137 research outputs found

    A prensa dixital en galego desde a experiencia de Vieiros

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    Integración de pilas de combustible para propulsión en una aeronave

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    El presente trabajo pretende realizar el diseño teórico y la simulación numérica del sistema de potencia de una aeronave. Los datos de partida del sistema vienen limitados por su pertenencia a un proyecto de diseño global de una aeronave tilt-rotor llevada a cabo por un grupo de distintos departamentos de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Sevilla. El procedimiento seguido para la realización de las diversas partes del trabajo sigue un orden lógico, primero se realizan cálculos teóricos básicos y los desarrollos necesarios para obtener los datos de partida que se introducen en la simulación numérica. Esta simulación numérica exige el modelado del sistema de potencia mediante el software Simulink®, parte del entorno de programación MatLab®. Obtenido el modelo, se pretende diseñar el control interno del sistema para hacer frente a las exigencias marcadas por las especificaciones que se espera que cumpla la aeronave. El conjunto del modelo permite realizar cambios en su configuración y poder seguir un proceso de optimización, mediante diversas pruebas y simulaciones, que permiten un ajuste de los distintos bloques del modelo. Es necesario destacar que estos bloques modelan subsistemas disponibles en el mercado mediante el uso de las especificaciones de producto que distintas empresas ofertan en sus catálogos actualmente. Se intenta no perder de vista el objetivo final del trabajo, servir como apoyo a una implementación real del sistema de producción de potencia de forma estable para una aeronave, lo que sirve para tomar diversas elecciones durante el estudio.In this project it is designed and numerically simulated the power train system of an aerial vehicle. It is part of a bigger project that is being developed by the Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería, Universidad de Sevilla. This major project is about the construction of a tilt-rotor autonomous airplane. At first, it is calculated the basic theoretical data that are necessary for the numerical simulation. The data are added to a model software which shapes the power train system performance. This software is programmed with Simulink®, that is a part of Matlab® software package. It is designed the internal control of the power train system to make the airplane execute all performance specifications, using the theoretical initial data and the software model. The model is changed during the development of the project to optimize and set the parameters of the different Simulink blocks. It is necessary to emphasize that the blocks represent real subsystems on sale and the parameters are extracted from different companies data sheets. This project has to prove the viability of the real implementation of the power train system on the tilt-rotor airplane. This target is important to be remember on choice situations during the project.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería Aeroespacia

    An automatic welding defects classifier system

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    Radiographic inspection is a well-established testing method to detect weld defects. However, interpretation of radiographic films is a difficult task. The reliability of such interpretation and the expense of training suitable experts have allowed that the efforts being made towards automation in this field. In this paper, we describe an automatic detection system to recognise welding defects in radiographic images. In a first stage, image processing techniques, including noise reduction, contrast enhancement, thresholding and labelling were implemented to help in the recognition of weld regions and the detection of weld defects. In a second stage, a set of geometrical features was proposed and extracted between defect candidates. In a third stage, an artificial neural network for weld defect classification was used under three regularisation process with different architectures. For the input layer, the principal component analysis technique was used in order to reduce the number of feature variables; and, for the hidden layer, a different number of neurons was used in the aim to give better performance for defect classification in both cases

    Erupción ectópica: presentación de un caso con 90 por 100 de rotación en un segundo molar primario superior

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    La erupción ectópica del primer molar permanente es una plaga en odontología infantil. Este artículo revisa las características de la erupción ectópica y en su última parte reporta un caso con una rotación de 90 por lOO del segundo molar primario superior

    Binding studies of metal–salphen and metal–bipyridine complexes towards G‐Quadruplex DNA

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    The proposed in vivo formation of G-quadruplex DNA (G4 DNA) in promoter regions of oncogenes and in telomeres has prompted the development of small molecules with high affinity and selectivity for these structures. Herein we report the synthesis of a new di-substituted bipyridine ligand and the corresponding complexes with Ni2+ and VO2+. Both these new complexes have been characterized spectroscopically and by X-ray crystallography. Detailed DNA binding studies of these two complexes, together with three previously reported metal salphen complexes, are presented. Using FRET melting assays, the binding affinity and selectivity of the five metal complexes against six different G4 DNA structures as well as a duplex DNA have been determined. In addition, we present detailed ITC and UV/Vis studies to characterize the interaction of the complexes with human telomeric G4 DNA. Finally, we show via a polymerase stop assay that these complexes are able to stabilize a G4 DNA structure (from the c-Myc oncogene promoter) and halt the activity of Taq polymerase.UK’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (grant number: EP/H005285/1

    A educação em Ciência, Tecnologia e Sociedade para a formação investigativa do engenheiro civil.

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    The objective of this article is to explain a didactic procedure to contribute to the research training of students from the teaching-learning process (PEA) of the subject Social Problems of Science and Technology (PSCT), in the Civil Engineering career of the University Máximo Gómez Báez, Cuba. It starts from analyzing the insufficiencies that persist in the training of civil engineers regarding their research development caused by the characteristics assumed by the training process. From the content study method of different authors Restrepo Gómez (2003), Hilarraza (2012), Zamora Vega (2014), Márquez Valdés y Acosta Urbano (2014), among others, the relationship between Investigative Training - Science Technology and Society Approach (CTS) - Teaching-Learning Process of the PSCT subject is established. A survey was applied to teachers to determine causes of the insufficiencies of the student training process. The content study and the diagnosis made allowed the elaboration of a didactic procedure to improve the teaching learning process of the subject. The new didactic procedure was implemented in the third year of the Civil Engineering career of the University Máximo Gómez Báez, Cuba. Systematic evaluations of established indicators and significant results were recorded and subjected to statistical tests. Theorists studied through different authors.El objetivo de este artículo es explicar un proceder didáctico para contribuir a la formación investigativa de los estudiantes desde el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje (PEA) de la asignatura Problemas Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (PSCT), en la carrera de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Máximo Gómez Báez, Cuba. Se parte de analizar las insuficiencias que persisten en la formación de los ingenieros civiles respecto a su desarrollo investigativo causado por las características que asume el proceso de formación. A partir del método de estudio de contenidos de autores como: Restrepo Gómez (2003), Hilarraza (2012), Zamora Vega (2014), Márquez Valdés y Acosta Urbano (2014), entre otros, se establece la relación entre Formación Investigativa - Enfoque Ciencia Tecnología y Sociedad (CTS) - Proceso de Enseñanza Aprendizaje de la asignatura PSCT. Se aplicó una encuesta a profesores para determinar las causas de las insuficiencias del proceso de formación de los estudiantes. El estudio de contenido y el diagnóstico realizado permitió elaborar un proceder didáctico para perfeccionar el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la referida asignatura. El nuevo proceder didáctico se implementó en el tercer año de la carrera de Ingeniería Civil de la Universidad Máximo Gómez Báez, Cuba. Se realizaron evaluaciones sistemáticas de los indicadores establecidos y se obtuvieron resultados significativos registrados y sometidos a pruebas estadísticas. Se demuestran coincidencias de los resultados con los fundamentos teóricos estudiados a través de diferentes autores.O objectivo deste artigo é explicar um procedimento didáctico para contribuir na formação investigativa dos estudantes a partir do processo de ensino-aprendizagem (PEA) da disciplina Problemas Sociais da Ciência e Tecnologia (PSCT), no curso de Engenharia Civil da Universidade Máximo Gómez Báez, Cuba. Parte-se da análise das insuficiências que persistem na formação dos engenheiros civis em relação ao seu desenvolvimento investigativo causado pelas características que assumem o processo de formação. A partir do método de estudo de conteúdos de autores como: Restrepo Gómez (2003), Hilarraza (2012), Zamora Vega (2014), Márquez Valdés e Acosta Urbano (2014) entre outros, estabelece-se a relação entre Formação Investigativa - Enfoque Ciência Tecnologia e Sociedade (CTS) - Processo de Ensino - Aprendizagem da disciplina PSCT. Foi aplicado um questionário a professores, para determinar as causas das insuficiências do processo de formação dos estudantes. O estudo de conteúdos e o diagnóstico realizado permitiu elaborar um procedimento didáctico para aperfeiçoar o processo de ensino aprendizagem da referida disciplina. O novo procedimento didáctico foi implementado no terceiro ano do curso de Engenharia Civil da Universidade Máximo Gómez Báez, Cuba. Realizaram-se avaliações sistemáticas dos indicadores estabelecidos e foram obtidos resultados significativos registados e submetidos a provas estatísticas. Foram demonstradas coincidências dos resultados com os fundamentos teóricos estudados através de diferentes autores

    Assessment of the effect of intraarticular injection of autologous adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells in osteoarthritic dogs using a double blinded force platform analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Regenerative medicine using Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC) alone or combined with Plasma Rich in Growth Factors (PRGF) is a rapidly growing area of clinical research and is currently also being used to treat osteoarthritis (OA). Force platform analysis has been consistently used to verify and quantify the efficacy of different therapeutic strategies for the treatment of OA in dogs including MSC associated to PRGF, but never with AD-MSC alone. The aim of this study was to use a force platform to measure the efficacy of intraarticular ADMSC administration for limb function improvement in dogs with severe OA. RESULTS: Ten lame dogs with severe hip OA and a control group of 5 sound dogs were used for this study. Results were statistically analyzed to detect a significant increase in peak vertical force (PVF) and vertical impulse (VI) in treated dogs. Mean values of PVF and VI were significantly improved within the first three months post-treatment in the OA group, increasing 9% and 2.5% body weight, respectively, at day 30. After this, the effect seems to decrease reaching initial values. CONCLUSION: Intraarticular ADMSC therapy objectively improved limb function in dogs with hip OA. The duration of maximal effect was less than 3 months

    Wiki as a tool for the interdisciplinary learning in medical education

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    [EN] Integration of basic and clinical knowledge is essential in the education of medical students. Therefore, didactic methodology for the promotion of interdisciplinary and cross-curricular learning between different subjects must be developed. Students of the subjects of Physiology, Pharmacology and Hematology&Oncology,of 3 different years of the Medical Degree, were included in this learning activity. Participants were organized into heterogenous cooperative learning groups to create a wiki related to the COVID-19 Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia and its pharmacological management. When acquisition of theoretical knowledge was evaluated, in a 10-point scales, 97% of the students obtained a grade of more than 7. Evaluation of the wiki and its oral presentation scored higher than 8,8 in all groups. Lastly, even if 30% of the students neither agree nor disagree with the project, the activity was evaluated positively by more than 50% of the participants who indicated that the development of the activity helped them better understand the theoretical concepts of the 3 subjects and connect them.[ES] La integración de los conocimientos básicos y clínicos es un proceso imprescindible durante la formación del alumnado del Grado de Medicina. Por ello, es necesario desarrollar estrategias didácticas que favorezcan el aprendizaje interdisciplinar y transversal de diferentes materias que están relacionadas con una misma área de conocimiento. Este proyecto se ha desarrollado con estudiantes de las asignaturas de Fisiología, Farmacología y Hematología&Oncología impartidas en 2º, 3º y 4º curso del Grado de Medicina, respectivamente. Los/as estudiantes, en grupos heterogéneos y mediante el trabajo cooperativo, han creado una wiki sobre “la trombosis derivada de la administración de las vacunas anti-Covid y su tratamiento farmacológico”. Al evaluar la adquisición de los conocimientos teóricos, el 97% de los/as estudiantes han obtenido una calificación superior al 7 sobre 10. En la evaluación de la wiki y su presentación, todos los grupos obtuvieron una calificación superior al 8,8 sobre 10. Por último, aunque aproximadamente el 30% de los/as estudiantes no estaba ni de acuerdo ni en desacuerdo con la actividad, más del 50% de los/as estudiantes evaluaron positivamente la realización de este tipo de actividades, indicando que les ha ayudado a entender los conceptos teóricos y a relacionar las 3 asignaturas.Ibáñez, L.; López Salgueiro, R.; Vilar Fabra, C.; Castillo García, E. (2022). Desarrollo de una wiki como herramienta del aprendizaje interdisciplinar en el Grado de Medicina. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 847-855. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1582984785