1,922 research outputs found

    Observación del sistema poroso de rocas carbonatadas al microscopio electrónico de barrido

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    Se estudia en este trabajo el sistema poroso de tres rocas carbonatadas, a partir de observaciones de moldes de resina y réplicas de látex al microscopio electrónico de barrido. Las rocas seleccionadas -calizas de Hontoria y Sevilla, y dolomía de Boñar- han sido ampliamente utilizadas en la construcción de importantes monumentos del Patrimonio Histórico Español. Se ha comprobado, asimismo, el grado de impregnación alcanzado por las resinas epoxídicas en diferentes procedimientos, a partir de técnicas de porosimetria de inyección de mercurio. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto, en general, la complejidad de la estructura porosa de dichas rocas.The pore system of three carbonate rocks is studied through observation of resin and latex casts, under scanning electron microscope. The seleeted rocks -Hontoria and Seville limestones, and Boñar dolomite- have been broadly employed in tbe construction of outstanding monuments of the Spanish Historical Heritage. The degree of impregnation achieved by the epoxy resins, according to different procedures, is also checked by means of mercury injection porosimetry techniques. The observation of the pore casts displays, generally, tbe complexity of the pore systems of these rocks

    Sustainable earthworks: Optimization with the ICOM method

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    Tmrees, EURACA, 13 to 16 April 2020, Athens, Greece[EN] In the construction of highways and roads, one of the main activities is earthworks. This activity has an economic and environmental impact that cannot be overlooked. The classic method, based on the use of mass diagram models and optimization, does not take into account the type and quality of the material found on site, making it difficult to optimize the actual flow of each material. The ICOM method (Intelligent Method of Optimized Mass Compensation) allows the optimization of classic works such as excavations and fillings resulting in the optimization of operating costs. This versatile method contemplates different options for each project and allows choosing the most appropriate one taking into account, among other factors, the distance travelled by each type of material, which translates into the amount of CO2 emitted and waste generated. This is why the use of the iCom method will enable us to make the work sustainable, while reducing environmental pollution and the amount of waste. This article compares the results obtained by applying the ICOM method with those that can be obtained with the classic method for twenty-four work projects in Spain and Portugal. The results analysed show that the ICOM method achieves a significant reduction in financial costs between 5% and 14.1% and a shortening of the time needed to carry out the work. The method also obtains a reduction in CO2 emissions (between 5.1% and 14%), while generating a smaller volume of waste materials, which implies a reduction in environmental impact. Furthermore, this method provides the reports, plans and diagrams necessary for the complete definition of the earthworks to be carried outS

    Metastatic non-muscle invasive bladder cancer with cervical lymph node metastasis.

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    Bladder cancer is a common cancer that may present as superfi cial, invasive, or metastatic disease. Non‐muscle‐invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) represents the majority of bladder cancer diagnoses, but represents a spectrum of disease with a variable clinical course, notably for signifi cant risk of recurrence and potential for progression. NMIBC metastasis to distant organs without local invasion or regional metastasis is a very rare occurrence, so there are limited case reports about early metastasis in the literature.post-print4,59 M

    Unveiling airline preferences for pre-tactical route forecast through machine learning. An innovative system for ATFCM pre-tactical planning support

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    In this work we describe a novel approach for the prediction of the flight plan to be sent by airspace users during the pre-tactical phase of Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM). The proposed approach uses machine learning algorithms to extract airspace user preferences in terms of route characteristics, allowing the prediction of new routes not observed during the model training phase. We present the results obtained from applying this approach to short and medium range KLM flights for 52 weeks. Results show that the proposed solution is robust, scalable and capable of reducing the number of wrong predictions provided by the current Network Manager operational solution by 24.3% (4.5% increment on accuracy).Manuel Mateos´ PhD is funded by the 1st SESAR ENGAGE KTN Call for PhDs and is developed in collaboration between Nommon and the Technical University of Catalonia. This PhD study has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 783287.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Comparison between electrochemical capacitors based on NaOH and KOH activated carbons

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    This work describes the chemical activation of a coke using two different activating agents to investigate their behavior as electrodes in supercapacitors. A coke was chemically activated with two hydroxides (KOH and NaOH) under nitrogen flow, at a constant mass hydroxide/coke ratio of 2 and temperatures of 600, 650, and 700 °C. All of the samples were characterized in terms of porosity by N2 sorption at 77 K, surface chemistry by temperature-programmed desorption (TPD), and electrical conductivity. Their electrochemical behavior as electric double-layer capacitors was determined using galvanostatic, voltammetric, and impedance spectroscopy techniques in an aqueous medium with 1 M H2SO4 as the electrolyte. Large differences in capacitive behavior with the increase in the current density were found between the two series of activated samples. The different trends were correlated with the results obtained from the TPD analysis of the CO-type oxygen groups. It was found that these oxygen groups make a positive contribution to capacitance, finding a good correlation between the specific capacitance values, and the amount of these oxygen groups was found for both series.This work was supported by the MICIN (Project MAT2007-61467).Peer reviewe

    Impacto de la geometría del septo en el fenómeno de succión del ventrículo derecho

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    El impacto del fenómeno de interdependencia ventricular en la función diastólica del VD no es bien conocido. El VD es capaz de facilitar el llenado generando presión (P) negativa al inicio de la diástole pero los mecanismos implicados en este fenómeno están aún por dilucidar. Nos propusimos analizar la contribución de las fuerzas de retroceso elástico al llenado del VD y su relación con la geometría del septo


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    Målet med oppgaven var å finne ut om mikrofinans har en effekt på samfunnet, og da særlig for de fattige. Klarer man å få til en rettferdig fordeling av godene ved å gi eller låne sine penger til mikrofinans? Når denne hjelpen ut til de aller fattigste, slik at de kommer seg ut av den verste nøden og får et bedre liv? Problemstillingen lyder slik: Kan mikrofinans være med på å gjøre verden litt mer rettferdig? Hvilken effekt har mikrofinans på fordelingen av de grunnleggende godene

    Variabilidad radiológica de la artroplastia de cadera, según la dominancia del cirujano

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la relación entre la dominancia de los cirujanos ortopédicos y el correcto posicionamiento del componente acetabular en las artroplastias totales de cadera. Secundariamente, se analiza la posible relación entre esta dominancia del cirujano y la lateralidad del procedimiento quirúrgico a realizar ya sean caderas derechas o izquierdas. Para ello, se crearon 2 grupos. El grupo A correspondiente a 20 caderas intervenidas por un cirujano de dominancia diestra y el grupo B formado por 20 intervenciones realizadas por otro cirujano de dominancia zurda Las mediciones se realizaron sobre la proyección radiográfica AP de pelvis del control postquirúrgico usando el visor de rayos del hospital. Para la valoración de la anteversión se utilizó el método descrito por Widmer. Con este trabajo hemos demostrado una mayor dificultad para la correcta implantación del cotilo por parte de nuestro cirujano zurdo en el caso de intervenir caderas izquierdas