138 research outputs found

    Limits of Zeros of Orthogonal Polynomials on the Circle

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    We prove that there is a universal measure on the unit circle such that any probability measure on the unit disk is the limit distribution of some subsequence of the corresponding orthogonal polynomials. This follows from an extension of a result of Alfaro and Vigil (which answered a question of Tur\'an): namely, for n<Nn<N, one can freely prescribe the nn-th polynomial and N−nN-n zeros of the NN-th one. We shall also describe all possible limit sets of zeros within the unit disk

    A note on rational Lp approximation on Jordan curves

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    The rise of social media represents a new challenge to the traditional media industry. Some traditional media companies either shy away on the idea of utilizing social media to enhance their services, but many others actually embrace this as an opportunity to reposition themselves within the industry. This study tries to figure out the extent of the proliferation of social media by the traditional players. The research approach focused on case study methodology through quantitative and qualitative methods. Record analysis of social media utilization by the traditional media companies represented the quantitative method. As many as 483 media companies from radio, television and printed media companies were sampled, they are companies under twelve national media conglomerates and one largest independent media group in Indonesia. Availability and a few simple statistics of web sites and three most popular social media platforms were recorded. The interviews with three different media companies and observations represented the qualitative method. The purpose is to understand the background motives of the social media utilization. The study reveals that utilization of web sites and social media platforms by the traditional media companies is quite extensive. The result revealed that 72% media companies have a web site, and more than 90% have Facebook accounts. Twitter, while not as popular as Facebook, still has as much as 73.6% of sampled media companies joining the platform. YouTube is the lowest of the three platforms with 27.3%. Apart from the high adoption rate, the traditional media companies also actively participate in the conversation, especially for Facebook and Twitter. The interviews showed that the extent of digitalization is quite extensive. The three media have their own digital strategy, which involved integration with their traditional platforms, customer engagement and monetization. The utilization of web and social media platforms Indonesia in general, and by the traditional media were caused by some factors such as media democratization, rising number of middle class, good economic growth, and high mobile penetration among others.Uppkomsten av sociala medier representerar en ny utmaning för den traditionella medieindustrin. En del traditionella medieföretag har undvikit att anvÀnda sig av sociala medier för sina tjÀnster, medan andra företag har omfamnat de sociala medierna och anvÀnder sig av dem för att om möjligt ompositionera sig inom industrin. Denna studie försöker utforska spridningen av sociala medier inom traditionell media i Indonesien. Studien Àr genomförd som en fallstudie med anvÀndning av bÄde kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. En analys baserad pÄ anvÀndningen av sociala medier av traditionella medieföretag representerar den kvantitativa metoden. SÄ mÄnga som 483 medier frÄn radio, tv och tryckta medier Àr med i urvalet. De 483 medieföretagen i urvalet Àr alla antingen under ett av de tolv nationella mediekonglomeraten eller under den största oberoende mediekoncernen i Indonesien. TillgÀnglighet och enkel statistik över anvÀndandet av webbplatser eller hemsidor, samt anvÀndandet av de tre mest populÀra sociala medierna (Twitter, Facebook och Youtube), har registrerats. Intervjuer med tre olika medieföretag samt observationer representerar den kvalitativa metoden. Syftet med studien Àr att förstÄ bakgrundsmotiven till den sociala medieanvÀndningen i Indonesien. Undersökningen visar att anvÀndningen av webbplatser och sociala medier av de traditionella medieföretagen Àr ganska omfattande. Resultaten visade att 72 % av medieföretagen har en egen hemsida, och mer Àn 90 % av företagen har Facebook-konton. Twitter, vilket visade sig vara mindre populÀrt Àn Facebook, visade sig fortfarande anvÀndas av sÄ mycket som 73,6 % av företagen i urvalet. YouTube Àr det minst populÀra mediet av de tre med ett genomslag pÄ 27,3 %. Resultaten visade inte bara pÄ en ovanligt hög anvÀndningsfrekvens, utan de visade Àven pÄ att företagen aktivt deltar i samtal med kunderna, sÀrskilt via Facebook och Twitter. Intervjuerna visade att digitaliseringsgraden Àr ganska omfattande. De tre medieföretagen har sina egna digitala strategier, som innebÀr en integration med sina traditionella plattformar, kundengagemang och intÀkter. AnvÀndningen av webbplatser och sociala medier av de traditionella medierna i Indonesien har orsakats av vissa faktorer; bland annat av en stor mediedemokratisering, ett stort antal personer i den indonesiska medelklassen, en god ekonomisk tillvÀxt samt av en hög mobilpenetration.

    The mean value property

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    Universality Under SzegƑ's Condition

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    Universality Under SzegƑ's Condition

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    To achieve a high living standard for all people on Earth access to low cost energy is essential. The massive burning of fossil fuels must be drastically reduced if we are to avoid large changes of our climate. Solar cells are both technologically mature and have the potential to meet the huge demand for renewable energy in many countries. The prices for silicon solar cells have decreased rapidly during the course of this thesis and are now in grid parity in many countries. However, the potential for even lower energy costs has driven the research on polymer solar cells, a class of thin film solar cells. Polymer solar cells can be produced by roll to roll printing which potentially enables truly low cost solar cells. However, much research and development remain to reach that target. Polymer solar cells consist of a semiconducting composite material sandwiched between two electrodes, of which one is transparent, to let the light energy in to the semiconductor where it is converted to electric energy. The semiconductor comprise an intimate blend of polymer and fullerenes, where the nanostructure of this blend is crucial for the photo current extraction. To reach higher solar cell performance the dominating strategy is development and fine tuning of new polymers. To estimate their potential as solar cell materials their optical response have been determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry. Furthermore, optical simulations have been performed where the direction dependency of the optical response of the transparent electrode material PEDOT:PSS have been accounted for. The simulations show reduced electrode losses for light incident at large oblique angles. Moreover, we have shown that a gentle annealing of the active layer induces a local conformational changes of an amorphous polymer that is beneficial for solar cell performance. The active layer is deposited from solution where the drying kinetics determine the final nanostructure. We have shown that using in-situ photoluminescence phase separation can be detected during the drying process while a reflectance method have been developed to image lateral variations of solvent evaporation rate. Imaging methods are important tools to detect performance variations over the solar cell area. For this purpose an intermodulation based photo current imaging method have been developed to qualitatively differentiate the major photo current loss mechanisms. In addition, a 1D LED-array photo current imaging method have been developed and verified for high speed in-line characterization of printed organic solar modules.The corrections in the published errata list are implemented in the electronic version.</p

    Regular behavior of orthogonal polynomials and its localization

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    AbstractA simple proof is given for a localization theorem of H. Stahl

    Approximation in L1 by Kantorovich polynomials

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