1,923 research outputs found

    A jornada de uma experiência: da improvisação à máscara teatral

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Comunicação e Expressão. Artes CênicasO presente estudo aborda um método de preparação de atores, que vai das improvisações silenciosas até o uso de máscaras. Neste trabalho, percorro o processo que vivenciei com a professora Maria de Fátima S. Moretti (Sassá Moretti), do curso de Artes Cênicas/UFSC, nas aulas de Improvisação I e II até as aulas de Teatro de Animação I, envolvendo máscaras neutras e larvárias, o que motivou a formação do grupo de pesquisa Abaporu. Orientados pela já referida professora, o grupo tem em seu cerne o trabalho com máscaras, sobretudo as máscaras larvárias e o estudo sobre a pedagogia de Lecoq.This study addresses a method of actor's preparation, from silent improvisations to the use of the masks. In this work, I travel over the process that I experienced with the teacher Maria de Fátima de S. Moretti, at Performing Arts/UFSC) in the classes of Improvisation I and II till Puppet Theater I, involving neutral and larval masks, class that motivated the formation of the research's group Abaporu. With the guidance of this teacher, the group has at its core the work with masks and especially with larval masks, the study about Lecoq's pedagogy

    The Desalination Process Driven by Wave Energy: A Challenge for the Future

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    The correlation between water and energy is currently the focus of several investigations. In particular, desalination is a technological process characterized by high energy consumptionnevertheless, desalination represents the only practicable solution in several areas, where the availability of fresh water is limited but brackish water or seawater are present. These natural resources (energy and water) are essential for each otherenergy system conversion needs water, and electrical energy is necessary for water treatment or transport. Several interesting aspects include the study of saline desalination as an answer to freshwater needs and the application of renewable energy (RE) devices to satisfy electrical energy requirement for the desalination process. A merge between renewable energy and desalination is beneficial in that it is a sustainable and challenging option for the future. This work investigates the possibility of using renewable energy sources to supply the desalination process. In particular, as a case study, we analyze the application of wave energy sources in the Sicilian context.Univ Palermo UNIPA, Dept Energy Informat Engn & Math Models, I-90128 Palermo, ItalyUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Ciencias Exatas & Terra, BR-09910720 Sao Paulo, BrazilDepartament of Ciências Exatas e da Terra, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Sao Paulo 09910-720, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Quando as flores caem: O teatro lambe-lambe e a iluminação cênica como modelos de criação desierárquica

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    Através da análise da concepção do espetáculo de teatro lambe-lambe Quando as Flores Caem apresento o meu estudo de iluminação cênica no teatro de sombras em escala reduzida, com a perspectiva da desierarquização dos elementos cênicos através de uma relação de equilíbrio na criação. A desierarquização é o movimento ou a ação de quebrar com as hierarquias, para que os elementos cênicos assumam um lugar de igualdade, com o mesmo valor hierárquico, de modo que, consequentemente, a criação se dá de forma integrada. Entre o processo e o espetáculo, apresento aqui um breve estudo de caso para o teatro lambe-lambe e a iluminação cênica.

    Resonant optical control of the structural distortions that drive ultrafast demagnetization in Cr2_2O3_3

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    We study how the color and polarization of ultrashort pulses of visible light can be used to control the demagnetization processes of the antiferromagnetic insulator Cr2_2O3_3. We utilize time-resolved second harmonic generation (SHG) to probe how changes in the magnetic and structural state evolve in time. We show that, varying the pump photon-energy to excite either localized transitions within the Cr or charge transfer states, leads to markedly different dynamics. Through a full polarization analysis of the SHG signal, symmetry considerations and density functional theory calculations, we show that, in the non-equilibrium state, SHG is sensitive to {\em both} lattice displacements and changes to the magnetic order, which allows us to conclude that different excited states couple to phonon modes of different symmetries. Furthermore, the spin-scattering rate depends on the induced distortion, enabling us to control the timescale for the demagnetization process. Our results suggest that selective photoexcitation of antiferromagnetic insulators allows fast and efficient manipulation of their magnetic state.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    A procedure to evaluate the indoor global quality by a sub objective-objective procedure

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    This paper proposes two complementary procedures for assessing the indoor global comfort: the first one, prevalently objective, is based on the acquisition of microclimate measured data and computed subjective values; the second one, that is purely subjective, uses a questionnaire drawn from the ISO/DP 10551 Recommendation. An application to some lecture-halls is here showe

    A case study to the Evaluation of Global Environmental Quality, concerning thermal, acoustic and atmospheric conditions of urban areas

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    In this paper we propose an operative procedure aimed at assessing and check the global environmental quality in the urban areas. This methodology is set up by using an ergonomic approach that analyses the interaction man-environment in terms of cause-effect and uses information and data from various sources contributing to the formation of discomfort degrees.[1-2] The representation technique by normo-grams is used for showing some applications executed along the urban territory of Palermo and allows to evaluate very simply all the parameters involved in human comfort. This paper is divided in 5 sections, after the introduction in section 2 a review of the principal simple and complex indexes is presented, in section 3 the methodology used to assess the air quality is presented and in section 4 some experimental results on some areas of Palermo are presented, finally in section 5 some conclusions are drawn.[3-4

    Abnormal temporal coupling of tactile perception and motor action in Parkinson's disease

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    Evidence shows altered somatosensory temporal discrimination threshold (STDT) in Parkinson's disease in comparison to normal subjects. In healthy subjects, movement execution modulates STDT values through mechanisms of sensory gating. We investigated whether STDT modulation during movement execution in patients with Parkinson's disease differs from that in healthy subjects. In 24 patients with Parkinson's disease and 20 healthy subjects, we tested STDT at baseline and during index finger abductions (at movement onset "0", 100, and 200 ms thereafter). We also recorded kinematic features of index finger abductions. Fifteen out of the 24 patients were also tested ON medication. In healthy subjects, STDT increased significantly at 0, 100, and 200 ms after movement onset, whereas in patients with Parkinson's disease in OFF therapy, it increased significantly at 0 and 100 ms but returned to baseline values at 200 ms. When patients were tested ON therapy, STDT during index finger abductions increased significantly, with a time course similar to that of healthy subjects. Differently from healthy subjects, in patients with Parkinson's disease, the mean velocity of the finger abductions decreased according to the time lapse between movement onset and the delivery of the paired electrical stimuli for testing somatosensory temporal discrimination. In conclusion, patients with Parkinson's disease show abnormalities in the temporal coupling between tactile information and motor outflow. Our study provides first evidence that altered temporal processing of sensory information play a role in the pathophysiology of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease

    Enhanced photogeneration of polaron pairs in neat semicrystalline donor-acceptor copolymer films via direct excitation of interchain aggregates

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    We investigate the photogeneration of polaron pairs (PPs) in neat films of the semicrystalline donor–acceptor semiconducting copolymer PCPDTBT. Carefully selecting the solution-processing procedures, we obtain films with different amounts of crystallinity and interchain aggregation. We compare the photogeneration of PPs between the films by monitoring their photoinduced absorption in ultrafast pump–probe experiments, selectively exciting nonaggregated or aggregated polymer chains. The direct photoexcitation of interchain π-aggregates results in prompt (<100 fs) charge generation. Compared to the case where nonaggregated chains are excited, we find an 8-fold increase in the prompt PP to singlet-exciton ratio. We also show that highly crystalline lamellar nanostructures not containing π-stacked or any light-absorbing aggregates do not improve the efficiency of PP photogeneration. Our results show that light absorption from interchain aggregates is highly beneficial for charge photogeneration in semiconducting polymers and should be taken into account when optimizing film morphologies for photovoltaic devices
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