49 research outputs found

    Catalogue des périodiques étrangers : reçus par les Bibliothèques de l'Université de Tartu

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    Urinary Tract Infection in Postmenopausal Women

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    Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common bacterial infection in women in general and in postmenopausal women in particular. Two groups of elderly women with recurrent UTI should be differentiated regarding age and general status: healthy, young postmenopausal women aged 50 to 70 years who are neither institutionalized or catheterized and elderly institutionalized women with or without a catheter. Bacteriuria occurs more often in elderly functionally impaired women, but in general it is asymptomatic. However, the risk factors associated with recurrent UTI in elderly women are not widely described. In a multivariate analysis it was found that urinary incontinence, a history of UTI before menopause, and nonsecretor status were strongly associated with recurrent UTI in young postmenopausal women. Another study described the incidence and risk factors of acute cystitis among nondiabetic and diabetic postmenopausal women. Independent predictors of infection included insulin-treated patients and a lifetime history of urinary infection. Borderline associations included a history of vaginal estrogen cream use in the past month, kidney stones, and asymptomatic bacteriuria at baseline. Another important factor in postmenopausal women is the potential role that estrogen deficiency plays in the development of bacteriuria. There are at least two studies showing a beneficial effect of estrogen in the management of recurrent bacteriuria in elderly women. One of these studies showed that vaginal estrogen cream reduced vaginal pH from 5.5±0.7 to 3.6±1.0, restored lactobacillus, and decreased new episodes of UTI. Another study reported similar results using an estriol vaginal ring. However, contradictory results are found in the literature. For example, additional studies found that the use of estriol-containing vaginal pessaries was less effective than oral nitrofurantoin macrocrystals in preventing UTI in postmenopausal women. Two other studies also did not find any benefit in the reduction of UTI by oral estrogen therapy. Unfortunately, the use of estrogen in preventing UTI in postmenopausal women remains questionable. New strategies have been researched for reducing the use of antibiotics in the prevention and treatment of UTI. Two of them are probiotics and cranberry juice or capsules. Although several studies regarding probiotics and cranberry juice or capsules have reported a reduction of episodes of UTI, there is no conclusive evidence that they are useful in the prevention of UTI in postmenopausal women. As for the optimal drug, dosage, and length of treatment for UTI in the elderly, there are no studies comparing these data with the treatment for young women

    Ассоциация острого нарушения мозгового кровообращения с сердечно-сосудистыми факторами риска у больных сахарным диабетом типа 2 в Алтайском крае

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    Аmong patients DM of type 2 (DM 2) Altay territories the stroke is at the bottom of death in 4,1 times more often, than among the edge population. A research objective: to estimate and compare a role of various risk factors (RF) in occurrence of a stroke at patients DM 2 sick of a diabetes according to register DM 2. Assumed RF in the basic group (patients prevalence was compared to a stroke) and in comparison group (patients without a stroke) with calculation of the odds ratio of development of a stroke. Were compared statistically significant RF developments of a stroke 2005 and 2008. Studying RF of a stroke at patients СД of type 2 and work carrying out on decrease in force of their influence, has allowed to level influence of one of the most significant risk factors of development of a stroke in 2005, late diagnostics blood pressure that has resulted in 2008 in decrease in death rate from a stroke among patients DM 2 on 24,9% more than among the population of Altay territory.Среди больных сахарным диабетом типа 2 (СД-2) Алтайского края острое нарушение мозгового кровообращения (ОНМК) является причиной смерти в 4,1 раза чаще, чем среди населения края. Цель исследования — оценить и сравнить роль различных факторов риска (ФР) в возникновении ОНМК у больных диабетом по данным регистра СД-2. Сравнивалась распространенность предполагаемых ФР в основной группе (пациенты с ОНМК) и в группе сравнения (пациенты без ОНМК) с расчетом отношения шансов развития ОНМК. Сравнивались ФР, статистически значимо ассоциированные с ОНМК в 2005 и 2008 гг. Изучение ФР, ассоциированных с ОНМК, у пациентов с СД-2 и проведение работы по снижению силы их влияния позволили нивелировать влияние одного из самых значимых факторов риска развития ОНМК в 2005 г., — поздней диагностики артериальной гипертензии, что привело в 2008 г. к снижению смертности от ОНМК среди пациентов СД-2 на 24,9% больше, чем среди населения Алтайского края

    Spoilage and safety of cold-smoked salmon

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    Influence of pre-calving body condition on early lactation energy balance in dairy cows

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    Käesolev magistritöö põhineb Märja katselaudas suuremahulise institutsionaalse uurimisteema ,,Piimalehmade sigimine ja tervis“ (juht Andres Valdmann) raames kogutud andmetel. Katsesse valiti holsteini tõugu lehmad kinnijätmisel toitumushinde alusel: rühm 1, alamäärases toitumuses lehmad (BCS ≤ 3,0); rühm 2, optimaalses toitumuses lehmad (BCS 3,25-3,5) ning rühm 3, ülemäärases toitumuses lehmad (BCS ≥ 3,75). Töös uuriti poegimiseelse toitumushinde seost poegimisjärgse toitumushinde muutusega ning töö eesmärgiks oli selgitada, kas poegimiseelne toitumushinne mõjutab poegimisjärgset energiabilanssi. Käesoleva katse raames kasutati Eesti Maaülikooli veterinaarmeditsiini- ja loomkasvatuse instituudi söötmisosakonna sööda ja ainevahetuse uurimise laboris tehtud söötade keemiliste analüüside tulemusi; Jõudluskontrolli Keskuse piimaanalüüside laboris saadud piima rasva, valgu ja laktoosi sisaldusi; toitumushindeid, mis saadi J. D. Fergusoni meetodit kasutades ja autori poolt arvutatud energiabilansi andmeid. Alamäärases ja optimaalses toitumuses lehmade toitumushinne suurenes kuni poegimiseni, seejärel langes kuni seemenduseni ning 150ndaks lüpsipäevaks oli lehmade toitumus jälle tõusnud. Ülemäärases toitumuses loomade toitumushinne hakkas langema pärast kinnijätmist ning langes vaatlusperioodi lõpuni. Katserühmade kõige suurem toitumushinde langus leidis aset poegimisest seemenduseni. Ülemäärases toitumuses olevate loomade NEB nadiir oli kõige sügavam ja nende NEB periood kestis kõige kauem. Alamäärases toitumuses loomade NEB poegimispäeval oli kõige väiksem ja negatiivne energiabilansi periood kestis kõige vähem. Nadiir oli väikseim optimaalses toitumuses olevatel lehmadel. Katserühmade energiabilansi näitajad on välja toodud tabelis 4. Töö tulemusena selgus, et poegimieelne toitumus avaldab mõju poegimisjärgsele energiabilansile. Kinnijätmisel ülemäärases toitumuses olevate lehmade toitumushinde ja energiabilansi langus oli kõige suurem ning taastumine kõige aeglasem. Töö tausta kirjeldus: tiinuse lõpus ja laktatsiooni alguses on piimalehmade energiatarve väga suur ning loomad ei suuda seda katta söömusega. Seetõttu tekib negatiivse energiabilansi (NEB) periood, lehmad võtavad puuduva energia oma kehavarude arvelt ja selle tulemusel nende kehamass väheneb. Ühtlasi sõltub poegimisjärgsest söömusest NEB sügavus ja kestvus. Liiga sügav ja liiga pikk negatiivse energiabilansi periood tekitab ainevahetushaigusi ja probleeme tiinestumisega. Töö eesmärk: uurida poegimiseelse toitumuse seost poegimisjärgse toitumushinde muutusega ja uurida poegimiseelse toitumuse seost poegimisjärgse negatiivse energiabilansi nadiiri ja kestvusega. Töös kasutatud andmete ja metoodika kirjeldus. Katse viidi läbi Eesti Maaülikooli Märja katsefarmis (Eerika Farm OÜ). Katses osales 20 multipaarset eesti holsteini tõugu lüpsilehma. Katserühmade moodustamine toimus kinnijätmisel toitumuse alusel: alamäärases toitumuses lehmad (toitumushinne ≤ 3,0), optimaalses toitumuses lehmad (toitumushinne 3,25-3,5); ülemäärases toitumuses lehmad (toitumushinne ≥ 3,75). Käesoleva katse raames kasutati Eesti Maaülikooli veterinaarmeditsiini- ja loomkasvatuse instituudi söötmisosakonna sööda ja ainevahetuse uurimise laboris tehtud söötade keemiliste analüüside tulemusi; Jõudluskontrolli Keskuse piimaanalüüside laboris saadud piima rasva, valgu ja laktoosi sisaldusi; toitumushindeid, mis saadi J. D. Fergusoni meetodit kasutades ja autori poolt arvutatud energiabilansi andmeid. Töö tulemused: toitumushinne muutus kõige vähem loomadel, kes olid kinnijätmisel alamäärases toitumuses. BCS langus oli kõige suurem ja kestis kõige kauem ülemäärases toitumuses loomadel. Optimaalses ja ülemäärases toitumuses lehmadel langes toitumushinne poegimisest seemenduseni. Optimaalses toitumuses olevate lehmade negatiivse energiabilansi nadiir oli väiksem kui alamäärases või ülemäärases toitumuses loomadel. Negatiivse energiabilansi periood oli kõige lühem alamäärases toitumuses lehmadel ning kõige pikem ja sügavam loomadel, kes kinnijätmisel olid ülemäärases toitumuses. Diskussioon: käesolev magistritöö põhineb Märja katselaudas suuremahulise institutsionaalse uurimisteema ,,Piimalehmade sigimine ja tervis“ (juht Andres Valdmann) raames kogutud andmetel. Katse ise jätkub kuni 2018 aastani ning alles siis kui katseloomadelt saadud andmete hulk on suurem saab teha üldisemaid järeldusi.This Master’s thesis is based on the large-scale institutional research project ,, Fertility and health in dairy cattle“ carried out on Märja Experimental Farm. The aim of the thesis was to analyse the relationship of body condition score (BCS) before calving with post partum body condition score dynamics and to assertain whether BCS before calving influences post partum energy balance. Twenty Holstein cows were divided into three groups according to their body condition score at drying off: group 1, under-conditioned cows (BCS ≤ 3,0); group 2, optimally conditioned cows (BCS 3,25-3,5); and group 3, over-conditioned cows (BCS ≥ 3,75). Results of the chemical analyses of the feeds from the feed analyses laboratory of the department of animal nutrition (Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences of the Estonian University of Life Sciences), milk fat, protein and lactose content data from the laboratory of Esronian Animal Recording Centre, BC scores obtained using the method by J. D. Ferguson and EB data calculated by the author have been used in the thesis. BCS of under-conditioned cows and cows with optimal BCS increased until parturition, decreased from parturition until insemination and by 150 DIM increased again. BCS of over-conditioned cows began to decrease before calving and decreased until 150 DIM. The most substantial BCS decline occurred from calving to insemination in all the groups. Negative energy balance nadir of the over-conditioned animals were the deepest and their negative energy balance period lasted longer than in other groups. Energy balance of the under-conditioned cows on the calving day was less negative and the NEB period lasted less than in other groups. NEB nadir of the cows with optimal BCS was the smallest. The results confirmed that the dry period body condition score has influence on post partum energy balance. The cows over-conditioned at dry off had the most substantial BCS and EB decline and their recovery was the slowest

    Nicolai Vigelij de Dreisa Hessorum iurisconsulti Methodus vniuersi iuris pontificij absolutissima

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    Obra perteneciente al Fondo Antiguo de la Biblioteca de la USA

    Nicolai Vigelij de Dreisa Hessorum iurisconsulti Methodus uniuersi iuris pontificij absolutissima

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    Obra perteneciente al Fondo Antiguo de la Biblioteca de la USA

    Comportamento de consumo de jornais por jovens : uma análise do meio impresso e online

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    Estudos sobre o comportamento de consumo de mídia estão cada vez mais atualizados e completos no mercado da comunicação, assim como o entendimento do consumidor em diversas áreas. Porém é importante entender nichos específicos da população e suas interações com as diferentes formas de mídia e comunicação que o mundo apresenta hoje. Desta forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender o comportamento de consumo de jornais por jovens com idade entre 18 e 30 anos moradores de Porto Alegre e Região Metropolitana, visando entender não só a mídia impressa, mas também a digital. Pela convergência das mídias é necessário verificar a relevância que esse meio ainda traz na vida dos jovens e entender também formas de interação que possam tangenciar esse meio que por muito tempo dominou a comunicação escrita. Estudos específicos para esse target são escassos ou inexistentes, e ajudará a tratar de novos temas e produtos para os jornais hoje, principalmente a Zero Hora, local onde o autor trabalha. Foram realizadas duas pesquisas que se complementam: a primeira exploratória através de entrevistas em profundidade e a segunda descritiva, com a aplicação de questionário auto preenchido, construído após os retornos da primeira pesquisa e de dados secundários. Essa fase teve um retorno de 267 respondentes. As pesquisas, de forma geral, foram complementares, visto que os resultados de ambas foram parecidos. Os jovens ainda continuam lendo jornais, e o fazem em ambos os meios, impresso e online. Ainda assim existem alguns pontos específicos abordados pelos entrevistados que devem ser vistos com atenção pelas empresas de mídia, com algumas sugestões de melhoria.Studies about behavior of media consumption are increasingly current and complete in communication market, as well as understanding of the consumer in several areas. However it is important to understand specific niches of the population and their interactions with different forms of media and communication present in the world today. Thus, this study aims to understand the consumer behavior of newspapers by young people aged between 18 and 30 living in Porto Alegre and its metropolitan area, in order to understand not only the print media but also digital. By the media convergence is necessary to check the relevance of newspaper impact in young people lives and also understand forms of interaction that can lightly brush this media that long dominated the written communication. Specific studies of this target are scarce or nonexistent, and it can help to create new topics and products to the papers today, especially at Zero Hora, where the author works. There were two researches that complement each other: the first one, an exploration research through in-depth interviews and the second descriptive, with the application of self-completed questionnaire, built after the return of the first survey and secondary data. This step had a return of 267 respondents. Both researches, in general, were complementary, since the results of both were similar. Young people are still reading newspapers, and do it in both media, print and online. Still there are some specific points raised by respondents to be viewed with attention by media companies, with some suggestions for improvement