55 research outputs found

    Cohesión, adaptabilidad y composición familiar en adolescentes del Callao, Perú

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    The objective of the study was to analyze if there are significant differences between family cohesion and adaptability according to the type of family composition (nuclear, extensive, single parent and anuclear). This is an experimental, non-experimental, empirical research in which a non-probabilistic and cross-sectional selective associative strategy was employed; 428 male and female teenagers, aged 14 to 18, were evaluated at a national school in Callao. The scale of evaluation of cohesion and family adaptability of D. Olson (FACES III) and an ad hoc questionnaire to evaluate family composition were used. The results show significant differences between adolescents belonging to nuclear and anuclear families. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.El objetivo del estudio consistió en analizar si existen diferencias significativas entre la cohesión y adaptabilidad familiar según el tipo de composición familiar (nuclear, extensa, monoparental y anuclear). Esta es una investigación no experimental, de tipo empírica, en la que se empleó una estrategia asociativa selectiva no probabilística y transversal; se evaluó a 428 adolescentes varones y mujeres, entre 14 a 18 años, estudiantes en un colegio nacional del Callao. Se utilizó la escala de evaluación de la cohesión y la adaptabilidad familiar de Olson (FACES III) y un cuestionario ad hoc para evaluar la composición familiar. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre los adolescentes pertenecientes a familias nucleares y anucleares. Se discuten implicaciones teóricas y prácticas

    Cohesión, adaptabilidad y composición familiar en adolescentes del Callao, Perú

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    The objective of the study was to analyze if there are significant differences between family cohesion and adaptability according to the type of family composition (nuclear, extensive, single parent and anuclear). This is an experimental, non-experimental, empirical research in which a non-probabilistic and cross-sectional selective associative strategy was employed; 428 male and female teenagers, aged 14 to 18, were evaluated at a national school in Callao. The scale of evaluation of cohesion and family adaptability of D. Olson (FACES III) and an ad hoc questionnaire to evaluate family composition were used. The results show significant differences between adolescents belonging to nuclear and anuclear families. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.El objetivo del estudio consistió en analizar si existen diferencias significativas entre la cohesión y adaptabilidad familiar según el tipo de composición familiar (nuclear, extensa, monoparental y anuclear). Esta es una investigación no experimental, de tipo empírica, en la que se empleó una estrategia asociativa selectiva no probabilística y transversal; se evaluó a 428 adolescentes varones y mujeres, entre 14 a 18 años, estudiantes en un colegio nacional del Callao. Se utilizó la escala de evaluación de la cohesión y la adaptabilidad familiar de Olson (FACES III) y un cuestionario ad hoc para evaluar la composición familiar. Los resultados muestran diferencias significativas entre los adolescentes pertenecientes a familias nucleares y anucleares. Se discuten implicaciones teóricas y prácticas

    Adaptación psicométrica de la escala de satisfacción familiar en estudiantes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana

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    Publicación a texto completo no autorizada por el autorAdapta psicométricamente la Escala de Satisfacción Familiar (FSS) en una muestra de 607 estudiantes de una universidad privada en Lima Metropolitana, cuyas edades oscilan entre 16 a 28 años (M = 19.8, DE=3.1). Se realiza la adaptación lingüística, encontrando equivalencia, el desarrollo de evidencias de validez basadas en el contenido ajaron niveles óptimos (V = .93 a V =1.00). El impacto de este estudio en la práctica clínica consiste en que se contará con un instrumento breve de evaluación sobre la satisfacción familiar, en la práctica educativa se podrá usar como indicador de tamizaje de problemas familiares, evaluación de talleres, etc.Tesi

    Fear of sharing the data?: The need for a more open science

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    Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the services provided by the Peruvian health system: an analysis of people with chronic diseases

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    During the pandemic, many individuals with chronic or infectious diseases other than COVID-19 were unable to receive the care they needed due to the high demand for respiratory care. Our study aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on services provided to people with chronic diseases in Peru from 2016 to 2022. We performed a secondary database analysis of data registered by the comprehensive health insurance (SIS), the intangible solidarity health fund (FISSAL), and private healthcare institutions (EPS), using interrupted time series analysis. Our study identified 21,281,128 individual users who received care. The pooled analysis revealed an average decrease of 1,782,446 in the number of users receiving care in the first month of the pandemic compared with the expected values for that month based on pre-pandemic measurements. In addition, during the pandemic months, there was an average increase of 57,911 in the number of new additional single users who received care per month compared with the previous month. According to the time-series analysis of users receiving care per month based on each chronic disease group, the most significant decreases included people with diabetes without complications and chronic lung disease

    Rasgos psicopáticos y su asociación con depresión, ansiedad y factores sociodemográficos en estudiantes de medicina peruanos

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    Introduction: Psychopathic traits harm the professional development and interpersonal relations of the general population, including healthcare professionals. This can be seen not only in already licensed physicians, but it may also be evidenced since their formative years as medical students. Objective: To evaluate the presence of psychopathic traits in a sample of Peruvian medical students and determining whether there is an association between sociodemographic and mental health (depression and anxiety) characteristics on the levels of psychopathic traits. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on 497 students of a Peruvian medical school. Through online questionnaires, the following instruments were self-administered: Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP), Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9), and Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7). Results: 19.7% of the participants were in the psychopathic group. The variables associated with a higher frequency of belonging to the psychopathic group were male sex (aPR = 2.10, 95% CI: 1.58-2.79, p < 0.05), having clinically relevant depressive (aPR = 2.05, 95% CI: 1.41-2.96, p < 0.05) and anxious symptoms (aPR = 1.46, 95% CI: 1.01-2.09, p < 0.05). Conclusions: Medical students of the sample studied show a high prevalence of psychopathy traits. The variables associated with a higher frequency of belonging to the psychopathic group were male sex, having clinically relevant depressive symptoms, and anxiety symptoms. More involvement on behalf of the medical school is necessary as to the identification of the psychopathic traits in medical students.Introducción: Los rasgos psicopáticos perjudican el desarrollo profesional y las relaciones interpersonales de la población general, incluidos los profesionales de la salud. Esto se puede ver no solo en médicos ya graduados, sino que también se puede evidenciar desde sus años formativos como estudiantes de medicina. Objetivo: Evaluar la presencia de rasgos psicopáticos en una muestra de estudiantes de medicina peruanos y determinar si existe asociación entre características sociodemográficas y de salud mental (depresión y ansiedad) sobre los niveles de rasgos psicopáticos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal en 497 estudiantes de una facultad de medicina peruana. A través de cuestionarios en línea, se autoadministraron los siguientes instrumentos: Escala de Psicopatía de Autoinforme de Levenson (LSRP), Cuestionario de Salud del Paciente-9 (PHQ-9) y Trastorno de Ansiedad Generalizada-7 (GAD-7). Resultados: El 19,7% de los participantes pertenecían al grupo de rasgos psicopáticos. Las variables asociadas a una mayor frecuencia de pertenecer al grupo psicopático fueron el sexo masculino (RPa = 2,10, IC 95%: 1,58-2,79, p < 0,05), tener síntomas depresivos (RPa = 2,05, IC 95%: 1,41-2,96, p < 0,05) y ansiosos (RPa = 1,46, IC 95%: 1,01-2,09, p < 0,05) clínicamente relevantes. Conclusiones: Los estudiantes de medicina de la muestra estudiada presentan una alta prevalencia de rasgos psicopáticos. Las variables asociadas a una mayor frecuencia de pertenecer al grupo psicopático fueron el sexo masculino, tener síntomas depresivos y ansiosos clínicamente relevantes. Es necesaria una mayor participación por parte de las facultades de medicina en cuanto a la identificación de los rasgos psicopáticos en sus estudiantes

    When COVID-19 strikes mental health: a measurement analysis of reassurance seeking behavior scale in Peruvian population

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    BackgroundThe long-lasting impact of the COVID-19 pandemic cannot be overstated. To combat its dire consequences, some screening measures have been hastily developed and require robust verification to explore their adequacy across different groups. The present research study aimed to analyze measurement invariance by sociodemographic characteristics of the Coronavirus Reassurance Seeking Behavior Scale (CRSB) in Peruvian adults.MethodsA total of 661 participants completed The Coronavirus Reassurance Seeking Behavior Scale (CRSB), the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS), and sociodemographic information a subgroup filled in the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9). Reliability and measurement invariance across sociodemographic characteristics were analyzed. Likewise, associations with depression and dysfunctional coronavirus anxiety were examined.ResultsResults showed that the single factor structure of the CRSB with correlated errors fitted the data adequately and the instrument was invariant across gender, age, and loss of a significant relative to COVID-19. In addition, significant associations with depressive symptoms and dysfunctional anxiety were found.ConclusionThe findings of the present study suggest that the Coronavirus Reassurance Seeking Behaviors Scale is invariant across different sociodemographic characteristics

    Secuelas post-COVID en salud mental: una revisión narrativa

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    Background: The emergence of COVID-19 and its evolution to the global pandemic brought negative consequences holistically in people, which includes the affectation of mental health with a prevalence of anxious and depressive symptomatology. Objective: Our study performs a narrative review of published studies on post-covid sequelae in mental health. We performed a narrative review of published studies on post-coital sequelae in mental health. Method: A narrative review was performed using PubMed Literature Search (January 01, 2020, to May 15, 2021). A review by title and abstract, and full text, was performed to include articles in the study. Results and discussion: A total of 12 studies were entered into our review. The studies reported that around 50% of the patients infected by Covid-19 presented mental sequelae, with the first place being occupied by anxiety, with phobic anxiety being a type of anxiety described in several participants; in second place was depression, and in a certain percentage a combined prevalence of these two pathologies was found. In addition, loneliness and hopelessness were identified as risk factors in mental health effects, which holistically affects people who are still in the process of recovery, interfering with their daily activities. Conclusions: We found a high tendency of patients with anxiety and depression post-COVID-19, and a combination of both in a large number of cases. Our study allows us to identify possible gaps in knowledge that require further research since the literature is still limited in the area of post-COVID sequelae studies in mental health.Introducción: La aparición del COVID-19 y su evolución hasta pandemia mundial trajo consigo consecuencias negativas de forma holística en las personas, que incluye la afectación de la salud mental con una prevalencia de sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva. Objetivo: Nuestro estudio realiza una revisión narrativa de los estudios publicados sobre secuelas post-COVID en salud mental. Método: Se realizó una revisión narrativa utilizando la Búsqueda de literatura en PubMed (01 de enero del 2020 a 15 de mayo del 2021). Se realizó una revisión por título y resumen, y a texto completo, para incluir los artículos al estudio. Resultados y discusión: Un total de 12 estudio ingresaron a nuestra revisión. Los estudios reportaron que alrededor del 50% de los pacientes infectados por la Covid-19 presentaron secuelas mentales, ocupando el primer lugar, la ansiedad, siendo la fóbica un tipo de ansiedad descrita en varios participantes, en segundo lugar, se ubica la depresión y en cierto porcentaje se encontró una prevalencia combinada de estas dos patologías. Además, como factores de riesgo se identificaron la soledad y la desesperanza en los efectos en salud mental, lo cual afecta de manera holística a las personas que están aún en proceso de recuperación, interfiriendo con sus actividades diarias. Conclusiones: Se encontró una alta tendencia de pacientes con ansiedad y depresión post COVID-19, y una combinación de ambos en una gran cantidad de casos. Nuestro estudio permite identificar posibles brechas en el conocimiento que requieren mayor investigación, ya que la literatura aún es limitada en el área de estudios de secuelas post-COVID en salud mental

    Secuelas post-COVID en salud mental: una revisión narrativa

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    Introducción: La aparición del COVID-19 y su evolución hasta pandemia mundial trajo consigo consecuencias negativas de forma holística en las personas, que incluye la afectación de la salud mental con una prevalencia de sintomatología ansiosa y depresiva. Objetivo: Nuestro estudio realiza una revisión narrativa de los estudios publicados sobre secuelas post-COVID en salud mental. Método: Se realizó una revisión narrativa utilizando la Búsqueda de literatura en PubMed (01 de enero del 2020 a 15 de mayo del 2021). Se realizó una revisión por título y resumen, y a texto completo, para incluir los artículos al estudio. Resultados y discusión: Un total de 12 estudio ingresaron a nuestra revisión. Los estudios reportaron que alrededor del 50% de los pacientes infectados por la Covid-19 presentaron secuelas mentales, ocupando el primer lugar, la ansiedad, siendo la fóbica un tipo de ansiedad descrita en varios participantes, en segundo lugar, se ubica la depresión y en cierto porcentaje se encontró una prevalencia combinada de estas dos patologías. Además, como factores de riesgo se identificaron la soledad y la desesperanza en los efectos en salud mental, lo cual afecta de manera holística a las personas que están aún en proceso de recuperación, interfiriendo con sus actividades diarias. Conclusiones: Se encontró una alta tendencia de pacientes con ansiedad y depresión post COVID-19, y una combinación de ambos en una gran cantidad de casos. Nuestro estudio permite identificar posibles brechas en el conocimiento que requieren mayor investigación, ya que la literatura aún es limitada en el área de estudios de secuelas post-COVID en salud mental

    Development of the set of scales to assess the job satisfaction among physicians in Peru: validity and reliability assessment

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    Background: To assess the validity and reliability of the set of scales (general professional activity, health services management, and working conditions) on the different areas of job satisfaction in Peruvian physicians based on the data from the National Survey of Satisfaction of Users in Health (ENSUSALUD). Method: We carried out a psychometric study based on the secondary data analysis of Questionnaire 2 of ENSUSALUD-2016. Participants were selected from a two-stage stratified national probability representative sampling by political region. Validity was assessed by exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, and measurement invariance analysis. We assessed the reliability using internal consistency coefficients (alpha and omega). The set of scales were composed of items related to three different areas of job satisfaction: 1) satisfaction with general professional activity, 2) satisfaction with the health services management, and 3) satisfaction with the working conditions of the health center. Results: We included 2137 participants in the analysis. The general professional activity scale with six items (Comparative Fit Index, CFI = 0.946; Root Mean Square Error of Approximation, RMSEA = 0.071; Standardized Root Mean Square Residual, SRMR = 0.035), the health services management scale with eight items (CFI) = 0.972; RMSEA = 0.081; SRMR = 0.028), showed good measurement properties for the one-dimensional model. The working conditions scale with eight items for individual conditions and three items for infrastructural conditions (CFI = 0.914; RMSEA = 0.080; SRMR = 0.055) presented adequate measurement properties with a two-dimensional model. The invariance analysis showed that comparisons between sex, age, civil status, medical speciality, working in other institutions, work-related illness, chronic disease, and time working in the healthcare center. All scales had adequate internal consistency (ω and α between 0.70 and 0.90). Conclusions: The set of scales has a solid factorial structure and measurement invariance, making it possible for group comparison. The study achieved stability in the scores as they showed adequate internal consistency coefficients. Based on our findings, these instruments are suitable for measuring job satisfaction among outpatient physicians throughout Peru, as our data is representative of the country level.Revisión por pare