68 research outputs found

    Protocol of a mixed method randomized controlled pilot study evaluating a wilderness program for adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: the WAYA study

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    Introduction The majority of childhood, adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer survivors suffer from long-term and late effects such as fatigue, psychological distress or comorbid diseases. Effective health promotion strategies are needed to support the health of this vulnerable group. This protocol provides a methodological description of a study that aims to examine the feasibility and safety of performing a randomised clinical trial (RCT) on a wilderness programme that is developed to support the health of AYA cancer survivors. Methods and analysis The pilot RCT study has a mixedmethod design, including quantitative and qualitative evaluations. Participants are AYAs, aged 16–39 years, that have been diagnosed with cancer during childhood, adolescence or young adulthood. A total of 40 participants will be randomly assigned to a wilderness programme (n=20) or a holiday programme (n=20). Both arms include participation in an 8-day summer programme, followed by a 4-day programme 3 months later. Primary outcomes are feasibility and safety parameters such as time to recruitment, willingness to be randomised, programme adherence and adverse effects. Secondary outcomes include self-reported health such as self-esteem, quality of life, self-efficacy and lived experiences. Descriptive statistics will be used to analyse outcomes and explore indications of differences between the programmes. Interviews are analysed by directed content analysis and hermeneutic phenomenology. A convergent parallel mixed-method analysis design will be applied to integrate quantitative and qualitative data. Results of this feasibility study will inform the preparation for a larger RCT with AYA cancer survivors. Ethics and dissemination The study protocol is approved by the Swedish Ethical Review Authority (reference: 2020-00239). This study will be performed between January 2021 and December 2023. Results will be published in international peer-reviewed journals, presented at conferences and disseminated to participants, cancer societies, healthcare professionals and outdoor instructors

    Psychological abuse among older persons in Europe: a cross-sectional study

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    Purpose: Elder abuse is an issue of great concern world‐wide, not least in Europe. Older people are increasingly vulnerable to physical, psychological, financial maltreatment and sexual coercion. However, due to complexities of measurement, psychological abuse may be underestimated. The purpose of this study is to investigate the prevalence of psychological abuse toward older persons within a 12 month period. Design/methodology/approach: The study design was cross‐sectional and data were collected during January‐July 2009 in the survey “Elder abuse: a multinational prevalence survey, ABUEL”. The participants were 4,467 randomly selected persons aged 60‐84 years (2,559 women, 57.3 per cent) from seven EU countries (Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Spain, Sweden). The sample size was adapted to each city according to their population of women and men aged 60‐84 years (albeit representative and proportional to sex‐age). The participants answered a structured questionnaire either through a face‐to‐face interview or a mix of interview/self‐response. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and regression methods. Findings: The prevalence of overall psychological abuse was 29.7 per cent in Sweden, followed by 27.1 per cent in Germany; 24.6 per cent in Lithuania and 21.9 per cent in Portugal. The lowest prevalence was reported in Greece, Spain and Italy with 13.2 per cent, 11.5 per cent and 10.4 per cent, respectively. Similar tendencies were observed concerning minor/severe abuse. The Northern countries (Germany, Lithuania, Sweden) compared to Southern countries (Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain) reported a higher mean prevalence (across countries) of minor/severe abuse (26.3 per cent/11.5 per cent and 12.9 per cent/5.9 per cent, respectively). Most perpetrators (71.2 per cent) were spouses/partners and other relatives (e.g. children). The regression analysis indicated that being from Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain was associated with less risk of psychological abuse. Low social support, living in rented housing, alcohol use, frequent health care use, and high scores in anxiety and somatic complaints were associated with increased risk of psychological abuse. Social implications: Psychological abuse was more prevalent in Northern than Southern countries and factors such as low social support and high anxiety levels played an important role. Further studies are warranted to investigate the prevalence of psychological abuse and risk factors among older persons in other EU countries. Particular attention should be paid to severe abuse. Such research may help policy makers and health planers/providers in tailoring interventions to tackle the ever growing problem of elder abuse. Originality/value: The paper reports data from the ABUEL Survey, which collected population based data on elderly abuse

    Workplace violence in a large correctional health servce in New South Wales, Australia: a retrospective review of incident management records

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    BackgroundLittle is known about workplace violence among correctional health professionals. This studyaimed to describe the patterns, severity and outcomes of incidents of workplace violenceamong employees of a large correctional health service, and to explore the help-seekingbehaviours of staff following an incident.MethodsThe study setting was Justice Health, a statutory health corporation established to providehealth care to people who come into contact with the criminal justice system in New SouthWales, Australia. We reviewed incident management records describing workplace violenceamong Justice Health staff. The three-year study period was 1/7/2007-30/6/2010.ResultsDuring the period under review, 208 incidents of workplace violence were recorded. Verbalabuse (71%) was more common than physical abuse (29%). The most (44%) incidents ofworkplace violence (including both verbal and physical abuse) occurred in adult maleprisons, although the most (50%) incidents of physical abuse occurred in a forensic hospital.Most (90%) of the victims were nurses and two-thirds were females. Younger employees andmales were most likely to be a victim of physical abuse. Preparing or dispensing medicationand attempting to calm and/or restrain an aggressive patient were identified as ‘high risk’work duties for verbal abuse and physical abuse, respectively. Most (93%) of the incidents ofworkplace violence were initiated by a prisoner/patient. Almost all of the incidents receivedeither a medium (46%) or low (52%) Severity Assessment Code. Few victims of workplaceviolence incurred a serious physical injury – there were no workplace deaths during the studyperiod. However, mental stress was common, especially among the victims of verbal abuse(85%). Few (6%) victims of verbal abuse sought help from a health professional.ConclusionsAmong employees of a large correctional health service, verbal abuse in the workplace wassubstantially more common than physical abuse. The most incidents of workplace violenceoccurred in adult male prisons. Review of the types of adverse health outcomes experiencedby the victims of workplace violence and the assessments of severity assigned to violentincidents suggests that, compared with health care settings in the community, correctionalsettings are fairly safe places in which to practice

    Violence in caring : Risk factors, outcomes and support

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    The overall aim of this dissertation is to promote knowledge of violence against personnel in municipal caring by studying its magnitude, the risk factors involved, its consequences, and the significance of social support and prevention. A subsidiary aim was to develop methods for surveying and analyzing workplace violence in a care setting. The five papers in this dissertation are based upon three studies: a pilot study; a literature review based on database searches; and, a nationwide questionnaire survey of the seven largest occupations in municipal nursing and caring (administrators, nursing specialists, supervisors, direct carers, nursing auxiliaries, assistant nurses, and personal assistants). A total of 2,800 individuals were covered by the survey. Violence was defined broadly, encompassing both verbal and physical aggression aimed at personnel. The pilot study consisted in the testing of a recording form (list) to be used in the workplace, which resulted in a large number of violent incidents being reported. The literature review highlighted five distinct focuses of research on violence in a work setting. With the review as a foundation, a model for the identification and analysis of risks of violence was developed. The model operates at three levels: individual (specific factors), workplace (situational factors), and organization (structural factors). It was found in the questionnaire study that over half of respondents had been exposed to violence or threat of violence on one or several occasions over the previous year. Over nine percent reported that they had been exposed on a daily basis, but there were also cases of aggravated physical violence. All occupational groups were exposed, but degree of exposure varied between groups. Low age and short occupational tenure proved to act as risk factors, as too did certain types of workplaces, working full-time with patients/clients, reorganization (downsizing), and high workload. The consequences of acts of violence were many and varied. Financial, health-related, emotional, work-related, and social impacts were all reported. One out of five victims of violence sustained physical injuries, and emotional reactions were common. Violent acts did not only affect work with care recipients but also impacted on personnel s leisure time. Scarcely four out of ten had received support or help following an act of violence, while six out of ten stated that some kind of preventive intervention had been made in their workplace. The overall results indicate that violence is a work-environment problem within the health-and-care sector. Indeed, for many it is a daily recurring problem. Acts of violence have different consequences according to the individual and the workplace.VĂ„ld i omsorgsarbete Riskfaktorer, konsekvenser och stöd Avhandlingens övergripande syfte Ă€r att öka kunskapen om vĂ„ld mot personal i kommunalt omsorgsarbete genom att studera dess magnitude, riskfaktorer, konsekvenser och betydelsen av social support och prevention. Ett ytterligare syfte var att utveckla metoder för kartlĂ€ggning och analys av vĂ„ld i omsorgsarbete. Avhandlingen grundar sig pĂ„ tre studier, vilka behandlas i fem papers: en pilotstudie, en litteraturinventering i ett antal databaser och en rikstĂ€ckande enkĂ€tundersökning bland de sju största yrkesgrupperna inom kommunal vĂ„rd- och omsorg (handlĂ€ggare, specialister, förestĂ„ndare, vĂ„rdare, vĂ„rdbitrĂ€den, undersköterskor och personliga assistenter). Totalt 2 800 personer ingick enkĂ€tstudien. I avhandlingens studier definieras vĂ„ld brett och omfattar bĂ„de verbal och fysisk aggression mot personal. Under pilotstudien provades en registreringslista för lokalt arbetsmiljöarbete och ett stort antal incidenter rapporterades. Litteraturinventeringen lyfte fram fem skilda fokus i forskningen om vĂ„ld i arbetssammanhang. En modell för identifiering och analys av vĂ„ldsrisker utvecklades, bl a med litteraturinventeringen som bas. Modellen tar fasta pĂ„ tre nivĂ„er i en organisation, d v s individ (specifika faktorer), arbetsplats (situationella faktorer) och organisation (strukturella faktorer). Resultaten frĂ„n enkĂ€tstudien visade att över hĂ€lften av de svarande hade blivit utsatta för vĂ„ld eller hot om vĂ„ld en eller flera gĂ„nger under det senaste Ă„ret. Över nio procent uppgav att de blivit utsatta dagligen. Verbalt vĂ„ld var vanligt, men Ă€ven grövre fysiskt vĂ„ld förekom. Alla yrkesgrupper var utsatta men graden varierade. LĂ„g Ă„lder och kort anstĂ€llningstid visade sig vara riskfaktorer. Typ av arbetsplats, att arbeta hela tiden med vĂ„rdtagare, omorganisation (downsizing) och hög arbetsbelastning var andra riskfaktorer. Konsekvenserna av vĂ„ldshĂ€ndelserna var mĂ„nga och varierande. Ekonomiska, hĂ€lsorelaterade, emotionella och arbetsrelaterade samt sociala konsekvenser rapporterades. En av fem hade fĂ„tt fysiska skador. Emotionella reaktioner var frekventa. VĂ„ldshĂ€ndelser pĂ„verkade inte bara arbetet med vĂ„rdtagarna utan ocksĂ„ fritiden. Knappt fyra av tio hade fĂ„tt stöd och hjĂ€lp efter vĂ„ldshĂ€ndelsen. Sex av tio rapporterade att förebyggande insatser hade genomförts pĂ„ arbetsplatsen. Avhandlingens samlade resultat pekar pĂ„ att vĂ„ld Ă€r ett arbetsmiljöproblem inom vĂ„rd- och omsorgssektorn. Det Ă€r ett dagligt problem för mĂ„nga. VĂ„ldshĂ€ndelser kan leda till olika konsekvenser för individen och för arbetsplatsen. Nyckelord: VĂ„ld, vĂ„rd- och omsorgspersonal, riskfaktorer, arbetsförhĂ„llanden, konsekvenser, hjĂ€lp och stöd, förebyggande, modell, registrerin

    Asiakaskokemuksen kehittÀminen IT-kehityshankkeissa

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    Asiakaskokemus on viime vuosina noussut monen yrityksen kehityksen keskiöön. Yritykset ovat pakotettuja huomioimaan asiakkaan lÀpi kaiken toiminnan. TÀmÀn työn tavoitteena oli löytÀÀ keinoja, joilla asiakaskokemusta voidaan kehittÀÀ IT-kehityshankkeiden aikana. Alun perin tarve työlle syntyi arjen keskustelussa. Kohdeorganisaatio on ollut useamman vuoden yrityskauppojen kohteena, jonka seurauksena sekÀ sisÀiset ohjeistukset ettÀ ulkoinen toimintaympÀristö on muuttunut. TyössÀ kuvataan asiakaskokemukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitÀ, kehityshanketta, sekÀ tuodaan esiin jatkokehitystarpeita. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena toimintatutkimuksena, jossa on narratiivisia piirteitÀ. Tutkimuksessa on haastateltu asiakkaiden edustajia sekÀ osallistettu kohdeorganisaation henkilöstöÀ. Haastatteluiden perusteella pyrittiin selvittÀmÀÀn haastateltavien tiimien ja omakohtaisten kokemusten kautta parhaita kÀytÀntöjÀ, eniten lisÀarvoa tuottavia hetkiÀ, sekÀ kehittÀmistÀ vaativia asioita. Kehitystyö toteutettiin syklisesti, ja kehitettÀvistÀ asioista viestittiin laajasti. Tutkimus nosti esiin paljon kehityskohteita, joista työn aikana valittiin kehitettÀvÀksi kolme pÀÀteemaa. Työn tuloksena saatiin rakennettua selkeÀt suuntaviivat asiakaskokemuksen kehittÀ miseksi, sekÀ suunnitelma muutosten toteuttamiseksi. Osa kehitystyöstÀ tehtiin työn tekemisen yhteydessÀ

    Home/Work : Möbler för att bryta stillasittande

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    Home/work: objekt för hemmet att interagera, leka och trÀna med. I Sverige sitter vi i genomsnitt 10h/dag, vilket Àr associerat med en lÄng rad risker, sÄ som kardiovaskulÀra sjukdomar, högt blodtryck, högt blodsocker, övervikt, onormala kolesterolnivÄer etcetera. Home/work Àr ett försök att knuffa i gÄng oss som sitter för mycket att fÄ in mer rörelse i vardagen. Objekten Àr inspirerade av klÀttergrepp, crashpads och bouldering. Projektet ifrÄgasÀtter begreppet ergonomi och dess inneboende positiva konnotation. Home/work: piece of furniture for the home to interact, play and exercise with. In Sweden we sit in average 10H/day. This is associated with a lot of risks, such as cardiovascular diseases, increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat and abnormal cholesterol levels. Home/work tries to nudge us (who sit too much) to move a little bit more in our everyday life. The objects are inspired by climbing holds, crash pads and bouldering. The project questions the concept of ergonomics and its inherent positive connotation

    Home/Work : Möbler för att bryta stillasittande

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    Home/work: objekt för hemmet att interagera, leka och trÀna med. I Sverige sitter vi i genomsnitt 10h/dag, vilket Àr associerat med en lÄng rad risker, sÄ som kardiovaskulÀra sjukdomar, högt blodtryck, högt blodsocker, övervikt, onormala kolesterolnivÄer etcetera. Home/work Àr ett försök att knuffa i gÄng oss som sitter för mycket att fÄ in mer rörelse i vardagen. Objekten Àr inspirerade av klÀttergrepp, crashpads och bouldering. Projektet ifrÄgasÀtter begreppet ergonomi och dess inneboende positiva konnotation. Home/work: piece of furniture for the home to interact, play and exercise with. In Sweden we sit in average 10H/day. This is associated with a lot of risks, such as cardiovascular diseases, increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat and abnormal cholesterol levels. Home/work tries to nudge us (who sit too much) to move a little bit more in our everyday life. The objects are inspired by climbing holds, crash pads and bouldering. The project questions the concept of ergonomics and its inherent positive connotation

    Samverkan i distansutbildning, frÄn fristÄende kurser till examen i folkhÀlsovetenskap

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    Att frĂ€mja jĂ€mlik hĂ€lsa Ă€r komplext och krĂ€ver inte bara mĂ„ngvetenskap utan ocksĂ„ tvĂ€rvetenskap för att fĂ„ en ökad insikt och förstĂ„else om dagens hĂ€lsoproblem. Distansundervisning gör det möjligt för studenterna att vara rums- och tidsoberoende sĂ„ vĂ€l som ortsoberoende. I denna artikel redo-visas en folkhĂ€lsoutbildning som leder till kandidatexamen. Utbildningen Ă€r en samverkan mellan tvĂ„ lĂ€rosĂ€ten i Sverige, Högskolan i Halmstad och Mittuniversitetet i Sundsvall. Utbildningen Ă€r pĂ„ it-distans och börjar med A- och B-kurser pĂ„ Högskolan i Halmstad med inriktning i hĂ€lsa och livs-stil med fortsĂ€ttning sedan pĂ„ Mittuniversitetet i Sundsvall med utbildnings-fokus pĂ„ projektplanering och projektledning för att kunna genomföra strategiska insatser för bĂ€ttre folkhĂ€lsa pĂ„ organisations- och samhĂ€lls-nivĂ„. Utbildningen avslutas med en kandidatexamen i FolkhĂ€lsovetenskap.To promote equity in health is complex and requires not only multidisciplinary methods but also interdisciplinary studies to get a better insight and under-standing of today’s health problems. Distance learning makes it possible for students to be room-and-time-independent as well as local independent. In this article we present, a public health education leading to a Bachelor’s degree. The programme is a collaboration between two universities in Sweden, Halmstad University and Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall. The training is at it-distance and begins with basic courses at Halmstad Univer-sity with a specialization in health and lifestyle. Further, the students starts at the Mid Sweden University in Sundsvall with focus on project planning and project management to implement strategic actions for better health at the organizational and societal level. The programme ends with a Bachelor’s degree in Public Health
