93 research outputs found

    Ariketa fisikoko interbentzio batek egoitzetan bizi diren adinekoengan dituen onuretan eragiten duten faktoreen azterketa.

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    231 p.Tesi honetan alde batetik, egoitzetan bizi diren adineko pertsonetan Functional Ageing On programaren eraginkortasuna baldintzatzen duten faktoreak aztertu dira. Bestetik, arlo ezberdinetan erantzule edo ez erantzule direnean, arlo guztietan erantzule edo ez erantzule ote diren aztertu da. Honetarako,Gipuzkoako 16 egoitzetako 148 adineko pertsonen egoera funtzionala, egoera fisikoa, egoera kognitiboa eta egoera psikoafektiboa kontuan hartu dira.Azterlan honetan, laginaren ezaugarrien araberako banaketak (sexuka eta medianaren arabera) eta SPPBn, MoCan, bizi-kalitatean eta zoriontasunean ez-erantzule eta erantzuleen banaketa, Student-en ttest erlazionatuaren proba, bi noranzkoko (taldea eta denbora) neurri errepikatutako ANOVA eta taldeen arteko elkar eragitearen magnitudea partial .2 erabiliz kalkulatu da. Erantzule izateko zein faktoreek eragiten duten aztertzeko erregresio logistiko anizkoitzak egin dira.Nahiz eta adineko egoitzetan bizi diren adinekoen ezaugarrien arabera Functional Ageing On ariketa fisikoko interbentzioarekiko sentikortasuna ezberdina izan, aztertutako talde guztiek izan zituzten ariketa fisikoaren onurak. Adin baxuagoa, GMI baxuagoa eta TUG burutzeko denbora gutxiago behar izateak SPPBn erantzule izateko aukera gehiagorekin lotu zen. GMI altuagoa eta Tilburg-en araberako hauskortasun maila altuagoa MoCan erantzule izatearekin eta bizi-kalitatearen testean eta zoriontasunean puntuazio baxuagoa izatea, test horietan erantzule lotu ziren. SPPBn ez-erantzuleek, Rockwood-en hauskortasun eskalan eta zoriontasunean; MoCan ez-erantzuleek Fried-en fenotipoan eta SPPBn; bizi kalitatearen testean ez-erantzuleek Rockwood-en eskalan eta SPPBn eta zoriontasunean ez-erantzule enk Rockwood-en eta Tilburg-en hauskortasun irizpideetan eta ibilera abiadura eta SPPBn hobetu zuten.Beraz, edozein dela ere sexua, adina, menpekotasun edo hauskortasun maila, egoera fisiko edo neuropsikologikoa, adinekoen egoitzetan bizi diren adinekoak ariketa fisikoko interbentzioez baliatu daitezke. Gainera, aldagai batean ez-erantzule izan arren, beste aldagaietan onurak izan dezakete parte hartzaileek

    Vyhodnocení směru pohledu osoby

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    Táto bakalárska práca sa zameriava na problematiku vyhodnocovania smeru pohľadu človeka. Umožňuje oboznámiť sa so súčasnými ako aj historickými spôsobmi vyhodnocovania smeru pohľadu a ich využitím v rôznych oblastiach života. V práci sú opísané a vysvetlené základné princípy týchto metód. Súčasťou práce je taktiež popis realizovaného systému a princípu jeho funkcie. Práca taktiež obsahuje analýzu výsledkov testu systému na skupine dobrovoľníkov a zhodnotenie jeho funkcie.The aim of this bachelor thesis is to understand the problematics of eye tracking. Many current and historical eye tracking methods are described in this work as long as the main principles of their function. This work also informs about an application of the eye tracking systems in many fields of everyday life. This work contains the description of the realized programme and the main principles of its function. An analysis of the practical test performed on the group of volunteers and system-function-analysis are also included.

    Influence of material and gear parameters on the safety of gearing in metallurgical industry

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    This paper deals with the appropriate choice of parameters to obtain the desired level of safety of gears in a gearbox to drive the conveyor in the metallurgical industry under increased load. Steel with surface hardness up to 350 HBW, or heat treated steel with hardness of 500 - 650 HBW are used. As a final heat treatment are used surface hardening, cementation and hardening, nitridation. Good properties of heat-treated steels are at the correct thickness of the heat-treated layer of the tooth. Results are presented for dual-ratio gearbox with spur gears from operation of an integrated steel company

    Design of Robot Vehicle Undercarriage with Ability to Operate in Broken Terrain

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    AbstractThis article deals with an undercarriage design of robot vehicle that will be able to work in broken terrain. It is a frequently solved problem in mechatronics. High requirements for its application in area of rescue assistance, fire fighting, in nuclear and space industry as well are taken into consideration. Within the frame of designing commercially available software, e.g., MATLAB/Simulink and SolidWorks have been used to analyze a one degree mathematical model and a six-wheeled spatial model. A series of computation have been performed to determine the appropriate stiffness and damping parameters

    Experimental identification of piezo actuator characteristic

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    This paper deals with piezoelectric material, which can be used as actuator for conversion of electrical energy to mechanical work. Test equipment has been developed for experimental testing of the piezoactuators. Piezoactivity of this actuator has non-linear characteristic. This type of actuator is used for in-pipe mechanism design

    Kinematics of Serial Manipulators

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    This book chapter deals with kinematic modeling of serial robot manipulators (open-chain multibody systems) with focus on forward as well as inverse kinematic model. At first, the chapter describes basic important definitions in the area of manipulators kinematics. Subsequently, the rigid body motion is presented and basic mathematical apparatus is introduced. Based on rigid body conventions, the forward kinematic model is established including one of the most used approaches in robot kinematics, namely the Denavit-Hartenberg convention. The last section of the chapter analyzes inverse kinematic modeling including analytical, geometrical, and numerical solutions. The chapter offers several examples of serial manipulators with its mathematical solution

    Sex Differences in Frailty Factors and Their Capacity to Identify Frailty in Older Adults Living in Long-Term Nursing Homes

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    Frailty is a phenomenon that precedes adverse health events in older people. However, there is currently no consensus for how to best measure frailty. Several studies report that women have a higher prevalence of frailty than men, but there is a gap in studies of the high rates of frailty in older people living in long-term nursing homes (LTNHs) stratified by sex. Therefore, we analyzed health parameters related to frailty and measured their capacity to identify frailty stratified by sex in older people living in LTNHs. According to the Fried Frailty Phenotype (FFP), anxiety increased the risk of frailty in women, while for men functionality protected against the risk of frailty. Regarding the Tilburg Frailty Indicator (TFI), functionality had a protective effect in men, while for women worse dynamic balance indicated a higher risk of frailty. The analyzed parameters had a similar capacity for detecting frailty measured by the TFI in both sexes, while the parameters differed in frailty measured by the FFP. Our study suggests that assessment of frailty in older adults should incorporate a broad definition of frailty that includes not only physical parameters but also psycho-affective aspects as measured by instruments such as the TFI.This research was funded by Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia-Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (ADINBERRI DG18/25) and the Professional Association of Nurses of Gipuzkoa (COEGI Nursing Research Grants 2019–2020)

    Experimental verification of the shape memory alloy (SMA) spring actuator for application on in-pipe machine

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    The paper deals with Shape memory alloy (SMA) spring analysis and its possibility for usage as actuator for in-pipe machine. In the paper the inner structure of SMA is introduced. Further, the experimental analysis of SMA contractor and expander was done. From the experiments was found that SMA spring has several disadvantages like long time of cooling and high electric power consumption. Using SMA spring as actuator for in-pipe machine has been obtained average velocity of in-pipe machine roughly 2 mm/min. Advantage of SMA spring as actuator is its good expansibility

    Una especie nueva del \u3ci\u3egénero Hempelicoccus\u3c/i\u3e Kozár y Konczné Benedicty (Coccoidea: Eriococcidae) en la Argentina

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    Hempelicoccus alba (Coccoidea: Eriococcidae), a new species for Argentina is described and illustrated. A key to the seven known species of Argentina is provide