9 research outputs found

    El proyecto fin de grado: emprendiduria's opportunity

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    En este artículo se pone de manifiesto la oportunidad de convertir los proyectos fin de grado en una iniciación a la investigación y un proyecto de emprendiduría. El siguiente estudio tiene como objeto el diseño de un alojamiento temporal para emergencias, ya sea por catástrofes naturales o por conflictos bélicos, realizado con un material novedoso en el mercado. Se diseña un prototipo que posee las características esenciales que se demandan para este tipo de situaciones. Que se construya de manera rápida para alojar al mayor número de personas lo antes posible, que sea barato para permitir la compra por los gobiernos, que permita la reutilización y no se generen residuos, es decir que se puede reciclar el material una vez finalizado el problema o adaptar para ser vivienda habitual. Posteriormente se desarrolla el alojamiento en profundidad junto con el mobiliario para que pueda ser habitado por parejas, jóvenes, personas que cambian de residencia por temas laborales de manera frecuente, personas con pocos recursos económicos o que quieran disfrutar de una vivienda por un precio asequible y menor que las viviendas tradicionales.This article expresses the opportunity in turning final projects into the beginnings of an investigation and entrepreneurial project.The objective of the following study is the design of temporary accommodations for emergencies, be it because of natural causes or war, built with innovative materials in the market. A prototype that possesses these essential characteristics needed for these types of situations is designed. Constructed quickly to take in the most amounts of people in the least amount of time possible, inexpensive to allow the purchase of governments does not allow reuse and does not generate waste, in other words, the materials can be recycled once the problem has ended or adapt it to become regular housing. Afterwards, the accommodations are developed in depth along with the furnishings so it may be occupied by couples, young people or others who change residence for work-related reasons frequently, people with low income or that would like to enjoy a house for an affordable price and lower than traditional housing

    Optimización energética de un edificio terciario en clima continental. Oficinas en Madrid

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    Durante los últimos años se ha escrito mucho sobre la eficiencia energética de los edificios, pero la mayoría de los estudios se han centrado en las diferentes tipologías de viviendas y la búsqueda de soluciones en los sistemas pasivos de su envolvente térmica. Este trabajo tiene por objeto en otro amplio parque de edificios, pero de uso administrativo (oficinas), muchos de los cuales serán objetivo de rehabilitación energética en los próximos años y que precisarán reformar sus sistemas activos. Este trabajo se centra en analizar su capacidad de mejora energética actuando principalmente en sus instalaciones consumidoras de energía (instalaciones térmicas y de alumbrado) con objetivo común de reducir la producción de gases de efecto invernadero en la Tierra.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Fundamentos de la Arquitectur

    Multicentre, randomised, single-blind, parallel group trial to compare the effectiveness of a Holter for Parkinson's symptoms against other clinical monitoring methods: study protocol

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    Introduction In recent years, multiple studies have aimed to develop and validate portable technological devices capable of monitoring the motor complications of Parkinson's disease patients (Parkinson's Holter). The effectiveness of these monitoring devices for improving clinical control is not known. Methods and analysis This is a single-blind, cluster-randomised controlled clinical trial. Neurologists from Spanish health centres will be randomly assigned to one of three study arms (1:1:1): (a) therapeutic adjustment using information from a Parkinson?s Holter that will be worn by their patients for 7 days, (b) therapeutic adjustment using information from a diary of motor fluctuations that will be completed by their patients for 7 days and (c) therapeutic adjustment using clinical information collected during consultation. It is expected that 162 consecutive patients will be included over a period of 6 months. The primary outcome is the efficiency of the Parkinson?s Holter compared with traditional clinical practice in terms of Off time reduction with respect to the baseline (recorded through a diary of motor fluctuations, which will be completed by all patients). As secondary outcomes, changes in variables related to other motor complications (dyskinesia and freezing of gait), quality of life, autonomy in activities of daily living, adherence to the monitoring system and number of doctor?patient contacts will be analysed. The noninferiority of the Parkinson's Holter against the diary of motor fluctuations in terms of Off time reduction will be studied as the exploratory objective. Ethics and dissemination approval for this study has been obtained from the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge Ethics Committee. The results of this study will inform the practical utility of the objective information provided by a Parkinson's Holter and, therefore, the convenience of adopting this technology in clinical practice and in future clinical trials. We expect public dissemination of the results in 2022.Funding This work is supported by AbbVie S.L.U, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III [DTS17/00195] and the European Fund for Regional Development, 'A way to make Europe'

    Is the meiofauna a good indicator for climate change and anthropogenic impacts?

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    Our planet is changing, and one of the most pressing challenges facing the scientific community revolves around understanding how ecological communities respond to global changes. From coastal to deep-sea ecosystems, ecologists are exploring new areas of research to find model organisms that help predict the future of life on our planet. Among the different categories of organisms, meiofauna offer several advantages for the study of marine benthic ecosystems. This paper reviews the advances in the study of meiofauna with regard to climate change and anthropogenic impacts. Four taxonomic groups are valuable for predicting global changes: foraminifers (especially calcareous forms), nematodes, copepods and ostracods. Environmental variables are fundamental in the interpretation of meiofaunal patterns and multistressor experiments are more informative than single stressor ones, revealing complex ecological and biological interactions. Global change has a general negative effect on meiofauna, with important consequences on benthic food webs. However, some meiofaunal species can be favoured by the extreme conditions induced by global change, as they can exhibit remarkable physiological adaptations. This review highlights the need to incorporate studies on taxonomy, genetics and function of meiofaunal taxa into global change impact research

    Frequency and phenotypic spectrum of spinocerebellar ataxia <scp>27B</scp> and other genetic ataxias in a Spanish cohort of late‐onset cerebellar ataxia

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    Background and purpose: Dominantly inherited GAA repeat expansions in the fibroblast growth factor 14 (FGF14) gene have recently been shown to cause spinocerebellar ataxia 27B (SCA27B). We aimed to study the frequency and phenotype of SCA27B in a cohort of patients with unsolved late-onset cerebellar ataxia (LOCA). We also assessed the frequency of SCA27B relative to other genetically defined LOCAs. Methods: We recruited a consecutive series of 107 patients with LOCA, of whom 64 remained genetically undiagnosed. We creened these 64 patients for the FGF14 GAA repeat expansion. We next analysed the frequency of SCA27B relative to other genetically defined forms of LOCA in the cohort of 107 patients. Results: Eighteen of 64 patients (28%) carried an FGF14 (GAA)≥250 expansion. The median (range) age at onset was 62.5 (39–72) years. The most common clinical features included gait ataxia (100%) and mild cerebellar dysarthria (67%). In addition, episodic symptoms and downbeat nystagmus were present in 39% (7/18) and 37% (6/16) of patients, respectively. SCA27B was the most common cause of LOCA in our cohort (17%, 18/107). Among patients with genetically defined LOCA, SCA27B was the main cause of pure ataxia, RFC1-related disease of ataxia with neuropathy, and SPG7 of ataxia with spasticity. Conclusion: We showed that SCA27B is the most common cause of LOCA in our cohort. Our results support the use of FGF14 GAA repeat expansion screening as a first-tier genetic test in patients with LOCA

    Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica y Bioingeniería 2023: Libro de actas

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    Las Jornadas de Robótica y Bioingeniería de 2023 tienen lugar en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Politécnica de IVIadrid, entre los días 14 y 16 de junio de 2023. En este evento propiciado por el Comité Español de Automática (CEA) tiene lugar la celebración conjunta de las XII Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica y el XIV Simposio CEA de Bioingeniería. Las Jornadas Nacionales de Robótica es un evento promovido por el Grupo Temático de Robótica (GTRob) de CEA para dar visibilidad y mostrar las actividades desarrolladas en el ámbito de la investigación y transferencia tecnológica en robótica. Asimismo, el propósito de Simposio de Bioingeniería, que cumple ahora su decimocuarta dicción, es el de proporcionar un espacio de encuentro entre investigadores, desabolladores, personal clínico, alumnos, industriales, profesionales en general e incluso usuarios que realicen su actividad en el ámbito de la bioingeniería. Estos eventos se han celebrado de forma conjunta en la anualidad 2023. Esto ha permitido aunar y congregar un elevado número de participantes tanto de la temática robótica como de bioingeniería (investigadores, profesores, desabolladores y profesionales en general), que ha posibilitado establecer puntos de encuentro, sinergias y colaboraciones entre ambos. El programa de las jornadas aúna comunicaciones científicas de los últimos resultados de investigación obtenidos, por los grupos a nivel español más representativos dentro de la temática de robótica y bioingeniería, así como mesas redondas y conferencias en las que se debatirán los temas de mayor interés en la actualidad. En relación con las comunicaciones científicas presentadas al evento, se ha recibido un total de 46 ponencias, lo que sin duda alguna refleja el alto interés de la comunidad científica en las Jornadas de Robótica y Bioingeniería. Estos trabajos serán expuestos y presentados a lo largo de un total de 10 sesiones, distribuidas durante los diferentes días de las Jornadas. Las temáticas de los trabajos cubren los principales retos científicos relacionados con la robótica y la bioingeniería: robótica aérea, submarina, terrestre, percepción del entorno, manipulación, robótica social, robótica médica, teleoperación, procesamiento de señales biológicos, neurorehabilitación etc. Confiamos, y estamos seguros de ello, que el desarrollo de las jornadas sea completamente productivo no solo para los participantes en las Jornadas que podrán establecer nuevos lazos y relaciones fructíferas entre los diferentes grupos, sino también aquellos investigadores que no hayan podido asistir. Este documento que integra y recoge todas las comunicaciones científicas permitirá un análisis más detallado de cada una de las mismas

    Revolution: Museo de las estrellas un paseo por la fama : Hollywood

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    Convocatoria proyectos de innovación de Extremadura 2020/2021Se describe un proyecto llevado a cabo entre 13 centros educativos extremeños que consistió en desarrollar cinco unidades de trabajo gamificadas, cinco historias detectivescas con misterios por resolver, donde se ponían a prueba las habilidades de lógica, la capacidad de observación, de concentración y de atención de los alumnos. Los objetivos principales de la propuesta fueron: promover la puesta en práctica de proyectos intercentros; impulsar pedagogías activas; desarrollar la competencia digital a través del uso de las pedagogías emergentes lo que ha permitido llevar a cabo una enseñanza presencial, híbrida y virtual y atender a la diversidadExtremaduraES

    Poster session 3Cell growth, differentiation and stem cells - Heart511The role of the endocannabinoid system in modelling muscular dystrophy cardiac disease with induced pluripotent stem cells.512An emerging role of T lymphocytes in cardiac regenerative processes in heart failure due to dilated cardiomyopathy513Canonical wnt signaling reverses the ‘aged/senescent’ human endogenous cardiac stem cell phenotype514Hippo signalling modulates survival of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes515Biocompatibility of mesenchymal stem cells with a spider silk matrix and its potential use as scaffold for cardiac tissue regeneration516A snapshot of genome-wide transcription in human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived hepatocyte-like cells (iPSC-HLCs)517Can NOS/sGC/cGK1 pathway trigger the differentiation and maturation of mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs)?518Introduction of external Ik1 to human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes via Ik1-expressing HEK293519Cell therapy of the heart studied using adult myocardial slices in vitro520Enhancement of the paracrine potential of human adipose derived stem cells when cultured as spheroid bodies521Mechanosensitivity of cardiomyocyte progenitor cells: the strain response in 2D and 3D environments522The effect of the vascular-like network on the maturation of the human induced pluripotent stem cell derived cardiomyocytes.Transcriptional control and RNA species - Heart525Gene expression regulation in heart failure: from pathobiology to bioinformatics526Human transcriptome in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy - a novel high throughput screening527A high-throghput approach unveils putative miRNA-mediated mitochondria-targeted cardioprotective circuits activated by T3 in the post ischemia reperfusion setting528The effect of uraemia on the expression of miR-212/132 and the calcineurin pathway in the rat heartCytokines and cellular inflammation - Heart531Lack of growth differentiation factor 15 aggravates adverse cardiac remodeling upon pressure-overload in mice532Blocking heteromerization of platelet chemokines ccl5 and cxcl4 reduces inflammation and preserves heart function after myocardial infarction533Is there an association between low-dose aspirin use and clinical outcome in HFPEF? Implications of modulating monocyte function and inflammatory mediator release534N-terminal truncated intracellular matrix metalloproteinase-2 expression in diabetic heart.535Expression of CD39 and CD73 on peripheral T-cell subsets in calcific aortic stenosis536Mast cells in the atrial myocardium of patients with atrial fibrillation: a comparison with patients in sinus rhythm539Characteristics of the inflammatory response in patients with coronary artery disease and arterial hypertension540Pro-inflammatory cytokines as cardiovascular events predictors in rheumatoid arthritis and asymptomatic atherosclerosis541Characterization of FVB/N murinic bone marrow-derived macrophage polarization into M1 and M2 phenotypes542The biological expression and thoracic anterior pain syndromeSignal transduction - Heart545The association of heat shock protein 90 and TGFbeta receptor I is involved in collagen production during cardiac remodelling in aortic-banded mice546Loss of the inhibitory GalphaO protein in the rostral ventrolateral medulla of the brainstem leads to abnormalities in cardiovascular reflexes and altered ventricular excitablitiy547Selenoprotein P regulates pressure overload-induced cardiac remodeling548Study of adenylyl cyclase activity in erythrocyte membranes in patients with chronic heart failure549Direct thrombin inhibitors inhibit atrial myocardium hypertrophy in a rat model of heart failure and atrial remodeling550Tissue factor / FVIIa transactivates the IGF-1R by a Src-dependent phosphorylation of caveolin-1551Notch signaling is differently altered in endothelial and smooth muscle cells of ascending aortic aneurysm patients552Frizzled 5 expression is essential for endothelial proliferation and migration553Modulation of vascular function and ROS production by novel synthetic benzopyran analogues in diabetes mellitusExtracellular matrix and fibrosis - Heart556Cardiac fibroblasts as inflammatory supporter cells trigger cardiac inflammation in heart failure557A role for galectin-3 in calcific aortic valve stenosis558Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids- can they decrease risk for ventricular fibrillation?559Serum levels of elastin derived peptides and circulating elastin-antielastin immune complexes in sera of patients with coronary artery disease560Endocardial fibroelastosis is secondary to hemodynamic alterations in the chick model of hypoplastic left heart syndrome561Dynamics of serum levels of matrix metalloproteinases in primary anterior STEMI patients564Deletion of the alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor changes the vascular remodeling induced by transverse aortic constriction in mice.565Extracellular matrix remodelling in response to venous hypertension: proteomics of human varicose veinsIon channels, ion exchangers and cellular electrophysiology - Heart568Microtubule-associated protein RP/EB family member 1 modulates sodium channel trafficking and cardiac conduction569Investigation of electrophysiological abnormalities in a rabbit athlete's heart model570Upregulation of expression of multiple genes in the atrioventricular node of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat571miR-1 as a regulator of sinoatrial rhythm in endurance training adaptation572Selective sodium-calcium exchanger inhibition reduces myocardial dysfunction associated with hypokalaemia and ventricular fibrillation573Effect of racemic and levo-methadone on action potential of human ventricular cardiomyocytes574Acute temperature effects on the chick embryonic heart functionVasculogenesis, angiogenesis and arteriogenesis577Clinical improvement and enhanced collateral vessel growth after monocyte transplantation in mice578The role of HIF-1 alpha, VEGF and obstructive sleep apnoea in the development of coronary collateral circulation579Initiating cardiac repair with a trans-coronary sinus catheter intervention in an ischemia/reperfusion porcine animal model580Early adaptation of pre-existing collaterals after acute arteriolar and venular microocclusion: an in vivo study in chick chorioallantoic membraneEndothelium583EDH-type responses to the activator of potassium KCa2.3 and KCa3.1 channels SKA-31 in the small mesenteric artery from spontaneously hypertensive rats584The peculiarities of endothelial dysfunction in patients with chronic renocardial syndrome585Endothelial dysfunction, atherosclerosis of the carotid arteries and level of leptin in patient with coronary heart disease in combination with hepatic steatosis depend from body mass index.586Role of non-coding RNAs in thoracic aortic aneurysm associated with bicuspid aortic valve587Cigarette smoke extract abrogates atheroprotective effects of high laminar flow on endothelial function588The prognostic value of anti-connective tissue antibodies in coronary heart disease and asymptomatic atherosclerosis589Novel potential properties of bioactive peptides from spanish dry-cured ham on the endothelium.Lipids592Intermediate density lipoprotein is associated with monocyte subset distribution in patients with stable atherosclerosis593The characteristics of dyslipidemia in rheumatoid arthritisAtherosclerosis596Macrophages differentiated in vitro are heterogeneous: morphological and functional profile in patients with coronary artery disease597Palmitoylethanolamide promotes anti-inflammatory phenotype of macrophages and attenuates plaque formation in ApoE-/- mice598Amiodarone versus esmolol in the perioperative period: an in vitro study of coronary artery bypass grafts599BMPRII signaling of fibrocytes, a mesenchymal progenitor cell population, is increased in STEMI and dyslipidemia600The characteristics of atherogenesis and systemic inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis601Role of adenosine-to-inosine RNA editing in human atherosclerosis602Presence of bacterial DNA in thrombus aspirates of patients with myocardial infarction603Novel E-selectin binding polymers reduce atherosclerotic lesions in ApoE(-/-) mice604Differential expression of the plasminogen receptor Plg-RKT in monocyte and macrophage subsets - possible functional consequences in atherogenesis605Apelin-13 treatment enhances the stability of atherosclerotic plaques606Mast cells are increased in the media of coronary lesions in patients with myocardial infarction and favor atherosclerotic plaque instability607Association of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio with presence of isolated coronary artery ectasiaCalcium fluxes and excitation-contraction coupling610The coxsackie- and adenovirus receptor (CAR) regulates calcium homeostasis in the developing heart611HMW-AGEs application acutely reduces ICaL in adult cardiomyocytes612Measuring electrical conductibility of cardiac T-tubular systems613Postnatal development of cardiac excitation-contraction coupling in rats614Role of altered Ca2+ homeostasis during adverse cardiac remodeling after ischemia/reperfusion615Experimental study of sarcoplasmic reticulum dysfunction and energetic metabolism in failing myocardium associated with diabetes mellitusHibernation, stunning and preconditioning618Volatile anesthetic preconditioning attenuates ischemic-reperfusion injury in type II diabetic patients undergoing on-pump heart surgery619The effect of early and delayed phase of remote ischemic preconditioning on ischemia-reperfusion injury in the isolated hearts of healthy and diabetic rats620Post-conditioning with 1668-thioate leads to attenuation of the inflammatory response and remodeling with less fibrosis and better left ventricular function in a murine model of myocardial infarction621Maturation-related changes in response to ischemia-reperfusion injury and in effects of classical ischemic preconditioning and remote preconditioningMitochondria and energetics624Phase changes in myocardial mitochondrial respiration caused by hypoxic preconditioning or periodic hypoxic training625Desmin mutations depress mitochondrial metabolism626Methylene blue modulates mitochondrial function and monoamine oxidases-related ROS production in diabetic rat hearts627Doxorubicin modulates the real-time oxygen consumption rate of freshly isolated adult rat and human ventricular cardiomyocytesCardiomyopathies and fibrosis630Effects of genetic or pharmacologic inhibition of the ubiquitin/proteasome system on myocardial proteostasis and cardiac function631Suppression of Wnt signalling in a desmoglein-2 transgenic mouse model for arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy632Cold-induced cardiac hypertrophy is reversed after thermo-neutral deacclimatization633CD45 is a sensitive marker to diagnose lymphocytic myocarditis in endomyocardial biopsies of living patients and in autopsies634Atrial epicardial adipose tissue derives from epicardial progenitors635Caloric restriction ameliorates cardiac function, sympathetic cardiac innervation and beta-adrenergic receptor signaling in an experimental model of post-ischemic heart failure636High fat diet improves cardiac remodelling and function after extensive myocardial infarction in mice637Epigenetic therapy reduces cardiac hypertrophy in murine models of heart failure638Imbalance of the VHL/HIF signaling in WT1+ Epicardial Progenitors results in coronary vascular defects, fibrosis and cardiac hypertrophy639Diastolic dysfunction is the first stage of the developing heart failure640Colchicine aggravates coxsackievirus B3 infection in miceArterial and pulmonary hypertension642Osteopontin as a marker of pulmonary hypertension in patients with coronary heart disease combined with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease643Myocardial dynamic stiffness is increased in experimental pulmonary hypertension partly due to incomplete relaxation644Hypotensive effect of quercetin is possibly mediated by down-regulation of immunotroteasome subunits in aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats645Urocortin-2 improves right ventricular function and attenuates experimental pulmonary arterial hypertension646A preclinical evaluation of the anti-hypertensive properties of an aqueous extract of Agathosma (Buchu)Biomarkers648The adiponectin level in hypertensive females with rheumatoid arthritis and its relationship with subclinical atherosclerosis649Markers for identification of renal dysfunction in the patients with chronic heart failure650cardio-hepatic syndromes in chronic heart failure: North Africa profile651To study other biomarkers that assess during myocardial infarction652Interconnections of apelin levels with parameters of lipid metabolism in hypertension patients653Plasma proteomics in hypertension: prediction and follow-up of albuminuria during chronic renin-angiotensin system suppression654Soluble RAGE levels in plasma of patients with cerebrovascular events

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