53 research outputs found

    Building and environmental acoustics in obsolete residential neighbourhoods: The case of San Pablo, Spain

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    In order to establish an agreement between the objectives of acoustic quality in the outdoor environment and the acoustic insulation in a building as required in the current legislation in Spain, the acoustic insulation of typical social housing has been studied in the residential neighbourhood of San Pablo in Seville. Field measurements based on acoustic sonometry have been performed in its public areas, together with the consultations to the strategic noise maps prepared by the administration of the city and with data from a questionnaire answered by neighbours on the perception of environmental and domestic noise. These inputs have enabled calculations of airborne and impact noise insulation in a typical dwelling of the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood presents various kinds of obsolescence, as do many residential estates built in Europe in the same period, mainly in terms of its low quality of construction and structural solutions, its energy poverty, and its typology. Results on acoustic insulation indicate that the requirements of current Spanish legislation have not been met, Dnt,A = 49 dBA, L'nT,w = 80 dB. However, thanks not only to the urban layout of the various types of housing blocks in the neighbourhood, but also to the breadth and abundance of green and common areas and to their roads, the existing environmental sound levels remain below the established limit: Ld < 60 dBA. Hence, the calculation for the external noise insulation in façades indicates that the requirements are met, D2m,nT,Atr = 33 dBA. In the acoustic survey, most people consider the environmental acoustic conditions of the neighbourhood to be acceptable or good and believe that they are barely affected by the domestic noise of next-door neighbours. The research found that social heritage neighbourhoods of the 1960s and 1970s, laid out with cul-de-sacs, curved layouts, and small pockets of parking, significantly improve their urban acoustic performance

    Red de nodos sensores y actuadores para control y supervisión de consumo de energía en dispositivos electrodomésticos

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    En la actualidad existen una gran variedad de sistemas domóticos que utilizan distintos protocolos para controlar los dispositivos hogareños, pero no existen desarrollos que integren la medición de energía en tiempo real de cada dispositivo y el control sobre los mismos al mismo tiempo. El presente proyecto pretende desarrollar una red de nodos sensores y actuadores configurables en tiempo real, que permitan implementar funciones de control y supervisión de consumo energético de artefactos y dispositivos hogareños. Adicionalmente, teniendo en cuenta la disponibilidad del acceso a la red global, implementar el acceso a la información y a la configuración de los nodos a través de páginas web embebidas en cada uno de ellos, sin la necesidad de un controlador central, tal cual es habitual encontrar en los sistemas domóticos de la actualidad, brindando autonomía e inteligencia a cada uno de ellos. Se pretende en un paso posterior al proyecto actual el estudio de algoritmos que logren reducir el consumo energético aprovechando la posibilidad y flexibilidad del desarrollo del sistema que se está proponiendo.Eje: Procesamiento de Señales y Sistemas de Tiempo RealRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Bronchopulmonary Lophomoniasis, Infection by Endocommensal Protozoa of Intradomiciliary Cockroaches: Presentation of a Case in an Immunocompromised Patient from Querétaro, Mexico

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    Infection in humans by the intestinal protozoan of cockroaches and termites called Lophomonas blattarum has been diagnosed in respiratory infections of children aged 2–5 years contaminated orally or by air, with cysts or trophozoites contained in the feces of the cockroach Periplaneta americana. In respiratory infections of adults, it is difficult to diagnose since the cyst or trophozoite is not recognized as a human pathogen and is only related to immunosuppressed patients, transplant patients with severe lung disease and those living in poor and unhealthy sanitary conditions. Normally, its presence is manifested with fevers of 38–39°C, cough with thick expectoration, respiratory insufficiency and pulmonary abscesses. The laboratory diagnosis is mainly based on bronchoscopic cytologies and bronchoalveolar lavage biopsies. The case in question is about a 60-year-old male. Single, he lives alone, with a diagnosis of 9 baths behind non-Hodgkin lymphoma, undergoing treatment with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. For edema after treatment, thoracentesis and pericardiocentesis were performed, as well as gastrostomy, which he maintained for 1 year. He started with throat discomfort, followed by production of productive cough without blood, general weakness, and difficulty breathing, with apparent diagnosis of possible respiratory failure due to mycobacteria. It was possible to visualize the protozoan, in fresh preparations of bronchial aspirate and expectoration in wet assembly with saline solution and stained with Pap smears, Harris Hematoxylin and Eosin (H/E), and Giemsa

    Comparative serology techniques for the diagnosis of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in a rural population from the state of Querétaro, Mexico

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    Immunological diagnostic methods for Trypanosoma cruzi depend specifically on the presence of antibodies and parasitological methods lack sensitivity during the chronic and “indeterminate” stages of the disease. This study performed a serological survey of 1,033 subjects from 52 rural communities in 12 of the 18 municipalities in the state of Querétaro, Mexico. We detected anti-T. cruzi antibodies using the following tests: indirect haemagglutination assay (IHA), indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA), ELISA and recombinant ELISA (rELISA). We also performed Western blot (WB) analysis using iron superoxide dismutase (FeSOD), a detoxifying enzyme excreted by the parasite, as the antigen. Positive test results were distributed as follows: ELISA 8%, rELISA 6.2%, IFA and IHA 5.4% in both cases and FeSOD 8%. A comparative study of the five tests was undertaken. Sensitivity levels, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, concordance percentage and kappa index were considered. Living with animals, trips to other communities, gender, age, type of housing and symptomatology at the time of the survey were statistically analysed using SPSS software v.11.5. Detection of the FeSOD enzyme that was secreted by the parasite and used as an antigenic fraction in WBs showed a 100% correlation with traditional ELISA tests

    Impacts of technological level on production efficiency and economic variables in pork farms in the States of Guanajuato, Jalisco, Sonora and Yucatan, méxico

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    El objetivo de la investigación fue la clasificación tecnológica (tecnificada, semitecnificada y baja tecnificación) y la determinación de su impacto en la eficiencia productiva, medida por el número de animales al mercado por vientre al año, y en los principales indicadores económicos: costos, ingresos, utilidad y rentabilidad, de una muestra aleatoria de empresas porcinas de ciclo completo de los cuatro Estados con la mayor producción de México. El 31.1 % del total de las empresas de la muestra se ubicaron en el nivel más alto de tecnificación, en el nivel semitecnificado se ubicaron el 29.5 %, y el 39.3 % restante se clasificaron como de baja tecnificación. Al realizar el análisis estadístico no paramétrico de Kruskall-Wallis, se encontró evidencia significativa de que el nivel tecnificado ofrece un costo de producción menor: 9.45contra9.45 contra 11.20 y $11.84 del semitecnificado y de baja tecnificación respectivamente (PThe objective of the present study is technological level grading (high, intermediate and low) and its impact on production efficiency, defined as the number of animals sent to market per sow per year and on the main economic indicators: costs, income, profits and profitability, of a random sample of complete cycle pork farms in the four states of Mexico showing greater production. Thirty one point one percent of farms use high technology, 39.9 % use low technology and the remaining 29.5 % can be described as semi-technified. The Kruskall-Wallis non parametric statistical analysis provides conclusive evidence that high level technology yields a lower cost, MXP 9.45 vs 11.20 and 11.84 for the intermediate and low technology levels, respectively (

    Cumprimento das medidas de reparo e construção de uma cultura de paz no Equador e Chile

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    The objective of this work is to identify how the impacts of the Truth Commissions Reports in Chile and Ecuador have promoted compliance with comprehensive reparation measures and their relationship with the construction of the Culture of Peace (CP). Two studies were carried out: the first one, whose objective was to design and validate the content, an instrument to measure the perception of a culture of peace. The second one seeks to evaluate the knowledge of integral reparation measures as an intervening variable between the attitudes towards the work of the Commissions and the state functions of the CP. The implications of the lack of compliance with comprehensive reparation measures and their relationship with the construction of CP in post-conflict societies are discussed.El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en identificar cómo los impactos de los Informes de Comisiones de Verdad en Chile y Ecuador han promovido el cumplimiento de medidas de reparación integral y su relación con la construcción de la Cultura de Paz (CP). Se realizaron dos estudios: el primero, cuyo objetivo fue diseñar y validar el contenido un instrumento para medir la percepción de cultura de paz. El segundo, busca evaluar el conocimiento de medidas de reparación integral como variable interviniente entre las actitudes al trabajo de&nbsp;las Comisiones y las funciones estatales de CP. Se discuten las implicancias de la falta de cumplimiento de medidas de reparación integral y su relación con la construcción de CP en sociedades posconflictos.&nbsp;L’objectif de ce travail est d’identifier comment les impacts des rapports des commissions de vérité au Chili et en Équateur ont favorisé le respect des mesures de réparation globales et leur relation avec la construction de la culture de la paix (CP). Deux études ont été menées: la première, dont l’objectif était de concevoir et valider le contenu, un instrument pour mesurer la perception d’une culture de la paix. Le second vise à évaluer la connaissance des mesures de réparation intégrale comme variable intermédiaire entre les attitudes à l’égard du travail des commissions et les fonctions étatiques du CP. Les implications du non-respect des mesures de réparation globales et leur relation avec la construction de CP dans les sociétés sortant d’un conflit sont discutées.O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar como os impactos dos Relatórios da Comissão da Verdade no Chile e no Equador promoveram o cumprimento de medidas integrais de reparação e sua relação com a construção da Cultura de Paz (CP). Foram realizados dois estudos: o&nbsp;primeiro, cujo objetivo era projetar e validar o conteúdo, um instrumento para medir a percepção de uma cultura de paz. A segunda busca avaliar o conhecimento das medidas de reparação integral como uma variável interveniente entre as atitudes em relação ao trabalho das Comissões e as funções estatais do CP. São discutidas as implicações da falta de cumprimento de medidas abrangentes de reparação e sua relação com a construção da CP nas sociedades pós-conflito

    Prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi and organ alterations in Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana) from western Mexico – short communication

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    Small populations of Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) in western Mexico are endangered by hunting and natural predators as well as by different kinds of diseases. After two serological analyses using Serodia® latex particle agglutination and indirect haemagglutination (IHA) tests, 35 (53.03%) of 66 collected opossums in two small towns in western Mexico were positive for the presence of Trypanosoma cruzi. Twenty-eight of the 35 seropositive opossums had pathological lesions: 11 had changes in only one organ, 13 in two organs, and four had pathological changes in three organs. Splenomegaly was the most common finding in the examined opossums, followed by hepatomegaly. These potentially fatal pathological changes could contribute to the scarcity of the opossum population, even leading to the extinction of this species in western Mexico

    Diferencias morfológicas y de condición física en futbolistas adolescentes según posición de juego: una revisión sistemática

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    Introduction: The aim of this systematic review was to analyze the studies that evaluate morphological and physical fitness differences in young soccer players according to playing position.Material and Methods: For its elaboration, the PRISMA-P protocol was followed, the PubMed/MEDLINE database was used, and the Downs &amp; Black methodological quality assessment was applied. Six studies met all the selection criteria, adding 784 soccer players (229 defenders [DF]; 271 midfielders [MF], 168 forwards [FW] and 69 goalkeepers [GK]) with a mean age of 16.2 years.Results: The analyzed studies indicate, that GK and DF have a height, body weight, endomorphic component and body fat higher than MF and FW, except for one study that reports higher values for body weight in FW and DF with respect to MF. In relation to physical fitness, the maximum squat exhibited higher values for FW compared to MF; cardiorespiratory fitness was higher in DF and MF when compared with GK and abdominal muscle resistance was greater in MF compared to DF. Conclusion: The GK and DF show greater height, body weight and body fat than the MF and FW. While physical fitness indicates that FW show greater lower body strength, MF and DF achieve greater cardiorespiratory fitness and MF present greater abdominal muscle resistance when young soccer players are analyzed according to playing position.Introducción: El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática fue analizar los estudios que evalúan las diferencias morfológicas y de condición física en futbolistas adolescentes según posición de juego.Material y métodos: Para su elaboración se siguió el protocolo PRISMA-P, se utilizó la base de datos PubMed/MEDLINE y se aplicó la evaluación de calidad metodológica de Downs &amp; Black. Seis estudios cumplieron con todos los criterios de selección, sumando 784 futbolistas (229 defensas [DF]; 271 mediocampistas [MC], 168 delanteros [DL] y 69 porteros [PT]) con una edad media de 16,2 años. Resultados: Los estudios analizados indican que los PT y DF poseen una altura, peso corporal, componente endomórfico y grasa corporal mayor que MC y DL, excepto un estudio que reporta valores más altos para peso corporal en DL y DF respecto a MC. En relación a la condición física, la sentadilla máxima exhibió valores más elevados para DL respecto a MC; la capacidad cardiorrespiratoria fue superior en DF y MC al compararlos con PT y la resistencia muscular abdominal fue mayor en MC respecto a DF. Conclusión: Los PT y DF ostentan mayor altura, peso corporal y grasa corporal que los MC y DL. Mientras que la condición física, indica que los DL demuestran mayor fuerza del tren inferior, los MC y DF consiguen mayor capacidad cardiorrespiratoria y los MC presentan mayor resistencia muscular abdominal cuando se analizan futbolistas adolescentes según posición de juego