48 research outputs found

    Nitrogen and oxygen isotopes of dissolved nitrate to evaluate the efficiency of induced groundwater denitrification at field-scale

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    Nitrate, pollutants, denitrification, nitrate vulnerable zones, stable isotopes

    Getting into the water with the Ecosystem Services Approach: The DESSIN ESS evaluation framework

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    Driven by Europe's pressing need to overcome its water quality and water scarcity challenges, the speed of innovation in the water sector is outpacing that of science. The methodologies available to assess the impact of innovative solutions to water-related challenges remain limited and highly theoretical, which sets boundaries on their application and usefulness to water practitioners. This hampers the uptake of new technologies and innovative management practices, thus foregoing potential gains in resource efficiency and nature protection, as well as wider benefits to society and the economy. To address this gap, the DESSIN project developed a framework to evaluate the changes in ecosystem services (ESS) associated with technical or management solutions implemented at the water body, sub-catchment or catchment level. The framework was developed with a specific focus on freshwater ecosystems to allow for a more detailed exploration of practical implementation issues. Its development, testing and validation was carried out by conducting ESS evaluations in three different urban case study settings. The framework builds upon existing classification systems for ESS (CICES and FEGS-CS) and incorporates the DPSIR adaptive management scheme as its main structural element. This enables compatibility with other international initiatives on ESS assessments and establishes a direct link to the EU Water Framework Directive, respectively. This work furthers research on practical implementation of the Ecosystem Services Approach, while pushing the discussion on how to promote more informed decision-making and support innovation uptake to address Europe's current water-related challenges

    Procediment per a la recuperació segura de menjars preparats i entrega a entitats

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    Menjars preparats; Recuperació d’aliments; Entitats socialsComidas preparadas; Recuperación de alimentos; Entidades socialesReady-to-eat meals; Food rescue procedure; Social organisationsAquest document neix de la necessitat de construir un model gràfic i entenedor per facilitar la donació d’aliments a entitats.1 L’objectiu d’aquesta CoP és aportar una eina que faciliti la donació de menús sobrants en cuines industrials, comercials o socials amb criteris adequats de seguretat alimentària. Aquest treball consta d’una guia de recomanacions sanitàries i d’una infografia: ● La infografia està dissenyada amb la finalitat que es pugui penjar com a pòster en un lloc visible a la cuina de l’establiment que fa la donació de menús sobrants. S’adreça als manipuladors, els voluntaris o els treballadors habituals de l’establiment de l’entitat donant o de la receptora. Té l’objectiu de remarcar tot allò que és més important per garantir la seguretat alimentària en aquests tipus de donacions. ● La guia de recomanacions sanitàries és el suport teòric que permet clarificar amb detall certs aspectes de la infografia o aprofundir-hi, és a dir, la donació de menús sobrants en cuines industrials, comercials i socials, mantinguts en línies de conservació en calent o en fred. En general, es tracta de plats preparats, encara que es fan recomanacions generals sobre tot tipus d’aliments.Este documento nace de la necesidad de construir un modelo gráfico y comprensible para facilitar la donación de alimentos. El objetivo de esta CoP es aportar una herramienta que facilite la donación de menús sobrantes en cocinas industriales, comerciales o sociales con criterios adecuados de seguridad alimentaria. Este trabajo consta de una guía de recomendaciones sanitarias y de una infografía: ● La infografía está diseñada a fin de que pueda ser colgada como póster en un lugar visible en la cocina del establecimiento que realiza la donación de menús sobrantes. Está dirigida a los manipuladores, voluntarios o trabajadores habituales del establecimiento de la entidad donante o de la receptora. Tiene por objetivo remarcar todo aquello que es más importante para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria en este tipo de donaciones. ● La guía de recomendaciones sanitarias es el apoyo teórico que permite clarificar o profundizar en detalle ciertos aspectos de la infografía, es decir, la donación de menús sobrantes en cocinas industriales, comerciales y sociales, mantenidos en líneas de conservación en caliente o en frío. En general, se trata de platos preparados, aunque se realizan recomendaciones generales sobre todo tipo de alimentos.This document stems from the need of building a graphic and understandable scheme to facilitate food donation. The objective of this CoP is to provide a tool that facilitates the donation of surplus food in industrial, commercial or social kitchens with adequate food safety criteria. This work is composed of a sanitary guidelines and an infographics. The infographics is designed so that it can be hanged as a poster in a visible spot at the kitchen of the establishment that donates surplus food. It is addressed to food handlers, voluntaries or regular workers at the establishment from the donor or receiver. It aims to emphasize all that it is important to ensure food safety in this type of donations. The health guideline is the theoretical support that allows to clarify or examine in greater depth certain aspects of the infographics, e. i. the donation of surplus food in industrial, commercial or social kitchens, either hot or cold food preservation devices. In general, it refers to prepared dishes, although general guidelines are offered on all types of food

    Biological mechanisms in respiratory and limb muscle dysfunction in chronic respiratory conditions : influence of disease severity and body composition

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    Skeletal muscle dysfunction and wasting are major comorbidities of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and lung cancer (LC). Despite that the lower limb muscles are usually more severely affected, the respiratory muscles may also experience structural and functional abnormalities in COPD. Muscle dysfunction negatively impacts on the patients’ quality of life by impairing their exercise tolerance even of daily life activities. Several molecular mechanisms are involved in the etiology of COPD muscle dysfunction. In this regard, we hypothesized that oxidative stress may be a trigger of enhanced muscle proteolysis and dysfunction in the limb muscles of cachectic patients bearing two different respiratory conditions such as COPD and LC, and that epigenetic events may be involved in the pathophysiology of COPD muscle dysfunction of both respiratory and limb muscles.La disfunció muscular esquelètica i la pèrdua de massa muscular són dues manifestacions sistèmiques freqüents en malalties com la Malaltia Pulmonar Obstructiva Crònica (MPOC) i el Càncer de Pulmó (CP). Malgrat que en els malalts amb MPOC, els músculs perifèrics sovint es veuen més greument afectats, els músculs respiratoris també mostren alteracions estructurals i funcionals. La disfunció muscular que pateixen aquests pacients afecta negativament la seva qualitat de vida, no només reduint la seva tolerància a l’exercici físic sinó també a les seves activitats quotidianes. Diferents mecanismes moleculars estan implicats en la etiologia de la disfunció muscular en la MPOC. La nostra hipòtesi és que l’estrès oxidatiu podria ser un desencadenant de l’augment de proteòlisi i disfunció muscular en els músculs perifèrics de pacients amb caquèxia associada a processos respiratoris com ara la MPOC i el CP. Els mecanismes epigenètics podrien estar també implicats en la fisiopatologia de la disfunció muscular en la MPOC

    Anàlisi dels sistemes de flux a l'àrea Gavarres-Selva-Baix Empordà : proposta de model hidrodinàmic regional /

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    Consultable des del TDXTítol obtingut de la portada digitalitzadaEn la present tesi s'exposa una síntesi de la hidrogeologia del massís de les Gavarres i zones adjacents amb l'objectiu final d'identificar i descriure'n la dinàmica, ampliant el coneixement hidrogeològic d'aquesta zona sotmesa a una creixent demanda i avaluant la disponibilitat de recursos hídrics. Concretament, l'estudi hidrogeològic defineix i descriu les formacions hidrogeològiques locals, les seves àrees de recàrrega i els sistemes de flux que es produeixen acompanyant-ho de diverses cartografies piezomètriques. Addicionalment, es caracteritza la dinàmica del sistema mitjançant l'estudi de les fàcies hidroquímiques i de les dotacions en isòtops estables i radiogènics (d18O, dD, 3H, d13C, 87Sr/86Sr) que permeten integrar-les en un sistema hidrogeològic regional. Els resultats es corroboren amb una anàlisi multivariable, consistent en l'anàlisi de components principals, i amb un estudi de mescla de membres extrems. També, s'estudien les fonts riques en CO2 o «picants» mitjançant un seguiment de cabal i hidroquímic, amb la finalitat d'afinar el model conceptual hidrològic derivat de les dades anteriors integrant-hi aquests elements singulars del sistema. El desenvolupament de la tesi ha permès identificar dos sistemes principals de flux com a origen de la recàrrega del sistema. Es descriu un sistema de caràcter local representat per la recàrrega procedent del massís de les Gavarres, que s'estableix en sentit divergent de d'aquest, el qual es fa present a la zona del Baix Ter i a la Vall d'Aro, així com a algunes captacions del marge oriental de la depressió de la Selva. Es de tipus pistó governat per fractures locals i adopta un sentit vertical ascendent a la zona nord a través de les formacions paleògenes. S'estimen els temps de residència en base al contingut en triti segons un model de desintegració i s'obtenen temps de trànsit d'entre 20-30 anys. En base als isòtops estables es determina l'estacionalitat de la recàrrega i s'avalua el percentatge de la precipitació infiltrant (10-15%) mitjançant mètodes hidroquímics. El segon sistema de flux que es constata és d'àmbit regional. Aquest es manifesta en les captacions més profundes de la depressió de la Selva, s'indueix antròpicament a les formacions sedimentàries soprajacents i ve governat per fractures regionals que delimiten les unitats morfoestructurals. Presenta característiques hidroquímiques diferenciades com a conseqüència de la interacció amb la roca sota elevats temps de residència, majors a 50 anys, segons indica el contingut en triti. La dotació en isótops estables suggereix una àrea de recàrrega que se situa a la serralada Transversal i/o en el massís de les Guilleries. En les fonts riques en CO2 es constata la presència d'ambdós sistemes de flux els quals s'hi mesclen en diferents proporcions. Es considera que el sistema de flux local s'incorpora al cabal de les fonts amb posterioritat a l'addició del gas diluint les elevades mineralitzacions de l'aigua que s'atribueixen a la presència del gas. Al sistema regional es constata amb una major constància quantitativa i qualitativa. L'anàlisi de components principals i l'estudi de la mescla de membres extrems corroboren la dinàmica hidrogeològica descrita mitjançant l'estudi multisotòpic. En concret, senyalen el domini de les reaccions silicatades i les influencies menors d'altres processos relacionats amb heterogeneïtats locals del medi, inducció antròpica de fluxos i mescla amb sistemes superficials. Concretament, a la zona del Baix Ter es caracteritza el sistema de flux dominant procedent de les gavarres que s'estableix en sentit vertical ascendent a la depressió i localment s'estimen les aportacions d'un flux influenciat per elevats cabals d'extracció procedent del riu Ter i intrusió salina. Els resultats manifesten l'aplicabilitat d'ambdós mètodes així com les seves limitacions. Finalment l'estudi manifesta el paper de les fractures en el control dels sistemes de flux i de la recàrrega que afavoreixen l'aportació d'aigües amb temps de residència molt elevats i l'establiment de fluxos de sentit vertical ascendent. També, planteja la dinàmica del sistema a una escala regional considerant que les aportacions subterrànies procedents de les formacions hidrogeològiques profundes contribueixen notablement a les aportacions i als recursos disponibles.This dissertation is focused on the hydrogeology of the Gavarres range and the surrounding basins of Selva and Baix Empordà. Its main objective consists on describing the hydrodynamics of the system based on geological field work, potentiometric data, hydrochemistry as well as isotopic data ((d18O, dD, 3H, d13C, 87Sr/86Sr). The purpose is to determine a conceptual model that describes the main flow systems of the area as a useful tool to define future exploitation criteria for those related aquifers. The occurrence of rich-CO2 cold springs in the area provides an opportunity to investigate a specific hydrological behavior and are studied as a singular points of the hydrogeological system. This research has pointed out the existence of two main flow systems: a local system flow with recharge area in the Gavarres range and a regional system flow with longer flow paths from the Transversal and/or Guilleries range. The data results are summarized as follows. The study identifies and characterizes different hydrogeological formations and potentiometric data show a divergent flux from the Gavarres range towards the sourronding basins. Hydraulic head data also indicates the influence of fractures in the local flow system and a vertical ascending recharge is suggested in the north basin. Furthermore, hydrochemical data supports potentiometric observations and also suggests different residence times depending on flow path. The local meteoric line obtained from rainfall stable isotopes indicates seasonal recharge and its positions respect groundwater samples suggests different dynamics and recharge area in Empordà and Selva basins. Gavarres is the main recharge area but in deepest points of south basin a different and higher recharge areas are considered. CO2-rich springs also agree with these observations despite a modification of its d18O contents because of CO2 exsolution. According to the geological setting, those recharge areas would be located at the Transversal and Guilleries range, which bound the Selva basin in its northern and western boundaries. Tritium content points out different residence times of water samples. Two different groups of tritium data are distinguished, which correlates with the observed differences using stable isotopes, one infiltrated before 1952 occurs at the deepest wells of the Selva basin and at the CO2-rich springs, and is related to a regional flow system. The high exploitation rate in this basin induces flow from this deep regional system to arkosic basin materials. A second, modern set of data which would enter the system 20 years ago is described in Empordà and Aro basin as well as in shallow aquifers in Selva basin. Strontium content and 87Sr/86Sr ratios are used to tracer the flow path and the isotopic content. In particular, Empordà aquifers show a radiogenic signature acquired in the local metamorphic recharge area supporting the existence of vertical upwelling flow. Principal component analysis (PCA) allows statistical grouping that reflects bedrock lithology and supports some of the identified chemical reactions. Subsequently, end-member mixing analysis has been applied to the Baix Empordà samples to verify mixing rates between the Gavarres recharge through the paleogene aquifers, the Ter river capture and salt water intrusion. Despite that the method needs to be carefully checked for consistency, its application to water samples from the alluvial aquifer demonstrates the major recharge from the underlying paleogene formations, a Ter river participation of about 20%, and a maximum percentage of 10% of salt water in specific wells. In conclusion, the study of the hydrogeology of the Gavarres-Selva-Baix Empordà system has pictured two distinct flow systems with different chemical and isotopic content and characterized by different dynamics. Furthermore, it shows that the Gavarres range only acts as a local recharge area, and that groundwater from the Selva basin also gets its inflow from distant areas, namely the Transversal and Guilleries ranges

    Determinación de sistemas de flujo regionales y locales en las depresiones tectónicas del Baix Empordà y La Selva (NE de España) en base a datos hidroquímicos e isotópicos

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    The Baix Empordà-Selva-Gavarres aquifer system is related to the fault set that created the tectonic basins of Empordà and Selva areas (NE Spain) during the Neogene. In this work, we describe groundwater hydrogeological, hydrochemical and isotopical (3H, δD, δ18O, and the 87Sr/86Sr ratio) characteristics of this system in order to illustrate the relevance of fault zones in groundwater flow-paths and the recharge. In that way, we identify two flow systems, with distinct hydrochemistry and isotopes. A local flow system originates at the Gavarres Range, and it flows towards the basins of the Baix Empordà and Selva, with an approximate residence time of 20 years. Additionally, a regional flow system has only been identified in the Selva basin. This one is related to the main fault zones, as preferential flow paths. Its recharge is located in mountain ranges with higher altitudes, namely the Transversal and Guilleries Ranges, with residence times larger than 50 years. Isotopical data has also shown mixing processes between both flow systems and rainfall recharge while multivariate statistical analysis of principal components has shown the main processes that control hydrochemistry of each flow system

    The phosphodiesterase-4 inhibitor roflumilast reverts proteolysis in skeletal muscle cells of patients with COPD cachexia

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    Peripheral muscle weakness and mass loss are characteristic features in severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We hypothesized that the phosphodiesterase (PDE)-4 inhibitor roflumilast-induced cAMP may ameliorate proteolysis and metabolism in skeletal muscles of COPD patients with severe muscle wasting. In myogenic precursor cells (isolated from muscle biopsies and cultured up to obtain differentiated myotubes) from 10 severe COPD patients and 10 healthy controls, which were treated with 1 μM roflumilast N-oxide (RNO) for three time cohorts (1, 6, and 24 h), genes of antioxidant defense and oxidative stress marker, myogenesis and muscle metabolism, proteolysis (tyrosine release assay) and ubiquitin-proteasome system markers, autophagy, and myosin isoforms were analyzed using RT-PCR and immunoblotting. In COPD patients at 6 h RNO treatment, myotube tyrosine release, total protein ubiquitination, and tripartite motif-containing protein 32 levels were significantly lower than healthy controls, whereas at 24 h RNO treatment, myotube myosin heavy chain ( MyHC) -I and MyHC-IIx expression levels were upregulated in both patients and controls. In the 6-h RNO cohort, in patients and controls, myotube expression of nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 ( NRF2) and its downstream antioxidants sirtuin-1, FGF-inducible 14, and insulin-like growth factor-1 was upregulated, whereas that of myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C, myogenic differentiation, myogenin, myostatin, atrogin-1, and muscle RING-finger protein-1 was downregulated. In myotubes of severe COPD patients with cachexia, roflumilast-induced cAMP signaling exerts beneficial effects by targeting muscle protein breakdown (tyrosine release), along with reduced expression of proteolytic markers of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and that of myostatin. In both patients and controls, roflumilast also favored antioxidant defense through upregulation of the NRF2 pathway and that of the histone deacetylase sirtuin-1, whereas it improved the expression of slow- and fast-twitch myosin isoforms. These findings show that muscle dysfunction and wasting may be targeted by roflumilast-induced cAMP signaling in COPD. These results have potential therapeutic implications, as this PDE-4 inhibitor is currently available for the treatment of systemic inflammation and exacerbations in patients with severe COPD. NEW & NOTEWORTHY In myotubes of cachectic chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients, cAMP signaling exerted beneficial effects by targeting muscle proteolysis and reducing gene expression of proteolytic markers of the ubiquitin-proteasome system and that of myostatin. In myotubes of patients and controls, roflumilast also favored antioxidant defense through upregulation of the nuclear factor (erythroid-derived 2)-like 2 pathway, of sirtuin-1, and of gene expression of slow- and fast-twitch isoforms. These findings have potential clinical implications for the treatment of muscle wasting in patients with COPD and cachexia.Support for this study was provided by CIBERES, FIS 14/00713 (FEDER), SAF-2014-54371-R, SEPAR 2016, FUCAP 2016 (Spain), and an unrestricted grant from Takeda (Japan). E. Barreiro was a recipient of the ERS COPD Research Award 2008

    Do epigenetic events take place in the vastus lateralis of patients with mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

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    Muscle dysfunction is a major comorbidity in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Several biological mechanisms including epigenetic events regulate muscle mass and function in models of muscle atrophy. Investigations conducted so far have focused on the elucidation of biological mechanisms involved in muscle dysfunction in advanced COPD. We assessed whether the epigenetic profile may be altered in the vastus lateralis of patients with mild COPD, normal body composition, and mildly impaired muscle function and exercise capacity. In vastus lateralis (VL) of mild COPD patients with well-preserved body composition and in healthy age-matched controls, expression of DNA methylation, muscle-enriched microRNAs, histone acetyltransferases (HTAs) and deacetylases (HDACs), protein acetylation, small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) ligases, and muscle structure were explored. All subjects were clinically evaluated. Compared to healthy controls, in the VL of mild COPD patients, muscle function and exercise capacity were moderately reduced, DNA methylation levels did not differ, miR-1 expression levels were increased and positively correlated with both forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and quadriceps force, HDAC4 protein levels were increased, and muscle fiber types and sizes were not different. Moderate skeletal muscle dysfunction is a relevant feature in patients with mild COPD and preserved body composition. Several epigenetic events are differentially expressed in the limb muscles of these patients, probably as an attempt to counterbalance the underlying mechanisms that alter muscle function and mass. The study of patients at early stages of their disease is of interest as they are a target for timely therapeutic interventions that may slow down the course of the disease and prevent the deleterious effects of major comorbidities.This study has been supported by Centro de Investigación en Red de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES); Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS) 11/02029; FIS 12/02534; SAF-2011-26908; 2009-SGR-393; Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR) 2009; Fundació Catalana de Pneumologia (FUCAP) 2011; FUCAP 2012; and Marató TV3 (MTV3-07-1010) (Spain). Dr. Esther Barreiro was a recipient of the European Respiratory Society (ERS) COPD Research Award 200

    Protein levels of HDACs shown to play a role in muscle dysfunction in muscles of both patients and controls.

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    <p>Mean values and standard deviation of protein HDAC3/vinculin protein loading control (A) HDAC6/vinculin protein loading control as measured in optical densities (OD) using arbitrary units (a.u.) (B), and SIRT1/vinculin protein loading control (C) levels in the vastus lateralis did not differ (n.s., non-significant) between the two study groups, while HDAC4/vinculin protein loading control (D) protein levels were significantly greater (**: p<0.01) in the patients than in the controls.</p