24 research outputs found

    Mechanism of Photoluminescence in Erbium-Doped Chalcogenide

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    The monograph describes the technique of the synthesis of glasses and the method of the growth of erbium-doped single crystals. The photoluminescence spectra of Ag0.05Ga0.05Ge0.95S2-Er2S3 glasses and glasses from the Ga2S3-La2S3-Er2S3 system have been investigated in the visible and near-infrared ranges. According to the energy transitions in the erbium ions, a radiation mechanism for conversion and up-conversion luminescence has been established. The role of structural ordering and the influence of defects on the radiation efficiency of Er3+ ions have been investigated. The spectra of photoluminescence of (Ga54.59In44.66Er0.75)2S300 and (Ga69.75La29.75Er0.5)2S300 single crystals have been studied. The efficiency of the radiation of the amorphous and crystalline materials has been compared. Also, the temperature dependence of the integral intensity of the radiation of glasses and single crystals has been studied. It is established that in a limited temperature range, these materials can be used for the manufacture of non-contact optical thermosensors


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    The standard procedure of videothorascopic intervention has a series of disadvantages, connected with intubation narcosis, that limit the contingent of patients, who can undergo it.   Aim of the work is to raise the efficacy of diagnostic videothoracoscopy at pleural effusion syndrome on the base of its differentiated tactics.   Materials and methods. Differentiated tactics of the choice of method of diagnostic videothoracoscopy in patients with pleural effusion syndrome was introduced in the work of thoracic surgery department. Its essence is in fact that before operation after evacuation of effusion from the pleural cavity there was created an artificial pneumothorax, the state of hemithorax was radiologically assessed. According to the results of radiological examination, the patients, who underwent videothoracoscopy in simplified way, were selected. As opposite to the standard method, at simplified way the intravenous sedation was used instead of endotracheal, muscle rexalants were not used, the additional surgical manipulations were not carried out. For assessment of the efficacy of this tactics 124 cases of diagnostics and treatment of pleural effusion syndrome using videothoracoscopy we analyzed. Results. In the result of introduction of differentiated tactics of videothorascopic diagnostic in patients with pleural effusion syndrome the number of postanesthetic side effects was reduced by 65,9 %, the frequency of anesthesia by narcotic analgetics – from 2,8 to 1,4 times/day, the term of recovery of independent stool – from 72,0 to 34,3 hours, the term of activation after surgery (independent movement) – from 23,8 to 10,3 hours, the duration of staying in the intensive care department was reduced from 24,8 to 9,7 hours, duration of postsurgical treatment was reduced from 16,0 to 10,1 days. Results. The main advantages of introduction of differentiated tactics of videothorascopic diagnostics were: the reliable acceleration of activation after surgery, recovery of adequate peristalsis and independent stool, decrease of duration of staying in the intensive care department, decrease of the necessity in anesthesia with narcotic analgetics, reduction of the number of postanesthetic side effects and mean duration of postsurgical treatment. The received result is connected with the fact that two thirds of patients did not undergo the effect of preparations for intubation narcosis

    Alternative Method of Surgical Treatment of Post-Infarction Left Ventricular Free Wall Rupture. Case Report

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    Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is one of the causes of death in developed countries, despite the latest medical technologies. AMI is usually accompanied by numerous fatal complications. One of these complications is left ventricular free wall rupture (LVFWR). Myocardial rupture after AMI can occur from 1 day to 3 weeks after the infarction. Most ruptures occur 3-5 days after a heart attack. Left ventricular free wall rupture requires only emergency surgical intervention, which in most cases consists in applying U-shaped sutures or wrapping sutures using Teflon patch. The aim. To demonstrate an example of alternative surgical tactics and intraoperative management of a patient with myocardial infarction complicated by rupture of the free wall of the heart with the transition to cardiogenic shock. Case report. We presented the clinical case of patient V., 72 years old, who was delivered by ambulance on January 10, 2023 to the intensive care department of the National Amosov Institute of Cardiovascular Surgery (Kyiv, Ukraine). Main diagnosis: ischemic heart disease, acute coronary syndrome with ST-elevation myocardial infarction, cardiogenic shock. Conclusion. The only effective method of treatment of rupture of the free wall of the heart is surgical intervention. Using a sandwich patch with resection of necrotic areas of the myocardium and U-shaped sutures with Teflon patch passed from the side of the left ventricular cavity through the myocardium in the peri-infarct zone and through a patch from a vascular prosthesis allows hermetically sew up the LVFWR

    Some Peculiarities of the Experimental Data Statistical Processing Based on Modern Information Technologies

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    В работе показано, что в практике проведения статистической обработки данных педагогического эксперимента следует использовать методы статистической обработки экспериментальных данных не в традиционном изложении, а на основе применения современных информационных технологий. Показано, что современная методика статистических исследований обычно предполагает не сравнение критериев, а расчет непосредственно вероятности, которая определяет доказательность степени отклонения гипотезы.The paper shows that in the practice of statistical processing of pedagogical experiment data, it is necessary to use methods of statistical processing of experimental data not in the traditional presentation, but on the basis of modern information technologies application. It is shown that the modern method of statistical research usually involves not a comparison of the criteria, but a calculation of the probability itself, which determines the evidence of the degree of deviation of the hypothesis

    Environmental monitoring system in Ukraine: problems and ways to solve them

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    Денисенко, І. Ю. Система моніторингу довкілля в Україні: проблеми та шляхи їх вирішення = Environmental monitoring system in Ukraine: problems and ways to solve them / І. Ю. Денисенко, Т. Г. Іващенко, В. Л. Печений // Shipbuilding & Marine Infrastructure. – 2020. – № 1 (13). – С. 51–57.Анотація. Через нехтування об’єктивними законами розвитку і відтворення природноресурсного комплексу України екологічну ситуацію в нашій державі можна охарактеризувати як кризову. Причиною цього більшою мірою виступають екологічні чинники, а саме структурна деформація господарства з домінуванням сировинно-видобувного та ресурсоємного виробництва; відсутність екологічного обґрунтування планів і проєктів економічного розвитку, що розробляються відповідними підрозділами міністерств на підставі відповідних нормативних документів; майже відсутні ефективно діючі правові, адміністративні й економічні механізми захисту навколишнього середовища; низький моральний рівень суспільства та відсутність екологічного мислення керівної ланки. Як наслідок, це призвело до стрімкої регресії довкілля України, надмірного забруднення гідросфери, атмосфери та літосфери, накопичення у великих кількостях шкідливих, у т. ч. високотоксичних, відходів виробництва. Саме тому пріоритетними напрямами чинної системи екологічного моніторингу довкілля є контроль за рівнями забруднення в компонентах навколишнього середовища.Abstract. Due to the neglect of objective laws of development and reproduction of the natural resource complex of Ukraine, currently, the ecological situation of our country is in crisis. The reason for this is, to a greater extent, environmental factors, namely: structural deformation of the economy due to the dominance of raw materials and resource-intensive production; lack of environmental justification of economic development plans and projects developed by the relevant departments of the ministries on the basis of relevant regulations; there are almost no effective legal, administrative and economic mechanisms for environmental protection; low moral level of society and lack of environmental thinking of the management. As a result, this has led to a rapid regression of Ukraine’s environment, excessive pollution of the hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere, the accumulation of large amounts of harmful, including highly toxic, industrial waste. That is why the priority areas of the existing environmental monitoring system are the control of pollution levels in the components of the environment. Monitoring on an ongoing basis will provide information on the state of the environment in “real time”, which will allow to respond in a timely manner and make the necessary decisions to improve the situation. The results of this work are: analysis of the functioning of the environmental monitoring system in Ukraine; indication of criteria and requirements for effective functioning of the environmental monitoring system; providing ways to improve the system of monitoring the state of the environment in order to improve the environmental safety of the individual region and the state as a whole. In the current system of monitoring the state of the atmosphere of Ukraine, the collection and processing of information is almost not automated, based on laboratory-chemical methods of sample analysis and used more for statistical analysis. This functioning of the monitoring system is due to the low level of unification of the regulatory framework, technical support and interaction of its subjects, as well as insufficient funding for the work, which in turn does not allow the relevant authorities to effectively manage air quality at different levels. to prevent negative changes in the state of the environment and compliance with environmental safety requirements

    Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of advanced layered WN/MeN (Me = Zr, Cr, Mo, Nb) nanocomposite coatings

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    Due to the increased demands for drilling and cutting tools working at extreme machining conditions, protective coatings are extensively utilized to prolong the tool life and eliminate the need for lubricants. The present work reports on the effect of a second MeN (Me = Zr, Cr, Mo, Nb) layer in WN-based nanocomposite multilayers on microstructure, phase composition, and mechanical and tribological properties. The WN/MoN multilayers have not been studied yet, and cathodic-arc physical vapor deposition (CA-PVD) has been used to fabricate studied coating systems for the first time. Moreover, first-principles calculations were performed to gain more insight into the properties of deposited multilayers. Two types of coating microstructure with different kinds of lattices were observed: (i) face-centered cubic (fcc) on fcc-W2N (WN/CrN and WN/ZrN) and (ii) a combination of hexagonal and fcc on fcc-W2N (WN/MoN and WN/NbN). Among the four studied systems, the WN/NbN had superior properties: the lowest specific wear rate (1.7 × 10^-6 mm^3/Nm) and high hardness (36 GPa) and plasticity index H/E (0.93). Low surface roughness, high elastic strain to failure, Nb2O5 and WO3 tribofilms forming during sliding, ductile behavior of NbN, and nanocomposite structure contributed to high tribological performance. The results indicated the suitability of WN/NbN as a protective coating operating in challenging conditions

    Morphological, structural, compositional properties and IR-spectroscopy of CdSe films deposited by close-spaced vacuum sublimation

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    The polycrystalline CdSe films were deposited by the close-spaced vacuum sublimation technique at the different substrate temperatures (373e873 K). Surface morphology, grain size and growth mechanism of the films were determined by the scanning electron microscopy. The X-ray diffraction analysis of structural and sub-structural properties of the films was carried out to study their phase composition and growth texture. The main structural parameters of thin films, such as texture, lattice parameter, grain size, scattering domain size and micro-stress level have been determined in the work depending on the condensation film conditions. RBS and FTIR analysis shows that obtained films in general are homogenous and pure. As a result, the growth conditions of CdSe polycrystalline films with good crystal quality were determined.This research was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (Grant N 0113U000131)