1,102 research outputs found

    Elaboració d'un sistema APPCC per a l'Hostal Torras

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    Aquest treball està basat en la implantació del sistema d'anàlisis de perills i punts crítics de control (APPCC) a l'Hostal Torras a Sant Hilari de Sacalm, Girona. Amb la implantació d'aquest sistema es vol aconseguir una major qualitat i control sobre tots els processos de manipulació d'aliments que s'hi duen a terme en compliment de la legislació vigent, Real Decreto 3484/2000, sobre normes d'higiene per l'elaboració, la distribució i el comerç de menjar preparat. El sistema APPCC està basat en dues parts clarament diferenciades: - Plans de prerequisits, mitjançant aquests es vol aconseguir estandarditzar tots els protocols, controls i registres que s'han de dur a terme a l'hora de realitzar qualsevol acció sobre els aliments tractats. Des del pla de manteniment que ha de seguir l'establiment sobre les seves instal·lacions, maquinària i estris fins al pla de bones pràctiques d'higiene que han de seguir tots els manipuladors d'aliments, passant pel pla de temperatures, aigua, formació, control de plagues, proveïdors i neteja i desinfecció. - Anàlisi de perills i punts crítics de control (APPCC) sobre els diferents plats servits a l'hostal i establiment de les mesures correctores conseqüents en cas de la presència d'elements contaminants, microorganismes patògens, productes nocius, ... Amb el sistema APPCC el que aconseguirem serà l'establiment d'un sistema de vigilància i procediment que ens permetrà garantir l'elaboració de productes segurs i d'una elevada qualitat gastronòmica

    El valencià a la xarxa: L'ús que fan els jovens estudiants valencians

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    Abstract We have tested the population of university students about the usage they make of the internet and the usage of self language in the context of relational areas ¿ studies, street, leisure, friends, job, administration, market, cinema, TV, videogames... ¿ as well as by the usage of instruments like mobile phones or advanced technology. Likewise we have analyzed the affective component of the usage of the valencian language and areas that influence the usage of the language are the family and the partner. We have also measured the degree of motivation and implication of the usage of the valencian language and the stereotypes of introversion and extraversion of the users. In relation to the usage of the internet we have detected the early ages ¿ before 5 years old ¿ in which the currently university students started to use the internet, being the point of higher frequency between 11 and 15 years old. Moreover, the daily hours dedicated to the internet are around 1 to 3 hours. We have also studied the most researched information, this is, studying and searching for information. Besides, the leisure component also displays a big motivation in the use of the internet. Resum Hem investigat una mostra poblacional de jóvens estudiants universitaris valencians, envers l¿ús que fan de la xarxa i la presència de la llengua pròpia en aquella recerca, en el context dels altres àmbits relacionals -estudi, carrer, oci, amics, ocupació, administració, comerç, cinema, televisió, videoconsoles...- Així com mitjançant instruments tals com la telefonia mòbil o la tecnologia avançada.També hem analitzat la component afectiva que acompanya a l¿ús de la llengua i apareixen, com a àmbits afavoridors, la família i la parella També hem esbrinat el grau de motivació i implicació envers el valencià i els estereotips d¿introversió i extraversió que presenten els parlants. Pel que fa a l¿ús d¿internet, hem detectat l¿edat primerenca ¿abans dels cinc anys- en els usuaris ara estudiants universitaris, situant-se el punt de més freqüència en l¿accés entre 11 i 15 anys. Així com les hores dedicades diàriament -d¿una a tres hores. També hem esbrinat la temàtica més recercada que ha estat l¿estudi i la recerca d¿informació. Altrament la component lúdica presenta una forta motivació a l¿hora de la recerca internauta

    Estudi de reutilització de contenidors marítims com a centres d'atenció primària

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    Aquest projecte es basa en un centre d'atenció primària mòbil construït a partir de contenidors marítims que permeti portar la sanitat a tots els racons del tercer món. El prototip està pensat en enfocar-lo a Gàmbia, un país africà que te moltes mencances en la sanitat. Els habitants són molt reticents a anar al metge, així que el projecte tracta de 3 mòduls. 1 mòdul mèdic on poguer fer inspeccions i posar vacunes, 1 mòdul de formació on ensenyar a la població l'importància de rentar-se les mans i prevenir malalties i un mòdul d'enmagatzematge on guardar aliments per donar als habitants. Els habitants dels poblats vindràn pel menjar i a canvi se'ls podrà fer una formació i pasar consulta. El projecte esta enfocat per a ser sostenible, fent ús de plaques solars com a motor eléctric amb una autonomía de 3 dies. També disposa d'un lavabo amb la seva instal·lació de fontaneria.The aim of this project is to create primary care modules based on the reuse of obsolete maritime containers. In other words, this work aims to be a guide for the reuse of containers for medical purposes. And it aims to be a cheaper and faster alternative to build than medical center buildings. Since there is an increase in the health needs of third world countries (whether due to wars, ++natural disasters ...), this project aims to make better health possible in these countries. In addition, it must be a module capable of being transported to reach the most isolated areas of third world countries. For this reason, the designed module can be transported and can be adapted to any environment thanks to being completely independent, for example it does not need to be connected to a supply network. The project considers the environmental effects to make it as sustainable as possible. The first thing to do is set goals and look for the information needed for this proposal, looking for information on both containers and third world countries and considering the environmental impact. A solution is then proposed considering the criteria obtained after the search for information. An analysis of the proposal is then made, concluding that it is economically and energetically viable. This section analyzes all the necessary adaptations for the conversion of the maritime container to a primary care center, from insulation to energy needs. A 3D design of the container has also been made. Also, in the work are shown the different plans I have made

    Millimeter wave wireless system based on point to multipoint transmissions

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    The continuously growing traffic demand has motivated the exploration of underutilized millimeter wave frequency spectrum for future mobile broadband communication networks. Research activities focus mainly on the use of the V-band (59 - 64 GHz) and E-band (71 - 76 & 81 - 84 GHz) to offer multi-gigabit point to point transmissions. This paper describes an innovative W-band (92-95 GHz) point to multipoint wireless network for high capacity access and backhaul applications. Point to multipoint wireless networks suffer from limited RF power available. The proposed network is based on a high power, wide band traveling wave tube of new generation and an affordable high performance transceiver. These new devices enable a new transmission paradigm and overcome the relevant technological challenges imposed by the high atmosphere attenuation and the presently lack of power amplification required to provide adequate coverage at millimeter waves

    Functionalisation of MoS2 2D layers with diarylethene molecules

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    Functionalisation of two dimensional (2D) materials with stimuli-responsive molecules has been scarcely investigated. Here, MoS2 layers obtained by chemical exfoliation are covalently and non-covalently functionalised using two photoswitchable diarylethene derivatives under their open- and closed-ring isomers. The choice of these light-responsive molecules is based on their excellent thermal irreversibility and fatigue resistance. The characterisation of the resultant molecular/2D heterostructures proves the successful anchoring of the molecules by both approaches as well as the influence that the driving interaction has in the photoswitching behaviour of the diarylethene isomers after their deposition on the 2D layer

    TWEETHER project for W-band wireless networks

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    The European Horizon 2020 project TWEETHER aims to make a breakthrough in wireless networks to overcome the congestion of the actual mobile networks and foster the new 5G networks. A European Consortium including four universities and five companies from four European countries is devoting a relevant effort to realize novel terminals and transmission hubs to operate in the W-band (93 – 95 GHz). This paper will describe the advancement of the project


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    The late Miocene continental successions of the Baccinello-Cinigiano basin (Grosseto), one of the longest and most continuous vertebrate-bearing continental successions in the Neogene Italian record, yielded at least four superimposed vertebrate assemblages bracketed in the time span 8.3 - 6.4 Ma. The Baccinello-Cinigiano basin is famous for recording endemic vertebrate assemblages that include the youngest European Miocene hominoid, Oreopithecus bambolii. The late Miocene endemic vertebrate fauna known as the Baccinello V0 assemblage is the oldest vertebrate fauna within the Baccinello-Cinigiano basin succession, being correlated to the European mammal Neogene unit MN11. Recent field surveys along the Trasubbie river allowed studying in detail the basal Baccinello-Cinigiano sedimentary succession, and sampling fossiliferous level bearing microvertebrates along the small creek Fosso della Fittaia. The sample “Fosso della Fittaia 2013” yielded about 170 fossil remains improving our documentation of the oldest vertebrate assemblages from the Baccinello-Cinigian basin. As far as rodents are concerned, in addition to the already recognized murid Huerzelerimys and glirid Anthracoglis, a few dental remains are assigned to a new genus and species of giant dormouse. It is further worth noting the occurrence in the sample of shrew remains (the first described from the Baccinello-Cinigiano basin) identified as cf. Lartetium. The latter attests the presence of a crocidosoricine in the Fosso della Fittaia 2013 assemblage, postdating the youngest known occurrences of the subfamily by at least 1 my. The vertebrate assemblage is completed by a diverse herpetofauna and the first fish remains reported from the basin

    Ionic self-complementarity induces amyloid-like fibril formation in an isolated domain of a plant copper metallochaperone protein

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    BACKGROUND: Arabidopsis thaliana copper metallochaperone CCH is a functional homologue of yeast antioxidant ATX1, involved in cytosolic copper transport. In higher plants, CCH has to be transported to specialised cells through plasmodesmata, being the only metallochaperone reported to date that leaves the cell where it is synthesised. CCH has two different domains, the N-terminal domain conserved among other copper-metallochaperones and a C-terminal domain absent in all the identified non-plant metallochaperones. The aim of the present study was the biochemical and biophysical characterisation of the C-terminal domain of the copper metallochaperone CCH. RESULTS: The conformational behaviour of the isolated C-domain in solution is complex and implies the adoption of mixed conformations in different environments. The ionic self-complementary peptide KTEAETKTEAKVDAKADVE, derived from the C-domain of CCH, adopts and extended conformation in solution with a high content in β-sheet structure that induces a pH-dependent fibril formation. Freeze drying electron microscopy studies revealed the existence of well ordered amyloid-like fibrils in preparations from both the C-domain and its derivative peptide. CONCLUSION: A number of proteins related with copper homeostasis have a high tendency to form fibrils. The determinants for fibril formation, as well as the possible physiological role are not fully understood. Here we show that the plant exclusive C-domain of the copper metallochaperone CCH has conformational plasticity and forms fibrils at defined experimental conditions. The putative influence of these properties with plant copper delivery will be addressed in the future

    The range and extent of the Vallesian Crisis (Late Miocene) : new prospects based on the micromammal record from the Vallès-Penedès basin (Catalonia, Spain)

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    The Vallesian Crisis was initially recognized as a local event, which implied the extinction of certain rodent and artiodactyl genera coinciding with the early/late Vallesian boundary (at 9.7 Ma). Following works increased the range and extent of this event to encompass all Europe and involve a great number of mammal taxa. Here, we analyze the Vallesian rodent and insectivore record of the Vallès-Penedès basin (Catalonia, Spain), where the crisis was first recognized. We show that the quality of the record before the crisis is comparatively much better than afterwards so diversity appears inflated and extinction rates are overrated. Accordingly, we used inferred taxon ranges and rarefaction to calculate new diversity measures independent of sample size. These measures virtually eliminate the Vallesian Crisis, showing that diversity somewhat decreased during the earliest late Vallesian and soon recovered afterwards. This is because it cannot be discarded that several rare taxa, customarily said to have disappeared during the crisis, are in fact present. Amongst the rodents and insectivores, these taxa include genera that are generally rare and show a discontinuous record during the early Vallesian. These are presumed specialists adapted to humid forested environments such as flying squirrels, beavers or certain dormice, most of them being only recorded when the sample size is large enough. Alternatively, these genera may have been associated to very specific habitats which, for an unknown reason, are not sampled during the late Vallesian. Our results cast serious doubts on the very existence of the Vallesian Crisis suggesting that rather than an abrupt event a series of extinctions occurred during a longer time span. It has not been evaluated whether the same pattern is observed in the case of large mammals and in other areas. However, our results show that biases introduced by the quality of the record need to be taken into account when assessing the extent of the event.La Crisis Vallesiense fue inicialmente definida como un fenómeno local que implicó la desaparición de ciertos géneros de roedores y artiodáctilos coincidiendo con el límite entre Vallesiense inferior y superior (hace 9.7 Ma). Trabajos posteriores ampliaron el ámbito y alcance de este evento hasta incluir toda Europa e implicar un gran número de taxones de mamíferos. En este trabajo analizamos el registro Vallesiense de roedores e insectívoros de la cuenca del Vallès-Penedès (Cataluña, España), donde la crisis fue reconocida por primera vez. Se muestra que la calidad del registro fósil con anterioridad a la crisis es comparativamente mucho mejor que la de después de modo que se magnifica la diversidad y se exageran las tasas de extinción. Por lo tanto, se ha utilizado rarefacción y se han inferido rangos estratigráficos a fin de calcular nuevas medidas de diversidad independientes del tamaño de la muestra. Estas medidas eliminan virtualmente la Crisis Vallesiense, mostrando que la diversidad disminuyó a principios del Vallesiense superior para recuperarse poco después a finales de esta edad. Esto es debido a que no podemos descartar que diversos taxones poco abundantes, normalmente citados como víctimas de la crisis, estuvieran de hecho presentes. Entre los roedores e insectívoros dichos taxones incluyen géneros que son generalmente raros y que muestran un registro discontinuo durante el Vallesiense inferior. Se trata de supuestos especialistas adaptados a ambientes boscosos húmedos tales como ardillas voladoras, castores o ciertos lirones, la mayoría de los cuales sólo se encuentran cuando el tamaño de la muestra es lo suficientemente grande. Alternativamente, estos géneros podrían haber estado asociados a hábitats muy específicos que por algún motivo no están siendo muestreados durante el Vallesiense superior. Nuestros resultados cuestionan seriamente la existencia de la Crisis Vallesiense y sugieren que en lugar de un evento abrupto podría tratarse de una serie de extinciones que habrían sucedido durante un período más largo. Queda pendiente de evaluación si el mismo patrón se observa en el caso de los grandes mamíferos y en otras áreas. No obstante nuestros resultados muestran que se deberían tomar en consideración las desviaciones introducidas por la calidad del registro al analizar el alcance de este evento