24 research outputs found

    Software for visualization and processing of volumetric data

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    The work summarizes the possibilities of volume data displaying. It deals with the scalar type of volume algorithms, which are then divided into techniques of indirect and direct rendering of volume data. From indirect techniques the Marching Cubes method is mentioned. Direct techniques are further divided into trivial and advanced algorithms. The practical part describes the design, implementation and evaluation of the functionality of implemented program that uses trivial methods. The overall evaluation consists of partial evaluations of the computational complexity, the memory load and the quality of final rendering while using different methods and types of input volume data

    Metamorphoses of Prague periphery. The former slum Na Slatinách

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    This monographical study is dedicated to the largest of the former Prague slums, to the slum Na Slatinách (Slatiny), the area of provisional housing of social excluded poor. It describes the time and circumstances of its formation in the middle 20s. It examines the creation of local community as well as its changes under the influences of political and economic forces during the second half of the 20th century. The study is further focused on interception of contemporary unsatisfactory condition of locality, on description of strong diversity of physical and social environment which is reflected in specific modified social relations and structure

    The importace of education in the care of the newborn from the primipara's point of view

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    The bachelor thesis deals with the topic toled "The importace of education in the care of the newborn from the primipara's point of view". The thesis is dividend into two parts, a theoretical and a practical one. The theoretical part is focused on the isme of education, where the main concepts of education, methods and forms are described, as well as the educational process. The thesis also explains the koncept of physiological newborn and its care especially in the rooming-in and home care system. In the practical part, there several goals of the thesis are determined. The first objektive is to find out how primiparas are educated in newborn care, and then to map and evaluace the process of primipara's education by nurses and midwives in the care of the newborn. Based on these objectives, the following research questions have been drawn up: "What is the level of education by nurses and midwives? What is the extent of women's education in neonatal care? How educated are women in newborn care? " The research was carried out in the form of qualitative research, hen the data were collected using the interviewing method and the depth-interview technique. The research was conducted in April 2017. The data were subsequently processed on the computer and analyzed by open encoding. During the research, there one research group of primiparas in the puerperium was being worked with. On the basis of the analysis, four categories were evaluated in the group of primiparas during the puerperium period (Pre-Child Awareness, Scope of Education, Method of Education and Level of Education). Subcategories have been created for each category. Individual categories and subcategories are processed into organized schemes. The results show that education is relativem good. It is clear that today women use the Internet a lot. In terms of education it self, it has been found that women are educated in all areas of neonatal care such as breastfeeding, diapering and bathing. Somewhere the manipulation is explained by nurses separately, on the other hand, some of them involve manipulation in another area. Nurses usually educate a woman individually, but hen two women are in one room, they are educated together and the show is done on one newborn. Within the framework of education, women are provided with printed materials, variol leaflets and brochures. It has been shown that education is most frequently done by the method of interpretation with a sample, where the nurse at the same time explains the principles of particular performance. There was no great dissatisfaction with the research. I think that for every primipara, education has to be somehow important, especially if she does not have any informatik before the childbirth and therefore does not know how to take care of the newborn. An educational plan was created and it was based on this thesis

    Software for visualization and processing of volumetric data

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    Práce souhrnně popisuje možnosti zobrazení objemových dat. Blíže se věnuje skalárnímu typu objemových algoritmů, který následně dělí na techniky nepřímého a přímého zobrazení objemových dat. Z nepřímých technik přibližuje metodu Marching Cubes. Přímé techniky dále člení na algoritmy triviální a pokročilé. V praktické části popisuje návrh, implementaci a vyhodnocení funkčnosti programu, jenž využívá právě triviálních metod. Celkové hodnocení je složeno z dílčích hodnocení výpočetní náročnosti, zatížení paměti a kvality výsledného zobrazení za použití různých metod a druhů vstupních objemových dat.The work summarizes the possibilities of volume data displaying. It deals with the scalar type of volume algorithms, which are then divided into techniques of indirect and direct rendering of volume data. From indirect techniques the Marching Cubes method is mentioned. Direct techniques are further divided into trivial and advanced algorithms. The practical part describes the design, implementation and evaluation of the functionality of implemented program that uses trivial methods. The overall evaluation consists of partial evaluations of the computational complexity, the memory load and the quality of final rendering while using different methods and types of input volume data.