360 research outputs found

    Perception, understanding and initiatives with regard to sustainable development: A profile of Québec tourism organizations

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    The concept of sustainable development is not new. However, its application in the field of tourism in Québec needs to be clarified. This way, this study is aimed at drawing the profile of Québec tourist organizations, at comparing the initiatives developed according to various perspectives (environmental, social and economic) and finally, to verify the coherence between the level of importance these organizations give to the concepts of sustainable development and the application of these within their environment. Generally, we can assert that a majority of initiatives connected to sustainable development of tourism are applied by tourist companies and organizations. It is thus possible to notice a growing desire on behalf of the organizations to get involved, through their initiatives and actions, for the sustainable development of the industry. However, the environmental and economic dimensions of these initiatives turn out to be the most recommended without knowing the socio-cultural dimension to which they are connected. As a matter of fact, Québec tourist organizations understand the importance of their actions without forgetting that a precision of the evolution of sustainable tourism over time would reveal the impact of the international symposium on the sustainable development with the tourist organizations

    Variation inter-individuelle de la distance de fuite et ses conséquences sur la distribution des girafes du Niger (Giraffa camelopardalis peralta)

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    À une période où les contacts entre humains et animaux sauvages augmentent régulièrement, il est nécessaire de comprendre les conséquences de ces interactions sur l'écologie des populations animales, que ce soit à court ou à long terme. Les perturbations sont de nature diverse et leurs impacts le sont tout autant. La variation dans la réponse des individus peut avoir des répercussions sur leur distribution, leur utilisation de l'habitat, leur reproduction et ultimement leur survie. Cette variation peut être causée par des facteurs environnementaux, mais également par des traits intrinsèques aux individus (ex.: qui démontrent des différences constantes à travers le temps entre les individus (indices de tempérament)). Quelques études récentes laissent supposer que certains traits de comportement en relation avec la tolérance des animaux humains pourraient expliquer une distribution spatiale non aléatoire des individus dans un habitat présentant une variation des perturbations anthropiques. Dans le but de vérifier cette hypothèse, nous avons utilisé la distance de fuite (FID), qui est utilisée en biologie de la conservation pour évaluer l'impact de la présence humaine sur les populations d'animaux sauvages. Nous avons évalué si les individus montraient des différences constantes de FID à travers le temps, à l'aide de mesures répétées en 2006 (160 observations sur 88 individus) et 2008 (84 observations sur 65 individus), dans la dernière population de girafes de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (Giraffa camelopardalis peralta) localisée au Niger. La distance de fuite variait selon le sexe, l'âge et la distance d'alerte des individus. De plus, les individus montraient des différences de FID permanentes, la répétabilité étant supérieure à l'intérieur de la même année (r = 0.45 en 2006, r = 0.43 en 2008) que lorsque les données étaient rassemblées sur les deux années (r = 0.22). Nous avons ensuite utilisé la distance de fuite moyenne pour chaque individu (FIDm) comme indice de tempérament (de peur) pour expliquer la distribution des girafes en relation avec la présence humaine. Nous avons utilisé les coordonnées GPS (en incluant les données de recensement des années 2007, 2008 et 2009) pour mesurer les distances entre la localisation des groupes de girafes et 1) la route la plus proche (incluant la route goudronnée principale et les routes secondaires faites de latérites), 2) la route goudronnée principale, 3) le village le plus proche. Ces distances sont utilisées ici comme des indices du niveau de perturbation par les humains. La distance de fuite moyenne individuelle (FIDm) de l'année 2006, était positivement associée à ces trois distances chez les femelles. D'autres facteurs comme la présence de jeunes dans le groupe et la taille du groupe semblent également affecter leur distribution. Nos résultats supportent l'hypothèse selon laquelle les individus ayant une plus ou moins forte tolérance aux humains diffèrent dans leur probabilité d'être observés près de zones à forte affluence humaine. Ces résultats pourraient avoir des implications importantes tant pour l'écologie que la conservation des populations animales, spécialement dans un contexte où les perturbations anthropiques mondiales sont en croissance.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Giraffa camelopardalis peralta, distance de fuite, constance, variation inter-individuelle, distribution, perturbation, présence humaine

    Perception, understanding and initiatives with regard to sustainable development: A profile of Québec tourism organizations

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    The concept of sustainable development is not new. However, its application in the field of tourism in Québec needs to be clarified. This way, this study is aimed at drawing the profile of Québec tourist organizations, at comparing the initiatives developed according to various perspectives (environmental, social and economic) and finally, to verify the coherence between the level of importance these organizations give to the concepts of sustainable development and the application of these within their environment. Generally, we can assert that a majority of initiatives connected to sustainable development of tourism are applied by tourist companies and organizations. It is thus possible to notice a growing desire on behalf of the organizations to get involved, through their initiatives and actions, for the sustainable development of the industry. However, the environmental and economic dimensions of these initiatives turn out to be the most recommended without knowing the socio-cultural dimension to which they are connected. As a matter of fact, Québec tourist organizations understand the importance of their actions without forgetting that a precision of the evolution of sustainable tourism over time would reveal the impact of the international symposium on the sustainable development with the tourist organizations

    Effects of growth conditions on biofilm formation by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae

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    Biofilm formation is an important virulence trait of many bacterial pathogens. It has been reported in the literature that only two of the reference strains of the swine pathogen Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, representing serotypes 5b and 11, were able to form biofilm in vitro. In this study, we compared biofilm formation by the serotype 1 reference strain S4074 of A. pleuropneumoniae grown in five different culture media. We observed that strain S4074 of A. pleuropneumoniae is able to form biofilms after growth in one of the culture conditions tested brain heart infusion (BHI medium, supplier B). Confocal laser scanning microscopy using a fluorescent probe specific to the poly-N-acetylglucosamine (PGA) polysaccharide further confirmed biofilm formation. In accordance, biofilm formation was susceptible to dispersin B, a PGA hydrolase. Transcriptional profiles of A. pleuropneumoniae S4074 following growth in BHI-B, which allowed a robust biofilm formation, and in BHI-A, in which only a slight biofilm formation was observed, were compared. Genes such as tadC, tadD, genes with homology to autotransporter adhesins as well as genes pgaABC involved in PGA biosynthesis and genes involved in zinc transport were up-regulated after growth in BHI-B. Interestingly, biofilm formation was inhibited by zinc, which was found to be more present in BHI-A (no or slight biofilm) than in BHI-B. We also observed biofilm formation in reference strains representing serotypes 3, 4, 5a, 12 and 14 as well as in 20 of the 37 fresh field isolates tested. Our data indicate that A. pleuropneumoniae has the ability to form biofilms under appropriate growth conditions and transition from a biofilm-positive to a biofilm-negative phenotype was reversible

    Another Chapter in the History of the European Invasion by the Western Conifer Seed Bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis: The Iberian Peninsula

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    The Western conifer seed bug, Leptoglossus occidentalis, is native to North America and has already been considered a significant pest in several European countries since its first observation in Italy in 1999. In Spain and Portugal, it was recorded for the first time in 2003 and 2010, respectively, and its impact on Stone Pine (Pinus pinea) is of major concern. Before developing control measures for this insect pest, it is paramount to clarify its spatiotemporal dynamics of invasion. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to (a) characterise the genetic structure and diversity and (b) invasion pathways of L. occidentalis populations in the Iberian Peninsula. To do so, specimens of L. occidentalis were collected at fourteen sites widely distributed within the Iberian Peninsula. We used mtDNA sequences of Cytochrome b and eleven microsatellite markers to characterise the genetic diversity and the population structure in the Iberian Peninsula. Our genetic results combined with the observational dates strongly support a stratified expansion of L. occidentalis invasion in the Iberian Peninsula proceeding from multiple introductions, including at least one in Barcelona, one in Valencia, and one in the west coast or in the Southeastern region.Ana Farinha received support from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia I.P. (FCT-MCES) through a PhD scholarship (PD/BD/52403/2013). Manuela Branco is supported by the Forest Research Centre (CEF) (UIDB/00239/2020) and the Laboratory for Sustainable Land Use and Ecosystem Services—TERRA (LA/P/0092/2020) funded by FCT, Portugal. European Project H2020 “Adaptive breeding for productive, sustainable and resilient forests under climate change” (B4EST; grant agreement No. 773383). Cost action FP1203: European Non-Wood Forest Products Network (NWFPs), European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)

    Join forces or cheat: evolutionary analysis of a consumer-resource system

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    International audienceIn this contribution we consider a seasonal consumer-resource system and focus on the evolution of consumer behavior. It is assumed that consumer and resource individuals live and interact during seasons of fixed lengths separated by winter periods. All individuals die at the end of the season and the size of the next generation is determined by the the consumer-resource interaction which took place during the season. Resource individuals are assumed to reproduce at a constant rate, while consumers have to trade-off between foraging for resources, which increases their reproductive abilities, or reproducing. Firstly, we assume that consumers cooperate in such a way that they maximize each consumer's individual fitness. Secondly, we consider the case where such a population is challenged by selfish mutants who do not cooperate. Finally we study the system dynamics over many seasons and show that mutants eventually replace the original cooperating population, but are finally as vulnerable as the initial cooperating consumers