336 research outputs found

    SIC: Switzerland's new electronic interbank payment system

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    It is an article of faith among American bankers and their regulators that some daylight overdrafts are necessary to the efficient functioning of large-dollar wire transfer systems. But the Swiss have injected an element of doubt by developing a system that does away with daylight overdrafts. Their new system processes a payment only if sufficient clearing funds are on deposit in the sending bank’s reserve account. If sufficient funds are not available, the payment is held in a queue until covering funds have arrived. Vital and Mengle describe the first eighteen months of the system’s operation.Payment systems ; Overdrafts

    Posttransplant sinus surgery in lung transplant recipients with cystic fibrosis: a single institutional experience

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    Chronic rhinosinusitis is hypothesised to play a major role in lung transplant recipients with cystic fibrosis. Paranasal sinuses are considered to accumulate a significant bacterial load, potentially leading to lung allograft infection with ensuing complications such as bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome, i.e. allograft rejection. We therefore would like to present our combined medical and surgical treatment plan, which consists of an endoscopic fronto-spheno-ethmoidectomy as well as a meticulous daily nasal care program. The microbiological results show that our combined concept is effective, whereas especially daily nasal care with isotonic saline solution is the cornerstone in preventing significant colonisation of the sinuses and spreading bacteria to the lower respiratory tract causing lung allograft infection. Regarding the surgical part of our treatment, it should be emphasised that all sinuses and ethmoidal air cells should be widely opened. Edges such as bony overhangs should be smoothened to avoid mucus retention and consecutive bacterial recolonisation requiring subsequent revision surger


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    Resumo: A centralidade ocupada pela escola como espaço educativo no período correspondente às décadas iniciais do século XX estimulou a criação de novos instrumentos de mensuração e classificação que, utilizados no interior do espaço da escola, tinham por objetivo conhecer e classificar a população escolar, proporcionando formas mais eficazes de propagação de certo “modelo”, considerado ideal no processo de “transformação da criança em aluno” (Ó, 2006). Neste trabalho, utiliza-se como fonte as fichas de observação comportamental, produzidas no âmbito do Serviço de Ortofrenia e Higiene Mental (1934-1939), que funcionou nas escolas experimentais do Rio de Janeiro, tendo como chefe o médico Arthur Ramos. As fichas são compreendidas como instrumento que objetivava classificar, penetrar e intervir na individualidade e nas questões privadas da vida dos alunos, devendo compor “um retrato do indivíduo” e do ambiente social e familiar no qual estava inserido. Palavras-chave: Serviço de Ortofrenia e Higiene Mental. Fichas de observação comportamental. Arthur Ramos.

    comparação da técnica de PCR-RT com o Método Cultural

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    Uma das bactérias mais perigosas transmitidas pela água é a do género Legionella. Infeções causadas por esta bactéria são consideradas atualmente um problema emergente de saúde pública e estão associados a altas taxas de mortalidade, justificando desta forma que o controlo microbiológico das águas seja essencial para garantir a saúde dos trabalhadores e segurança no trabalho em unidades fabris da área alimentar. Na execução das obrigações legais referidas na Lei n.º 52/2018 é determinado que todos os estabelecimentos, independentemente de terem natureza pública ou privada, sejam obrigados a elaborar um Plano de Prevenção e Controlo de Legionella spp., incluindo por exemplo, procedimentos de tratamento, medidas de controlo adotadas e resultados obtidos nas análises efetuada. Na monitorização da Legionella spp., destaca-se a importância das análises de rotina serem rápidas e precisas, permitindo detetar todas as células vivas, incluindo aquelas que não podem ser cultivadas. Ao longo do estágio colheram-se um total de 14 amostras de água provenientes de diferentes origens: chuveiros, de furo de abastecimento e de água de processos (torres de refrigeração). Estas amostras foram submetidas à pesquisa e quantificação de Legionella spp. pela técnica RT-PCR (método já acreditado pela empresa) e pelo Método Cultural. Constatou-se, através dos resultados obtidos, que o Método Cultural tende a subestimar a presença de Legionella spp. Este trabalho veio assim reforçar a importância do uso de métodos de biologia molecular e de métodos culturais, de forma complementar, na deteção, quantificação e identificação adequada dos microrganismos. Palavras-chave: Água, Legionella, Método Cultural, Segurança no Trabalho, Técnica RT-PCROne of the most dangerous bacteria transmitted by water is Legionella spp.. Infections caused by this bacterium are currently considered an emerging public health problem and are associated with high mortality rates if not properly treated. As such, water microbiological control is essential, ensuring the health and safety at work. In Portuguese Law 52/2018 is established that in all public or private organizations, it is required to applied a Legionella spp. prevention and control plan, including for example treatment procedures, control measures adopted and results obtained from the analyzes performed. For monitoring Legionella spp. it is very important that routine analyzes use fast and effective methods, allowing the detection of all living cells, including those that cannot be cultured. During the internship, a total of 14 water samples were collected from different matrices, such as showers, borehole supply and process water (cooling towers). These samples were subjected to research and quantification of Legionella spp. using the RT-PCR technique (method already accredited by the company) and Cultural Method. From the results obtained we can see that the cultural method tends to underestimate the presence of Legionella spp. This work thus reinforces the importance of using molecular biology and cultural methods in a complementary way in the detection, quantification and proper identification of microorganisms. Keywords: Water, Legionella, PCR method, Cultural method, Work safet

    Genetic alterations in gliosarcoma and giant cell glioblastoma

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    The majority of glioblastomas develop rapidly with a short clinical history (primary glioblastoma IDH wild-type), whereas secondary glioblastomas progress from diffuse astrocytoma or anaplastic astrocytoma. IDH mutations are the genetic hallmark of secondary glioblastomas. Gliosarcomas and giant cell glioblastomas are rare histological glioblastoma variants, which usually develop rapidly. We determined the genetic patterns of 36 gliosarcomas and 19 giant cell glioblastomas. IDH1 and IDH2 mutations were absent in all 36 gliosarcomas and in 18 of 19 giant cell glioblastomas analyzed, indicating that they are histological variants of primary glioblastoma. Furthermore, LOH 10q (88%) and TERT promoter mutations (83%) were frequent in gliosarcomas. Copy number profiling using the 450k methylome array in 5 gliosarcomas revealed CDKN2A homozygous deletion (3 cases), trisomy chromosome 7 (2 cases), and monosomy chromosome 10 (2 cases). Giant cell glioblastomas had LOH 10q in 50% and LOH 19q in 42% of cases. ATRX loss was detected immunohistochemically in 19% of giant cell glioblastomas, but absent in 17 gliosarcomas. These and previous results suggest that gliosarcomas are a variant of, and genetically similar to, primary glioblastomas, except for a lack of EGFR amplification, while giant cell glioblastoma occupies a hybrid position between primary and secondary glioblastomas. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Impact of extended sinus surgery on allograft infection, allograft function and overall survival in cystic fibrosis lung transplant recipients

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    BACKGROUND Studies investigating the impact of sinus surgery for cystic fibrosis (CF) patients performed early after lung transplantation (Ltx) are scarce. Recent studies evaluating frequency of respiratory infections and graft outcomes are not available. OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS To determine whether there is a difference in allograft infection, allograft function and overall survival among CF lung transplant recipients with and without concomitant sinus surgery. STUDY DESIGN Retrospective single-center study. METHODS We examined 71 CF patients who underwent Ltx between 2009 and 2019 at our center. Fifty-nine patients had sinus surgery before or/and after transplantation and twelve did not undergo sinus surgery. We assessed the survival, the diagnosis of chronic allograft dysfunction (CLAD) and all elevated (> 5 mg/l) c-reactive protein episodes during the observed period. The infectious events of the upper and lower airways were categorized in mild infections (5-15 mg/l CRP) and severe infections (> 15 mg/l CRP). RESULTS There was no difference in the long-time overall survival (p = 0.87) and no benefit in the short-term survival at 4 year post-transplant (p = 0.29) in both groups. There was no difference in both groups concerning CLAD diagnosis (p = 0.92). The incidence of severe upper and lower airway infections (CRP > 15 mg/l) was significantly decreased in the sinus surgery group (p = 0.015), whereas in mild infections there was a trend to decreased infections in the sinus surgery group (p = 0.056). CONCLUSIONS CF patients undergoing Ltx benefit from extended endoscopic sinus surgery (eESS) in terms of frequency of severe infectious events of the upper and lower airways. There was no difference in overall survival and frequency of CLAD in the two groups

    Caballeros de frontera en la península Ibérica del siglo XII : Munio Alfonso de Toledo y Sancho Jiménez de Ávila

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    En la península Ibérica de las décadas centrales del siglo XII hubo caballeros comandantes que hicieron de la guerra de razias, saqueos y destrucciones un modo de vida para ellos y los guerreros que lideraban. Actuando en ocasiones de manera independiente y otras al servicio de la monarquía, aquellos líderes militares ejemplifican trayectorias militares en un tiempo de guerra contra los almorávides y almohades en las fronteras que separaban islam y cristiandad. Ejemplos de liderazgo y osadía, Munio Alfonso de Toledo y Sancho Jiménez de Ávila se internaban, al frente de sus tropas, en territorios dominados por almorávides y almohades, regresando a sus lugares de origen portando botín de guerra y tras haber causado estragos económicos, psicológicos y morales a los musulmanes. Este estudio pretende adentrarse en las trayectorias vitales y las formas de actuación de dos caballeros que sirven para conocer un paradigma que con el paso de los años iría desapareciendo, dentro de un proceso de progresivo fortalecimiento de unas monarquías con una cada vez mayor capacidad para dirigir y capitalizar los principales esfuerzos bélicos contra el islam peninsular.En la península ibèrica de les dècades centrals del segle XII va haver-hi cavallers comandants que van fer de la guerra de ràtzias, saquejos i destruccions una manera de vida per a ells i els guerrers que lideraven. Actuant a vegades de manera independent i altres al servei de la monarquia, aquells líders militars exemplifiquen trajectòries militars en un temps de guerra contra els almoràvits i almohades a les fronteres que separaven islam i cristiandat. Exemples de lideratge i gosadia, Munio Alfons de Toledo i Sancho Jiménez d'Àvila s'internaven, al capdavant de les seves tropes, en territoris dominats per almoràvits i almohades, tornant als seus llocs d'origen portant botí de guerra i després d'haver causat estralls econòmics, psicològics i morals als musulmans. Aquest estudi pretén endinsar-se en les trajectòries vitals i les formes d'actuació de dos cavallers que serveixen per a conèixer un paradigma que amb el pas dels anys aniria desapareixent, dins d'un procés de progressiu enfortiment d'unes monarquies amb una cada vegada major capacitat per a dirigir i capitalitzar els principals esforços bèl·lics contra l'islam peninsular.In the Iberian Peninsula in the middle decades of the 12th century, there were knight commanders who made the war of raids, looting and destruction a way of life for themselves and the warriors they led. Sometimes acting independently and others at the service of the monarchy, those military leaders exemplify military trajectories in a time of war against the Almoravids and Almohads on the borders that separated Islam and Christianity. Examples of leadership and daring, Munio Alfonso de Toledo and Sancho Jim.nez de .vila entered, at the head of their troops, into territories dominated by Almoravids and Almohads, and returned to their places of origin carrying spoils of war and after having caused economic, psychological and morals havoc to Muslims. This study intends to delve into the vital trajectories and the forms of action of two knight warriors who serve to discover a paradigm that would disappear over the years, within a process of progressive strengthening of monarchies with an increasing capacity to lead and capitalize on the main war efforts against peninsular Islam

    Avaliação de desempenho do curso de graduação em administração: um estudo de caso: Performance evaluation of the undergraduate course in administration: a case study

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    O crescimento na oferta dos cursos de Administração no Brasil culmina na preocupação quanto a qualidade dos profissionais egressos, além da necessidade de mecanismos de avaliação de desempenho desses cursos. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do trabalho consiste em propor e avaliar um modelo de desempenho para o processo de formação do curso de bacharelado em Administração, com posterior aplicação no curso oferecido pela Universidade Estadual Paulista, campus de Jaboticabal, onde situa-se a Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias. Utilizou-se uma abordagem metodológica combinada com método quantitativo e qualitativo.  A partir da Modelação por Equações Estruturais usada com informações primárias extraídas junto a uma amostra de 175 egressos, compreendeu-se que o curso é uma variável latente de segundo nível, formada pelo conjunto de variáveis também latentes inseridas nas dimensões: corpo docente, infraestrutura, projeto-político-pedagógico e atividades extracurriculares, o desempenho desses construtos contribui à formação do egresso e seu resultado profissional posterior. A análise de conteúdo apresentou pontos de melhoria em relação a falta de aproximação com o mercado e atualização da metodologia de ensino.  Mesmo com as limitações da pesquisa, verifica-se o cumprimento dos objetivos estabelecidos, bem como abre espaço para futuros trabalhos na adaptação e aplicação do modelo em outras instituições