2,045 research outputs found


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    We show the role of unmediated plain conversation as both an information transmission and a coordination device for the class of two-player incomplete information games. Concretely, we proove that any communication equilibrium payoff of such games can be reached as a Nash equilibrium payoff of the game extended by a two phase (exante and interim) unmediated communication protocol. This protocol is constructed by using communicative one-way functions, which are, in turn, designed with the help of modern cryptographic tools. A familiar context in which our results could be applied is bilateral trading with incomplete information.Unmediated community, correlated equilibrium

    Some facts behind graduate’s entrepreneurship in Europe

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    Educational, motivational and economic features are analyzed in a sampleof young European graduates to identify the differential elements of entrepreneurship.The results suggest, fi rst, that gender and country of origin are relevant to the decision of becoming an entrepreneur; second, that future entrepreneurs anticipatethe higher demands of competence they will face and behave consistently duringtheir studies; and, third, that through entrepreneurship graduates achieve higherearnings and more satisfactory work situations than through the other forms oflabor participation.As carcterísticas educacionais, motivacionais e econômicas são analizadasnuma amostra de jovens pós-graduados europeus para identifi car os elementos diferenciais do espírito empresarial. Os resultados sugerem, em primeiro lugar, queo gênero e o país de origem são relevantes para a decisão de se tornar um empresário;segundo, que os futuros empresários antcipam as demandas mais elevadasde competência que eles enfrentarão e se comportam consistentemente duranteos seus estudos; e, terceiro, que através do espírito empresarial os pós-graduadosconseguem rendas mais elevadas e situações de trabalho mais satisfatórias do quepor meio de outras formas de participação laboral

    The Opinion of European Graduates About the University Five Years After Completing Their Education

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    En el contexto actual, en el que la sociedad del conocimiento reclama nuevas capacidades de los graduados universitarios para adaptarse a las demandas del mercado laboral, ha surgido la figura del «profesional flexible». Las universidades no son ajenas a los cambios que, en este sentido, se están produciendo, y se están planteando modificaciones y rediseños de los planes de estudio. En este trabajo, se pretende describir la visión que los graduados universitarios tienen de la universidad transcurridos cinco años desde que finalizaron sus estudios. La información que, desde su experiencia educativa, tienen los titulados es fundamental para los gestores educativos en la tarea de diseño de planes de estudio o políticas educativas. Los datos utilizados proceden de la encuesta REFLEX.In today’s knowledge society, in which university graduates are required to obtain new abilities to adjust to the demands of the labour market, the figure of the “flexible professional” has emerged. Universities are not immune to these changes and are proposing modifications to the curricula. In this paper, we attempt to depict the views of university graduates regarding their university five years after completing their studies. Information about graduates’ educational experience is crucial to educational managers in charge of designing curricula and educational policies. The data used in this paper are obtained from the REFLEX Survey

    La opinión de los graduados europeos sobre la universidad cinco años después de haber finalizado sus estudios

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    En el contexto actual, en el que la sociedad del conocimiento reclama nuevas capacidades de los graduados universitarios para adaptarse a las demandas del mercado laboral, ha surgido la figura del «profesional flexible». Las universidades no son ajenas a los cambios que, en este sentido, se están produciendo, y se están planteando modificaciones y rediseños de los planes de estudio. En este trabajo, se pretende describir la visión que los graduados universitarios tienen de la universidad transcurridos cinco años desde que finalizaron sus estudios. La información que, desde su experiencia educativa, tienen los titulados es fundamental para los gestores educativos en la tarea de diseño de planes de estudio o políticas educativas. Los datos utilizados proceden de la encuesta REFLEX.In today's knowledge society, in which university graduates are required to obtain new abilities to adjust to the demands of the labour market, the figure of the "flexible professional" has emerged. Universities are not immune to these changes and are proposing modifications to the curricula. In this paper, we attempt to depict the views of university graduates regarding their university five years after completing their studies. Information about graduates' educational experience is crucial to educational managers in charge of designing curricula and educational policies. The data used in this paper are obtained from the REFLEX Survey

    Monetary rewards and competences of young european graduates

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    15 pages, 5 figuresPeer reviewe

    Retrieving Music Semantics from Optical Music Recognition by Machine Translation

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    In this paper, we apply machine translation techniques to solve one of the central problems in the field of optical music recognition: extracting the semantics of a sequence of music characters. So far, this problem has been approached through heuristics and grammars, which are not generalizable solutions. We borrowed the seq2seq model and the attention mechanism from machine translation to address this issue. Given its example-based learning, the model proposed is meant to apply to different notations provided there is enough training data. The model was tested on the PrIMuS dataset of common Western music notation incipits. Its performance was satisfactory for the vast majority of examples, flawlessly extracting the musical meaning of 85% of the incipits in the test set—mapping correctly series of accidentals into key signatures, pairs of digits into time signatures, combinations of digits and rests into multi-measure rests, detecting implicit accidentals, etc.This work is supported by the Spanish Ministry HISPAMUS project TIN2017-86576-R, partially funded by the EU, and by CIRMMT’s Inter-Centre Research Exchange Funding and McGill’s Graduate Mobility Award

    Tailoring the microstructure by a proper electric current control in flash sintering: The case of barium titanate

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    Flash sintering is arousing growing interest because high-density ceramics can be obtained at lower temperatures and shorter dwell times than conventional sintering. However, not only temperature and dwell times should be controlled during flash sintering but also parameters such as the electric field and electric current should be considered. Controlling all the parameters during the processing allows comprehensive control of the microstructure and, consequently, functional properties can be improved. In this work, it is evidenced that an exhaustive control of the flash electric current is a crucial factor for tailoring the microstructure of BaTiO3 ceramics. The results reveal that the most suitable way to control the sintering process is by using nonlinear current profiles because better densification and improved grain growth is achieved. Although the results focus on BaTiO3, this work offers a new pathway to tailor the microstructure of flash sintered ceramics, which may be extended to other materials
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