670 research outputs found

    Variabilités spatiales et temporelles de la qualité physico-chimique et des invertébrés pélagiques des eaux de la retenue hydroélectrique de Petit Saut (Guyane française). 

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    Le bassin versant du fleuve Sinnamary est situĂ© en Guyane française, au nord du continent sud amĂ©ricain, en zone nĂ©o-tropicale. Il s'Ă©tend entre 4 et 5°de latitude Nord et entre 52°50' et 53°30' de longitude Ouest. En 1994, la mise en eau du barrage hydroĂ©lectrique construit sur le site de Petit Saut occasionne l'ennoiement de 365 km2 de forĂȘt primaire. Le remplissage s'effectue en 18 mois, et la demande en oxygĂšne dissous nĂ©cessaire Ă  la dĂ©gradation de la matiĂšre organique est telle qu'en quelques jours la masse d'eau se stratifie en un Ă©pilimnion oxygĂ©nĂ© et un hypolimnion anoxique. ReprĂ©sentant quelques centimĂštres en 1994, l'Ă©pilimnion s'Ă©paissit progressivement jusqu'en 1998. Depuis, cette progression s'est nettement ralentie et l'Ă©pilimnion oscille autour d'une valeur moyenne de 5 Ă  6 mĂštres. Il abrite la plus grande partie du zooplancton pĂ©lagique. L'hypolimnion est anoxique et riche en Ă©lĂ©ments rĂ©duits. Le zooplancton s'est rapidement installĂ© avec des rotifĂšres, des cladocĂšres et des copĂ©podes. Des ostracodes et des Chaoboridae y sont dĂ©sormais associĂ©s. La retenue prĂ©sente une zonation longitudinale, de la tĂȘte de la retenue vers la queue, aussi bien en termes de densitĂ©s que de composition des peuplements. De mĂȘme, il existe une zonation transversale, notamment marquĂ©e par un gradient croissant de la conductivitĂ© de l'axe vers les berges. Ces ressources endogĂšnes ainsi que des apports complĂ©mentaires (vĂ©gĂ©taux, invertĂ©brĂ©s terrestres, dĂ©tritus
) sont utilisĂ©es par la faune ichtyque qui a su s'adapter au changement du milieu. Le temps de rĂ©tention des eaux qui fluctue saisonniĂšrement en fonction des pluies semble ĂȘtre le facteur prĂ©pondĂ©rant de variabilitĂ© pour la qualitĂ© physico-chimique des eaux et les communautĂ©s biologiques.The Sinnamary River is located in a neotropical zone, in French Guiana, in the northern part of South America. Its flood basin extends between 4° and 5° N latitude and 52°50' and 53°30' W longitude. The river is found in an equatorial climate, and is influenced by its proximity to the ocean. The temperature varies little, with an average of 25°C for the least hot month (January) and 27°C for the hottest month (October). The humidity is always high and averages more than 90%. The Sinnamary River bed is broad (> 50 m), and runs from south to north for approximately 240 km with a very weak slope (0.0003%). Petit Saut, the site of the hydroelectric dam, is located approximately 60 km from the mouth of the river, with a flood basin area of 5927 km2 and an average flow rate 260 m3 /s.The construction of the hydroelectric dam at Petit Saut in 1994 resulted in the flooding of 365 km2 of primary forest in a neotropical zone (the average depth of the reservoir is 11 m). The dam reservoir was filled over a period of 18 months and the amount of dissolved oxygen necessary for the organic matter to decompose was such that, in a matter of days, the body of water became stratified into an oxygenated epilimnion and an anoxic hypolimnion. Only centimeters thick in 1994, by 1998 the epilimnion had progressively expanded. Since that time it has varied between an average thickness of 5 to 6 m and is home to various biological communities. The hypolimnion is anoxic and rich in reduced compounds (nitrogen and phosphorus minerals, dissolved organic matter, particles, metals and gas). The products of the degradation of the flooded organic matter, which still prevail at the bottom, are gradually relayed towards surface by phenomena of dilution, hydrolysis and oxidation.The river fauna disappeared from the reservoir and was replaced after a few weeks by various pelagic fauna. The zooplanktonic communities, primarily confined to the epilimnion, were quickly settled with rotifera, cladocera and copepoda. Initially dominated by detritivores (Bosminidae) and Cyclopidae from February to May 1994, the settlements diversified with phytophagous zooplankton (Calanidae and Daphniidae) when the phytoplankton developed. This procession was quickly accompanied by Sididae, which has dominated the cladocera since mid-1996 and by ostracoda, which were particularly abundant from 1995 to 1997. Carnivores such as Chaoboridae larvae were also present in Petit Saut reservoir. In contrast to the other zooplankton species, Chaoboridae larvae occupy the entire water column. As a result of great quantities of organic matter available at the time the reservoir was filled, the biomasses were initially large and have gradually decreased with decreasing nutrient concentrations.The reservoir was not homogeneous in terms of zooplankton density, with a longitudinal zonation from the dam towards the upstream tail. In the tail, fauna were identical to those of the river. In the lake zone, phytophagous Calanidae dominated. In the intermediate zone, known as the zone of transition, the zooplankton biomass normalized to the volume of oxygenated water was less important than in the lake zone. Cyclopidae, well represented at the time of the reservoir colonization, dominated the communities in the transition zone. This distribution of zooplankton was likely connected with the dissolved oxygen concentrations, as well as with the quantities of phytoplankton and bacterio-chlorophyll. Similarly, there was a transverse zonation, marked by an increase in conductivity towards the reservoir banks. The density of the communities varied seasonally. The highest biomasses were measured along the central axis at the time of high waters and close to the banks at the time of low waters.The time of water retention, which fluctuates according to the rainy season, seemed to be the factor dominating the physicochemical water quality variability and the biological communities. The rainy season is characterized by the dilution of various elements (e.g., conductivity is reduced). Conversely, during the dry season, the elements concentrate again in the water mass. Nevertheless, the peaks of pelagic invertebrate density were observed during times of high waters, when the hydraulic conditions favour the exchanges between the hypolimnion (anoxic and rich in nutritive elements) and the epilimnion (oxygenated and very low in nutrients).These endogenous resources, as well as complementary contributions (vegetation, invertebrate, terrestrial, refuse), are used by the fish fauna, which adapted to the change in their environment. Predation contributes to the seasonal evolution of the zooplankton. Predation pressure was more important in the dry season than in the rainy season

    Umbral Dynamics in the Near Infrared Continuum

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    We detected peaks of oscillatory power at 3 and ~6.5 minutes in the umbra of the central sunspot of the active region NOAA AR 10707 in data obtained in the near infrared (NIR) continuum at 1565.7 nm. The NIR dataset captured umbral dynamics around 50 km below the photospheric level. The umbra does not oscillate as a whole, but rather in distinct parts that are distributed over the umbral surface. The most powerful oscillations, close to a period of ~ 6.5, do not propagate upward. We noted a plethora of large umbral dots that persisted for more than 30 minutes and stayed in the same locations. The peaks of oscillatory power above the detected umbral dots are located at 3 and 5 minutes oscillations, but are very weak in comparison with the oscillations of ~ 6.5 minutes.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted in Ap

    Oxidation of Aluminum Studied by Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (I.S.S) in a Scanning Auger Microscope

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    The set up of an ion gun, producing a focused beam in the analysis chamber of a Scanning Auger Microscope permits ion scattering experiments: surface studies performed by electron spectroscopies can then be enlarged by Ion Scattering Spectroscopy (I.S.S.) to get additional information. I.S.S. appears to be very sensitive to the cleanliness of the surface: comparison between Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (E.E.L.S.) and I.S.S. studies on clean samples show that I.S.S. can still detect oxygen even when it is not detectable by E.E.L.S. Preliminary results on oxidation of Al (111) and Al (100) give oxidation curves in good agreement with those obtained by Auger Electron Spectroscopy (A.E.S.) and X Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (X.P.S.)

    Strain mapping at the nanoscale using precession electron diffraction in transmission electron microscope with off axis camera

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    International audiencePrecession electron diffraction is an efficient technique to measure strain in nanostructures by precessing the electron beam, while maintaining a few nanometre probe size. Here, we show that an advanced diffraction pattern treatment allows reproducible and precise strain measurements to be obtained using a default 512 x 512 DigiSTAR off-axis camera both in advanced or non-corrected transmission electron microscopes. This treatment consists in both projective geometry correction of diffraction pattern distortions and strain Delaunay triangulation based analysis. Precision in the strain measurement is improved and reached 2.7 x 10(-4) with a probe size approaching 4.2 nm in diameter. This method is applied to the study of the strain state in InGaAs quantum-well (QW) devices elaborated on Si substrate. Results show that the GaAs/Si mismatch does not induce in-plane strain fluctuations in the InGaAs QW region. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC

    Identification of the master sex determining gene in Northern pike (Esox lucius) reveals restricted sex chromosome differentiation.

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    Teleost fishes, thanks to their rapid evolution of sex determination mechanisms, provide remarkable opportunities to study the formation of sex chromosomes and the mechanisms driving the birth of new master sex determining (MSD) genes. However, the evolutionary interplay between the sex chromosomes and the MSD genes they harbor is rather unexplored. We characterized a male-specific duplicate of the anti-MĂŒllerian hormone (amh) as the MSD gene in Northern Pike (Esox lucius), using genomic and expression evidence as well as by loss-of-function and gain-of-function experiments. Using RAD-Sequencing from a family panel, we identified Linkage Group (LG) 24 as the sex chromosome and positioned the sex locus in its sub-telomeric region. Furthermore, we demonstrated that this MSD originated from an ancient duplication of the autosomal amh gene, which was subsequently translocated to LG24. Using sex-specific pooled genome sequencing and a new male genome sequence assembled using Nanopore long reads, we also characterized the differentiation of the X and Y chromosomes, revealing a small male-specific insertion containing the MSD gene and a limited region with reduced recombination. Our study reveals an unexpectedly low level of differentiation between a pair of sex chromosomes harboring an old MSD gene in a wild teleost fish population, and highlights both the pivotal role of genes from the amh pathway in sex determination, as well as the importance of gene duplication as a mechanism driving the turnover of sex chromosomes in this clade

    Carbon monoxide (CO) and ethane (C₂H₆) trends from ground-based solar FTIR measurements at six European stations, comparison and sensitivity analysis with the EMEP model

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    Trends in the CO and C2H6 partial columns (~0–15 km) have been estimated from four European groundbasedsolar FTIR (Fourier Transform InfraRed) stations for the 1996–2006 time period. The CO trends from the four stations Jungfraujoch, Zugspitze, Harestua and Kiruna have been estimated to −0.45±0.16%yr−1, −1.00 ± 0.24%yr−1, −0.62±0.19%yr−1 and −0.61±0.16%yr−1, respectively. The corresponding trends for C2H6 are−1.51±0.23%yr−1, −2.11±0.30%yr−1, −1.09±0.25%yr−1 and −1.14±0.18%yr−1. All trends are presented with their 2-σ confidence intervals. To find possible reasons for the CO trends, the global-scale EMEP MSC-W chemical transport model has been used in a series of sensitivity scenarios. It is shown that the trends are consistent with the combination of a 20% decrease in the anthropogenic CO emissions seen in Europe and North America during the 1996–2006 period and a 20% increase in the anthropogenic CO emissions in East Asia, during the same time period. The possible impacts of CH4 and biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are also considered. The European and global-scale EMEP models have been evaluated against the measured CO and C2H6 partial columns from Jungfraujoch, Zugspitze, Bremen, Harestua, Kiruna and Ny-Ålesund. The European model reproduces, on average the measurements at the different sites fairly well and within 10–22% deviation for CO and 14–31% deviation for C2H6. Their seasonal amplitude is captured within 6–35% and 9–124% for CO and C2H6, respectively. However, 61–98% of the CO and C2H6 partial columns in the European model are shown to arise from the boundary conditions, making the globalscale model a more suitable alternative when modeling these two species. In the evaluation of the global model the average partial columns for 2006 are shown to be within 1–9% and 37–50% of the measurements for CO and C2H6, respectively. The global model sensitivity for assumptions made in this paper is also analyzed

    Management of Myelodysplastic Syndrome Relapsing after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Study by the French Society of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cell Therapies

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    To find out prognostic factors and to investigate different therapeutic approaches, we report on 147 consecutive patients who relapsed after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) for myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Sixty-two patients underwent immunotherapy (IT group, second allo-HSCT or donor lymphocyte infusion), 39 received cytoreductive treatment alone (CRT group) and 46 were managed with palliative/supportive cares (PSC group). Two-year rates of overall survival (OS) were 32%, 6%, and 2% in the IT, CRT, and PSC groups, respectively (P < .001). In multivariate analysis, 4 factors adversely influenced 2-year rates of OS: history of acute graft-versus-host disease (hazard ratio [HR], 1.83; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.26 to 2.67; P Œ .002), relapse within 6 months (HR, 2.69; 95% CI, .82 to 3.98; P < .001), progression to acute myeloid leukemia (HR, 2.59; 95% CI, 1.75 to 3.83; P < .001), and platelet count < 50 G/L at relapse (HR, 1.68; 95% CI, 1.15 to 2.44; P Œ.007). A prognostic score based on those factors discriminated 2 risk groups with median OSs of 13.2 versus 2.4 months, respectively (P < .001). When propensity score, prognostic score, and treatment strategy were included in Cox model, immunotherapy was found to be an independent factor that favorably impacts OS (HR, .40; 95% CI, .26 to .63; P < .001). In conclusion, immunotherapy should be considered when possible for MDS patients relapsing after allo-HSCT

    The role of secreted aspartyl proteinases in Candida tropicalis invasion and damage of oral mucosa

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    Candida virulence attributes include the ability to colonize and invade host tissues, and the secretion of hydrolytic enzymes. Although Candida albicans is regarded as the principal fungi causing infections in humans, other species, particularly Candida tropicalis, are increasingly being recognized as human pathogens. Relatively little is known, however, about the virulence attributes associated with C. tropicalis. The present study aimed to investigate epithelial infection by C. tropicalis using a reconstituted human oral epithelium (RHOE) together with confocal laser scanning microscopy and real-time PCR. A comparison of clinical strains was made in terms of tissue colonization, invasion and C. tropicalis secreted aspartyl proteinase (SAPT) gene expression. All C. tropicalis strains were able to colonize RHOE in a strain-dependent manner. After 12 h of infection, C. tropicalis was found to be highly invasive, with extensive tissue damage occurring after 24 h. Real-time PCR of C. tropicalis SAPT1-4 genes showed that expression was strain-dependent, with SAPT2-4 transcripts being frequently detected and SAPT1 rarely detected. Tissue invasion and damage was not inhibited by the presence of pepstatin A. Accordingly, and given that an increase in infection time was not accompanied with an increase in SAPT gene expression, it can be suggested that the proteinases are not involved in invasion and damage of RHOE by C. tropicalis. In summary, C. tropicalis can be considered as highly invasive with the ability to induce significant tissue damage. These features, however, do not appear to be related to specific SAPT gene expression.We would like to thank Mrs Kath Allsopp for processing and sectioning the tissue samples. This work was supported by grant SFRH/BD/28341/2006 from 'Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia' (FCT), Portugal
