45 research outputs found
Sebagai lembaga pendidikan, tugas utama Taman Kanak-kanak adalah mempersiapkan anak dengan memperkenalkan berbagai pengetahuan. Pendidikan anak pra sekolah pada usia 3 sampai dengan 6 tahun sangat penting dilakukan, karena pendidikan tersebut merupakan dasar dari pembentukan kepribadian manusia, kecerdasan dan keterampilan. Multimedia merupakan media yang paling efektif untuk pengajaran anak, dimana menekankan gambar, suara dan gerakan yang dikombinasikan dengan typografi dan warna. Anak umumnya kaya dengan fantasi. Anak menyenangi hal yang bersifat imajinatif. Di usia itu, anak cenderung menyukai gambar, suara, dan gerak yang biasanya diaplikasikan pada film kartun.
Dalam merancang media komunikasi visual yang efektif untuk mempromosikan Multimedia Pembelajaran untuk anak usia 3 - 6 tahun di Denpasar melalui proses pada pengerjaan desainnya meliputi pengolahan alternatif desain dan akhirnya menghasilkan desain terpilih dengan visualisasi desainnya berdasarkan ilustrasi, teks/tipografi dan warna. Media-media yang terpilih terdiri dari Animasi, CD interaktif, Video Tutorial, Game, Stiker CD, Packaging, Paper Bag, Stiker, Pin, dan katalog. Adapun konsep dasar dalam merancang media komunikasi visual ini adalah “Fun Edukatif”. Konsep “fun” dipilih karena dunia anak-anak adalah dunia yang ceria, masa bermain, untuk itu perlu dirancang media pembelajaran yang dapat membuat anak-anak tertarik dan merasa gembira.
As an educational institution, the main task of kindergarten is to prepare children by introducing a variety of knowledge. Education pre-school children at the age of 3 to 6 years are very important, because education is the basis of the formation of human personality, intelligence and skill. Multimedia is the most effective medium for teaching children, which emphasizes the image, sound and movement combined with typografi and color. Children are generally rich in fantasy. Child enjoys things that are imaginative. At that age, kids tend to like images, sound, and motion that is usually applied to the cartoons.
In designing effective visual communication media to promote the Multimedia Learning for children aged 3-6 years in Denpasar through the process of design work includes the design of alternative processing and ultimately produce design visualizations selected with the design based on illustrations, text / typography and color. Selected media consists of animations, interactive CD, Video Tutorials, Games, CD Stickers, Packaging, Paper Bag, Stickers, Pin, and catalogs. The basic concept in designing visual communications media are "Fun Edukatif". The concept of "fun" was chosen because a child's world is a world of cheerful, period play, it needs to be designed for learning media can make children interested and happy.
The comparison of Islamic banks performance in Indonesia before and after the Action to Defend Islam event
Purpose – This study aims to compare the performance of Islamic banking before and after the Islamic defense action. The action to defend Islam is a manifestation of populism, which resulted in mixed responses.Method – Financial performance consisting of return on assets (ROA), financing to deposit ratio (FDR), third party funds (DPK), non performing financing (NPF) and profit sharing financing on total financing were analyzed from 30 Islamic commercial banks and Sharia business units in Indonesia. The data were analyzed using different test paired sample T-test.Result – The results show that only TPF and FDR have significant differences. The DPK value increases, while the FDR decreases.Implication – This study can support industry to consider aspects needed to be taken care of during political events.Originality – This study enriches the empirical study of political and business interaction
The comparison of Islamic banks performance in Indonesia before and after the Action to Defend Islam event
Purpose – This study aims to compare the performance of Islamic banking before and after the Islamic defense action. The action to defend Islam is a manifestation of populism, which resulted in mixed responses.Method – Financial performance consisting of return on assets (ROA), financing to deposit ratio (FDR), third party funds (DPK), non performing financing (NPF) and profit sharing financing on total financing were analyzed from 30 Islamic commercial banks and Sharia business units in Indonesia. The data were analyzed using different test paired sample T-test.Result – The results show that only TPF and FDR have significant differences. The DPK value increases, while the FDR decreases.Implication – This study can support industry to consider aspects needed to be taken care of during political events.Originality – This study enriches the empirical study of political and business interaction
The effect of inflation, profit-loss sharing loan, and capital adequacy towards performance of Indonesian Islamic banks
The purpose of this study is to observe the impact of inflation, profit-loss sharing loan, and capital adequacy towards performance of Islamic banks in Indonesia. This study utilizes longitudinal study from 2010 to 2018 towards Islamic Commercial Banks and Sharia Business Units that are listed in Indonesia. Using pool-time series data, the variables studied are inflation, capital adequacy ratio (CAR), profit-loss sharing loan, and return on assets (ROA). The result shows that only inflation has no significant effect on performance. Capital adequacy affects positively significant, while profit-loss sharing loan affects negatively significant. This study add new perspective on how macroeconomic variable influence Islamic banks’ performance in Indonesia. Additionally, this study is also distinctive because of lengthier observation period (eight years) compared to other studies in recent five year
Faktor Penentu Holding Period Saham Lq-45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia
Holding periods is the period of time during which one owns a security. In addition, holding period is influenced by transaction cost, market value, and risk. The objective of this research is to analyze the effect of bid-ask spread, market value, and variance return on holding period. The analysis of the data was done by multiple regression analysis. Using the data from 34 companies in LQ-45 index period 2010-2011, the results show that market value has positive effect and variance return has negative effect on holding periods. Theresults also show that Bid-Ask spread has no significant effect on holding periods. Investors will hold long position on securities that having higher market value and short position on securities that having higher risk
Prediction of financial condition of Indonesian banks using Altman Z-Score model
Purpose – Banking is one of the hearts of the economy in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the financial condition of banking in Indonesia.Method – The data in this study uses financial reports of bank. The technique of data analysis uses the Altman Z-Score model. By using five variables that represent the liquidity ratio X1, X2 and X3 profitability, X4 and X5 activities. With the criteria of assessment Z-Score 2.99, it is categorized as a very healthy company. 1.81 Z-Score 2.99 is in the gray area so that the probability of being saved and the possibility of bankruptcy is the same depending on the policy decision of the company management as the decision maker. Z-Score 1.81 is categorized as a company which has an enormous financial problem at high risk, so that the possibility of bankruptcy is very largeResult – As the result, it can be seen that Indonesian banks from 2008-2010 were at risk of going through financial difficulties and then survived and in the following years became more stable, while some banks were in unstable but survived and fixed their financial issues.Implication – This research can help Indonesian banks to evaluate their financial performanceOriginality – The originality of this research lies in the object under study, test analysis, and research location
Prediction of financial condition of Indonesian banks using Altman Z-Score model
Purpose – Banking is one of the hearts of the economy in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the financial condition of banking in Indonesia.Method – The data in this study uses financial reports of bank. The technique of data analysis uses the Altman Z-Score model. By using five variables that represent the liquidity ratio X1, X2 and X3 profitability, X4 and X5 activities. With the criteria of assessment Z-Score 2.99, it is categorized as a very healthy company. 1.81 Z-Score 2.99 is in the gray area so that the probability of being saved and the possibility of bankruptcy is the same depending on the policy decision of the company management as the decision maker. Z-Score 1.81 is categorized as a company which has an enormous financial problem at high risk, so that the possibility of bankruptcy is very largeResult – As the result, it can be seen that Indonesian banks from 2008-2010 were at risk of going through financial difficulties and then survived and in the following years became more stable, while some banks were in unstable but survived and fixed their financial issues.Implication – This research can help Indonesian banks to evaluate their financial performanceOriginality – The originality of this research lies in the object under study, test analysis, and research location
NIM 08201244041
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis naskah
drama satu babak melalui media pembelajaran video klip berlirik lagu pada siswa
kelas XI IPA 2 SMAN 1 Depok Sleman.
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan model Kemmis
dan Mc Taggart yang terdiri dari empat komponen, yaitu perencanaan (planning),
tindakan (acting), pengamatan (observasing), danrefleksi (reflecting). Tindakan
penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalu
angket, catatan lapangan, dan lembar pengamatan. Teknik analisis data secara
deskriptif kualitatif yang mencakup analisis data proses dan analisis data produk
atau hasil. Data kuantitatif dievaluasi dengan menggunakan pedoman penilaian
penulisan naskah drama. Validitas yang digunakan adalah validitas demokratik,
validitas proses danvaliditas dialogis.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata nilai penulisan naskah drama
pratindakan/pretes sebesar 5,22. Padasiklus I siswa memperoleh rata-rata nilai
menulis naskah drama sebesar 6,94, yang berarti keterampilan menulis naskah
drama siswa meningkat 1,72 dari nilai rata-rata pratindakan sebesar 5,22.
Keterampilan menulis naskah drama siswa juga mengalami peningkatan sebesar
0,54 yaitu dari skor 6,94 menjadi 7,48 pada akhir siklus II. Berdasarkan perolehan
nilai di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mulai dari awal sebelum tindakan hingga
sesudah tindakan nilai keterampilan menulis naskah drama siswa telah mengalami
peningkatan sebesar 2,26 yaitu dari skor 5,22 menjadi 7,48. Kurangnya minat
siswa selama proses tindakan dan kurangnya sarana prasarana yaitu tidak adanya
buku tentang pembelajaran menulis naskah drama satu babak secara khusus serta
contoh-contoh naskah drama dalam proses pembelajaran menulis naskah drama
menjadi penghambat utama. Hal tersebut dapat diatasi oleh guru menggunakan
media pembelajaran video klip berlirik lagu, sehingga siswa mengembangkan
gagasan dengan lancar dalam menulis naskah drama satu babak serta siswa merasa
nyaman dandapat memunculkan ide serta gagasan dengan lebih mudah. Hasil
penulisan naskah drama yang meningkat juga dibarengi dengan meningkatnya
kualitas proses belajar mengajar siswa di dalam kelas. Siswa lebih aktif serta lebih
antusias dalam mengikuti kegiatan belajar mengajar. Selain itu juga
berkembangnya variasi belajar pada siswa membuat siswa merasa senang dan tidak
jenuh .Guru juga memiliki metode mengajar yang lebih beragam sehingga memacu
guru untuk selalu kreatif dalam mengajar.
Kata Kunci: Peningkatan, ketrampilan menulis naskah drama, melalui video klip,
lirik lagu, siswa SM
Apéndice al informe de la Comisión de Visita del Crédito Público sobre el arreglo definitivo de aquel establecimiento : estracto de las visitas verificadas, y noticia de las que se estan haciendo de las oficinas del mismo en las provicias
En la port.: Impreso de orden de las CĂłrtesCopia digital. Valladolid : Junta de Castilla y LeĂłn. ConsejerĂa de Cultura y Turismo, 2009-201