16 research outputs found

    Amoxicillin dosing recommendations are very different in European countries : a cross-sectional survey

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    National antibiotic stewardship programmes recommend monitoring antibiotic consumption and benchmarking. The WHO recommend the Anatomic Therapeutic Chemical classification and respective Defined Daily Doses (DDD) for drug utilization research. This is the most frequently used unit of measure within the European Union (EU). Wide variations in antibiotic consumption exist between EU countries in the outpatient setting, ranging in 2012 from 11.3 (the Netherlands) to 31.9 DDD per 1000 inhabitants and per day (Greece). Penicillins are the most consumed antibacterial agents in the community in all EU countries. Amoxicillin and amoxicillin/clavulanate are the two most widely prescribed penicillins, except in Denmark, Norway and Sweden where penicillin V and other very narrow-spectrum penicillins are used preferentially.peer-reviewe

    Payers' views of the changes arising through the possible adoption of adaptive pathways

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    Payers are a major stakeholder in any considerations and initiatives concerning adaptive licensing of new medicinal products, also referred to as Medicines Adaptive Pathways to patients (MAPPs). Firstly, the scope and necessity of MAPPs need further scrutiny, especially with regard to the definition of unmet need. Conditional approval pathways already exist for new medicines for seriously debilitating or life-threatening diseases and only a limited number of new medicines are innovative. Secondly, MAPPs will result in new medicines on the market with limited evidence about their effectiveness and safety. Additional data are to be collected after approval. Consequently, adaptive pathways may increase the risk of exposing patients to ineffective or unsafe medicines. We have already seen medicines approved conventionally that subsequently proved ineffective or unsafe amongst a wider, more co-morbid population as well as medicines that could have been considered for approval under MAPPs but subsequently proved ineffective or unsafe in Phase III trials and were never licensed. Thirdly, MAPPs also put high demands on payers. Routine collection of patient level data is difficult with high transaction costs. It is not clear who will fund these. Other challenges for payers include shifts in the risk governance framework, implications for evaluation and HTA, increased complexity of setting prices, difficulty with ensuring equity in the allocation of resources, definition of responsibility and liability and implementation of stratified use. Exit strategies also need to be agreed in advance, including price reductions, rebates, or reimbursement withdrawals when price premiums are not justified. These issues and concerns will be discussed in detail including potential ways forward

    Health Alliance for prudent antibiotic prescribing in patients with respiratory tract infections (HAPPY AUDIT) -impact of a non-randomised multifaceted intervention programme

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Excessive use of antibiotics is worldwide the most important reason for development of antimicrobial resistance. As antibiotic resistance may spread across borders, high prevalence countries may serve as a source of bacterial resistance for countries with a low prevalence. Therefore, bacterial resistance is an important issue with a potential serious impact on all countries. Initiatives have been taken to improve the quality of antibiotic prescribing in primary care, but only few studies have been designed to determine the effectiveness of multifaceted strategies across countries with different practice setting. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a multifaceted intervention targeting general practitioners (GPs) and patients in six countries with different health organization and different prevalence of antibiotic resistance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>GPs from two Nordic countries, two Baltic Countries and two Hispano-American countries registered patients with respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in 2008 and 2009. After first registration they received individual prescriber feedback and they were offered an intervention programme that included training courses, clinical guidelines, posters for waiting rooms, patient brochures and access to point of care tests (Strep A and C-Reactive Protein). Antibiotic prescribing rates were compared before and after the intervention.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 440 GPs registered 47011 consultations; 24436 before the intervention (2008) and 22575 after the intervention (2009). After the intervention, the GPs significantly reduced the percentage of consultations resulting in an antibiotic prescription. In patients with lower RTI the GPs in Lithuania reduced the prescribing rate by 42%, in Russia by 25%, in Spain by 25%, and in Argentina by 9%. In patients with upper RTIs, the corresponding reductions in the antibiotic prescribing rates were in Lithania 20%, in Russia 15%, in Spain 9%, and in Argentina 5%.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A multifaceted intervention programme targeting GPs and patients and focusing on improving diagnostic procedures in patients with RTIs may lead to a marked reduction in antibiotic prescribing. The pragmatic before-after design used may suffer from some limitations and the reduction in antibiotic prescribing could be influenced by factors not related to the intervention.</p

    Health Alliance for Prudent Prescribing, Yield and Use of Antimicrobial Drugs in the Treatment of Respiratory Tract Infections (HAPPY AUDIT)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics is considered to be the most important reason for development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. As antibiotic resistance may spread across borders, high prevalence countries may serve as a source of bacterial resistance for countries with a low prevalence. Therefore, bacterial resistance is an important issue with a potential serious impact on all countries.</p> <p>The majority of respiratory tract infections (RTIs) are treated in general practice. Most infections are caused by virus and antibiotics are therefore unlikely to have any clinical benefit. Several intervention initiatives have been taken to reduce the inappropriate use of antibiotics in primary health care, but the effectiveness of these interventions is only modest. Only few studies have been designed to determine the effectiveness of multifaceted strategies in countries with different practice setting. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of a multifaceted intervention targeting general practitioners (GPs) and patients in six countries with different prevalence of antibiotic resistance: Two Nordic countries (Denmark and Sweden), two Baltic Countries (Lithuania and Kaliningrad-Russia) and two Hispano-American countries (Spain and Argentina).</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>HAPPY AUDIT was initiated in 2008 and the project is still ongoing. The project includes 15 partners from 9 countries. GPs participating in HAPPY AUDIT will be audited by the Audit Project Odense (APO) method. The APO method will be used at a multinational level involving GPs from six countries with different cultural background and different organisation of primary health care. Research on the effect of the intervention will be performed by analysing audit registrations carried out before and after the intervention. The intervention includes training courses on management of RTIs, dissemination of clinical guidelines with recommendations for diagnosis and treatment, posters for the waiting room, brochures to patients and implementation of point of care tests (Strep A and CRP) to be used in the GPs'surgeries.</p> <p>To ensure public awareness of the risk of resistant bacteria, media campaigns targeting both professionals and the public will be developed and the results will be published and widely disseminated at a Working Conference hosted by the World Association of Family Doctors (WONCA-Europe) at the end of the project period.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>HAPPY AUDIT is an EU-financed project with the aim of contributing to the battle against antibiotic resistance through quality improvement of GPs' diagnosis and treatment of RTIs through development of intervention programmes targeting GPs, parents of young children and healthy adults. It is hypothesized that the use of multifaceted strategies combining active intervention by GPs will be effective in reducing prescribing of unnecessary antibiotics for RTIs and improving the use of appropriate antibiotics in suspected bacterial infections.</p

    Antibiotic research and development: business as usual?

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    This article contends that poor economic incentives are an important reason for the lack of new drugs and explains how the DRIVE-AB intends to change the landscape by harnessing the expertise, motivation and diversity of its partner

    Coping with changes in the defined daily dose in a longitudinal drug consumption database

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    Objective: To illustrate the best approach to accurate representation of temporal evolution of drug consumption, when confronted with changes over time in the Defined Daily Dose (DDD) measurement unit. Method: As an example, drug consumption (2001-2005) at the University Hospital Rijeka was expressed with the corresponding DDD in each year; and with the DDD value of the last year of the observation time window. By visual appraisal, results with both methods were compared with the graph of drug consumption trends expressed in physical units (mg, IU, etc.). Results: Of 20 drugs for which the DDD value has changed in the 5 year period, 5 were used in Rijeka hospital: erythropoietin parenteral, budesonide nasal spray, repaglinide oral, amoxicillin with clavulanic acid parenteral, and fentanyl transdermal. Graphs for individual drugs with the year by year method showed artificial jerks in the years proceeding the year of DDD change. Representation of total hospital consumption did not differ notably with the two methods. Conclusion: Drug consumption data should be calculated with the latest DDD value in the time window. The policy of the World Health Organisation to keep changes to the system of DDD to a minimum should be continued

    Indications for medical antibiotic prophylaxis and potential targets for antimicrobial stewardship intervention : a narrative review

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    BACKGROUND: Most of the antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) literature has focused on antimicrobial consumption for the treatment of infections, for the prophylaxis of surgical site infection and for the prevention of endocarditis. The role of AMS for medical antibiotic prophylaxis (AP) has not been adequately addressed. AIMS: To identify targets for AMS interventions for medical AP in adult patients. SOURCES: Targeted searches were conducted in PubMed. CONTENT: The various indications for medical AP and relevant evidence from practice guidelines are outlined. The following were identified as potential targets for AMS interventions: (a) addressing under-utilization of antibiotic-sparing strategies (e.g. for recurrent urinary tract infections, recurrent soft-tissue infections, recurrent exacerbations associated with bronchiectasis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), (b) reducing unnecessary AP beyond recommended indications (e.g. for acute pancreatitis, bite wounds, or urinary catheter manipulations), (c) reducing the use of AP with a broader spectrum than necessary, (d) reducing the use of AP for longer than the recommended duration (e.g. AP for prevention of osteomyelitis in open fractures or AP in high-risk neutropenia), (e) evaluating the role of antibiotic cycling to prevent the emergence of resistance during prolonged AP (e.g. in recurrent urinary tract infections or prophylaxis for spontaneous bacterial peritonitis), and (f) addressing research gaps regarding appropriate indications or antibiotic regimens for medical prophylaxis. IMPLICATIONS: This review summarizes current trends in AP and proposes targets for AMS interventions. BACKGROUND: The effect of fluid management strategies in critical illness-associated diaphragm weakness are unknown. This study hypothesized that a liberal fluid strategy induces diaphragm muscle fiber edema, leading to reduction in diaphragmatic force generation in the early phase of experimental pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome in lambs. METHODS: Nineteen mechanically ventilated female lambs (2 to 6 weeks old) with experimental pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome were randomized to either a strict restrictive fluid strategy with norepinephrine or a liberal fluid strategy. The fluid strategies were maintained throughout a 6-h period of mechanical ventilation. Transdiaphragmatic pressure was measured under different levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (between 5 and 20 cm H2O). Furthermore, diaphragmatic microcirculation, histology, inflammation, and oxidative stress were studied. RESULTS: Transdiaphragmatic pressures decreased more in the restrictive group (-9.6 cm H2O [95% CI, -14.4 to -4.8]) compared to the liberal group (-0.8 cm H2O [95% CI, -5.8 to 4.3]) during the application of 5 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure (P = 0.016) and during the application of 10 cm H2O positive end-expiratory pressure (-10.3 cm H2O [95% CI, -15.2 to -5.4] vs. -2.8 cm H2O [95% CI, -8.0 to 2.3]; P = 0.041). In addition, diaphragmatic microvessel density was decreased in the restrictive group compared to the liberal group (34.0 crossings [25th to 75th percentile, 22.0 to 42.0] vs. 46.0 [25th to 75th percentile, 43.5 to 54.0]; P = 0.015). The application of positive end-expiratory pressure itself decreased the diaphragmatic force generation in a dose-related way; increasing positive end-expiratory pressure from 5 to 20 cm H2O reduced transdiaphragmatic pressures with 27.3% (17.3 cm H2O [95% CI, 14.0 to 20.5] at positive end-expiratory pressure 5 cm H2O vs. 12.6 cm H2O [95% CI, 9.2 to 15.9] at positive end-expiratory pressure 20 cm H2O; P < 0.0001). The diaphragmatic histology, markers for inflammation, and oxidative stress were similar between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Early fluid restriction decreases the force-generating capacity of the diaphragm and diaphragmatic microcirculation in the acute phase of pediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome. In addition, the application of positive end-expiratory pressure decreases the force-generating capacity of the diaphragm in a dose-related way. These observations provide new insights into the mechanisms of critical illness-associated diaphragm weakness. BACKGROUND: COVID19 is a viral disease with pneumonia as its most common presentation. Many presentations and complications have been reported, but gastro-intestinal perforation has not received much attention. METHODS: three cases from our hospital are presented, and the current literature was reviewed. RESULTS, CASES: All three patients were admitted to the ICU with respiratory failure due to COVID19 pneumonia and intubated. Our first patient was treated with steroids, and subsequently diagnosed with rectal perforation on day 34 of his hospital admission. The second patient was treated with steroids and tocilizumab, and diagnosed with colonic perforation 1 day after neostigmine administration, on day 14 of his hospital admission. Our third patient was treated with steroids and tocilizumab, and diagnosed colonic perforation 4 days after neostigmine administration, on day 14 of his hospital admission. RESULTS, LITERATURE: 25 more cases were found in current literature, both upper GI and lower GI perforations, either as a presenting symptom or during the course of hospitalization. These were often associated with treatment with steroids, interleukin 6 inhibitors, or both. CONCLUSIONS: Gastro-intestinal perforation is a rare but dangerous complication of COVID19. Treatment with tocilizumab and steroids may both increase the risk of this complication, and hamper diagnosis