71 research outputs found

    Etude structurale de protĂ©ines pĂ©riplasmiques d’Agrobacterium tumefaciens impliquĂ©es dans la virulence chez les plantes

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    AgrobactĂ©rium tumefaciens est un pathogĂšne responsable de la maladie de la galle du collet affectantun spectre de plantes d’intĂ©rĂȘt agronomique. Son pouvoir pathogĂšne consiste en un processusspĂ©cialisĂ© impliquant un transfert horizontal de gĂšnes entre la bactĂ©rie et la plante. Ce phĂ©nomĂšne estdĂ©crit comme une colonisation gĂ©nĂ©tique dans laquelle le transfert et l’expression d’un ensemble degĂšnes de la bactĂ©rie dans la cellule vĂ©gĂ©tale provoquent une prolifĂ©ration cellulaire incontrĂŽlĂ©e et lasynthĂšse de composĂ©s habituellement absents chez la plante, nommĂ©s opines.Les opines sont des composĂ©s quasi spĂ©cifiques d’une tumeur vĂ©gĂ©tale induite par A. tumefaciens.Elles sont des mĂ©diateurs chimiques clĂ©s de l’interaction Agrobacterium – planteservant de source decarbone et d’azote spĂ©cifiques Ă  la bactĂ©rie, et/ou, de signal inducteur du transfert par conjugaison duplasmide Ti d’A. tumefaciens, porteur de la plupart des dĂ©terminants du pouvoir pathogĂšne. LeurentrĂ©e dans le cytoplasme d’A. tumefaciens se fait Ă  l’aide d’un transporteur ABC associĂ© Ă  uneprotĂ©ine pĂ©riplasmique de liaison (Periplasmic Binding Protein ou PBP). Ceci permet Ă  la bactĂ©rie dese crĂ©er une niche Ă©cologique oĂč la prĂ©sence de ces substrats favorise la croissance et la dissĂ©minationd’A. tumefaciens.Dans ce travail, nous avons dĂ©terminĂ© les structures des protĂ©ines pĂ©riplasmiques NocT et OccJ dedeux modĂšles d’A. tumefaciens C58 et B6 respectivement, en prĂ©sence et en absence de leur opineassociĂ©e : la nopaline et l’octopine.Les Ă©tudes d’interaction par microcalorimĂ©trie ont montrĂ© que NocT et OccJ sont spĂ©cifiques de leuropine et l’analyse structurale des deux PBPs a permis de dĂ©finir les rĂ©sidus clĂ©s responsables de laspĂ©cificitĂ© aux opines. Chez NocT, Met 117, His 170 et Ser 207 sont les rĂ©sidus signature de lafixation de la nopaline. Le mutant Met117Asn a permis de confirmer que cette mĂ©thionine a un rĂŽlecrucial pour la spĂ©cificitĂ© de la nopaline. Chez OccJ, les rĂ©sidus signature de la fixation de l‘octopinesont Asn 117, Thr 169, Asn 208 et l’Asn 208 semble ĂȘtre le rĂ©sidu clĂ© dans la sĂ©lectivitĂ© de l’octopine.L’ensemble de ce travail, contribue Ă  une meilleure comprĂ©hension de la capacitĂ© d’A. tumefaciens Ă percevoir de maniĂšre spĂ©cifique les opines

    Partir de la culture audiovisuelle pour Ă©duquer Ă  l’image

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    Les images occupent une grande partie de notre quotidien quelles que soient leur forme ou leur nature (tĂ©lĂ©vision, jeux vidĂ©os, tablette
). On peut alors se demander comment nous devons les prendre en compte, en particulier lorsque des enfants se retrouvent face Ă  elles. C’est pourquoi nous avons dĂ©cidĂ© de rĂ©aliser un mĂ©moire sur l’éducation Ă  l’image. Par la mise en place d’un dispositif didactique, nous chercherons Ă  savoir comment bĂątir une initiation au cinĂ©ma avec les Ă©lĂšves en prenant en compte leur culture audiovisuelle et ce qu’ils sont en tant que personnes. Le dispositif est mis en place dans une classe de CM1. Dans un premier temps, il s’agit de reproduire avec les moyens du bord un extrait issu d’un film faisant partie de leur culture. En ce qui concerne le choix du support, il s’est portĂ© vers Star Wars puisque le dernier opus sortait au mĂȘme moment. Dans un second temps, nous montrons aux Ă©lĂšves la mĂȘme chose mais tournĂ© diffĂ©remment dans un film de cinĂ©ma d’art (2001 : l’OdyssĂ©e de l’espace) et nous analysons les points communs et divergents. L’extrait montre notamment des vaisseaux se dĂ©plaçant dans l’espace dans un silence pesant Ă  l’opposĂ© de Star Wars. Ainsi, les Ă©lĂšves rencontrent et dĂ©couvrent autre chose que ce qu’ils ont l’habitude de voir. Ils apprennent donc Ă  « goĂ»ter » Ă  des objets culturels diffĂ©rents et sont amenĂ©s Ă  avoir une prise de recul et un esprit critique par rapport Ă  ce qu’ils voient. Cela devrait leur permettre de mieux apprĂ©hender et penser le monde complexe dans lequel nous vivons

    Central ions and lateral asparagine/glutamine zippers stabilize the post-fusion hairpin conformation of the SARS coronavirus spike glycoprotein

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    AbstractThe coronavirus spike glycoprotein is a class I membrane fusion protein with two characteristic heptad repeat regions (HR1 and HR2) in its ectodomain. Here, we report the X-ray structure of a previously characterized HR1/HR2 complex of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein. As expected, the HR1 and HR2 segments are organized in antiparallel orientations within a rod-like molecule. The HR1 helices form an exceptionally long (120 Å) internal coiled coil stabilized by hydrophobic and polar interactions. A striking arrangement of conserved asparagine and glutamine residues of HR1 propagates from two central chloride ions, providing hydrogen-bonding “zippers” that strongly constrain the path of the HR2 main chain, forcing it to adopt an extended conformation at either end of a short HR2 α-helix

    When the worst-case execution time estimation gains from the application semantics

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    International audienceCritical embedded systems are generally composed of repetitive tasks that must meet drastic timing constraints, such as termination deadlines. Providing an upper bound of the worst-case execution time (WCET) of such tasks at design time is thus necessary to prove the correctness of the system. Static timing analysis methods compute safe WCET upper bounds, but at the cost of a potentially large over-approximation. Over-approximation may come from the fact that WCET analysis may consider as potential worst-cases some executions that are actually infeasible, because of the semantics of the program and/or because they correspond to unrealistic inputs. In this paper, we introduce a complete semantic-aware WCET estimation workflow. We introduce some program analysis to find infeasible paths: they can be performed at design, C or binary level, and may take into account information provided by the user. We design an annotation-aware compilation process that enables to trace the infeasible path properties through the program transformations performed by the compilers. Finally, we adapt the WCET estimation tool to take into account the kind of annotations produced by the workflow

    Structures and specificity of periplasmic binding proteins (PBP) for the mannityl-opines and Raffinose Family Oligosaccharides (RFO) in Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    La bactĂ©rie Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ă©tablit une relation Ă  long terme avec les plantes. Elle peut avoir deux modes de vie : (1) pathogĂšne lorsqu’elle possĂšde le plasmide de virulence Ti (Tumor inducing) provoquant la maladie de la galle du collet caractĂ©risĂ©e par la formation de tumeur chez la plante, (2) non pathogĂšne vivant dans la rhizosphĂšre. Dans ces deux modes de vie, Agrobacterium utilise les PBP (protĂ©ines pĂ©riplasmiques de liaision) associĂ©es Ă  des transporteurs ABC pour importer des molĂ©cules issues de plante servant de nutriments. La PBP sĂ©lectionne et fixe le ligand qu’elle apporte au transporteur ABC, qui permet son passage dans le cytoplasme grĂące Ă  l’hydrolyse de deux molĂ©cules d’ATP. La spĂ©cificitĂ© du transporteur entier dĂ©pend de la PBP. Les molĂ©cules transportĂ©es et dĂ©gradĂ©es par la bactĂ©rie apparaissent comme un avantage trophique pour la colonisation de l’environnement.Lorsqu’A. tumefaciens est pathogĂšne, la bactĂ©rie transfĂšre une partie de son plasmide Ti dans le gĂ©nome des cellules vĂ©gĂ©tales, induisant la production et sĂ©crĂ©tion par la plante de composĂ©s spĂ©cifiques pour la bactĂ©rie, appelĂ©s opines. Une vingtaine d’opines sont connues Ă  ce jour, et chacune d’elles peut ĂȘtre mĂ©tabolisĂ©e par des souches d’A. tumefaciens. La souche B6 possĂšde un pTi de type octopine, qui porte les gĂšnes de mĂ©tabolisme de la famille des mannityl-opines, composĂ©e de l’acide agropinique, l’agropine, l’acide mannopinique et la mannopine. D’aprĂšs des Ă©tudes gĂ©nĂ©tiques chez des souches de type octopine, les systĂšmes PBP-transporteur ABC associĂ©s sont respectivement AgaABCD, AgtABCD, MoaABCD et MotABCD.Dans la rhizosphĂšre, les graines en germination influencent la composition de la rhizosphĂšre et favorisent la croissance de microorganismes en libĂ©rant des molĂ©cules telles que les sucres de la famille du raffinose (RFO, Raffinose Family of Oligosaccharides). Des analyses in silico d’Agrobacterium fabrum C58 indiquent que la souche possĂšderait un opĂ©ron que nous avons appelĂ© mel, proche de l’opĂ©ron agp chez Ensifer meliloti 1021 dĂ©crit comme responsable du transport et de la dĂ©gradation des RFO qui semble influer sur la survie de la bactĂ©rie dans la rhizosphĂšre. Nous avons fait l’hypothĂšse que la PBP MelB de l’opĂ©ron mel chez A. fabrum C58 est responsable du transport des RFO.Mon travail de thĂšse a permis de finaliser la caractĂ©risation structurale et biochimique des transporteurs des mannityl-opines et a permis l’identification et la caractĂ©risation de MelB comme responsable de l’import des RFO et du galactinol (prĂ©curseur des RFO). Le transport et la dĂ©gradation des molĂ©cules transportĂ©es par ces PBP sont importants pour la colonisation de leur environnement.Agrobacterium tumefaciens bacterium establishes a long-term relationship with plants. It can have two lifestyles: (1) pathogenic when it harbors the virulence plasmid Ti (Tumor inducing) causing the crown gall disease characterized by tumor formation in plant, (2) non-pathogenic living in the rhizosphere. In these two lifestyles, Agrobacterium uses PBP (periplasmic binding proteins) associated with ABC transporters to import molecules from plants as nutrients. PBP selects and binds the ligand that it brings to the ABC transporter, which allows its passage into the cytoplasm by the hydrolysis of two ATP molecules. The specificity of the entire transporter depends on PBP. The molecules transported and degraded by the bacteria appear as a trophic advantage for the colonization of the environment.When A. tumefaciens is pathogenic, the bacterium transfers part of its Ti plasmid into the genome of plant cells, inducing the production and secretion by the plant of specific compounds for the bacterium, called opines. Twenty opines are known to date, and each of them can be metabolized by A. tumefaciens strains. The strain B6 possesses an octopine-type pTi, which harbors metabolism genes of the mannityl-opines family, composed of agropinic acid, agropine, mannopinic acid and mannopine. According to genetic studies in octopine type strains, the associated PBP-transporter ABC systems are AgaABCD, AgtABCD, MoaABCD and MotABCD, respectively.In the rhizosphere, germinating seeds influence the composition of the rhizosphere and promote the growth of microorganisms by releasing molecules such as Raffinose Family of Oligosaccharides (RFO). In silico analyzes of Agrobacterium fabrum C58 indicate that the strain possesses an operon we called mel, similar to the agp operon in Ensifer meliloti 1021 described as responsible for the transport and degradation of RFOs that appears to influence the survival of the bacterium in the rhizosphere. We hypothesized that the PBP MelB of the mel operon in A. fabrum C58 is responsible for the transport of the RFOs.My thesis work allowed to finalize the structural and biochemical characterization of mannityl-opines transporters and allowed the identification and characterization of MelB as responsible for the import of RFO and galactinol (precursor of the RFO). The transport and degradation of the molecules transported by these PBPs are important for the colonization of their environment

    Structures et spécificités de protéines périplasmiques de liaison (PBP) des mannityl-opines et des sucres de la famille du raffinose (RFO) chez Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    Agrobacterium tumefaciens bacterium establishes a long-term relationship with plants. It can have two lifestyles: (1) pathogenic when it harbors the virulence plasmid Ti (Tumor inducing) causing the crown gall disease characterized by tumor formation in plant, (2) non-pathogenic living in the rhizosphere. In these two lifestyles, Agrobacterium uses PBP (periplasmic binding proteins) associated with ABC transporters to import molecules from plants as nutrients. PBP selects and binds the ligand that it brings to the ABC transporter, which allows its passage into the cytoplasm by the hydrolysis of two ATP molecules. The specificity of the entire transporter depends on PBP. The molecules transported and degraded by the bacteria appear as a trophic advantage for the colonization of the environment.When A. tumefaciens is pathogenic, the bacterium transfers part of its Ti plasmid into the genome of plant cells, inducing the production and secretion by the plant of specific compounds for the bacterium, called opines. Twenty opines are known to date, and each of them can be metabolized by A. tumefaciens strains. The strain B6 possesses an octopine-type pTi, which harbors metabolism genes of the mannityl-opines family, composed of agropinic acid, agropine, mannopinic acid and mannopine. According to genetic studies in octopine type strains, the associated PBP-transporter ABC systems are AgaABCD, AgtABCD, MoaABCD and MotABCD, respectively.In the rhizosphere, germinating seeds influence the composition of the rhizosphere and promote the growth of microorganisms by releasing molecules such as Raffinose Family of Oligosaccharides (RFO). In silico analyzes of Agrobacterium fabrum C58 indicate that the strain possesses an operon we called mel, similar to the agp operon in Ensifer meliloti 1021 described as responsible for the transport and degradation of RFOs that appears to influence the survival of the bacterium in the rhizosphere. We hypothesized that the PBP MelB of the mel operon in A. fabrum C58 is responsible for the transport of the RFOs.My thesis work allowed to finalize the structural and biochemical characterization of mannityl-opines transporters and allowed the identification and characterization of MelB as responsible for the import of RFO and galactinol (precursor of the RFO). The transport and degradation of the molecules transported by these PBPs are important for the colonization of their environment.La bactĂ©rie Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ă©tablit une relation Ă  long terme avec les plantes. Elle peut avoir deux modes de vie : (1) pathogĂšne lorsqu’elle possĂšde le plasmide de virulence Ti (Tumor inducing) provoquant la maladie de la galle du collet caractĂ©risĂ©e par la formation de tumeur chez la plante, (2) non pathogĂšne vivant dans la rhizosphĂšre. Dans ces deux modes de vie, Agrobacterium utilise les PBP (protĂ©ines pĂ©riplasmiques de liaision) associĂ©es Ă  des transporteurs ABC pour importer des molĂ©cules issues de plante servant de nutriments. La PBP sĂ©lectionne et fixe le ligand qu’elle apporte au transporteur ABC, qui permet son passage dans le cytoplasme grĂące Ă  l’hydrolyse de deux molĂ©cules d’ATP. La spĂ©cificitĂ© du transporteur entier dĂ©pend de la PBP. Les molĂ©cules transportĂ©es et dĂ©gradĂ©es par la bactĂ©rie apparaissent comme un avantage trophique pour la colonisation de l’environnement.Lorsqu’A. tumefaciens est pathogĂšne, la bactĂ©rie transfĂšre une partie de son plasmide Ti dans le gĂ©nome des cellules vĂ©gĂ©tales, induisant la production et sĂ©crĂ©tion par la plante de composĂ©s spĂ©cifiques pour la bactĂ©rie, appelĂ©s opines. Une vingtaine d’opines sont connues Ă  ce jour, et chacune d’elles peut ĂȘtre mĂ©tabolisĂ©e par des souches d’A. tumefaciens. La souche B6 possĂšde un pTi de type octopine, qui porte les gĂšnes de mĂ©tabolisme de la famille des mannityl-opines, composĂ©e de l’acide agropinique, l’agropine, l’acide mannopinique et la mannopine. D’aprĂšs des Ă©tudes gĂ©nĂ©tiques chez des souches de type octopine, les systĂšmes PBP-transporteur ABC associĂ©s sont respectivement AgaABCD, AgtABCD, MoaABCD et MotABCD.Dans la rhizosphĂšre, les graines en germination influencent la composition de la rhizosphĂšre et favorisent la croissance de microorganismes en libĂ©rant des molĂ©cules telles que les sucres de la famille du raffinose (RFO, Raffinose Family of Oligosaccharides). Des analyses in silico d’Agrobacterium fabrum C58 indiquent que la souche possĂšderait un opĂ©ron que nous avons appelĂ© mel, proche de l’opĂ©ron agp chez Ensifer meliloti 1021 dĂ©crit comme responsable du transport et de la dĂ©gradation des RFO qui semble influer sur la survie de la bactĂ©rie dans la rhizosphĂšre. Nous avons fait l’hypothĂšse que la PBP MelB de l’opĂ©ron mel chez A. fabrum C58 est responsable du transport des RFO.Mon travail de thĂšse a permis de finaliser la caractĂ©risation structurale et biochimique des transporteurs des mannityl-opines et a permis l’identification et la caractĂ©risation de MelB comme responsable de l’import des RFO et du galactinol (prĂ©curseur des RFO). Le transport et la dĂ©gradation des molĂ©cules transportĂ©es par ces PBP sont importants pour la colonisation de leur environnement

    Kinetic and structural analysis of human ALDH9A1

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    International audienceAldehyde dehydrogenases (ALDHs) constitute a superfamily of NAD(P)+-dependent enzymes, which detoxify aldehydes produced in various metabolic pathways to the corresponding carboxylic acids. Among the 19 human ALDHs, the cytosolic ALDH9A1 has so far never been fully enzymatically characterized and its structure is still unknown. Here, we report complete molecular and kinetic properties of human ALDH9A1 as well as three crystal forms at 2.3 Å, 2.9 Å and 2.5 Å resolution. We show that ALDH9A1 exhibits wide substrate specificity to aminoaldehydes, aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes with a clear preference for Îł -trimethylaminobutyraldehyde (TMABAL). The structure of ALDH9A1 reveals that the enzyme assembles as a tetramer. Each ALDH monomer displays a typical ALDHs fold composed of an oligomerization domain, a coenzyme domain, a catalytic domain and an inter-domain linker highly conserved in amino-acid sequence and folding. Nonetheless, structural comparison reveals a position and a fold of the inter-domain linker of ALDH9A1 never observed in any other ALDH so far. This unique difference is not compatible with the presence of a bound substrate and a large conformational rearrangement of the linker up to 30 Å has to occur to allow the access of the substrate channel. Moreover, the αÎČE region consisting of an α-helix and a ÎČ-strand of the coenzyme domain at the dimer interface are disordered, likely due to the loss of interactions with the inter-domain linker, which leads to incomplete NAD+ binding pocket

    Structural basis for high specificity of octopine binding in the plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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    Agrobacterium pathogens of octopine-and nopaline-types force host plants to produce either octopine or nopaline compounds, which they use as nutrients. Two Agrobacterium ABC-transporters and their cognate periplasmic binding proteins (PBPs) OccJ and NocT import octopine and nopaline/octopine, respectively. Here, we show that both octopine transport and degradation confer a selective advantage to octopine-type A. tumefaciens when it colonizes plants. We report the X-ray structures of the unliganded PBP OccJ and its complex with octopine as well as a structural comparison with NocT and the related PBP LAO from Salmonella enterica, which binds amino acids (lysine, arginine and ornithine). We investigated the specificity of OccJ, NocT and LAO using several ligands such as amino acids, octopine, nopaline and octopine analogues. OccJ displays a high selectivity and nanomolar range affinity for octopine. Altogether, the structural and affinity data allowed to define an octopine binding signature in PBPs and to construct a OccJ mutant impaired in octopine binding, a selective octopine-binding NocT and a non-selective octopine-binding LAO by changing one single residue in these PBPs. We proposed the PBP OccJ as a major trait in the ecological specialization of octopine-type Agrobacterium pathogens when they colonize and exploit the plant host

    Functional and structural characterization of two Bacillus megaterium nitroreductases biotransforming the herbicide mesotrione.

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    International audienceMesotrione is a selective herbicide belonging to the triketone family, commonly used on maize cultures since 2003. A mesotrione-transforming Bacillus megaterium Mes11 strain isolated from an agricultural soil was used as a model to identify the key enzymes initiating the biotransformation of this herbicide. Two enzymes (called NfrA1 and NfrA2/YcnD) were identified, and functionally and structurally characterized. Both belong to the NfsA FRP family of the nitro-FMN reductase superfamily (type I oxygen-insensitive nitroreductase) and show optimal pH and temperature of 6-6.5 and 23-25°C, respectively. Both undergo a Ping Pong Bi Bi mechanism, with NADPH and NADPH/NADH as cofactors for NfrA1 and NfrA2/YcnD, respectively. It is interesting that both can also reduce various nitro compounds including pesticides, antibiotics, one prodrug and 4-methylsulfonyl-2-nitrobenzoic acid, one of the mesotrione metabolites retrieved from the environment. The present study constitutes the first identification of mesotrione-transforming enzymes. These enzymes (or their corresponding genes) could be used as biomarkers to predict the capacity of ecosystems to transform mesotrione and assess their contamination by both the parent molecule and/or the metabolites
