263 research outputs found

    Interpretable models in machine learning

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    The research and development on machine learning has exploded in recent years due to the revolution of neural networks, which have become the greatest hope in the field of artificial intelligence after the improvements in hardware performance and the availability of high amounts of data. Nevertheless, it appears that advancements have been slowed down recently, probably because neural networks are reaching their precision limits. Moreover, neural networks have an imperfection that has not been remarked frequently: they are a black box in which it is not possible to understand the precision procedure of the network. In consequence, despite their precision, they do not provide us with strong arguments to justify their predictions. Decision trees, on the other hand, are a really interpretable model, though little precise. The objective of the study of this project is the creation of a mixed model between neural networks and decision trees: the deciduous decision tree. This prediction model combines the structure of a decision tree and the predictive capacities of the neural networks, aiming at reaching a custom intermediate point in the dichotomy between precision and interpretability. The results obtained after the analysis of several experiments conducted to the deciduous decision tree reveal that, even with a little loss of precision, the gain of interpretability from the decisions that are made in the tree compensates this loss. Therefore, this new model can be a starting point to make machine learning models be more interpretable, which can be extremely useful in a huge variety of fields, such as medicine, sociology, meteorology, law, etc

    TEM study of the AlN grain orientation grown on NCD diamond substrate

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    Piezoelectric AlN layer grain orientation, grown by room temperature reactive sputtering, is analyzed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).Two types of samples are studied: (i) AlN grown on well-polished NCD (nano-crystalline diamond) diamond, (ii) AlN grown on an up-side down NCD layer previously grown on a Si substrate, i.e. diamond surface as smooth as that of Si substrates. The second set of sample show a faster lignment of their AlN grain caxis attributed to it smoother diamond free surface. No grain orientation relationship between diamond substrate grain and the AlN ones is evidenced, which seems to indicate the preponderance role of the surface substrate state

    Reporte ejecutivo del proceso de consultoría integral en una empresa de transformación de la madera y sus derivados, ubicada en el AMG

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    La empresa con la que se trabajó en consultoría procesa madera, fabrica muebles e instalaciones de diseño. Durante este periodo de otoño 2022 a través del PAP Consultoría para la Competitividad de realizó un proceso de diagnóstico colaborativo y sistémico, basados en un análisis externo, interno y de la estrategia, donde se utilizaron distintas herramientas que permitieron identificar las áreas de oportunidad en las cuales la empresa debe de poner atención para lograr estabilidad, mantenerse en el mercado actual y ser competitiva. Una vez analizados todos los factores, se definieron las áreas claves de desempeño y las capacidades empresariales que la empresa deberá desarrollar en los próximos periodos de PAP.ITESO, A.C

    Sputter optimization of AlN on diamond substrates for high frequency SAW resonators

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    The AlN/diamond structure is an attractive combination for SAW devices and its application at high frequencies. In this work, the synthesis of AlN thin films by reactive sputtering has been optimized on diamond substrates in order to process high frequency devices. Polished microcrystalline and as-grown nanocrystalline diamond substrates have been used to deposit AlN of different thickness under equal sputtering conditions. For the smoother substrates, the FWHM of the rocking curve of the (002) AlN peak varies from 3.8° to 2.7° with increasing power. SAW one port resonators have been fabricated on these films, whose electrical characterization (in terms of S11 parameters) is reported

    Libro de Actas de la "I Jornada para Alumnos de Trabajo Fin de Grado y Trabajo Fin de Máster: Uso Efectivo de Herramientas TIC"

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    Innovación EducativaEste libro de resúmenes engloba los trabajos presentados en la “I Jornada para alumnos de Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) y Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM). Uso efectivo de herramientas TIC”, celebrada en Valladolid el 21 de marzo de 2019. Los trabajos aceptados tienen como autores a alumnos de TFG o TFM que han presentado su tema de estudio de TFG/TFM y los principales resultados obtenidos hasta el momento de acuerdo con los requisitos formales de la Jornada. Estos resúmenes cubren un amplio rango de temáticas, incluyendo el procesado de señales e imágenes o el diseño de dispositivos y redes de comunicaciones, entre otros. Todos los trabajos han seguido un proceso de revisión riguroso, siendo evaluados en profundidad por los miembros del Comité Organizador. Los editores del libro de resúmenes de la “I Jornada para alumnos de Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) y Trabajo Fin de Máster (TFM). Uso efectivo de herramientas TIC” agradecen enormemente a todos los alumnos, profesores y ponentes su participación en la Jornada, ya que su contribución ha sido imprescindible para la celebración de este evento.Vicerrectorado de Docencia de la Universidad de Valladolid (PID Nº 55: “Nuevas propuestas en la tutorización de Trabajos Fin de Grado y Trabajos Fin de Máster con el apoyo de entornos virtuales de aprendizaje colaborativo"

    Criterios de Interpretación para California Mastitis Test en el Diagnóstico de Mastitis Subclínica en Bovinos

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    The study was conducted in the district of Tamburco (Abancay, Apurimac, Peru) with the aim of comparing interpretation criteria of California Mastitis Test (CMT) in the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in cattle. Two hundred and nine cows from a population of 459 hand-milked cows belonging to 95 breeders were used. A total of 828 functional mammary quarters were evaluated and the main criteria for CMT interpretation were estimated. The prevalence of subclinical mastitis in cows was 72.3 and 65.6%, and in total mammary quarters was 48.7 and 42.3% with and without considering traces as positives respectively, and without statistical difference. The estimated prevalence in individual mammary quarters varied between 48.3 to 49.3% and depending of the mammary quarter between 40.0 to 45.5% with and without considering traces as positives respectively (p<0.05). More intense positive reaction was found in grades 1, 2 and 3 crosses and lower in the trace grade. Subclinical Mastitis Index (IMSC) was 1.30 and the Low Risk - High Risk Index (I BR/AR) was 2.71. It was concluded that the CMT interpretation criteria for subclinical mastitis have similar meanings, but each provides specific details of the disease; besides, the IMSC and I BR/HR indices provide useful information on the dynamics of subclinical mastitis.El estudio se realizó en el distrito de Tamburco (Abancay, Apurímac, Perú), con el objetivo de comparar la interpretación de los resultados de la prueba «California Mastitis Test» (CMT) en el diagnóstico de la mastitis subclínica en bovinos. Se trabajó con 209 vacas de una población de 459 en ordeño manual, pertenecientes a 95 criadores, donde se evaluaron 828 cuartos mamarios funcionales, y se estimaron los principales criterios de interpretación de la CMT. La prevalencia de mastitis subclínica fue de 72.3 y 65.6% en las vacas y de 48.7 y 42.3% en el total de cuartos mamarios, considerando y sin considerar trazas como positivos, respectivamente, y sin diferencia significativa. La prevalencia de mastitis subclínica en los cuartos mamarios individuales varió entre 48.3 a 49.3% y de 40.0 a 45.5%, según el cuarto, considerando y sin considerar trazas, respectivamente (p<0.05). Se encontró una mayor intensidad de reacción positiva en los grados de 1, 2 y 3 cruces y menor en el grado trazas. El índice de mastitis subclínica (IMSC) fue 1.30, y el índice de bajo riesgo - alto riesgo (I BR/AR) fue de 2.71. Se concluye que los criterios de interpretación de la CMT para mastitis subclínica tienen similares significados, pero cada uno de ellos proporciona detalles particulares de la enfermedad; asimismo, los indicadores IMSC e I BR/AR proveen información útil sobre la dinámica de la mastitis subclínica

    Factors associated with therapeutic response in acromegaly diagnosed in the elderly in Spain

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    ContextSome reports suggest that acromegaly in elderly patients has a more benign clinical behavior and could have a better response to first-generation long-acting somatostatin receptor ligands (SRL). However, there is no specific therapeutic protocol for this special subgroup of patients. ObjectiveThis study aimed at identifying predictors of response to SRL in elderly patients. DesignMulticentric retrospective nationwide study of patients diagnosed with acromegaly at or over the age of 65 years. ResultsOne-hundred and eighteen patients (34 men, 84 women, mean age at diagnosis 71.7 +/- 5.4 years old) were included. Basal insulin-like growth factor type 1 (IGF-1) above the upper limit of normal (ULN) and growth hormone (GH) levels (mean +/- SD) were 2.7 +/- 1.4 and 11.0 +/- 11.9 ng/ml, respectively. The mean maximal tumor diameter was 12.3 +/- 6.4 mm, and up to 68.6% were macroadenoma. Seventy-two out of 118 patients (61.0%) underwent surgery as primary treatment. One-third of patients required first-line medical treatment due to a rejection of surgical treatment or non-suitability because of high surgical risk. After first-line surgery, 45/72 (63.9%) were in disease remission, and 16/34 (46.7%) of those treated with SRL had controlled disease. Patients with basal GH at diagnosis <= 6 ng/ml had lower IGF-1 levels and had smaller tumors, and more patients in this group reached control with SRL (72.7% vs. 33.3%; p < 0.04) [OR: 21.3, IC: 95% (2.4-91.1)], while male patients had a worse response [OR: 0.09, IC 95% (0.01-0.75)]. The predictive model curve obtained for SRL response showed an AUC of 0.82 CI (0.71-0.94). ConclusionsThe most frequent phenotype in newly diagnosed acromegaly in the elderly includes small adenomas and moderately high IGF-1 levels. GH at diagnosis <= 6 ng/ml and female gender, but not age per se, were associated with a greater chance of response to SRL