278 research outputs found

    Use of electronic signatures in the civil circulation

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    Данная работа посвящена изучению проблем совершения сделок путем электронного обмена данными. В работе рассматривается практика применения электронной подписи в гражданском обороте, приводятся случаи, законодательно ограничивающие применение электронного обмена данными, также рассматриваются пути возможного повышения применения электронной подписи в гражданском обороте.This paper studies the problem of making transactions using electronic data interchange and is focused on the practice of using digital signature in clerical correspondence. Also there have been listed cases restricting the use of electronic data interchange by law, and possible ways of increasing the use of digital signature in civil data interchange

    Methodological Approach to Evaluation of Individual Contribution of Specialists in Implementation of Administrative Consulting Projects

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    The article discusses the task of assessing the contribution of individual specialists working in the consulting services group. To date, such problems are solved mainly using the expert method. The article proposes a quantitative solution to this problem, based on the application of the mathematical apparatus of the theory of cooperative games and the theory of fuzzy set

    Size confinement effect in graphene grown on 6H-SiC (0001) substrate

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    We have observed the energy structure in the density of occupied states of graphene grown on n-type 6H-SiC (0001). The structure revealed with photoelectron spectroscopy is described by creation of the quantum well states whose number and the energy position (E1 = 0.3 eV, E2 = 1.2 eV, E3 = 2.6 eV ) coincide with the calculated ones for deep (V = 2.9 eV) and narrow (d = 2.15 A) quantum well formed by potential relief of the valence bands in the structure graphene/n-SiC. We believe that the quantum well states should be formed also in graphene on dielectric and in suspended graphene.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Electron-phonon coupling in graphene placed between magnetic Li and Si layers on cobalt

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    Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), we study the electronic structure and electron-phonon coupling in a Li-doped graphene monolayer decoupled from the Co(0001) substrate by intercalation of silicon. Based on the photoelectron diffraction measurements, we disclose the structural properties of the Si/Co interface. Our density functional theory calculations demonstrate that in the studied Li/graphene/Si/Co system the magnetism of Co substrate induces notable magnetic moments on Li and Si atoms. At the same time graphene remains almost nonmagnetic and clamped between two magnetically active atomic layers with antiparallel magnetizations. ARPES maps of the graphene Fermi surface reveal strong electron doping, which may lead to superconductivity mediated by electron-phonon coupling (EPC). Analysis of the spectral function of photoelectrons reveals apparent anisotropy of EPC in the k space. These properties make the studied system tempting for studying the relation between superconductivity and magnetism in two-dimensional materials

    Variation of the character of spin-orbit interaction by Pt intercalation underneath graphene on Ir(111)

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    The modification of the graphene spin structure is of interest for novel possibilities of application of graphene in spintronics. The most exciting of them demand not only high value of spin-orbit splitting of the graphene states, but non-Rashba behavior of the splitting and spatial modulation of the spin-orbit interaction. In this work we study the spin and electronic structure of graphene on Ir(111) with intercalated Pt monolayer. Pt interlayer does not change the 9.3×9.3 superlattice of graphene, while the spin structure of the Dirac cone becomes modified. It is shown that the Rashba splitting of the π state is reduced, while hybridization of the graphene and substrate states leads to a spin-dependent avoided-crossing effect near the Fermi level. Such a variation of spin-orbit interaction combined with the superlattice effects can induce a topological phase in graphene

    Observation of a universal donor-dependent vibrational mode in graphene

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    Electron-phonon coupling and the emergence of superconductivity in intercalated graphite have been studied extensively. Yet, phonon-mediated superconductivity has never been observed in the 2D equivalent of these materials, doped monolayer graphene. Here we perform angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to try to find an electron donor for graphene that is capable of inducing strong electron-phonon coupling and superconductivity. We examine the electron donor species Cs, Rb, K, Na, Li, Ca and for each we determine the full electronic band structure, the Eliashberg function and the superconducting critical temperature Tc from the spectral function. An unexpected low-energy peak appears for all dopants with an energy and intensity that depend on the dopant atom. We show that this peak is the result of a dopant-related vibration. The low energy and high intensity of this peak are crucially important for achieving superconductivity, with Ca being the most promising candidate for realizing superconductivity in graphene

    Collection and processing of environmental information in oil and gas production areas and solving other applied problems using active search methods (Review article)

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    The methods of monitoring the environmental situation as well as the problems of solving related applied environmental and resource problems in hard-to-reach areas of oil and gas production and also in other sectors of the national economy using unmanned aerial vehicles, are investigated. The methods of studying the types and thicknesses of the layers of the underlying surface by probing them with electromagnetic pulses of the radiofrequency range and gamma radiation are considered. Based on the existing theoretical dependencies of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with the Earth’s surface, diagrams of the passage of electromagnetic waves in the decimeter and centimeter ranges through various landscape structures (snow-ice-water-frozen soil) are presented. It is shown that the use of gamma radiation makes it possible to solve the problem of determining the effective altitude of an aircraft during environmental monitoring due to the high energy of photon radiation and albedo from various surfaces including snow cover. A method for calculating the pollutant content on the underlying surface with a given probability of its reliable detection is presented. It is noted that the reliability of the readings of measuring instruments is significantly influenced by their geometric location on the transport platform. It is shown that the proposed solution is advisable to implement using two unmanned aerial vehicles or as mall-sized unmanned airship. Based on the review, the composition of the technical means of the complex for recognizing the types and thicknesses of layers of contamination of the underlying surface is proposed. A possible methodology for assessing the environmental situation is presented. The results of the work can be used in conducting environmental exploration of infrastructure used for transporting oil and gas resources in conditions of difficult access to it as well as for solving similar military-applied and engineering-construction tasks. At the same time, for the first time, the joint use of the radio frequency range of electromagnetic waves and gamma radiation was proposed. The radio frequency range makes it possible to study the structure of the landscape, and gamma radiation from backscattered ionizing radiation is a type of pollutant, as well as to ensure high accuracy in measuring the distance from the module to the upper layer of the underlying surface