447 research outputs found

    Intraseason changes in vertical jumps of male professional basketball players

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    This study aimed to analyze basketball players’ jumping bhavior in the Squat Jump (SJ), Countermovement Jump (CMJ), and Free Arm Swing CMJ (CMJ Free) during a professional basketball season and check if it is modulated by the players’ specific playing position, the time played on court, and the different leagues. Fifty-three male professional basketball players were assessed in three different moments of the season through SJ, CMJ, and CMJ Free. Between the beginning of pre-season (1st assessment) and the second round of the season (3rd assessment), there was a strong increase in performance in the three jumps (SJ Height: 5.6%, η2P = 0.234, p = 0.007; CMJ Height: 5.1%, η2P = 0.177, p = 0.007; CMJ Free height: 4.11%, η2P = 0.142, p = 0.01). There was also a significantly large increase in SJ and CMJ between the 2nd and 3rd assessments and in the CMJ Free between the 1st and 2nd assessments. No significant interactions were found between jumping performance and the group factors (players’ specific playing position, time played on court, and league). In conclusion, SJ, CMJ, and CMJ Free performance strongly increases between 1st and 3rd assessment, without being influenced by the specific playing position or the minutes played per game

    Effect of water T2 shortening in the quantification of in-vitro proton MR spectroscopy

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    Short communication[Abstract] PURPOSE. This work studies the relationship between in-vitro Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy metabolite quantification and water T2 decay. MATERIALS AND METHODS. An in-vitro correspondence is established between the iron accumulation and the shortening of water T2 relaxation times using seven spherical phantoms, 6 of them were doped with an increasing concentration of iron metal nanoparticles solution. This is later proposed as a source of error during the LCModel metabolite quantification of either absolute concentrations or ratios. RESULTS. The Pearson's correlation coefficient between water T2 values against absolute metabolite concentrations was on average [r] = 0.97 and on average [r] = 0.85 for metabolite ratios. CONCLUSION. These results suggest that the shortening of T2 values should be taken into account when performing metabolite quantification. Also, the need of demonstrated similar results in in-vivo studies, since the presence of iron deposits or other factors affecting the water T2 decay measurements could explain part of the inter-subject variability in the metabolite concentration and ratio quantification

    The partial volume effect in the quantification of 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy in Alzheimer's disease and aging

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    [Abstract] 1H-MRS variability increases due to normal aging and also as a result of atrophy in grey and white matter caused by neurodegeneration. In this work, an automatic process was developed to integrate data from spectra and high-resolution anatomical images to quantify metabolites, taking into account tissue partial volumes within the voxel of interest avoiding additional spectra acquisitions required for partial volume correction. To evaluate this method, we use a cohort of 135 subjects (47 male and 88 female, aged between 57 and 99 years) classified into 4 groups: 38 healthy participants, 20 amnesic mild cognitive impairment patients, 22 multi-domain mild cognitive impairment patients, and 55 Alzheimer's disease patients. Our findings suggest that knowing the voxel composition of white and grey matter and cerebrospinal fluid is necessary to avoid partial volume variations in a single-voxel study and to decrease part of the variability found in metabolites quantification, particularly in those studies involving elder patients and neurodegenerative diseases. The proposed method facilitates the use of 1H-MRS techniques in statistical studies in Alzheimer's disease, because it provides more accurate quantitative measurements, reduces the inter-subject variability, and improves statistical results when performing group comparisons

    Designing ICTs for Users with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Usability Study

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    Background: Research has supported the cost-effectiveness of cognitive training tools enhanced by information and communication technologies (ICT) in several populations, including individuals with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and age-related cognitive decline. The implementation of ICTs in this population, however, is sometimes challenging to their cognitive and age characteristics. Ultimately, this might compromise the effectiveness of ICT-enhanced therapies in this population. The aim of this study is to test the usability and acceptability of a European project prototype for elderly care, in an attempt to explore the ICT design needs of users with MCI. Methods: Participants were 28 individuals aged 58-95 years and with a diagnosis of MCI. Results: The results showed a low perception of peripheral elements and the need to place main interaction elements in the centre of the screen. The correlation between the general level of autonomy (daily life activities) and the ICT autonomy level was significant and positive. The speed of audio help had a significant impact on performance. Conclusion: The present work contributes to the literature on ICT usability needs of users with MCI. Some usability recommendations for designing interfaces for this type of user are provided in the text

    Diversidad en comunidades de diatomeas epilíticas con relación a los parámetros fisicoquímicos en la cabecera del río Zinapécuaro, México

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    Background. The Zinapécuaro River basin has a high level of pollution coming from different economic activities that take place in the area, which have caused noticeable environmental damage. Unfortunately, there are no studies of the water quality of this river and thus we have no information regarding what current pollutants are present or their emitting sources. Goals. We studied the epilithic diatom community of the headwaters of the Zinapécuaro River, Michoacán, Mexico. Methods. Samples were collected at four stages during a one-year period. Results. Seventy species pertaining to the classes Coscinodiscophyceae, Fragilariophyceae, and Bacillariophyceae were identified. The latter had 62 taxa. The species found at all of the sampling sites were Achnanthidium exiguum, A. minutissimum, Encyonema silesiacum, Eolimna subminuscula, Frustulia latita, F. neomundana, Gomphonema lagenula, Navicula rhynchocephala, Nitzschia clausii, N. palea, Planothidium frequentissimum, P. lanceolatum, and Rhopalodia brebisonii. Among the species found at the sites, the ones with the highest degree of eutrophication are Navicula germainii, N. recens, N. rhynchocephala, Nitzchia clausii, N. palea, N. inconspicua, and Planothidium lanceolatum. Conclusions. Using nonparametric estimators, we foundthat observed species richness represented 80.5 to 89.7% of the expected richness. Rarefaction analysis indicated that the sampling effort was enough to represent the species richness in the study area and at the selected sites, except at a spring and at the Yerbabuena River during the rainy season (2013), and the Yerbabuena spring during the dry season (2013), where a greater number of samples would be needed. The greatest diversity, estimated with the Shannon-Wiener index, was found at Las Orquídeas during the rainy season of 2013. Seasonal analysis using ANOSIM showed no statistically significant differences (p >0.05), whereas Bray-Curtis similarity values did show statistically significant differences. Spatial and temporal distribution differences were associated with the differences in depth, nitrites, ammonium, pH, and total water hardness.Antecedentes. La cuenca del río Zinapécuaro presenta un alto grado de contaminación proveniente de diversas actividades económicas que se desarrollan en la zona, situación que ha generado un marcado deterioro ambiental. Desafortunadamente no existen estudios de la calidad del agua en este río y se desconoce el tipo de contaminantes presentes y las fuentes emisoras. Objetivos. Estudiar la comunidad de diatomeas epilíticas de la cabecera del río Zinapécuaro, Michoacán, México. Métodos. La recolecta se llevó a cabo durante un ciclo anual y se realizaron cuatro muestreos. Resultados. Fueron identificadas 70 especies pertenecientes a las clases Coscinodiscophyceae, Fragilariophyceae y Bacillariophyceae, esta última fue representada con 62 taxones. Las especies comunes en todos los sitios fueron Achnanthidium exiguum, A. minutissimum, Encyonema silesiacum, Eolimna subminuscula, Frustulia latita, F. neomundana, Gomphonema lagenula, Navicula rhynchocephala, Nitzschia clausii, N. palea, Planothidium frequentissimum, P. lanceolatum y Rhopalodia brebisonii. Las especies presentes en sitios con mayor grado de eutrofización fueron Navicula germainii, N. recens, N. rhynchocephala, Nitzchia clausii, N. palea, N. inconspicua y Planothidium lanceolatum. Conclusiones. Mediante estimadores no paramétricos se encontró que la riqueza específica obtenida fue de 80.5 a 89.7% de la riqueza esperada. El análisis de rarefacción indicó que el esfuerzo de muestreo para representar la riqueza del área de estudio y los sitios seleccionados fue suficiente, excepto para el manantial y el río Yerbabuena en la época de lluvias (2013) y el manantial de la Yerbabuena en la época de estiaje (2013), en los que se requeriría un tamaño de muestra más grande. La mayor diversidad, estimada con el índice Shannon-Wiener, se presentó en Las Orquídeas (época de lluvias 2013). El análisis por temporadas mediante ANOSIM no mostró diferencia estadística significativa en similitud (p >0.05) entre ellas; mientras que para sitios/temporadas sí hubo diferencias en los valores de similitud de Bray-Curtis. Las diferencias de distribución a nivel temporal y espacial se asociaron a diferencias en profundidad, nitritos, amonio, pH y dureza total

    Brief Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Fibromyalgia: Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Replicated Single-Case Design

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    Objective. Overall, the literature on the effectiveness of psychological treatments in general and those for fibromyalgia in particular has been dominated by research designs that focus on large groups and explore changes on average, so the treatment impact at the individual level remains unclear. In this quasi-experimental, replicated single-case design, we will test the feasibility and effectiveness of a brief acceptance and committed therapy intervention using ecological momentary assessment supported by technology. Methods. The sample comprised 7 patients (3 in the individual condition and 4 in the group condition) who received a brief, 5-week psychological treatment. Patient evolution was assessed one week prior to treatment onset and during the whole study with a smartphone app. Because ecological momentary assessment and the use of an app are not frequent practices in routine care, we also evaluated the feasibility of this assessment methodology (i.e., compliance with the app). Change was investigated with a nonoverlap of all pairs index. Outcomes were pain interference with sleep and social activities, fatigue, sadness, and pain intensity. Results. Patient change was not uniform across outcomes. Four patients (two in each condition) showed relatively moderate levels of change (approximately 60% nonoverlap in several outcomes). The remaining patients showed more modest improvements which affected a reduced number of outcomes. Based on nonoverlapping indices, there was no clear evidence in favor of any treatment format. Conclusions. An alternative design to large-scale trials, one that focuses on the individual change, exists and it can be implemented in pain research. The use of technology (e.g., smartphones) simplifies such designs by facilitating ecological momentary assessment. Based on our findings showing that changes were not homogeneous across patients or outcomes, more single-case designs and patient-centered analyses (e.g., responder and moderation analyses) are required

    Melatonin modulation of crosstalk among malignant epithelial, endothelial and adipose cells in breast cancer (Review)

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    Melatonin, the main secretory product of the pineal gland, is an oncostatic agent that reduces the growth and development of various types of tumors, particularly mammary tumors whose growth is dependent on estrogens. Previous in vivo and in vitro studies point to the hypothesis that melatonin interplays with estrogen signaling pathways at three different levels: i) an indirect mechanism, by interfering with the hypothalamic‑pituitary‑reproductive axis in such way that the level of plasma estrogens synthesized by the gonadal glands are downregulated; ii) a direct mechanism of the pineal gland at the cell cancer level, disrupting the activation of estradiol receptors, therefore behaving as a selective estrogen receptor modulator; and iii) by regulating the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of estrogens in other tissues, thus behaving as a selective estrogen enzyme modulator. The intratumoral metabolism and synthesis of estrogens, as a result of the interactions of various enzymes, is more important than blood uptake to maintain mammary gland estrogen levels in menopausal females. Additionally, estrogens are considered to play an important role in the pathogenesis and development of hormone‑dependent breast carcinoma. Paracrine interactions among malignant epithelial cells and proximal adipose and endothelial cells, through cytokines and growth factors produced by breast tumor cells, modulate estrogen production at the mammary tumor level and, as a consequence, the genesis and development of mammary tumors. The aim of the present review is to summarize the recent findings describing the mechanisms by which melatonin is able to modulate the crosstalk among malignant epithelial, endothelial and adipose cells in breast cancer

    Diatomeas perifíticas del lago de Pátzcuaro, Michoacán, México

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    Background. Lake Pátzcuaro has been exposed in the recent past to environmental deterioration with increasing eutrophication as a result of deforestation, indiscriminate use of agrochemicals, overfishing, unplanned urban growth, and sewage dumping. Goals. In order to contribute to the phycofloristic inventory of the Lake, we present the taxonomic description of the periphytic diatoms found, including morphometric information, meristic data, figures, as well as ecological and distributional notes. Methods. Sampling was carried out in four sites during two periods: after the rainy season (October 2004) and the dry season (May 2005); samples were gathered by scraping rooted and floating vegetation. Diatoms ´ thecae were cleared with hydrochloric acid and hydrogen peroxide; permanent slides were made with Naphrax® resin and analyzed through optic microscopy. Results. A total of 83 periphytic diatom species were recorded, including eight varieties and one form; 20 species (24%) represent the first records for Mexico and 57 (68.6%) are new to the study area. Sixty-two species (74.7%) have cosmopolitan distribution and six (7.2%) have tropical affinity. Species richness was slightly higher after the rainy season (October 2004) with a total of 69 taxa, compared to 65 species recorded during the dry season (May 2005). Among the sampling sites, the island of Janitzio had the highest diatom diversity (46 taxa during the dry season). Conclusions. Deterioration of Lake Pátzcuaro in the previous decades has taken a toll on the health ofits ecological system. Diatoms identified in this study indicate a clear tendency of eutrophication of the waterbody.Antecedentes. El Lago de Pátzcuaro ha estado expuesto en el pasado reciente a deterioro ambiental con incrementos en su eutroficación, como resultado de la deforestación, uso indiscriminado de agroquímicos, pesca excesiva, desarrollo urbano no planificado y la descarga de aguas negras. Objetivos. Con la finalidad de contribuir con el inventario ficoflorístico del lago, se presenta la descripción taxonómica de las diatomeas perifíticas encontradas, incluyendo datos morfométricosy merísticos, figuras, así como anotaciones ecológicas y de distribución. Métodos. Los muestreos se realizaron en cuatro sitios durante dos periodos distintos: postlluvias y estiaje (secas) durante octubre 2004 y mayo 2005. Las muestras se obtuvieron raspando la vegetación flotante y arraigada. Los frústulos de las diatomeas se limpiaron oxidando la muestra con ácido clorhídrico y peróxido de hidrógeno; se elaboraron preparaciones permanentes con la resina Naphrax®, que fueron analizadas con microscopía óptica. Resultados. Un total de 83 especies de diatomeas perifíticas fueron determinadas,incluyendo ocho variedades y una forma; 20 especies (24%) constituyen los primeros registros para México y 57 (68.6%) para el área de estudio. 62 especies (74.7%) son de distribución cosmopolita y seis (7.2%) de afinidad tropical. La riqueza de especies fue ligeramente mayor en la época de poslluvias (octubre 2004) con 69 taxones en total y 65 durante el estiaje (mayo 2005). Entre los sitios de muestreo, Janitzio presentó la mayor diversidad de diatomeas, con 46 taxones durante el estiaje. Conclusiones. El deterioro del lago de Pátzcuaro en las últimas décadas ha repercutido en la salud del ecosistema. Las diatomeas identificadas en este estudio, evidencian una clara tendencia a la eutrofización del cuerpo de agua

    IgG4-related disease: description of a case with pulmonary lesions, mediastinal lymphadenopathies and rapidly progressive renal failure

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    AbstractThis is a case report of a 73-year-old man with new-onset acute renal failure while being investigated for pulmonary infiltrates and mediastinal lymphadenopathies. Urine tests showed tubular range proteinuria with no microhaematuria. Immunology tests showed elevated serum IgG and hypocomplementaemia (classical pathway activation). Renal biopsy and clinical-pathological correlation were crucial in this case, reinforcing their important role in the final diagnosis of acute kidney injury