211 research outputs found

    Товарная структура внешней торговли с Украиной как фактор формирования отрицательного торгового сальдо

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    Торгово-экономические связи между Республикой Болгарией и Украиной развиваются динамично, но объемы экспорта и импорта ниже экономических возможностей двух стран. Существенный вклад в развитие торговых отношений между Республикой Болгарией и Украиной вносят заключенные двухсторонние соглашения, увязанные с внешнеторговым режимом стран, соблюдение общих принципов международной торговли и членство стран в Организации черноморского экономического сотрудничества.Торговельно-економічні зв’язки між Республікою Болгарією і Україною розвиваються динамічно, але об’єми експорту і імпорту нижче економічних можливостей двох країн. Істотний внесок в розвиток торгових відносин між Республікою Болгарією і Україною вносять укладені двосторонні угоди, пов’язані із зовнішньоторговельним режимом країн, дотримання загальних принципів міжнародної торгівлі і членство країн до Організацій чорноморського економічного співробітництва.Trade and economic connections between Republic it is developed Bulgaria and Ukraine dynamically, but volumes of export and import below of economic feasibilities of two countries. Substantial contribution to development of pointof-sale relations between Republic Bulgaria and Ukraine is bring in the celled reciprocal contracts, tied up with the foreign trade mode of countries, observance of general principles of international trade and membership of countries in Organizations of black sea economic collaboration

    Увага! Kорисна інформація

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    Знаковою для геологічної спільноти України стала 71 конференція Європейської асоціації геовчених та інженерів (EAGE), що відбулася в червні 2009 р. в Амстердамі – Королівство Нідерланди

    The effect of low volume sprint interval training in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

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    Objectives: Exercise is an important part of disease management in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), but adherence to current exercise recommendations is poor. Novel low-volume sprint interval training (SIT) protocols with total training time commitments of ≤30 min per week have been shown to improve cardiometabolic risk and functional capacity in healthy sedentary participants, but the efficacy of such protocols in the management of NAFLD remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to examine whether a low-volume SIT protocol can be used to improve liver function, insulin resistance, body composition, physical fitness, cognitive function and general well-being in patients with NAFLD.Methods: In the present study, 7 men and 2 women with NAFLD (age: 45±8 y, BMI: 28.7±4.1 kg·m−2) completed a 6-week control period followed by 6 weeks of twice-weekly SIT sessions (5-10×6-s ‘all-out’ cycle sprints). Body composition, blood pressure, liver function, metabolic function, functional capacity, cognitive function and quality of life were assessed at baseline, following the control period, and following the SIT intervention.Results: Walking speed during the walk test (+12%), estimated V̇O2max (+8%), verbal fluency (+44%), and blood platelet count (+12%; all p<0.05) significantly increased during the control period. These measures remained significantly raised compared to baseline following the SIT intervention, but did not significantly change any further compared to the post-control time-point. Diastolic blood pressure decreased from 87±10 to 77±8 mm Hg from the end of the control period to the end of the SIT intervention (p<0.05).Conclusion: This study does not support the use of 6 weeks of a low volume SIT protocol involving twice-weekly sessions with 5-10×6-s ‘all-out’ cycle sprints as an intervention for NAFLD disease management

    The Power of a Bad Example - A Field Experiment in Household Garbage Disposal

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    Field-experimental studies have shown that people litter more in more littered environments. Inspired by these findings, many cities around the world have adopted policies to quickly remove litter. While such policies may avoid that people follow the bad example of litterers, they may also invite free-riding on public cleaning services. This paper reports the results of a natural field experiment where, in a randomly assigned part of a residential area, the frequency of cleaning was reduced from daily to twice a week during a three-month period. Using high-frequency data on litter at treated and control locations before, during, and after the experiment, we find strong evidence that litter begets litter. However, we also find evidence that some people start to clean up after themselves when public cleaning services are diminished

    Heterogeneity and incidence of non-response for changes in cardiorespiratory fitness following time-efficient sprint interval exercise training

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    Interindividual variability for training-induced changes in maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) is well described following continuous aerobic and high-intensity interval training. Whether similar variability is observed following time-efficient sprint interval training with minimal training volume (i.e., reduced-exertion high-intensity interval training; REHIT) is unknown. We conducted a pooled analysis of n=117 (68 men) training participants (mean±SD: age: 30±10 y; VO2max: 34.8±7.5 ml·kg-1·min-1), who completed a VO2max assessment before and 3 days after 6 weeks of REHIT comprising of two 10-20 second ‘all-out’ cycling sprints per session, and n=40 no-intervention control participants (age: 30±13 y; VO2max: 31.5±6.5 ml·kg-1·min-1) who completed repeated VO2max tests over a comparable timeframe. Individual responses estimated using 50% confidence intervals derived from the technical error were interpreted against a smallest worthwhile change (SWC) of 1.75 ml·kg-1·min-1. The standard deviation of individual responses was 2.39 ml·kg-1·min-1 demonstrating clinically meaningful heterogeneity in training-induced changes in VO2max following REHIT that exceed the technical, biological and random within-subjects variability of VO2max assessment. The likely (75% probability) non-response rate was 18% (21/117), and 49% (57/117) of individuals demonstrated increases in VO2max likely higher than the SWC. We conclude that the well-described increase in VO2max following REHIT at the group level is subject to substantial variability in magnitude at an individual level. This has important implications for exercise prescription and can be harnessed to elucidate mechanisms of adaptation

    No Acute Effect of Reduced-exertion High-intensity Interval Training (REHIT) on Insulin Sensitivity

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    We have previously demonstrated that reduced-exertion high-intensity interval training (REHIT), requiring a maximum of two 20-s all-out cycling sprints in a 10-min exercise session, improves insulin sensitivity in sedentary men over a 6-week training intervention. However, the acute effects of REHIT on insulin sensitivity have not previously been described. In this study 14 men and women (mean±SD age: 23±5 years; BMI 22.7±4.7 kg·m−2; +˙VO2max: 37.4±8.6 mL·kg−1·min−1) underwent oral glucose tolerance testing 14–16 h after an acute bout of reduced-exertion high-intensity interval training (2×20-s all-out sprints; REHIT), moderate-vigorous aerobic exercise (45 min at ~75% VO2max; AER), and a resting control condition (REST). Neither REHIT nor AER was associated with significant changes in glucose AUC (REHIT 609±98 vs. AER 651±85 vs. REST 641±126 mmol·l−1·120 min), insulin AUC (REHIT 30.9±15.4 vs. AER 31.4±13.0 vs. REST 35.0±18.5 nmol·l−1·120 min) or insulin sensitivity estimated by the Cederholm index (REHIT 86±20 vs. AER 79±13 vs. REST 82±24 mg·l2·mmol−1·mU−1·min−1). These data suggest that improvements in insulin sensitivity following a chronic REHIT intervention are the result of training adaptations rather than acute effects of the last exercise session

    Publiek – private samenwerking bij combinatie projecten

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    Publiek-private samenwerking (PPS) krijgt veel aandacht als wijze van uitvoering van projecten waarin investeringen in infrastructuur (bijvoorbeeld in een station voor de hogesnelheidslijn) gecombineerd worden met stedelijke vernieuwing en investeringen in vastgoed. Het gaat om zogenaamde Combinatieprojecten. Doel van dit onderzoek is bij te dragen aan inzicht in de voorwaarden waaronder de mogelijke voordelen van PPS bij Combinatieprojecten zijn te realiseren. De focus hierbij is hoe publieke belangen het best gerealiseerd kunnen worden. We richten ons daartoe op het Rijk en de gemeenten. Deze keuze impliceert geenszins dat de problematiek benaderd wordt vanuit het idee dat het de ´goedwillende overheid´ tegen de ´gehaaide private partijen´ is. De doelstelling van private partijen is in de regel overzichtelijk: het maximaliseren van winst. Daartegenover staat een complexe verzameling mogelijk tegengestelde publieke belangen. De vraag is hoe de kracht van private partijen benut kan worden om die complexe verzameling publieke doelen te realiseren. Daarbij liggen de kansen van PPS vooral in een hoger maatschappelijk rendement door uitruil van prestaties en een betere risicoverdeling tussen de partijen. De risico's van PPS zitten vooral in de afhankelijkheid van andere partijen. De twee vragen die in dit onderzoek centraal staan zijn: Welke afwegingen zijn voor het Rijk en de gemeenten van belang bij het kiezen voor PPS bij Combinatieprojecten? Gegeven een keuze voor PPS, welke factoren dragen bij tot coöperatief gedrag van alle betrokken partijen in de diverse fasen van een Combinatieproject

    Reducing training frequency from 3 or 4 sessions/week to 2 sessions/week does not attenuate improvements in maximal aerobic capacity with reduced-exertion high-intensity interval training (REHIT)

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    In the present randomised-controlled trial we investigated the effect of REHIT training frequency (2/3/4 sessions/week for 6 weeks) on maximal aerobic capacity (V̇O2max) in 42 inactive individuals (13 women; mean±SD age: 25±5 y, V̇O2max: 35±5 mL·kg-1·min-1). Changes in V̇O2max were not significantly different between the three groups (2 sessions/week: +10.2%; 3 sessions/week: +8.1%; 4 sessions per week: +7.3%). In conclusion, a training frequency of 2 sessions/week is sufficient for REHIT to improve V̇O2max. We demonstrate that reducing REHIT training frequency from 3 or 4 to 2 sessions/week does not attenuate improvements in the key health marker of V̇O2max. Key words: V̇O2max; sprint interval training; SIT; Wingate sprint; exercise; healt