2,883 research outputs found

    The Engel elements in generalized FC-groups

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    We generalize to FC*, the class of generalized FC-groups introduced in [F. de Giovanni, A. Russo, G. Vincenzi, Groups with restricted conjugacy classes, Serdica Math. J. 28 (2002), 241-254], a result of Baer on Engel elements. More precisely, we prove that the sets of left Engel elements and bounded left Engel elements of an FC*-group G coincide with the Fitting subgroup; whereas the sets of right Engel elements and bounded right Engel elements of G are subgroups and the former coincides with the hypercentre. We also give an example of an FC*-group for which the set of right Engel elements contains properly the set of bounded right Engel elements.Comment: to appear in "Illinois Journal of Mathematics

    Shear effects on passive scalar spectra

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    The effects of a large-scale shear on the energy spectrum of a passively advected scalar field are investigated. The shear is superimposed on a turbulent isotropic flow, yielding an Obukhov-Corrsin k5/3k^{-5/3} scalar spectrum at small scales. Shear effects appear at large scales, where a different, anisotropic behavior is observed. The scalar spectrum is shown to behave as k4/3k^{-4/3} for a shear fixed in intensity and direction. For other types of shear characteristics, the slope is generally intermediate between the -5/3 Obukhov-Corrsin's and the -1 Batchelor's values. The physical mechanisms at the origin of this behaviour are illustrated in terms of the motion of Lagrangian particles. They provide an explanation to the scalar spectra shallow and dependent on the experimental conditions observed in shear flows at moderate Reynolds numbers.Comment: 10 LaTeX pages,3 eps Figure

    A model for alignment between microscopic rods and vorticity

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    Numerical simulations show that microscopic rod-like bodies suspended in a turbulent flow tend to align with the vorticity vector, rather than with the dominant eignevector of the strain-rate tensor. This paper investigates an analytically solvable limit of a model for alignment in a random velocity field with isotropic statistics. The vorticity varies very slowly and the isotropic random flow is equivalent to a pure strain with statistics which are axisymmetric about the direction of the vorticity. We analyse the alignment in a weakly fluctuating uniaxial strain field, as a function of the product of the strain relaxation time τs\tau_{\rm s} and the angular velocity ω\omega about the vorticity axis. We find that when ωτs1\omega\tau_{\rm s}\gg 1, the rods are predominantly either perpendicular or parallel to the vorticity

    Parametric and numerical modeling tools to forecast hydrogeological impacts of a tunnel

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    The project of interest involving a hydroelectrical diversion tunnel through a crystalline rock massif in the Alps required a detailed hydrogeological study to forecast the magnitude of water inflows within the tunnel and possible effects on groundwater flow The tunnel exhibits a length of 9.5 km and is located on the right side of the Toce River in Crevoladossola (Verbania Province, Piedmont region, northern Italy). Under the geological framework of the Alps, the tunnel is located within the Lower Penninic Frappes in the footwall of the Simplon Normal Fault, and the geological succession is mostly represented by Antigorio gneiss (metagranites) and Baceno metasediments (metacarbonates). Due to the presence of important mineralized springs for commercial mineral water purposes, the above mentioned hydrogeological study focused on both quantity and quality aspects via rainfall data analysis, monitoring of major spring flow rates, monitoring of hydraulic heads and pumping rates of existing wells/boreholes, hydrochemical and isotopic analysis of springs and boreholes and hydraulic tests (Lefranc and Lugeon). The resulting conceptual model indicated dominant low-permeability (aquitard) behavior of the gneissic rock masses, except under conditions of intense fracturing due to tectonization, and aquifer behavior of the metasedimentary rocks, particularly when interested by dissolution. Groundwater flow systems are mainly controlled by gravity. The springs located near the Toce River were characterized by high mineralization and isotopic ratios, indicating long groundwater flow paths. Based on all the data collected and analyzed, two parametric methods were applied: 1) the Dematteis method, slightly adapted to the case study and the available data, which allows assessment of both potential inflows within the tunnel and potential impacts on springs (codified as the drawdown hazard index; DHI); 2) the Cesano method, which only allow assessment of potential inflows within the tunnel, thereby discriminating between major and minor inflows. Contemporarily, a groundwater flow model was implemented with the equivalent porous medium (EPM) approach in MODFLOW-2000. This model was calibrated under steady-state conditions against the available data (groundwater levels inside wells/piezometers and elevation and flow rate of springs). The Dematteis method was demonstrated to be more reliable and suitable for the site than was the Cesano method. This method was validated considering a tunnel through gneissic rock masses, and this approach considered intrinsic parameters of rock masses more notably than morphological and geomorphological factors were considered. The Cesano method relatively overestimated tunnel inflows, considering variations in the topography and overburden above the tunnel. Sensitivity analysis revealed a low sensitivity of these parametric methods to parameter values, except for the rock quality designation (RQD) employed to represent the fracturing degree. The numerical model was calibrated under ante-operam conditions, and sensitivity analysis evaluated the influence of uncertainties in the hydraulic conductivity (K) values of the different hydrogeological units.The hydraulic head distribution after tunnel excavation was forecasted considering three scenarios, namely, a draining tunnel, tunnel as a eater loss source, and tunnel sealed along its aquifer sectors, considering 3 levels of K reduction. Tunnel impermeabilization was very effective, thus lowering the drainage rate and impact on springs. The model quantitatively defined tunnel inflows and the effects on spring flow at the surface in terms of flow rate decrease. The Dematteis method and numerical model were combined to obtain a final risk of impact on the springs. This study likely overestimated the risk because all the values assigned to the parameters were chosen in a conservative way, and the steady-state numerical simulations were also very conservative (the transient state in this hydrogeological setting supposedly lasts 1-3 years). Monitoring of the tunnel and springs during tunnel boring could facilitate the feedback process

    State and Local Legislation: More Hurdles for Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) Integration?

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    Congressional mandate for the integration of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in the National Airspace System (NAS) to take place by 2015, significant interest in UAS investment, operations, and research has taken place Complex array of requirements and restrictions have been placed on UAS stakeholders by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Limited Congressional legislative guidanc

    The Role of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in Disaster Response and Recovery Efforts: Historical, Current and Future

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    A wide range of legislation has been proposed or put into place that restricts the use of unmanned systems. These actions by legislators and regulators will stifle the growth of this technology and the associated surrounding industry. The largest obstacle to the proliferation of UAS in the U.S. is the FAA. The FAA has designated the location of six test sites that are anticipated to allow for less restrictive and formative research to assess the technologies that the FAA has claimed need to exist in order to integrate UAS into the NAS. Further complicating the adoption of UAS for beneficent causes is the plethora of local and state legislation and regulation. Whilst many state restrictions do have built-in caveats to potentially allow for disaster support utilizing UAS, not all are so explicit. All of these actions make the adoption ofUAS in disaster areas more complex and may sway associated agencies away from purchasing UAS for these uses in the future. This research outlines historical uses of UAS to provide basis for the adoption in disaster relief. Examples of past use of unmanned systems in exigent event response are provided including post-hurricane rescue, wild fire monitoring, and landslide disaster relief. An example of missed opportunities with UAS, the Boston Marathon bombing is also outlined. Current UAS usage in first response is explained including types of platforms and sensors that show promise in such operations. Future considerations for UAS adoption in disaster efforts are outlined

    Vorticity moments in four numerical simulations of the 3D Navier–Stokes equations

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    The issue of intermittency in numerical solutions of the 3D Navier–Stokes equations on a periodic box [0,L]3 is addressed through four sets of numerical simulations that calculate a new set of variables defined by Dm(t)=(ϖ−10Ωm)αm for 1≤m≤∞ where αm=2m/(4m−3) and [Ωm(t)]2m=L−3∫V|ω|2mdV with ϖ0=νL−2. All four simulations unexpectedly show that the Dm are ordered for m=1,…,9 such that Dm+1<Dm. Moreover, the Dm squeeze together such that Dm+1/Dm↗1 as m increases. The values of D1 lie far above the values of the rest of the Dm, giving rise to a suggestion that a depletion of nonlinearity is occurring which could be the cause of Navier–Stokes regularity. The first simulation is of very anisotropic decaying turbulence; the second and third are of decaying isotropic turbulence from random initial conditions and forced isotropic turbulence at fixed Grashof number respectively; the fourth is of very-high-Reynolds-number forced, stationary, isotropic turbulence at up to resolutions of 40963

    Kinematic Effects in Large Transport Aircraft

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    The control of an aircraft relies on sensory feedback. It follows that any aspect that could create a situation where that feedback is faulty can lead to unintended outcomes. The size of very large jet aircraft can result in kinematic effects that impact the perceptions of the flight crew. Due to the large amount of inertia involved, coupled with aerodynamic factors, when the aircraft pitch (θ) is initially changed, the short term actual motion of the aircraft, as viewed from the center of gravity, remains relatively unchanged. As a consequence of aircraft design, this results in the flight deck changing relative height as a consequence of the vertical rotation while the flight path stays relatively constant. Near to the ground (when external visual cues of height are most needed), a pilot may incorrectly believe that the aircraft flight path has changed when it has not. Furthermore, in large aircraft the eye-height of the pilot when landing is quite high, and thus increases the probability that the pilot will not be aware of relatively small changes in actual aircraft height. The aircraft pitch changes and large height off the ground can result in the pilot becoming unaware of the aircraft height during landing with serious consequences. Once recognized, all of these factors can be mitigated through training and visual aids. Further research should be conducted and pilots should be trained to recognize and mitigate the kinematic issues pertinent to large transport aircraft