284 research outputs found

    Formação continuada para físicos educadores : potencializando a integração das TDIC no processo de ensinoaprendizagem de física

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    Este trabalho aproxima duas demandas relacionadas ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem de Física: às mudanças sociais provocadas pelas Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) e a falta de profissionais habilitados para o ensino desta disciplina. Seu objetivo principal foi investigar a integração das TDIC nas práticas dos educadores participantes de um curso de formação continuada. A investigação configura uma abordagem qualitativa desenvolvida a partir da análise das atividades planejadas e desenvolvidas pelos educadores em suas práticas e dos questionários aplicados antes e depois da participação no curso em questão. Entre os resultados destacamos que as TDIC utilizadas contribuíram para que os educadores saíssem do isolamento, potencializando as interações com outros professores e contribuindo com o compartilhamento de conhecimentos e práticas

    Genomic regions in crop-wild hybrids of lettuce are affected differently in different environments: implications for crop breeding

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    Many crops contain domestication genes that are generally considered to lower fitness of crop–wild hybrids in the wild environment. Transgenes placed in close linkage with such genes would be less likely to spread into a wild population. Therefore, for environmental risk assessment of GM crops, it is important to know whether genomic regions with such genes exist, and how they affect fitness. We performed quantitative trait loci (QTL) analyses on fitness(-related) traits in two different field environments employing recombinant inbred lines from a cross between cultivated Lactuca sativa and its wild relative Lactuca serriola. We identified a region on linkage group 5 where the crop allele consistently conferred a selective advantage (increasing fitness to 212% and 214%), whereas on linkage group 7, a region conferred a selective disadvantage (reducing fitness to 26% and 5%), mainly through delaying flowering. The probability for a putative transgene spreading would therefore depend strongly on the insertion location. Comparison of these field results with greenhouse data from a previous study using the same lines showed considerable differences in QTL patterns. This indicates that care should be taken when extrapolating experiments from the greenhouse, and that the impact of domestication genes has to be assessed under field conditions

    The effects of macroscopic inhomogeneities on the magneto transport properties of the electron gas in two dimensions

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    In experiments on electron transport the macroscopic inhomogeneities in the sample play a fundamental role. In this paper and a subsequent one we introduce and develop a general formalism that captures the principal features of sample inhomogeneities (density gradients, contact misalignments) in the magneto resistance data taken from low mobility heterostructures. We present detailed assessments and experimental investigations of the different regimes of physical interest, notably the regime of semiclassical transport at weak magnetic fields, the plateau-plateau transitions as well as the plateau-insulator transition that generally occurs at much stronger values of the external field only. It is shown that the semiclassical regime at weak fields plays an integral role in the general understanding of the experiments on the quantum Hall regime. The results of this paper clearly indicate that the plateau-plateau transitions, unlike the the plateau-insulator transition, are fundamentally affected by the presence of sample inhomogeneities. We propose a universal scaling result for the magneto resistance parameters. This result facilitates, amongst many other things, a detailed understanding of the difficulties associated with the experimental methodology of H.P. Wei et.al in extracting the quantum critical behavior of the electron gas from the transport measurements conducted on the plateau-plateau transitions.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figure

    Ontwerpen toekomstbestendig multifunctioneel bedrijf rapportage 1e fase

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    De multifunctionele agrarische sector groeit, ook relatief gezien ten opzichte van de rest van de agrarische bedrijven. De multifunctionele sector wordt dus manifester en zal over 15-20 jaar naar 30% van de gehele landbouwsector groeien (nu 13%, vooral natuurbeheer). De potentie is erg groot, de markt is er. Uitdaging is om kansen te pakken en producten en diensten te leveren die beklijven. De multifunctionele sector is niet alleen leuk voor ‘even erbij’, maar is een op zich staande sector binnen de landbouw. Er zijn wel allerlei vragen als je nadenkt over de toekomst van de multifunctionele landbouwsector. Denk aan het uitbreken van dierziektes op een bedrijf dat publiek ontvangt, de overname van bedrijven door een volgende generatie of incidenten met bijvoorbeeld de gezondheid van bezoekers. Deze negatieve bedreigingen kan je omzetten in kansen; hoe kan je een bedreiging tegemoet treden zodat je klaar bent voor de toekomst? En kan je hier een ontwerp voor maken om de bedreigingen de baas te zijn? Deze vragen liggen ten grondslag aan het tot stand komen van dit project. In dit project werken we aan nieuwe ontwerpen voor de multifunctionele bedrijven van de toekomst. Voor een verdere ontwikkeling en professionalisering van de sector is het belangrijk dat bedrijven zich blijven vernieuwen en ontwikkelen. Dat betekent dat mogelijke knelpunten – die daarin belemmerend kunnen zijn - moeten worden geïdentificeerd en opgelost. Doel van dit project is om die knelpunten met behulp van creatieve sessies en slim ontwerpen op te lossen. Dit document is een tussenrapportage, waarin de huidige stand van zaken – uitgevoerde stappen in het proces, tussenresultaten - van het project wordt weergegeven. Het project wordt uitgevoerd door Wageningen UR, specifiek de onderdelen Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving en Livestock Research

    Abiotic stress QTL in lettuce crop–wild hybrids: comparing greenhouse and field experiments

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    The development of stress-tolerant crops is an increasingly important goal of current crop breeding. A higher abiotic stress tolerance could increase the probability of introgression of genes from crops to wild relatives. This is particularly relevant to the discussion on the risks of new GM crops that may be engineered to increase abiotic stress resistance. We investigated abiotic stress QTL in greenhouse and field experiments in which we subjected Recombinant Inbred Lines from a cross between cultivated Lactuca sativa cv. Salinas and its wild relative L. serriola to drought, low nutrients, salt stress, and above ground competition. Aboveground biomass at the end of the rosette stage was used as a proxy for the performance of plants under a particular stress. We detected a mosaic of abiotic stress QTL over the entire genome with little overlap between QTL from different stresses. The two QTL clusters that were identified reflected general growth rather than specific stress responses and co-located with clusters found in earlier studies for leaf shape and flowering time. Genetic correlations across treatments were often higher among different stress treatments within the same experiment (greenhouse or field), than among the same type of stress applied in different experiments. Moreover, the effects of the field stress treatments were more correlated to those of the greenhouse competition treatments than to those of the other greenhouse stress experiments, suggesting that competition rather than abiotic stress is a major factor in the field. In conclusion, the introgression risk of stress tolerance (trans-)genes under field conditions cannot easily be predicted based on genomic background selection patterns from controlled QTL experiments in greenhouses. Especially field data will be needed to assess potential (negative) ecological effects of introgression of these transgenes into wild relatives