91 research outputs found

    Comfort Evaluation as the Example of Anthropotechnical Furniture Design

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    Human health is becoming an increasingly important issue in contemporary hectic lifestyle imposed at work and by struggle to save time and money. Sitting comfort and quality of chairs which we use for the most of our time have, thus, become essential for healthy lifestyle. Sitting discomforts arise from prolonged sitting on the inappropriate chairs, which failing to provide sufficient support to the body cause discomfort and tiring. The studies of the office chair constructions have identified differences in perception of comfort provided by different types of seats. Four seat constructions and the comfort they provide to the sitters were compared by means of subjective indicators. After a two-day sitting on each of the studied chairs the subjects scored their perception of comfort and discomfort, using the questionnaire with 17 statements. Constructional forms and materials which contributed more to the sense of comfort by minimizing fatigue and pains developed by sitting were determined

    Pupilsā€™ working postures in primary school classrooms

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    Background and Purpose: Primary schoolchildren spend most of their time in classrooms seated in chairs in some manner, but sitting behavior and working postures of pupils are rarely observed as an important criterion in school furniture design. Yet, correctly designed workspace for school children is, among others, one of the most important key factors in regular development of all abilities of youths. This research focused primarily on the pupilsā€™ behavior at work, their movements and frequent activities during usage of tables and chairs in primary school classrooms, with the aim to identify main working postures and define them as notable criteria when designing school furniture for the future. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted in one elementary school in Zagreb, Croatia, with 18 pupils from the 2nd to 8th grades. The method employed was video recording. Results: Forty-three characteristic postures and semi-postures, classified in four main groups were recorded. The results showed that there are major differences in the subjectsā€™ behavior and in the habits of using the task chair and tablewith respect to age, gender, daytime, studied subjects, tasks and the teachersā€™ behavior. Conclusions: Design of school furniture must take into account the age and anthropometrics of the child as well as analysis of characteristic postures of the pupils as one of crucial design criteria, to be observed both in 3D and 2D system. New school furniture design has to encourage sitting dynamics and fits psychological, ergonomic, physical, social and cognitive aspects of their users

    Leksičke osobitosti irskog engleskoga

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    The aim of this paper is to illustrate the distinction of Irish English from the Standard English, especially in lexicon. The first part covers the history, geography and demography of the development of Ireland itself stating the historical facts that have had an impact on the language development. Later on in the paper, phonological, morphological and syntactical differences in usage are stated. The comparison and the varieties of Irish English dialects are depicted. Every part of the paper is supported with examples. The most important part of the paper is on lexicographical peculiarities that are specific to Irish English. How the lexical development started, the borrowings from Irish, the Celtic impact, new words and derivatives are topics dealt with in that chapter

    Comparative Analysis of A350 and B787 Traffic and Technological Features

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    Na svjetskom tržiÅ”tu mlaznog zrakoplovstva, s udjelom od gotovo 80% tržiÅ”ta, dominiraju proizvođači Airbus i Boeing. Obzirom na neprekidno međusobno natjecanje,u radu je napravljen pregled njihovih zrakoplova te su uspoređena dva najnovija i najmodernija, A350 i B787. Također, napravljena je analiza njihovih prometno - tehnoloÅ”kih značajki. Obzirom na novitete u putničkoj kabini kao Å”to su Å”ira sjedala, tiÅ”a kabina, repna kamera i brojni drugi, A350 ima prednost u tehnoloÅ”kom pogledu. No, s ekonomskog aspekta, uzimajudi u obzir manju potroÅ”nju goriva i nižu tržiÅ”nu cijenu, prednost ima B787. Usporedbom prometno - tehnoloÅ”kih značajki dolazi se do zaključka kako su razlike između promatranih zrakoplova vrlo male te sam izbor zrakoplova ovisi isključivo o preferencijama zrakoplovnih kompanija i trenutnoj potražnji na tržiÅ”tu.In the global airline market, dominating manufacturers are Airbus and Boeing with nearly 80% of the market. In this paper, due to the constant mutual competition, a review of their aircraft is made and two of their latest and most modern aircraft, A350 and B787. Also, their traffic and technological features are analyzed. Given the novelties in passenger cabins such as wider seats, quieter cabins, tail camera and many others, the A350 has a technological advantage. But from an economic point of view, taking into account lower fuel consumption and lower market price, the advantage is given to B787. After comparing the traffic and technological features, it can be concluded that the differences between the observed aircraft are very small and the choice ofaircraft depends mostly on the preferences of airlines and the current market demand

    Pametne uredske stolice sa senzorima za otkrivanje položaja i navika sjedenja ā€“ pregled literature

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    The health consequences of prolonged sitting in the office and other work chairs have recently been tried to be alleviated or prevented by the application of modern technologies. Smart technologies and sensors are installed in different parts of office chairs, which enables monitoring of seating patterns and prevents positions that potentially endanger the health of users. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of previous research in the field of the application of smart technologies and sensors built into office and other types of chairs in order to prevent diseases. The articles published in the period 2010-2020 and indexed in WoS CC, Scopus, and IEEE Xplore databases, with the keywords ā€œsmart chairā€ and ā€œsensor chairā€ were analysed. 15 articles were processed, with their research being based on the use of different types of sensors that determine the contact pressures between the userā€™s body and stool parts and recognise different body positions when sitting, which can prevent negative health consequences. Analysed papers prove that the use of smart technology and a better understanding of sitting, using various sensors and applications that read body pressure and determine the current body position, can act as preventive health care by detecting proper heart rate and beats per minute, the activity of individual muscle groups, proper breathing and estimates of blood oxygen levels. In the future research, it is necessary to compare different types of sensors, methods used and the results obtained in order to determine which of them are most suitable for the future development of seating furniture for work.Posljedice dugotrajnog sjedenja na uredskim i drugim radnim stolicama u posljednje se vrijeme pokuÅ”avaju ublažiti ili spriječiti primjenom suvremenih tehnologija. U različite dijelove uredskih stolica ugrađuju se pametne tehnologije i senzori, Å”to omogućuje praćenje rasporeda sjedenja i izbjegavanje položaja koji potencijalno ugrožavaju zdravlje korisnika. Cilj ovog rada jest davanje pregleda dosadaÅ”njih istraživanja u području primjene suvremenih pametnih tehnologija i senzora ugrađenih u uredske i ostale vrste stolica radi prevencije obolijevanja korisnika. Analizirani su članci objavljeni u razdoblju od 2010. do 2020. i indeksirani su u bazama podataka WoS CC, Scopus i IEEE Xplore, a izdvojeni su prema ključnim riječima pametna stolica i senzorska stolica. Obrađeno je 15 članaka u kojima su se istraživanja temeljila na primjeni različitih vrsta senzora koji određuju kontaktne tlakove između korisnikova tijela i dijelova stolice te raspoznaju različite položaje tijela pri sjedenju, čime se mogu prevenirati negativne posljedice za zdravlje. U analiziranim istraživanjima autori su dokazali da primjena pametne tehnologije i bolje razumijevanje sjedenja uporabom različitih senzora i aplikacija kojima se očitava pritisak tijela i određuje njegov trenutačni položaj može preventivno djelovati zahvaljujući praćenju rada srca i broja otkucaja u minuti, aktivnosti pojedinih miÅ”ićnih skupina, pravilnog disanja, procjene razine kisika u krvi i sl. U budućim istraživanjima potrebno je usporediti različite tipove senzora, primijenjene metode i dobivene rezultate kako bi se uočilo koji su od njih najprikladniji za budući razvoj radnog namjeÅ”taja za sjedenje

    Comparative Analysis of A350 and B787 Traffic and Technological Features

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    Na svjetskom tržiÅ”tu mlaznog zrakoplovstva, s udjelom od gotovo 80% tržiÅ”ta, dominiraju proizvođači Airbus i Boeing. Obzirom na neprekidno međusobno natjecanje,u radu je napravljen pregled njihovih zrakoplova te su uspoređena dva najnovija i najmodernija, A350 i B787. Također, napravljena je analiza njihovih prometno - tehnoloÅ”kih značajki. Obzirom na novitete u putničkoj kabini kao Å”to su Å”ira sjedala, tiÅ”a kabina, repna kamera i brojni drugi, A350 ima prednost u tehnoloÅ”kom pogledu. No, s ekonomskog aspekta, uzimajudi u obzir manju potroÅ”nju goriva i nižu tržiÅ”nu cijenu, prednost ima B787. Usporedbom prometno - tehnoloÅ”kih značajki dolazi se do zaključka kako su razlike između promatranih zrakoplova vrlo male te sam izbor zrakoplova ovisi isključivo o preferencijama zrakoplovnih kompanija i trenutnoj potražnji na tržiÅ”tu.In the global airline market, dominating manufacturers are Airbus and Boeing with nearly 80% of the market. In this paper, due to the constant mutual competition, a review of their aircraft is made and two of their latest and most modern aircraft, A350 and B787. Also, their traffic and technological features are analyzed. Given the novelties in passenger cabins such as wider seats, quieter cabins, tail camera and many others, the A350 has a technological advantage. But from an economic point of view, taking into account lower fuel consumption and lower market price, the advantage is given to B787. After comparing the traffic and technological features, it can be concluded that the differences between the observed aircraft are very small and the choice ofaircraft depends mostly on the preferences of airlines and the current market demand

    Everyday Slave Life in 12 Years a Slave

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    The aim of this paper is to illustrate the life of slaves in the novel 12 Years a Slave by Solomon Northup. The first part covers the historical facts about slavery and the importance of slave narratives as the legacy of former slaves for the development of American literature. The rest of the paper depicts the reality of everyday slave life of Solomon Northup, from being a free man that was taken to slavery, the years he spent as a slave, and to his freedom at last. The life of slave women is also mentioned: the cruelty and sexul abuse. The paper concludes by demonstrating that 12 Years a Slave has to be seen as an attempt to change the institution of slavery and the government to achieve moral justice for slaves and African American people in the United States

    Tvorbeni i leksički savjeti Nikole Andrića : ZavrÅ”ni rad

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    U radu se raspravlja o tvorbenim i leksičkim savjetima Braniča jezika hrvatskoga Nikole Andrića. Izabrani se savjeti (leksički su savjeti: tjedan i silno, zadnji i posljednji, radovati se i veseliti se, uzrok i povod, potjecati i poticati, gotovo i skoro, faliti, nedostajati i manjkati, ravnati, točno i tačno; a tvorbeni: posvojni pridjevi s nastavkom ā€“in, pariski, glagoli na ā€“irati, amerikanac i botaničar, žeteoc, ''gospodjica od telefona'', prevedenice, bijeli udovac, ženske hlače) zbog njihove aktualnosti i dvojbi uspoređuju sa suvremenim pravopisima: Babić-Ham-MoguÅ”evim Hrvatskim Å”kolskim pravopisom, Badurina-Marković-Mićanovićevim Hrvatskim pravopisom i Anić-Silićevim Pravopisom hrvatskoga jezika; uspoređuje se s Anićevim Velikim rječnikom hrvatskoga jezika, Å onjinim Rječnikom hrvatskoga jezika, Silić- Pranjkovićevom Gramatikom hrvatskoga jezika, Babićevom Tvorbom riječi u hrvatskome književnome jeziku te jezičnim savjetnicima: Hrvatskom jezikoslovnom čitankom Stjepana Babića, Hrvatskim jezičnim savjetnikom, savjetnikom Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje Govorimo hrvatski te Jonkeovim Književnim jezikom u teoriji i praksi

    Connection between aweareness of patients with malignant diseases and the quality of life during active oncological treatment

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    Cilj istraživanja: Istražiti postoji li povezanost između informiranosti bolesnika oboljelih od zloćudnih bolesti i kvalitete njihova života, demografskih podataka te kliničkih pokazatelja. Nacrt studije: Presječno istraživanje bolesnika oboljelih od zloćudnih bolesti tijekom aktivnog onkoloÅ”kog liječenja. Bolesnici i metode: U istraživanje je uključeno 60 bolesnika oboljelih od zloćudnih bolesti. Za procjenu kvalitete života koriÅ”ten je upitnik EORTC QLQ-C30 uz modul za procjenu informiranosti, EORTC QLQ-INFO25. Osnovni demografski podaci i klinički pokazatelji prikupljeni su iz medicinske dokumentacije. Rezultati: Pri procjeni kvalitete života bolesnika oboljelih od zloćudnih bolesti, bolesnici iskazuju najviÅ”e ocjene za kognitivno i fizičko funkcioniranje. Bolesnici procjenjuju kako su najmanje informacija primili o ostalim uslugama te različitim mjestima liječenja i skrbi. Niže srediÅ”nje vrijednosti ljestvice informiranosti imali su bolesnici s nižom kvalitetom života. ViÅ”e od polovice bolesnika želi primiti viÅ”e informacija, najviÅ”e njih o bolesti, tijeku i ishodu liječenja. MuÅ”karci procjenjuju da su primili viÅ”e informacija o različitim mjestima liječenja i skrbi nego žene (Mann-Whitneyjev U test, P = 0,02). ViÅ”e informacija o medicinskim pretragama primili su bolesnici sa sustavnom bolesti (Kruskal-Wallisov test, P = 0,01). Zaključak: Bolesnici sa sustavnom bolesti procjenjuju da su primili viÅ”e informacija o medicinskim pretragama nego bolesnici s ograničenim i metastaskim stupnjem proÅ”irenosti bolesti. Istraživanje pokazuje da su muÅ”karci primili viÅ”e informacija o različitim mjestima liječenja i skrbi nego žene. U ovome istraživanju nije uočena povezanost između percepcije razine informiranosti bolesnika oboljelih od zloćudnih bolesti i kvalitete njihova života, bračnog statusa, razine obrazovanja, mjesta stanovanja, radnog statusa te općeg stanja bolesnika.Objectives: Establish whether there is a correlation in patients suffering from malignant diseases between their informedness and quality of life, demographics and clinical data. Study design: Cross sectional study of patients suffering from malignant deseases under active oncology treatment. Patients and methods: 60 patients suffering from malignant diseases were included in the study and questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30 was used for the assessment of quality of life and EORTC QLQ-INFO25 information module; basic demographics and clinical data were taken from medical documents. Results: In the assessment of quality of life of patients suffering from malignant diseases, the patients show highest results in physical and cognitive functioning. According to their assessment they have received the least information about other services and about different places of care. Patients with lower quality of life had lower results on the information module. More than a half of the patients would like to receive more information, most of them about their disease, and about the course and the results of their treatment. Male patients have received more information about different places of care than female patients (Mann-Whitney U test, P=0,02). Patients suffering from system diseases have received more information about medical tests. (Kruskal-Wallis test, P = 0,01). Conclusion: Patients suffering from system diseases estimate that they have received more information about medical tests than patients with limited and metastatic disease extent. The research shows that male patients have received more information about different places of treatment than female patients. This research shows no connection between the patients' perception of their informedness and quality of life, their marital status, education level, their residence, employment status and their performance status

    Kreiranje modela za predviđanje stečaja prerađivačkih i trgovinskih preduzeća u Republici Srbiji na bazi pokazatelja finansijske analize

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    The subject of the research of this PhD thesis is a critical analysis of the application of absolute and relative indicators of financial analysis in the function of developing a bankruptcy prediction model for the enterprises from processing and trade industries in the Republic of Serbia, as well as a comparative analysis of the results of its application in relation to the results of the application of selected traditional and contemporary bankruptcy prediction models for enterprises in the mentioned industries. A special attention was dedicated to the analysis of the impact of the industry on the power of the enterprisesā€™ bankruptcy prediction when using contemporary bankruptcy prediction models. The main goal of the PhD thesis is to critically examine the advantages in anticipating the bankruptcy of a developed new model predicting bankruptcy of enterprises, based on the indicators of financial analysis with the application of logistic regression, in relation to selected traditional and contemporary models for predicting the bankruptcy of the enterprises from processing and trade industries in the Republic of Serbia. The sample consists of 204 enterprises from processing and trade industries in the Republic of Serbia, and the time horizon of observation includes the period from 2011 to 2017. The starting point of the research was the analysis of the financial performances of enterprises through 56 absolute and relative indicators, from which 6 relevant indicators were selected for their contribution to the development of a highly powerful predictive model. As the main result of the research is developed and proposed new model, with the help of using logistic regression, for bankruptcy predicting of enterprises from processing and trade industries, suitable for use in the Republic of Serbia. The proposed model has a higher accuracy of predictions than traditional models developed for efficient markets, such as Altman, Ohlson, and the Zmijevsky models. The contemporary model developed by the application of neural networks has lower predictive accuracy regarding bankruptcy compared to the created model, while the model generated by using decision trees has higher predicting accuracy in comparison to the proposed model created by logistic regression. Within the dissertation is emphasized the difference in the effects of applying the bankruptcy prediction model of enterprises in the Republic of Serbia, developed by the application of logistic regression, when applying on enterprises form different industries. The bankruptcy prediction model developed by using neural networks has higher predictive power if applied to data from individual industry (only processing, or only trade industry), than if applied to data from both observed industries (processing and trade industry together). However, the decision trees model shows equal accuracy in bankruptcy prediction when applied to data from individual industry as well as when applied to data from both observed industries
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