30 research outputs found

    Evaluating Different Catch Crop Strategies for Closing the Nitrogen Cycle in Cropping Systems—Field Experiments and Modelling

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    For arable stockless farming systems, the integration of catch crops (CC) during the fallow period might be a key for closing the nitrogen (N) cycle, reducing N leaching and increasing the transfer of N to the subsequent crop. However, despite considerable research efforts, the fate of N in such integrated systems remains unclear. To address this, a two-year field experiment was carried out in northern Germany with different CC, including frost-tolerant and frost-killed CC. The experiment started following a two-year ryegrass/red clover ley, which was subsequently sown with a cereal (CE) or a grain legume (field pea, PE). This provided two contrasting systems with high residual N in autumn. The results showed high N uptake of the CC, ranging from 84 to 136 kg N ha−1 with PE as the pre-crop, and from 33 to 110 kg N ha−1 with CE. All CC reduced N leaching compared with the control, a bare fallow over autumn/winter. Of the various CC, the frost-killed CC showed higher leaching compared with the other CCs, indicating mineralisation of the CC residue in the later autumn/winter period. The process based APSIM (Agricultural Production SIMulator) model was used to simulate N cycling for a cereal grain legume rotation, including a frost-killed and a frost resistant CC. While the model simulated the biomass and the N uptake by the crops, as well as the reduction of N leaching with the use of CC well, it under-estimated N leaching from the frost-killed CC. The study showed that all CC were affective at reducing N leaching, but winter hard catch crops should be preferred, as there is a risk of increased leaching following the mineralisation of residues from frost-killed C

    Effects of freeze-thaw cycles on soil structure under different tillage and plant cover management practices

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    Soil structure plays a central role in many soil processes that are environmentally relevant. Intermittent freezing of the soil over winter is an important abiotic disturbance in temperate climates and its effects on soil structure depend on the soil's preexistent structural strength and cohesion. Management choices such as tillage and plant cover after harvest strongly influence soil structure, and therefore the soil's response to freeze-thaw. We examined the effects of 5 freeze-thaw cycles (FT) on the mu CT-detectable structure of intact topsoil cores (o=100 mm, h=80 mm) from a long-term rotation and tillage experiment in Denmark. The cores were divided among two tillage treatments and two plant cover treatments, corresponding to a gradient of structural strength: CTB1020 mu m) and analyzed the macroporosity (Vt), mean macropore diameter (dm) and mean Euclidian distance to the nearest macropore (EDm). Additionally, we analyzed the effects of tillage and plant cover on several mu CTderived geometric parameters in Full Range. Overall, NT-B and NT-V resulted in lower macroporosity than in CTB and CT-V. Similarly, we found fewer, less branched macropores with shorter mean branch length in NT compared to CT for both plant cover treatments. However, we propose that mu CT-derived geometric parameters might be confounded by the overlapping influence of relatively few, complex and voluminous coarse macropores and the more abundant, less complex very fine macropores. Freeze-thaw, in turn, caused crumbling of soil around coarse macropores, reducing Vt and dm in Full Range and reducing Vt in the > 1020 mu m range. Additionally, FT caused significant increases in Vt and reductions in dm and EDm in the < 300 mu m range, indicating creation of new very fine macropores and expansion of previously indiscernible macropores. Overall, the effects of FT were reduced in NT (for equal plant cover treatments) and V (for equal tillage treatments), indicating greater resilience against FT in both cases

    Approaches and concepts of modelling denitrification: increased process understanding using observational data can reduce uncertainties

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    Denitrification is a key but poorly quantified component of the Ncycle. Because it is difficult to measure the gaseous (NOx_{x}, N2_{2}O, N2_{2})and soluble (NO3_{3}) components of denitrification with sufficientintensity, models of varying scope and complexity have beendeveloped and applied to estimate how vegetation cover, landmanagement and environmental factors such as soil type andweather interact to control these variables. In this paper we assessthe strengths and limitations of different modeling approaches,highlight major uncertainties, and suggest how differentobservational methods and process-based understanding can becombined to better quantify N cycling. Representation of howbiogeochemical (e.g. org. C., pH) and physical (e.g. soil structure)factors influence denitrification rates and product ratios combinedwith ensemble approaches may increase accuracy withoutrequiring additional site level model inputs

    Assessing the effect of intercropped leguminous service crops on main crops and soil processes using APSIM NG

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    CONTEXT: To improve agricultural sustainability, alternative cultivation methods and assessment tools need to be developed. Integrating service crops (SC) can potentially increase cropping system multifunctionality and mitigate negative climate and environmental impacts of agriculture. OBJECTIVES: (1) Calibrate oats, winter wheat and red clover SC, grown as sole crops and intercrops, in the cropping system model APSIM NG for northern Europe climate conditions. (2) Use the calibrated crop modules to assess ecosystem processes from an intercropping system. (3) Discuss the role of mechanistic crop models in assessing ecosystem services and disservices from complex cropping systems. METHODS: The crops were calibrated with data from an oats-winter wheat cropping sequence at two field sites. Thirty weather datasets were created from historical weather data to generate weather-dependent variability in crop performance and related processes. The assessment compared two scenarios, with or without an intercropped red clover SC sown in oats and terminated the following spring in winter wheat. Outputs representing processes related to important ecosystem services were extracted from the simulations. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Calibration of the three crops resulted in satisfactory biomass levels at the end of the growing season. Including a SC reduced oat yield, but increased winter wheat yield in two-thirds of simulations. Model outputs showed that including a SC resulted in 33–79% more fresh soil organic carbon, depending on site, compared with no SC. Nitrogen (N) uptake by both crops was highest in the SC scenario. In oats, N losses did not differ between the two scenarios, while in winter wheat the SC scenario had approximately 50% lower N leaching losses and 30% higher gaseous N emissions. However, in the fallow period from winter wheat harvest through to spring, both types of N losses were elevated in the SC scenario. The SC scenario had only a minor effect on water dynamics, causing a small reduction in soil water content. SIGNIFICANCE: In this paper we give an example of how APSIM NG can be used to assess ecosystem services from complex agricultural systems using a case study with intercropping of cereals and leguminous SCs. APSIM NG was useful in providing a holistic assessment, and we show that intercropping with a SC can improve cropping system performance and reduce negative impacts, but long-term strategic management of N is required to prevent increased losses. To further improve simulation of intercrops more accurate simulation of early growth is needed for all crops included.</p

    Nitrous Oxide Emission from Grazing Is Low across a Gradient of Plant Functional Diversity and Soil Conditions

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions from pastures can vary significantly depending on soil and environmental conditions, nitrogen (N) input, as well as the plant’s ability to take up the N. We tested the hypothesis that legume-based N sources are characterized by significantly lower emission factors than mineral N based dairy systems. Therefore, this study monitored N2O emissions for a minimum of 100 days and up to two growing seasons across a gradient of plant species diversity. Emissions were measured from both grazed pastures and a controlled application of urine and dung using the static chamber method. About 90% of the simulated experiments’ accumulated N2O emissions occurred during the first 60–75 days. The average accumulated N2O emissions were 0.11, 0.87, 0.99, and 0.21 kg ha−1 for control, dung, urine patches, and grazed pastures, respectively. The N uptake efficiency at the excreta patch scale was about 70% for both dung and urine. The highest N2O-N emission factor was less than half compared with the IPCC default (0.3 vs. 0.77), suggesting an overestimation of N2O-N emissions from organically managed pastures in temperate climates. Plant diversity showed no significant effect on N2O emission. However, functional groups were significant (p < 0.05). We concluded that legume-containing pasture systems without a fertilizer addition generally appear capable of utilizing nitrogen inputs from excreta patches efficiently, resulting in low N2O emissions

    Yield Progress in Forage Maize in NW Europe—Breeding Progress or Climate Change Effects?

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    Yield increases in forage maize (Zea mays L.) in NW Europe over time are well documented. The driving causes for these, however, remain unclear as there is little information available regarding the role of plant traits triggering this yield progress. Ten different hybrids from the same maturity group, which have typically been cultivated in Northwest Germany from 1970 to recent and are thus representing breeding progress over four decades, were selected for a 2-year field study in northern Germany. Traits that were investigated included leaf area index, leaf architecture, photosynthesis, radiation use efficiency, root mass, root length density, and turnover. Based on a mixed model analysis with these traits as co-variates, parameters related to leaf characteristics, in particular the number and length of leaves, the radiation use efficiency, and the leaf orientation, were identified as most influential on the yield progress (0.13 tons ha-1 year-1). In contrast to our hypothesis, root biomass only increased negligibly in newer hybrids compared to older ones, confirming the ‘functional equilibrium’ theory for high input production systems. Due to an abundance of nutrients and water in such high input systems, there is no incentive for breeders to select for carbon partitioning toward the rooting system. Breeding evidence to increase forage quality were also negligible, with no change in cob starch concentration, forage digestibility, nor NDF content and NDF digestibility. The observed increase in yield over the last four decades is due to a combination of increased temperature sums (~240 GDD within 40 years), and a higher radiation interception and radiation use efficiency. This higher radiation interception was driven by an increased leaf area index, with a higher number of leaves (16 instead of 14 leaves within 40 years) and longer leaves of newer compared to older hybrids. Future selection and adaptation of maize hybrids to changing environmental conditions are likely to be the key for high productivity and quality and for the economic viability of maize growing and expansion in Northern Europe

    Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database

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    In this paper, we present and analyze a novel global database of soil infiltration measurements, the Soil Water Infiltration Global (SWIG) database. In total, 5023 infiltration curves were collected across all continents in the SWIG database. These data were either provided and quality checked by the scientists who performed the experiments or they were digitized from published articles. Data from 54 different countries were included in the database with major contributions from Iran, China, and the USA. In addition to its extensive geographical coverage, the collected infiltration curves cover research from 1976 to late 2017. Basic information on measurement location and method, soil properties, and land use was gathered along with the infiltration data, making the database valuable for the development of pedotransfer functions (PTFs) for estimating soil hydraulic properties, for the evaluation of infiltration measurement methods, and for developing and validating infiltration models. Soil textural information (clay, silt, and sand content) is available for 3842 out of 5023 infiltration measurements ( ∌ 76%) covering nearly all soil USDA textural classes except for the sandy clay and silt classes. Information on land use is available for 76% of the experimental sites with agricultural land use as the dominant type ( ∌ 40%). We are convinced that the SWIG database will allow for a better parameterization of the infiltration process in land surface models and for testing infiltration models. All collected data and related soil characteristics are provided online in *.xlsx and *.csv formats for reference, and we add a disclaimer that the database is for public domain use only and can be copied freely by referencing it. Supplementary data are available at https://doi.org/10.1594/PANGAEA.885492 (Rahmati et al., 2018). Data quality assessment is strongly advised prior to any use of this database. Finally, we would like to encourage scientists to extend and update the SWIG database by uploading new data to it

    The convection dispersion equation -- not the question, the answer! : anion and cation transport through undisturbed soil columns during unsaturated flow : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Soil Science at Massey University

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    Prediction of solute movement through the unsaturated zone is important in determining the risk of groundwater contamination from both "natural" and surface applied chemicals. In order to understand better the mechanisms controlling this water-borne transport, unsaturated leaching experiments were carried out on undisturbed soil columns, about 3 litres in volume, for two contrasting soils. One was the weakly-structured Manawatu fine sandy loam, and the other the well-aggregated Ramiha silt loam. Anion transport was satisfactorily described using the convection dispersion equation (CDE), provided that anion exclusion for the Manawatu soil, and adsorption for the Ramiha soil were taken into account. At water flux densities of about 3 mm h-1, a dispersivity of about 40 mm was obtained for the Manawatu soil, and a dispersivity of about 15 mm for the Ramiha soil. The difference was probably due to the contrasting structures of the two soils. Increasing the water flux density in the Manawatu soil to about 13 mm h-1 resulted in a slightly higher dispersivity of about 60 mm. Flow interruption resulted in a subsequent drop in the effluent concentration for the Manawatu soil but not in the Ramiha soil. This suggests that the lag time for transverse molecular diffusion from "mobile" to "immobile" water domains was important in the Manawatu soil, but not in the Ramiha soil. In both soils cation transport was described satisfactorily with the CDE in conjunction with cation exchange theory, providing that only 80% of the cations replaced by 1 M ammonium acetate were assumed to be involved in exchange reactions. Column leaching experiments were also carried out using a rainfall simulator and larger columns of about 22 litres of the Manawatu soil with a short pasture on top. Solid chemical was applied to both a dry and a wet soil surface. Neither the pasture nor the initial water content had a significant effect on solute movement. Slightly higher dispersivities of about 70 mm were found. Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) was found to be valuable for monitoring solute transport in a repacked soil under transient water flow conditions. But in undisturbed soils TDR only proved to be accurate under steady-state water flow when absolute values of solute concentration were not sought. The CDE was thus found to satisfactorily answer the question of how to describe transport of non-reactive and reactive solutes under bare soil and under short pasture. This applied during both steady-flow and transient wetting

    Autumn Tillage Reduces the Effect of Plant Cover on Topsoil Nitrogen Leaching

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    Keeping cover crops to reduce nitrogen leaching often conflicts with timing tillage operations before the soil becomes un-trafficable during winter, while leaving cover crops in the field until spring raises concerns over pre-emptive competition with the following crop. Therefore, farmers may resort to tilling their fields in autumn after letting cover crops remain in the fields for only a short period of time. We explore the effects of this practice in a laboratory lysimeter setting by analyzing the leaching of nitrate from intact topsoil cores. Cores were extracted from no-till (NT) plots and plots tilled in autumn (AuT), in areas kept bare (B) and with volunteer winter rye plant cover (V) after harvest. Nitrate breakthrough curves show that V significantly reduced N leaching by 61% relative to B in NT, but did not have a significant effect in AuT. Dissection of leached cores and undisturbed reference cores indicated a significant removal of mineral N from the soil during the lysimeter experiment for all treatments except V in NT. This indicates that volunteer cover removed a crucial amount of leachable N and suggests that tillage counteracted the effect of V in AuT, likely due to a combination of reduced uptake and re-mineralization of N in cover crop residue