31 research outputs found

    Soil Moisture and Temperature Characteristics in a Young Silvoarable Agroforestry System

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    The aim of the present research is to investigate the effect of a young alley cropping system (planted for experimental purposes) on the soil microclimate, compared with a control site. The trial system, involving the agroforestry plantation and a control site, has been implemented in 2013 in an intensive monoculture agricultural environment. Measurement of soil microclimatic parameters started in 2014. Based on the results of the examination carried out in an agroforestry and a monoculture production site, there is a clear difference between soil moisture and soil temperature of the two cultivation systems. This effect can be observed even from the second year of the fast growing tree (Paulownia) plantation. &nbsp

    Results of Soil Microclimate Research in Forestry Intercropping Systems in Hungary

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    A special form of alley cropping system is the intercropping of forest, which is traditional and still used nowadays worldwide in afforestation. In Hungary this practice is used mostly on the non-protected areas of the Great Hungarian Plain. The aim of this study was to examine the extent to which intercropping modifies the development of seedlings compared to the current practice of reforestation. Measurements and observations have been proceeded in two trial sites: HajdĂşhadház and Kapuvár, and in both cases, control areas were also designated, close to the trial site, with similar parameters. The experimental areas have different ecological features, but in both cases intermediate cultivation has been applied. The HajdĂşhadház experimental area was established in 2015 and measurements were carried out until 2017, while in Kapuvár, the experiment started in 2019. At both sites, soil temperature, conductivity and growth parameter measurements were performed. The two examined areas are different regarding to tree species and plantation structure, but the main purposes of both forestry companies were to maximize the utilization of available space, protect seedlings and ensure the success of afforestation. The research results so far show that soil microclimate is more favourable in the intercropping system, which contributes to the better development of seedlings. By using maize as an intercrop in the alleys, fodder production for animal stock and game management was also feasible. Further investigations on yield and microclimate are planned in the area of Kapuvár Forest Office in the next three years.   &nbsp

    Az agroerdészet szerepe az erdőfelújításban és a növekvő faanyagigény kielégítésében

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    A faanyag iránti növekvő igény kielégítése miatt egyre nagyobb nyomás nehezedik az erdőgazdálkodásra. A fásított területekről származó dendromassza kihozatal mennyiségi és minőségi paramétereinek javításában az agroerdészeti gyakorlatok alkalmazásának is jelentős szerepe lehet a jövőben. Az erdei köztes termesztés hagyományos gyakorlat a Kárpát medencében. Hazai tapasztalatok és vizsgálati eredmények e gyakorlat pozitív hatását igazolják a talaj-mikroklímára, valamint a faegyedek növekedési paramétereire, mely jelentősen befolyásolhatja az erdőfelújítások sikerességét. Ugyanakkor a szabad terület hasznosításával egyéb célokat is szolgálva (takarmánytermesztés, ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatások) a felújítás erőforráshatékonysággal és gazdasági hozadékkal is párosul. Abstract: The growing demand for wood has put growing pressure on forest management. The use of agroforestry practices can also play a significant role in the future by improving the quantitative and qualitative parameters of dendromass yields from wooded areas. Intermediate cultivation in forest stands is a traditional practice in the Carpathian Basin. Domestic experiences and test results confirm the positive effect of this practice on the soil microclimate and on the growth parameters of the tree stands, which can significantly affect the success of forest regeneration. At the same time, by utilizing the free space for other purposes (fodder production, ecosystem services), renovation is coupled with resource efficiency and economic benefits

    Az agroerdészet szerepe az erdőfelújításban és a növekvő faanyagigény kielégítésében

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    The growing demand for wood has put growing pressure on forest management. The use of agroforestry practices can also play a significant role in the future by improving the quantitative and qualitative parameters of dendromass yields from wooded areas. Intermediate cultivation in forest stands is a traditional practice in the Carpathian Basin. Domestic experiences and test results confirm the positive effect of this practice on the soil microclimate and on the growth parameters of the tree stands, which can significantly affect the success of forest regeneration. At the same time, by utilizing the free space for other purposes (fodder production, ecosystem services), renovation is coupled with resource efficiency and economic benefits.A faanyag iránti növekvő igény kielégítése miatt egyre nagyobb nyomás nehezedik az erdőgazdálkodásra. A fásított területekről származó dendromassza kihozatal mennyiségi és minőségi paramétereinek javításában az agroerdészeti gyakorlatok alkalmazásának is jelentős szerepe lehet a jövőben. Az erdei köztes termesztés hagyományos gyakorlat a Kárpát medencében. Hazai tapasztalatok és vizsgálati eredmények e gyakorlat pozitív hatását igazolják a talaj-mikroklímára, valamint a faegyedek növekedési paramétereire, mely jelentősen befolyásolhatja az erdőfelújítások sikerességét. Ugyanakkor a szabad terület hasznosításával egyéb célokat is szolgálva (takarmánytermesztés, ökoszisztéma-szolgáltatások) a felújítás erőforráshatékonysággal és gazdasági hozadékkal is párosul

    How is agroforestry perceived in Europe? An assessment of positive and negative aspects by stakeholders

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    Whilst the benefits of agroforestry are widely recognised in tropical latitudes few studies have assessed how agroforestry is perceived in temperate latitudes. This study evaluates how stakeholders and key actors including farmers, landowners, agricultural advisors, researchers and environmentalists perceive the implementation and expansion of agroforestry in Europe. Meetings were held with 30 stakeholder groups covering different agroforestry systems in 2014 in eleven EU countries (Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom). In total 344 valid responses were received to a questionnaire where stakeholders were asked to rank the positive and negative aspects of implementing agroforestry in their region. Improved biodiversity and wildlife habitats, animal health and welfare, and landscape aesthetics were seen as the main positive aspects of agroforestry. By contrast, increased labour, complexity of work, management costs and administrative burden were seen as the most important negative aspects. Overall, improving the environmental value of agriculture was seen as the main benefit of agroforestry, whilst management and socio-economic issues were seen as the greatest barriers. The great variability in the opportunities and barriers of the systems suggests enhanced adoption of agroforestry across Europe will be most likely to occur with specific initiatives for each type of system

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