4,835 research outputs found

    Stochastic Resonance in Noisy Non-Dynamical Systems

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    We have analyzed the effects of the addition of external noise to non-dynamical systems displaying intrinsic noise, and established general conditions under which stochastic resonance appears. The criterion we have found may be applied to a wide class of non-dynamical systems, covering situations of different nature. Some particular examples are discussed in detail.Comment: 4 pages, RevTex, 3 PostScript figures available upon reques

    Design, synthesis and evaluation of a tripodal receptor for phosphatidylinositol phosphates

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    Phosphatidylinositol phosphates (PIPs) are membrane phospholipids that play crucial roles in a wide range of cellular processes. Their function is dictated by the number and positions of the phosphate groups in the inositol ring (with seven different PIPs being active in the cell). Therefore, there is significant interest in developing small-molecule receptors that can bind selectively to these species and in doing so affect their cellular function or be the basis for molecular probes. However, to date there are very few examples of such molecular receptors. Towards this aim, herein we report a novel tripodal molecule that acts as receptor for mono- and bis-phosphorylated PIPs in a cell free environment. To assess their affinity to PIPs we have developed a new cell free assay based on the ability of the receptor to prevent alkaline phosphatase from hydrolysing these substrates. The new receptor displays selectivity towards two out of the seven PIPs, namely PI(3)P and PI(3,4)P2. To rationalise these results, a DFT computational study was performed which corroborated the experimental results and provided insight into the host–guest binding mode

    Noise and Periodic Modulations in Neural Excitable Media

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    We have analyzed the interplay between noise and periodic modulations in a mean field model of a neural excitable medium. To this purpose, we have considered two types of modulations; namely, variations of the resistance and oscillations of the threshold. In both cases, stochastic resonance is present, irrespective of if the system is monostable or bistable.Comment: 13 pages, RevTex, 5 PostScript figure

    Noise suppression by noise

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    We have analyzed the interplay between an externally added noise and the intrinsic noise of systems that relax fast towards a stationary state, and found that increasing the intensity of the external noise can reduce the total noise of the system. We have established a general criterion for the appearance of this phenomenon and discussed two examples in detail.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The interactions between a small molecule and G-quadruplexes are visualised by fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy

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    Guanine-rich oligonucleotides can fold into quadruple-stranded helical structures known as G-quadruplexes. Mounting experimental evidence has gathered suggesting that these non-canonical nucleic acid structures form in vivo and play essential biological roles. However, to date, there are no small-molecule optical probes to image G-quadruplexes in live cells. Herein, we report the design and development of a small fluorescent molecule, which can be used as an optical probe for G-quadruplexes. We demonstrate that the fluorescence lifetime of this new probe changes considerably upon interaction with different nucleic acid topologies. Specifically, longer fluorescence lifetimes are observed in vitro for G-quadruplexes than for double- and single-stranded nucleic acids. Cellular studies confirm that this molecule is cell permeable, has low cytotoxicity and localizes primarily in the cell nucleus. Furthermore, using fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy, live-cell imaging suggests that the probe can be used to study the interaction of small molecules with G-quadruplexes in vivo

    Implicações e perspectivas de assentamentos rurais do sudeste paraense vinculadas ao sistema de produção.

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    Por definição o Sistema de Produção envolve todas as atividades do manejo, entrada e saída de insumos relacionadas a um produto de uma determinada unidade de produção agrícola. O sistema agronômico visa, em última análise, a manutenção e sustentabilidade da atividade fim, balizado pelas demandas de mercado e, no caso da agricultura familiar, na subsistência. Nas duas últimas décadas, sob novo paradigma, com a introdução de um enfoque sistêmico e acrescido ao conceito de fatores ambientais e de manutenção da biodiversidade, tem modificado a natureza e a metodologia das abordagens envolvendo os sistemas de produção, os quais têm valorizado e incentivado a adoção de sistemas agroflorestais. Nos Projetos de Assentamentos (PA) situados no sudeste do Estado do Pará, as estratégias ora utilizadas no âmbito do projeto Lumiar devem garantir, mesmo prevendo a atuação mais efetiva da assistência técnica, o envolvimento das comunidades em todas as fases do processo. Ações de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento devem ser compatíveis com as aspirações da comunidade, as técnicas sugeridas, e sua capacidade de implementação. Baseado em dois trabalhos participativos de identificação de demandas tecnológicas, realizados, respectivamente, nos municípios de Eldorado dos Carajás e Nova Ipixuna, no Pará, os PA São Francisco e PA Praialta e Piranheira, este último, agroextrativista, com foco nos sistemas de produção, constatou-se que, problemas estruturais são mais limitantes que os técnicos. A comercialização e a insatisfação das comunidades em aceitar as normas previstas no estatuto do PA, em cuja fase de criação, estiveram ausentes, podem comprometer seu desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade

    Stochastic Resonance in Nonpotential Systems

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    We propose a method to analytically show the possibility for the appearance of a maximum in the signal-to-noise ratio in nonpotential systems. We apply our results to the FitzHugh-Nagumo model under a periodic external forcing, showing that the model exhibits stochastic resonance. The procedure that we follow is based on the reduction to a one-dimensional dynamics in the adiabatic limit, and in the topology of the phase space of the systems under study. Its application to other nonpotential systems is also discussed.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Varying numbers of players in small-sided soccer games modifies action opportunities during training

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    This study examined the effects of the numbers of players involved in small-sided team games (underloading and overloading) on opportunities for maintaining ball possession, shooting at goal and passing to teammates during training. These practice constraint manipulations were assumed to alter values of key performance variables identified in previous research, such as interpersonal distances between players and time to intercept shots and passes. Fifteen male soccer players (age: 19.60±1.99 years) were grouped into three teams and played against each other in different versions of small-sided soccer games, in which the number of players was manipulated in three different conditions: 5 vs. 5, 5 vs. 4 and 5 vs. 3. Dependent variables were the values of interpersonal distance between an outfield attacker and nearest defender (ID), and the relative distance of a defender needed to intercept the trajectory of a shot (RDishot) or pass (RDipass). Statistical analyses revealed that mean ID values were significantly lower in 5 vs. 5 than in 5 vs. 4 and 5 vs. 3 conditions, and significantly lower in 5 vs. 4 than 5 vs. 3. They also revealed that mean values of RDishot were significantly higher in 5 vs. 3 than in 5 vs. 5 conditions. Finally, results showed that the mean values of RDipass were significantly higher in 5 vs. 3 than in 5 vs. 5. Findings revealed how task constraints in SSGs can be manipulated to vary values of key spatial and temporal performance variables (interpersonal distance and time to intercept) to influence the nature of interpersonal interactions between competing players during practice. We observed that these manipulations tended to decrease opportunities for maintaining ball possession during training when equal numbers of attackers and defenders existed in SSGs, and led to more shots and passes emerging when the number of defenders was decreased relative to attackers