50 research outputs found

    Associations between a one-shot delay discounting measure and age, income, education and real-world impulsive behavior

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    There has been discussion over the extent to which delay discounting – as prototypically shown by a preference for a smaller-sooner sum of money over a larger-later sum – measures the same kind of impulsive preferences that drive non-financial behavior. To address this issue, a dataset was analyzed containing 42,863 participants’ responses to a single delay-discounting choice, along with self-report behaviors that can be considered as impulsive. Choice of a smaller-sooner sum was associated with several demographics: younger age, lower income, and lower education; and impulsive behaviors: earlier age of first sexual activity and recent relationship infidelity, smoking, and higher body mass index. These findings suggest that at least an aspect of delay discounting preference is associated with a general trait influencing other forms of impulsivity, and therefore that high delay discounting is another form of impulsive behavior

    Ceratium furcoides (Levander) Langhans in reservoirs at the Ebro watershed, Spain and Sao Paulo state, Brazil

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    This study compares the morphological characteristics of the dinoflagellate Ceratium furcoides from three Ebro basin reservoirs (Spain) and from six reservoirs at São Paulo state (Brazil) with the aim to identify the distinct morphotypes of Ceratium furcoides in Spain and Brazil. We studied the physical and chemical variables to determine the trophic state of each reservoir. Unlike Ceratium hirundinella, Ceratium furcoides is not a frequent species within the plankton community at Ebro Basin reservoirs, however, this species has been responsible of one monospecific bloom at El Val reservoir. Nevertheless, both Ceratium species are considered invasive in South America. Ceratium furcoides has displaced C. hirundinella at São Paulo state reservoirs, reaching high densities, to the extent of forming monospecific blooms. Morphometric analysis was performed by optic and electronic microscopy (DIC and SEM respectively). The analysis shows significant differences in: i) total cell length, ii) horns length and iii) presence or absence of a fourth horn. While the microscopic study allows differentiating morphotypes according to the reservoir typology, a deeper study using molecular genetic techniques on the different populations of C. furcoides would allow to know better the relationship between the dinoflagellate dynamics and the reservoirs trophic states

    Cyanobacteria and Cyanotoxin in the Billings Reservoir (Sâo Paulo, SP, Brazil)

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    The Billings Complex and the Guarapiranga System are important strategic reservoirs for the city of Sâo Paulo and surrounding areas because the water is used, among other things, for the public water supply. They produce 19,000 liters of water per second and supply water to 5.4 million people. Crude water is transferred from the Taquacetuba branch of the Billings Complex to the Guarapiranga Reservoir to regulate the water level of the reservoir. The objective of this study was to evaluate the water quality in the Taquacetuba branch, focusing on cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins. Surface water samples were collected in February (summer) and July (winter) of 2007. Analyses were conducted of physical, chemical, and biological variables of the water, cyanobacteria richness and density, and the presence of cyanotoxins. The water was classified as eutrophic-hypereutrophic. Cyanobacteria blooms were observed in both collection periods. The cyanobacteria bloom was most significant in July, reflecting lower water transparency and higher levels of total solids, suspended organic matter, chlorophyll-a, and cyanobacteria density in the surface water. Low richness and elevated dominance of the cyanobacteria were found in both periods. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii was dominant in February, with 352 661.0 cel mL−1, and Microcystis panniformis was dominant in July, with 1 866 725.0 cel mL−1. Three variants of microcystin were found in February (MC-RR, MC-LR, MC-YR), as well as saxitoxin. The same variants of microcystin were found in July, but no saxitoxin was detected. Anatoxin-a and cylindropermopsin were not detected in either period. These findings are of great concern because the water in the Taquacetuba branch, which is transferred into the Guarapiranga Reservoir, is not treated nor managed. It is recommended that monitoring be intensified and more effective measures be taken by the responsible agencies to prevent the process of eutrophication and the consequent development of the cyanobacteria and their toxinsEl Complejo Billings y el Sistema Guarapiranga son embalses estratégicos importantes para la ciudad de Sâo Paulo (Brasil) y áreas circundantes porque, entre otras cosas, el agua es utilizada para el abastecimiento público. Este sistema produce 19 mil litros de agua por segundo, que es suministrado a 5.4 millones de personas. El agua bruta es transferida por el afluente Taquacetuba desde el Complejo Billings hacia el Embalse Guarapiranga, para regular el nivel de agua del embalse. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la calidad del agua en el tramo del Taquacetuba, teniendo como foco las cianobacterias y cianotoxinas. El muestreo de agua bruta superficial fue realizado en febrero (verano) y julio (invierno 2007). Fueron analizadas variables físicas, químicas y biológicas, cianobacteria, riqueza, densidad y la presencia de cianotoxinas. El tramo fue clasificado como eutrófico-hipereutrófico. Las cianobacterias fueron observadas en ambos periodos de colecta. El crecimiento más significativo de algas fue observado en julio, reflejando baja transparencia del agua y niveles más altos en el agua superficial de sólidos totales, materia orgánica, clorofila-a y densidad de cianobacterias en el agua superficial. Una baja riqueza y un elevado dominio de cianobacteria fueron encontrados en ambos períodos. Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii fue dominante en febrero, con 352 661.0 cel mL�1, y Microcystis panniformis fue dominante en julio, con 1 866 725.0 cel mL�1. Tres variedades de microcistina fueron encontradas en febrero (MC-RR, MC-LR, MC- YR), as� como saxitoxina. Las mismas variedades de microcistina fueron encontradas en julio, pero ninguna saxitoxina fue observada. Anatoxina-a y cylindropermopsina no fueron observadas en ningún período. Estas conclusiones son preocupantes porque el agua del tramo del Taquacetuba, que es transferida al Embalse Guarapiranga, no es tratada o manejada. Se recomienda intensificar el monitoreo y medidas más eficaces deben ser tomadas por parte de las agencias responsables para prevenir el proceso de eutrofización y el desarrollo consiguiente de cianobacterias y sus toxina

    Primeiro registro de ocorrência do bivalve exótico Corbicula fluminea \ud (Muller, 1774) na microbacia do Rio Jundiaí-Mirim, SP, Brasil

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    Corbicula fluminea is a naturally occurring Asian bivalve that was spread around the world, and which has become a highly aggressive invasive species in many countries. C. fluminea has many ecological, economic and social impacts, such as the extinction of native species, ecosystems alterations, and damage to pipes and hydropower turbines. As an illustration of the potential damage that proliferation of C. fluminea can cause, it is noted that the United States government spends more than 1 billion dollars per year to control this species. This work recorded the first occurrence of the Asian clam C. fluminea in the Jundiaí-Mirim Basin, SP, Brazil, and included basic ecological information such as density, frequency distribution of size and species distribution along the basin. Seventy-eight individuals were sampled with a van Veen grab along the basin. The specimens were identified and measured. The exotic species was found only in two of four sampling points and its distribution was possibly influenced by sediment composition and water flow. Moderate densities were calculated, ranging from 12 to 235 ind.m-2. Our data suggest that young populations are growing in the basin. The presence of C. fluminea is a concern for the maintenance of the ecosystem and for different water uses in the Jundiai region.Corbicula fluminea é um bivalve exótico natural da Ásia que espalhou-se rapidamente \ud pelo mundo tornando-se uma espécie invasora altamente agressiva em muitos países. A \ud espécie tem o potencial de provocar uma série de impactos ecológicos, econômicos e sociais \ud como a extinção de espécies nativas, alterações em ecossistemas e danos em tubulações e \ud turbinas de hidrelétricas. Como exemplo dos danos que a espécie pode gerar, basta mencionar \ud que o governo dos Estados Unidos gasta anualmente mais de 1 bilhão de dólares com a \ud espécie. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram registrar a primeira ocorrência do bivalve invasor C. fluminea na bacia do rio Jundiaí-Mirim, SP, Brasil bem como contribuir com alguns dados \ud ecológicos básicos como densidade, distribuição de frequências de tamanho bem como a \ud distribuição da espécie ao longo da bacia hidrográfica. Um total de 78 indivíduos foi coletado \ud com draga van Veen. Os organismos foram identificados e medidos. O molusco foi registrado \ud em apenas duas das quatro estações amostrais e sua distribuição provavelmente relaciona-se \ud com a composição do sedimento e fluxo da água. Valores intermediários de densidade foram \ud registrados variando de 12 a 235 ind.m-2\ud . Os dados sugerem populações jovens que estão em \ud crescimento na bacia. A presença de C. fluminea é uma questão preocupante no que concerne \ud a manutenção do ecossistema e da água para diferentes usos na região de Jundiaí, SP.To Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo – FAPESP (processes numbers: 2013/03494-4; 2013/08272-0; 2012/11890-4) for financial support and to Dr. Eliana Pintor Arruda for orientations to confirm C. fluminea identification

    Taxonomic and non-taxonomic responses of benthic macroinvertebrates to metal toxicity in tropical reservoirs: The case of cantareira complex, São Paulo, Brazil

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    Benthic macroinvertebrates are organisms that are recognized as water quality bio-indicators. A wide variety of indices and metrics have been shown to respond to a variety of anthropogenic impacts, usually under a general condition of environmental impairment. The absence of a clear distinction in the relations between specific pollutants and biotic variables is very common and can lead to biased interpretation of biomonitoring. The aims of this research were to test taxonomic and non-taxonomic responses to specific environmental conditions instead to general conditions. For this purpose, we estimated the theoretical toxicity by comparing toxicity values published by EPA with metal concentrations in water and sediments. Then we tested the responses of biological variables to toxicity and other environmental conditions using the linear mixed effects models approach. We generated 32 models considering 24 different biological metrics and indices that were grouped in five levels. Taxonomic and abundance metrics were best predictor than functional or tolerance-based indexes. The strongest model was that which considered subfamily taxonomic resolution responding to Al_w and Cr_s.Fil: de Souza, Frederico Guilherme. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Cetra, Maurício. Universidade Federal do São Carlos; BrasilFil: Marchese Garello, Mercedes Rosa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: López Dovál, Júlio César. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Rosa, André H.. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; BrasilFil: Pompêo, Marcelo L. M.. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Moschini Carlos, Viviane. Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho; Brasi

    Compartmentalization and water quality: Billings reservoir case

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    A Represa Billings, maior reservatório de água da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, devido à sua importância estratégica e à degradação na qualidade de suas águas, foi e continua sendo alvo de muitos estudos. A fim de avaliar de maneira integral a qualidade das águas superficiais desse manancial, investigaram-se diversas variáveis limnológicas ao longo de 20 pontos. Analisaram-se as variáveis: temperatura, pH, condutividade elétrica, transparência da água, oxigênio dissolvido, sólidos totais, nitrogênio total, nitrato, nitrito, amônio, ortofosfato, ortosilicato, clorofila a e feofitina. De maneira geral, a represa apresenta sinais de degradação da qualidade da água, com elevados teores de clorofila a. Análise de Componentes Principais forneceu nítida separação dos braços formadores da Represa Billings. Observaram-se sete compartimentos: 1) região de Pedreira, sob influência das águas do rio Pinheiros, apresentou elevados teores de nutrientes e clorofila a; 2) região do Corpo Central e Bororé, sob influência das águas provenientes de Pedreira, apresentou elevados teores de sólidos totais; 3) região do Taquacetuba; 4) região do Summit Control, Riacho Grande, partes do Taquacetuba e Capivari, sob influência da variável amônio; 5) Braços Capivari e 6) Rio Pequeno apresentaram os menores teores de clorofila a e nutrientes; 7) Braço Rio Grande, constantemente submetido à aplicação de algicidas, isolado do restante da Represa Billings. A compartimentação da Represa Billings deve-se principalmente à sua conformação dendrítica, associada às atividades antrópicas, como a ocupação do seu entorno. Portanto, é crucial reduzir a carga de nutrientes que penetram nesse ecossistema, o que pode ser obtido por meio do controle dos assentamentos urbanos e medidas de saneamento básico.Billings reservoir, the biggest reservoir in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo\ud (SP), due its strategic importance and the deterioration in its water quality over\ud time, was and remains, subject of many studies in several areas. In order to\ud assess the water quality of this source, several limnological features were\ud investigated throughout 20 surface points. Were analysed: temperature, pH,\ud electrical conductivity, water body transparency, dissolved oxygen, total solids,\ud total nitrogen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, orthophosphate, orthosilicate,\ud chlorophyll a and phaeophytin. In general, Billings Complex has signs of water\ud quality degration, with high levels of chlorophyll a. Principal Component Analysis\ud provided a clear separation of the Complex Billings’ arms. Were observed seven\ud compartments: 1) Pedreira region, influenced by Pinheiros river, presented high\ud levels of nutrients and chlorophyll-a; 2) Corpo Central and Bororé regions,\ud influenced by Pedreira’s waters, with high levels of total solids; 3) Taquacetuba\ud region; 4) Summit Control, Riacho Grande and parts of Taquacetuba and Capivari,\ud influenced by the variable ammonium; 5) Capivari and 6) Rio Pequeno, both\ud areas had the lowest levels of chlorophyll a and nutrients; 7) Rio Grande, with\ud constant applications of algaecides, isolated from the other Billings reservoir\ud regions. The separation was probably due to the dendritic conformation of the\ud reservoir associated with the operating system and human activities such as\ud illegal occupation in the vicinity of the dam. Therefore, actions must be taken in\ud order to reduce nutrient loading that continually enters this ecosystem, through\ud urban settlements control in the region and appropriate sanitation.À Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Processos 2002/13376-4) e ao Departamento de Ecologia, Instituto de Biologia, Universidade de São Paulo

    Estudio de caso de una escuela pública de Sorocaba/SP: monitoramiento de la calidad del agua hasta la clase

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    Este trabalho apresenta o projeto de extensão “Observando o Rio Sorocaba: União Pró-Tietê” que tem como objetivo o monitoramento da qualidade da água do Rio Sorocaba e intervenções educacionais. Neste trabalho foram apresentados os resultados das intervenções educacionais em 145 alunos de uma escola municipal da cidade de Sorocaba/SP. Para tanto, foram ministradas aulas Educação Ambiental (EA) com atividades lúdicas e dinâmicas durante o primeiro semestre de 2015. Depois das aulas, foi aplicado um questionário com os alunos como norteador para as próximas atividades. Os resultados demostraram o empenho e clareza de alguns alunos que indicam de forma segura assuntos avançados, entretanto, também foi possível verificar uma lacuna nas intervenções que foi a inserção do homem como parte integrante do meio ambiente. Deste modo, com a inserção deste conceito, os alunos foram capazes de compreender que eles e a sociedade são uma poderosa ferramenta das mudanças dos padrões sociais em prol da melhoria da qualidade ambiental.This paper presents the extension project "Observing the Sorocaba River: Pro-Tiete Union" which aims at monitoring the water quality of Sorocaba River and having educational interventions. In this work, the qualitative results of educational interventions with 134 students of a municipal school in Sorocaba were presented. For this purpose, classes of environmental education (EE) were taught with playful and dynamic activities during the first half of 2015. After the classes, a questionnaire was administered to students as a guide for future activities. The results show students´ commitment and clarity regarding the issues that were presented ; however, it was also possible to see a gap in the sensitization, as the inclusion of men as an integral part of the environment. Thus, with the inclusion of this concept, students will be able to understand that the society and themselves are a powerful tool for changes of social standards in order to improve environmental quality.Este trabajo ha dado como resultado el proyecto de extensión "Mirando el río Sorocaba: Pro-Tieté Unión", que tiene por objeto el control de la calidad del agua del río Sorocaba y las intervenciones educativas. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados cualitativos de las intervenciones educativas sobre 134 estudiantes de una escuela municipal en la ciudad de Sorocaba. Por lo tanto, las clases se imparten educación ambiental (EA) com actividades lúdicas y dinámicas durante la primera mitad de 2015. Después de la escuela, se administró un cuestionario a los estudiantes como guía para futuras actividades. Los resultados muestran el compromiso y la claridad de algunos estudiantes indican temas avanzados de modo seguro, sin embargo, también era posible ver un hueco en la intervenciones de los cuales fue la inclusión del hombre como una parte integral del medio ambiente. Por lo tanto, con la inclusión de este concepto, los estudiantes serán capaces de entender que ellos y la sociedad son una poderosa herramienta de cambio de las normas sociales con el fin de mejorar la calidad ambiental


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    Nas represas do Lobo (Itarapina/Brotas, SP) e Lagoa Dourada (Brotas, SP), Lagoas do Infernão e do campo (Estação Ecológica de Jataí, Luiz Antônio, SP) e nas lagoas Amarela e baixa Verde (Parque Florestal Estadual do Rio Doce, MG), foram registradas 5 espécies da macrófita aquática Utricularia: U. gibba, U. breviscapa, U. hydrocarpa, U. cucullata e U. foliosa. São apresentadas uma revisão dos trabalhos de cunho ecológico referentes ao gênero, uma descrição das espécies observadas e suas distribuições, particularmente no Brasil.ABSTRACT In the reservoirs Lobo (Itarapina/Brotas, SP) and Lagoa Dourada (Brotas, SP), the Lakes of Infernão and Campo (Ecological Reserve of Jataí, Luiz Antônio, SP) and the Lakes Amarela and Baixa Verde (State Foresty Park of Rio Doce, MG),five species of aquatic macrophytes were reported to occur: Utricularia gibba, U. breviscapa, U. hydrocarpa, U. cucullata and U. foliosa. The present study gives a brief discussion on this Genus and the observed species as well as on their distribution. A review of the literature concerning the ecology of this genus is also given.