum, course-book, equipment and teaching method. The questionnaire and interview data show that students in blended class sessions had positive perceptions of learning activities.  Article visualizations

    Concrete beams using seawater and sea sand reinforced with steel and GFRP rebars exposed to marine environment: An experimental study

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    Using fresh water and river sand in concrete mix composition makes a lot of negative impacts on resources and the environment while the source of sea sand and sea water is abundant and less harmful to the environment. However, sea sand and seawater in concrete can cause severe corrosion of the reinforcement, reducing the durability and bearing capacity of the structure. This paper illustrates the results of a comparative study on the flexural behavior of six corroded seawater sea-sand concrete (SWSSC) beams. The corrosion process of two concrete beams reinforced with traditional steel bars and four concrete beams reinforced with a combination of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) and steel bars was coupled by the effect of seawater exposure and sustained load. It was found that after exposure to a marine environment during the period of 60 months the GFRP bar retains surface integrity, meanwhile, the steel bars were significantly corroded with a cross-sectional area loss of approximately 13.93%. The decrease in bending stiffness, yield load, and ultimate load of the RC beams was found due to the deterioration of SWSSC and corrosion of steel bars.

    Concrete beams using seawater and sea sand reinforced with steel and GFRP rebars exposed to marine environment: An experimental study

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    Using fresh water and river sand in concrete mix composition makes a lot of negative impacts on resources and the environment while the source of sea sand and sea water is abundant and less harmful to the environment. However, sea sand and seawater in concrete can cause severe corrosion of the reinforcement, reducing the durability and bearing capacity of the structure. This paper illustrates the results of a comparative study on the flexural behavior of six corroded seawater sea-sand concrete (SWSSC) beams. The corrosion process of two concrete beams reinforced with traditional steel bars and four concrete beams reinforced with a combination of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) and steel bars was coupled by the effect of seawater exposure and sustained load. It was found that after exposure to a marine environment during the period of 60 months the GFRP bar retains surface integrity, meanwhile, the steel bars were significantly corroded with a cross-sectional area loss of approximately 13.93%. The decrease in bending stiffness, yield load, and ultimate load of the RC beams was found due to the deterioration of SWSSC and corrosion of steel bars.

    Accurate Phase Calibration for Digital Beam-Forming in Multi-Transceiver HF Radar System

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    The TIGER-3 radar is being developed as an “all digital” radar with 20 integrated digital transceivers, each connected to a separate antenna. Using phased array antenna techniques, radiated power is steered towards a desired direction based on the relative phases within the array elements. This paper proposes an accurate phase measurement method to calibrate the phases of the radio output signals using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. The method sequentially measures the phase offset between the RF signal generated by each transceiver and a reference signal operated at the same frequency. Accordingly, the transceiver adjusts its phase in order to align to the reference phase. This results in accurately aligned phases of the RF output signals and with the further addition of appropriate phase offsets, digital beamforming (DBF) can be performed steering the beam in a desired direction. The proposed method is implemented on a Virtex-5 VFX70T device. Experimental results show that the calibration accuracy is of 0.153 degrees with 14 MHz operating frequency


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    Land-ocean interactions in the coastal zone are severely influenced by tidal processces. In regions of high sediment discharge like the coast of Hau river estuary, these processes are even more significant when we analyse data in flood season (September) - which belongs to Agreement of Cooperation in Science and Technology between Vietnam and US (2013-2015) and project VAST-DLT.06/15-16 (2015-2016). Our goal is to investigate the sedimentation  processes. Additionally, we investigated the influence of the tidal currents in relation to the suspended sediment. Salinity (PSU - Practical salinity unit), suspended sediment concentration (NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Units) were measured by Compac-CTD (Depth temperature conductivity chlorophyll turbidity) and OBS-3A (Turbidity and Temperature Monitoring System) instruments. The results show that the suspended sediment concentration (SSC) correlate with tidal current velocities. The tidal current velocities are up to 60 cm/s near the surface and 40 cm/s near the bottom, increasing SSC in the water column at bottom layer (24 NTU) and decreasing SSC at surface layer (8 NTU). Processes of sediment transport and deposition in flood tide in flood season are influenced by tidal currents more significantly than those in dry season. This leads to an asymmetry of the tidal ellipses and the different deposition between seasons. The analytical results imply the influence of tide and tidal currents on SSC in the coast of Hau river estuary, hence, the spread, sea water and fresh water mixing processes have difference during tidal phases and seasons.Các mối tương tác biển - đất liền trong vùng ven bờ bị chi phối chủ yếu bởi các quá trình thủy động lực như sóng, dòng chảy, lưu lượng nước sông, thủy triều trong đó thủy triều đóng vai trò quan trọng. Tại các khu vực có lưu lượng phù sa lớn như vùng ven biển sông Hậu, các quá trình này càng trở nên rõ rệt khi phân tích từ số liệu khảo sát trong thời kỳ mùa lũ (tháng 9) thuộc chương trình hợp tác khoa học và công nghệ giữa Việt Nam và Hoa Kỳ (2013 - 2015) và đề tài độc lập mã số VAST-ĐLT.06/15-16 (2015 - 2016). Trong chuyến khảo sát này, mục đích là điều tra sự lắng đọng và phân bố theo không gian, thời gian của hàm lượng trầm tích lơ lửng. Ngoài ra, chúng tôi còn khảo sát ảnh hưởng của dòng triều trong mối tương quan với hàm lượng trầm tích lơ lửng. Độ muối (đơn vị PSU - Practical Salinity Unit), hàm lượng trầm tích lơ lửng (đơn vị đo NTU - Nephelometric Turbidity Units) được đo bằng thiết bị Compac-CTD (Depth temperature conductivity chlorophyll turbidity), và thiết bị đo độ đục OBS-3A (Turbidity and Temperature Monitoring System). Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy hàm lượng trầm tích lơ lửng tương quan với vận tốc dòng chảy. Tốc độ dòng chảy khi triều lên đến 60 cm/s ở lớp mặt và 40 cm/s ở đáy tạo nên sự tăng nồng độ trầm tích lơ lửng trong cột nước ở tầng đáy 24 NTU và 8 NTU tại tầng mặt. Trong pha triều lên, quá trình vận chuyển và lắng đọng trầm tích lơ lửng bị chi phối bởi dòng triều dài hơn so với mùa khô. Điều này cho thấy sự bất đối xứng của elip thủy triều và dẫn đến sự lắng đọng trầm tích lơ lửng trong các mùa là khác nhau. Từ kết quả phân tích có thể thấy vùng biển ven bờ cửa sông Hậu, hàm lượng trầm tích lơ lửng chịu sự chi phối bởi dòng chảy triều và thủy triều là rất lớn, do đó quá trình lan truyền, xáo trộn nước sông và biển có sự khác biệt đáng kể trong các điều kiện triều và điều kiện mùa

    Collaboration Between Social Workers and Educational Forces in Schools: Advantages, Objectives, Content, and Form

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    Cooperation between social workers and educational forces in high schools is viewed as a two-way cooperative effort to assist learners needing intervention. Intervention, emergency support for teachers or students needing intervention or assistance; Organize events to promote student development, community integration, and assistance for teachers and parents in need. The evaluation criteria for the cooperation between social workers and educational forces are based on four coordination components. Includes four scales evaluating the advantages, objectives, contents, and form of cooperation between high school social work personnel and educational agencies. A review of the cooperation between social work personnel and educational forces in high schools is gaining interest, although no research has been conducted on this topic. According to research findings, coordination between social work personnel and educational forces in high schools has been formed, albeit to a low and inconsistent degree across activities. The institution must perfect the organizational structure of its operations, management, and social work divisions. Furthermore, when coordinating with educational forces, social work personnel must emphasize the benefits of cooperation with educational forces. In addition, social workers must be adaptable between forms and activities according to the conditions and nature of their work.Ho Chi Minh City University CS.2021.19.4

    Facile Template In-Situ Fabrication of ZnCo2O4 Nanoparticles with Highly Photocatalytic Activities under Visible-Light Irradiation

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    High specific surface area ZnCo2O4 nanoparticles were prepared via a sacrificial template accelerated hydrolysis by using nanoparticles of ZnO with highly polar properties as a template. The obtained ZnCo2O4 nanoparticles were characterized by the method of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) surface area measurements, Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The obtained nanoparticles were performed as a photocatalyst for the degradation of methylene blue in aqueous solution under visible irradiation. The photocatalytic degradation rate of methylene blue onto the synthesized ZnCo2O4 was higher than that of commercial ZnO and synthesized ZnO template. Copyright © 2019 BCREC Group. All rights reserved

    Investigating the Effect of Future Orientation on Saving Intention of Generation Z’s University Students in Vietnam’s Northern Region

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    Young people are often thought to have a lifestyle focusing on enjoyment, which is why issues related to saving among the youth, especially saving money, receive significant attention from society. This issue has been analyzed in some previous studies; however, there is a new factor that has not been explored in the context of Vietnam, which is future orientation. The purpose of this study is to find out the relationship between future orientation, attitude towards saving and saving intention of generation Z university students in Northern Vietnam. The research method used was the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. The primary data was collected from 531 respondents who are currently studying at universities in Northern Vietnam and the data was analyzed by using SPSS and AMOS software. The structural equation modeling (SEM) method was used, and the results indicate that both future orientation and attitude towards saving have a positive impact on savings intention. Furthermore, the mediating role of attitude in the relationship between future orientation and saving intention was confirmed. Therefore, the results should be applied by governmental agencies, financial organizations and individuals, especially young people, to encourage saving intention, and furthermore, saving behavior

    A prospective multi-center observational study of children hospitalized with diarrhea in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

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    We performed a prospective multicenter study to address the lack of data on the etiology, clinical and demographic features of hospitalized pediatric diarrhea in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC), Vietnam. Over 2,000 (1,419 symptomatic and 609 non-diarrheal control) children were enrolled in three hospitals over a 1-year period in 2009-2010. Aiming to detect a panel of pathogens, we identified a known diarrheal pathogen in stool samples from 1,067/1,419 (75.2%) children with diarrhea and from 81/609 (13.3%) children without diarrhea. Rotavirus predominated in the symptomatic children (664/1,419; 46.8%), followed by norovirus (293/1,419; 20.6%). The bacterial pathogens Salmonella, Campylobacter, and Shigella were cumulatively isolated from 204/1,419 (14.4%) diarrheal children and exhibited extensive antimicrobial resistance, most notably to fluoroquinolones and third-generation cephalosporins. We suggest renewed efforts in generation and implementation of policies to control the sale and prescription of antimicrobials to curb bacterial resistance and advise consideration of a subsidized rotavirus vaccination policy to limit the morbidity due to diarrheal disease in Vietnam