60 research outputs found

    Challenges in lifestyle and community interventions research; a call for innovation

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    Earlier this year the BMC portfolio was enriched by a new journal BMC Obesity. Here, we present the aims and objectives of the section on Lifestyle and Community Interventions. Innovative research is needed. Preventing or managing obesity requires addressing different determinants across multiple levels where diverse levers and stakeholders can play a critical role. Interactions of these determinants within and between systems need to be studied. How to leverage, manage and measure this complexity underlies the innovation that is needed in the next generation of obesity interventions. The ambition of the Lifestyle and Community Interventions section is to provide a space for innovative research, including research that falls outside the traditional comfort zone. We welcome studies of heterogeneous designs, including those of qualitative, quantitative, mixed and systems methodologies. Studies of interest include not only outcomes research of interventions but also process evaluation, cost-effectiveness or cost-benefit analysis, and implementation and dissemination research. Innovations that integrate diverse intervention levers or combine primary and secondary levels of prevention are particularly encouraged. The general aim of BMC Obesity’s Lifestyle and Community Interventions section is to advance our ability to decide on what combinations of approaches will be required to effectively and equitably prevent obesity

    A Proposal of the European Association for the Study of Obesity to Improve the ICD-11 Diagnostic Criteria for Obesity Based on the Three Dimensions Etiology, Degree of Adiposity and Health Risk

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    Diagnostic criteria for complex medical conditions caused by a multitude of both genetic and environmental factors should be descriptive and avoid any attribution of causality. Furthermore, the wording used to describe a disorder should be evidence-based and avoid stigmatization of the affected individuals. Both terminology and categorizations should be readily comprehensible for healthcare professionals and guide clinical decision making. Uncertainties with respect to diagnostic issues and their implications may be addressed to direct future clinical research. In this context, the European Association of the Study of Obesity (EASO) considers it an important endeavor to review the current ICD-11 Beta Draft for the definition of overweight and obesity and to propose a substantial revision. We aim to provide an overview of the key issues that we deem relevant for the discussion of the diagnostic criteria. We first discuss the current ICD-10 criteria and those proposed in the ICD 11 Beta Draft. We conclude with our own proposal for diagnostic criteria, which we believe will improve the assessment of patients with obesity in a clinically meaningful way

    Need for weight management in Switzerland: findings from National Blood Pressure Week 2009

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Swiss Health Survey (SHS) provides the only source of data for monitoring overweight and obesity in the general population in Switzerland. However, this survey reports body mass index (BMI) based on self-reported height and weight, and is therefore subject to measurement errors. Moreover, it is not possible to differentiate between overall and abdominal overweight. In this study, we aimed to gain a better understanding of the need for weight management in the general population of Switzerland by exploring and comparing prevalence rates of BMI and waist circumference (WC) based on physical measurements by trained observers, based on data from the 2009 National Blood Pressure Week (NBPW).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sample selection was based on a one-stage cluster design. A total of 385 pharmacies representing 3,600 subjects were randomly selected from pharmacies participating in NBPW. BMI measures based on physical weight and height (NBPW) were compared with self-reported BMI measures from the SHS. BMI and WC measurements from NBPW were then used to produce population estimates of overweight and obesity.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>BMI-based overall prevalence of overweight and obesity was 43.6%, which was 4.7% higher than the value based on the respective SHS data. Overweight and obesity were more common in men (54.3%) than in women (33.5%). However, the overall prevalence of increased WC in the general population was estimated to be 64.4%, with more women (68.4%) than men (60.1%) exhibiting a WC above the threshold. The prevalence of subjects requiring weight management in the Swiss population remained high, even after adjusting WC for false positive and negative cases.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Firstly, it may be more appropriate for health promotion programs to address the wider group identified by WC, which includes subjects who need to reduce their weight, or gain no further weight. Secondly, the gender differences are reversed depending on the use of WC or BMI to identify subjects suitable for health promotion programs; more women than men are identified by WC, and more men than women using BMI. These differences should be accounted for in gender-specific health promotion programs.</p

    Ethnic variation in validity of the estimated obesity prevalence using self-reported weight and height measurements

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We examined ethnic differences between levels of body mass index (BMI) based on self-reported and measured body height and weight and the validity of self-reports used to estimate the prevalence of obesity (BMI≥30 kg/m<sup>2</sup>) in Turkish, Moroccan, and Dutch people in the Netherlands. Furthermore, we investigated whether BMI levels and the prevalence of obesity in Turkish and Moroccan people with incomplete self-reports (missing height or weight) differ from those with complete self-reports.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on self-reported and measured height and weight were collected in a population-based survey among 441 Dutch, 414 Turks and 344 Moroccans aged 18 to 69 years in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 2004. BMI and obesity were calculated from self-reported and measured height and weight.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The difference between measured and estimated BMI was larger in Turkish and Moroccan women than in Dutch women, which was explained by the higher BMI of the Turkish and Moroccan women. In men we found no ethnic differences between measured and estimated BMI. Sensitivity to detect obesity was low and specificity was high. In participants with available self-reported and measured height and weight, self-reports produced a similar underestimation of the obesity prevalence in all ethnic groups. However, many obese Turkish and Moroccan women had incomplete self-reports, missing height or weight, resulting in an additional underestimation of the prevalence of obesity. Among men (all ethnicities) and Dutch women, the availability of height or weight by self-report did not differ between obese and non obese participants.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>BMI based on self-reports is underestimated more by Turkish and Moroccan women than Dutch women, which is explained by the higher BMI of Turkish and Moroccan women. Further, in women, ethnic differences in the estimation of obesity prevalence based on self-reports do exist and are due to incomplete self-reports in obese Turkish and Moroccan women. In men, ethnicity is not associated with discrepancies between levels of BMI and obesity prevalence based on measurements and self-reports. Hence, our results indicate that using measurements to accurately determine levels of BMI and obesity prevalence in public health research seems even more important in Turkish and Moroccan migrant women than in other populations.</p

    Fuzzy obesity index (MAFOI) for obesity evaluation and bariatric surgery indication

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    Background: the Miyahira-Araujo Fuzzy Obesity Index (MAFOI) for being used as an alternative in bariatric surgery indication (BSI) is validated in this paper. the search for a more accurate method to evaluate obesity and to indicate a better treatment is important in the world health context. Body mass index (BMI) is considered the main criteria for obesity treatment and BSI. Nevertheless, the fat excess related to the percentage of Body Fat (%BF) is actually the principal harmful factor in obesity disease that is usually neglected. the aim of this research is to validate a previous fuzzy mechanism by associating BMI with %BF that yields the Miyahira-Araujo Fuzzy Obesity Index (MAFOI) for obesity evaluation, classification, analysis, treatment, as well for better indication of surgical treatment.Methods: Seventy-two patients were evaluated for both BMI and %BF. the BMI and %BF classes are aggregated yielding a new index (MAFOI). the input linguistic variables are the BMI and %BF, and the output linguistic variable is employed an obesity classification with entirely new types of obesity in the fuzzy context, being used for BSI, as well.Results: There is gradual and smooth obesity classification and BSI criteria when using the Miyahira-Araujo Fuzzy Obesity Index (MAFOI), mainly if compared to BMI or %BF alone for dealing with obesity assessment, analysis, and treatment.Conclusion: the resulting fuzzy decision support system (MAFOI) becomes a feasible alternative for obesity classification and bariatric surgery indication

    Goal Priming in Dieters: Recent Insights and Applications

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    What are the psychological mechanisms that make dieting so challenging in our food-rich living environment? Social psychological research on goal priming provides a useful framework for answering this question, as well as implications for how to enhance dieting success. This review presents and discusses recent research which shows that attractive food cues prime the hedonic eating goal in dieters, and thus facilitate overeating. However, external cues priming the goal of weight control can be used to offset these effects and thus to facilitate dieting success, as is demonstrated in both field and laboratory experiments. In addition, recent strategies to prevent hedonic effects of attractive food, such as mindful attention, can facilitate self-regulation. These recent advances in our understanding of dieting behavior have theoretical and practical implications for how successful dieting can be facilitated, both by means of individual strategies, as well as by environmental changes

    Primary prevention of diabetes mellitus type 2 and cardiovascular diseases using a cognitive behavior program aimed at lifestyle changes in people at risk: Design of a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The number of people with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) is growing rapidly. To a large extend, this increase is due to lifestyle-dependent risk factors, such as overweight, reduced physical activity, and an unhealthy diet. Changing these risk factors has the potential to postpone or prevent the development of T2DM and CVD. It is hypothesized that a cognitive behavioral program (CBP), focused in particular on motivation and self-management in persons who are at high risk for CVD and/or T2DM, will improve their lifestyle behavior and, as a result, will reduce their risk of developing T2DM and CVD.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>12,000 inhabitants, 30-50 years of age living in several municipalities in the semi-rural region of West-Friesland will receive an invitation from their general practitioner (n = 13) to measure their own waist circumference with a tape measure. People with abdominal obesity (male waist ≥ 102 cm, female waist ≥ 88 cm) will be invited to participate in the second step of the screening which includes blood pressure, a blood sample and anthropometric measurements. T2DM and CVD risk scores will then be calculated according to the ARIC and the SCORE formulae, respectively. People with a score that indicates a high risk of developing T2DM and/or CVD will then be randomly assigned to the intervention group (n = 300) or the control group (n = 300).</p> <p>Participants in the intervention group will follow a CBP aimed at modifying their dietary behavior, physical activity, and smoking behavior. The counseling methods that will be used are <it>motivational interviewing </it>(MI) and <it>problem solving treatment </it>(PST), which focus in particular on intrinsic motivation for change and self-management of problems of the participants. The CBP will be provided by trained nurse practitioners in the participant's general practice, and will consists of a maximum of six individual sessions of 30 minutes, followed by 3-monthly booster sessions by phone. Participants in the control group will receive brochures containing health guidelines regarding physical activity and diet, and how to stop smoking. The primary outcome measures will be changes in T2DM and CVD risk scores. Secondary outcome measures will be changes in lifestyle behavior and cost-effectiveness and cost-utility ratios. All relevant direct and indirect costs will be measured, and there will be a follow-up of 24 months.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Changing behaviors is difficult, requires time, considerable effort and motivation. Combining the two counseling methods MI and PST, followed by booster sessions may result in sustained behavioral change.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN59358434</p

    Future developments in overweight - Estimating effects on public health

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    Op dit moment heeft 36% van de Nederlanders matig overgewicht en 12% heeft ernstig overgewicht oftewel obesitas. Naar verwachting zullen deze percentages in de toekomst verder gaan stijgen. Overgewicht veroorzaakt veel ziektelast in de Nederlandse bevolking en daarom streeft het kabinet er naar om de verwachte toekomstige stijging tegen te gaan. Het ministerie van VWS vroeg het RIVM om de effecten op de volksgezondheid te schatten van twee mogelijke toekomstige situaties rond overgewicht. In de eerste situatie stijgt het aantal mensen met overgewicht in dezelfde mate verder als in de afgelopen jaren. In 2024 zal dan 41% van de Nederlanders matig overgewicht hebben en 18% heeft obesitas. De gevolgen voor het optreden van ziekten zijn het grootst bij diabetes mellitus type II. Het aantal patienten met diabetes mellitus type II zal in deze 20 jaar toenemen met 64.000, een stijging van 9%, vergeleken met de situatie dat het aantal mensen met overgewicht gelijk blijft. Daarnaast zijn ook de effecten geschat van een tweede toekomstsituatie. Hierbij is aangenomen dat het aantal mensen met overgewicht over 20 jaar gelijk is aan de huidige situatie in de Verenigde Staten. In 2024 heeft dan 35% van de Nederlanders matig overgewicht en 30% heeft obesitas. De gevolgen voor het optreden van ziekten zijn groot. Het aantal patienten met diabetes mellitus type II zal met 135.000 toenemen, een stijging van 19%, vergeleken met de situatie dat het aantal mensen met overgewicht gelijk blijft. Ook het aantal patienten met een myocard infarct, beroerte en heupartrose zal stijgen met enkele procenten. Deze berekeningen schatten de gezondheidswinst van beleid dat gericht is op preventie van overgewicht. Men moet zich realiseren dat bij het modelleren de werkelijkheid wordt vereenvoudigd, en deze resultaten zijn daarom een globale indicatie van de effecten.Thirty-six percent of the Dutch population is moderately overweight, and 12% is severely overweight or obese. The prevalence of overweight will probably increase in the future. Since overweight is causally related to various diseases, the policy of the Dutch government aims at preventing the expected increase in obesity. The Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports has asked the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) to estimate the effects of two scenarios about future overweight. In the first scenario, the prevalence of overweight will increase at the same rate as in recent years. In the year 2024, the prevalence of moderate overweight will be 41% and that of obesity 18%. The effects on disease prevalence are most pronounced for non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). In 20 years, the number of patients with NIDDM will increase by 64,000, an increase of 9%, relative to the situation in which the prevalence of overweight remains stable. We have also estimated the effects of a second scenario, which assumes that the situation in 2024 will be equivalent to the current situation in the United States. The prevalences of moderate overweight and obesity will be 35% and 30%, respectively. This will have a huge impact on public health. The number of patients with NIDDM will increase by 135,000, an increase of 19%, relative to the situation in which the prevalence of overweight remains stable. The number of patients with myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disease or hip artrosis will also increase by a few percents. These results show the health benefits of a policy aimed at preventing overweight. Assumptions that simplify the problem were made in the scenarios, which necessitates caution in interpreting the results.VWS-PO