43 research outputs found

    Significances of differences between slopes: An upgrade for replicated time series

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    In some ecology subjects the slope of the line fit between x and y variables is the focus of concern. Such is the case of self-thinning theory, developed for plant demography and later verified also occurring in algae and animals. Different slopes identify statistical populations subject to different conditions. Therefore, it is fundamental that a test is able to identify honestly significant differences between slopes. The most used tested for the overlap of the 95% confidence intervals of the bootstrapped slopes. However, Vieira and Creed (2013) demonstrated it to possess weak theoretical grounds having proposed a permutation methods alternative. Unfortunately, both were fallible upon small sample sizes and/or large data scatter. Data about self-thinning, as well as other subjects, often comes in replicated time series enabling upgrading the test algorithm to randomize sampling units only within the respective time frame. This was added to the previous software, increasing outstandingly the capacity of the permutation test in identifying both true and false differences between slopes

    Estimating significances of differences between slopes: A new methodology and software

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    Determining the significance of slope differences is a common requirement in studies of self-thinning, ontogeny and sexual dimorphism, among others. This has long been carried out testing for the overlap of the bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals of the slopes. However, the numerical random re-sampling with repetition favours the occurrence of re-combinations yielding largely diverging slopes, widening the confidence intervals and thus increasing the chances of overlooking significant differences. To overcome this problem a permutation test simulating the null hypothesis of no differences between slopes is proposed. This new methodology, when applied both to artificial and factual data, showed an enhanced ability to differentiate slopes

    Permutation tests to estimate significances on Principal Components Analysis

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    Principal Component Analysis is the most widely used multivariate technique to summarize information in a data collection with many variables. However, for it to be valid and useful the meaningful information must be retained and the noisy information must be sorted out. To achieve it an index from the original data set isestimated, after which three classes of methodologies may be used: (i) the analytical solution to the distribution of the index under the assumption the data has a multivariate normal distribution, (ii) the numerical solution to the distribution of the index by means of permutation tests without any assumption about the data distributionand (iii) the bootstrap numerical solution to the percentiles of the index and the comparison to its assumed value for the null hypothesis without any assumption about the data distribution. New indices are proposed to be used with permutation tests and compared with previous ones from application to several data sets. Theiradvantages and draw-backs are discussed together with the adequacy of permutation tests and inadequacy of both bootstrap techniques and methods that rely on the assumption of multivariate normal distributions

    The FuGas 2.5 updated for the effects of surface turbulence on the transfer velocity of gases at the atmosphere–ocean interface

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    Accurately estimating air–water gas exchanges requires considering other factors besides wind speed. These are particularly useful for coastal ocean applications, where the sea-state varies at fine spatial and temporal resolutions. We upgrade FuGas 2.5 with improved formulations of the gas transfer velocity parametrized based on friction velocity, kinetic energy dissipation, roughness length, air-flow conditions, drift current and wave field. We then test the algorithm with field survey data collected in the Baltic Sea during spring–summer of 2014 and 2015. Collapsing turbulence was observed when gravity waves were the roughness elements on the sea-surface, travelling at a speed identical to the wind. In such cases, the turbulence driven transfer velocities (from surface renewal and micro-scale wave breaking) could be reduced from 20 cm h1 to 5 cm h1. However, when peak gravity waves were too flat, they were presumably replaced by capillary-gravity waves as roughness elements. Then, a substantial increase in the turbulence and roughness length was observed, despite the low and moderate winds, leading to transfer velocities up to twice as large as those predicted by empirical u10-based formulations.FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) through project LARSyS: FCT Pluriannual funding 2020-2023 UIDB/EEA/50009/2020; FCT: DL57/2016/CP [1361]/CT[0008].info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An individual-based Model of the Red Alga Agarophyton chilense unravels the complex demography of Its intertidal stands

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    Algal demographic models have been developed mainly to study their life cycle evolution or optimize their commercial exploitation. Most commonly, structured-aggregated population models simulate the main life cycle stages considering their fertility, growth and survival. Their coarse resolution results in weak predictive abilities since neglected details may still impact the whole. In our case, we need a model of Agarophyton chilense natural intertidal populations that unravels the complex demography of isomorphic biphasic life cycles and be further used for: (i) introduction of genetics, aimed at studying the evolutionary stability of life cycles, (ii) optimizing commercial exploitation, and (iii) adaptation for other species. Long-term monitoring yield 6,066 individual observations and 40 population observations. For a holistic perspective, we developed an Individual-Based Model (IBM) considering ploidy stage, sex stage, holdfast age and survival, frond size, growth and breakage, fecundity, spore survival, stand biomass, location and season. The IBM was calibrated and validated comparing observed and estimated sizes and abundances of gametophyte males, gametophyte females and tetrasporophytes, stand biomass, haploid:dipoid ratio (known as H:D or G:T), fecundity and recruitment. The IBM replicated well the respective individual and population properties, and processes such as winter competition for light, self-thinning, summer stress from desiccation, frond breakage and re-growth, and different niche occupation by haploids and diploids. Its success depended on simulating with precision details such as the holdfasts' dynamics. Because "details" often occur for a reduced number of individuals, inferring about them required going beyond statistically significant evidences and integrating these with parameter calibration aimed at maximized model fit. On average, the population was haploid-dominated (H:D > 1). In locations stressed by desiccation, the population was slightly biased toward the diploids and younger individuals due to the superior germination and survival of the diploid sporelings. In permanently submerged rock pools the population was biased toward the haploids and older individuals due to the superior growth and survival of the haploid adults. The IBM application demonstrated that conditional differentiation among ploidy stages was responsible for their differential niche occupation, which, in its turn, has been argued as the driver of the evolutionary stability of isomorphic biphasic life cycles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Haploid females in the isomorphic biphasic life-cycle of Gracilaria chilensis excel in survival

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    Background Conditional differentiation is one of the most fundamental drivers of biodiversity. Competitive entities (usually species) differ in environmental or ecological niche enabling them to co-exist. Conditional differentiation of haploid and diploid generations is considered to be a requirement for the evolutionary stability of isomorphic biphasic life-cycles and the cause for the natural occurrence of both phases at uneven abundances. Theoretically, stage dependent survival rates are the most efficient way to explain conditional differentiation. Results We tested for conditional differentiation in survival rates among life stages (haploid males, haploid females, and diploids) of Gracilaria chilensis, an intertidal red alga occurring along the Chilean shores. Therefore, the fate of individuals was followed periodically for 3 years in five intertidal pools and, for the first time in isomorphic red algae, a composite model of the instantaneous survival rates was applied. The results showed the survival dependency on density (both competition and Allee effects), fertility, age, size, season and location, as well as the differentiation among stages for the survival dependencies of these factors. The young haploid females survived more than the young of the other stages under Allee effects during the environmentally stressful season at the more exposed locations, and under self-thinning during the active growth season. Furthermore, fertile haploid females had a higher survival than fertile haploid males or fertile diploids. Conclusions Here, we show a survival advantage of haploids over diploids. The haploid females probably optimize their resource management targeting structural and physiological adaptations that significantly enhance survival under harsher conditions. In a companion paper we demonstrate a fertility advantage of diploids over haploids. Together, the survival and fertility differentiation support the evolution and prevalence of biphasic life-cycles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Seagrasses benefit from mild anthropogenic nutrient additions

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    Seagrasses are declining globally, in large part due to increased anthropogenic coastal nutrient loads that enhance smothering by macroalgae, attenuate light, and are toxic when in excessive concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus. However, as sanitation is improved many seagrass meadows have been observed to recover, with a few studies suggesting that they may even benefit from mild anthropogenic nutrient additions. Monitoring seagrass demography and health has faced difficulties in establishing the adequate variables and metrics. Such uncertainty in the methods has caused uncertainty of the significance of results presented and compromised extrapolations to other seasons, areas, or species. One solution has come from within the plant self-thinning theories. During the 1980s, an interspecific boundary line (IBL) was determined as the upper limit of the combination of plant density and above-ground biomass for any stand on Earth, setting their maximum possible efficiency in space occupation. Recently, two meta-analyses to determine specific IBLs for algae and for seagrasses have been performed. The recently updated seagrass dataset comprises 5,052 observations from 78 studies on 18 species. These IBLs opened new perspectives for monitoring: the observed distance of a stand to the respective IBL (i.e., each stand's relative efficiency of space occupation) was demonstrated to be a valuable indicator of a population's health. Thus, this metric can be used to determine the impact of nutrients and pollutants on algae and seagrass populations. Furthermore, because the IBLs are common to all species, they may be used to compare all species from any location worldwide. This novel approach showed that Halodule wrightii, Halodule beaudettei, Halophila baillonii, Zostera marina, and Zostera noltei meadows benefit from anthropogenic additions of nitrogen and phosphorus, as long as these additions are moderate. In fact, the healthier Z. noltei meadows in Portugal (and among the healthiest meadows worldwide) were the ones exposed to effluents from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and a food factory. We conclude that those effluents are providing water with enough quality and that their optimal management should coordinate the technological solutions of the WWTP with the natural potential of seagrass meadows as water purifiers and biomass producers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Linear-in-the-parameters oblique least squares (LOLS) provides more accurate estimates of density-dependent survival

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    Survival is a fundamental demographic component and the importance of its accurate estimation goes beyond the traditional estimation of life expectancy. The evolutionary stability of isomorphic biphasic life-cycles and the occurrence of its different ploidy phases at uneven abundances are hypothesized to be driven by differences in survival rates between haploids and diploids. We monitored Gracilaria chilensis, a commercially exploited red alga with an isomorphic biphasic life-cycle, having found density-dependent survival with competition and Allee effects. While estimating the linear-in-the-parameters survival function, all model I regression methods (i.e, vertical least squares) provided biased line-fits rendering them inappropriate for studies about ecology, evolution or population management. Hence, we developed an iterative two-step non-linear model II regression (i.e, oblique least squares), which provided improved line-fits and estimates of survival function parameters, while robust to the data aspects that usually turn the regression methods numerically unstable

    A new method to quantify and compare the multiple components of fitness-A study case with kelp niche partition by divergent microstage adaptations to Temperature

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    Point 1 Management of crops, commercialized or protected species, plagues or life-cycle evolution are subjects requiring comparisons among different demographic strategies. The simpler methods fail in relating changes in vital rates with changes in population viability whereas more complex methods lack accuracy by neglecting interactions among vital rates. Point 2 The difference between the fitness (evaluated by the population growth rate.) of two alternative demographies is decomposed into the contributions of the differences between the pair-wised vital rates and their interactions. This is achieved through a full Taylor expansion (i.e. remainder = 0) of the demographic model. The significance of each term is determined by permutation tests under the null hypothesis that all demographies come from the same pool. Point 3 An example is given with periodic demographic matrices of the microscopic haploid phase of two kelp cryptic species observed to partition their niche occupation along the Chilean coast. The method provided clear and synthetic results showing conditional differentiation of reproduction is an important driver for their differences in fitness along the latitudinal temperature gradient. But it also demonstrated that interactions among vital rates cannot be neglected as they compose a significant part of the differences between demographies. Point 4 This method allows researchers to access the effects of multiple effective changes in a life-cycle from only two experiments. Evolutionists can determine with confidence the effective causes for changes in fitness whereas population managers can determine best strategies from simpler experimental designs.CONICYT-FRENCH EMBASSADY Ph.D. gran

    Differentiation of haploid and diploid fertilities in Gracilaria chilensis affect ploidy ratio

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    Background Algal isomorphic biphasic life cycles alternate between free-living diploid (tetrasporophytes) and haploid (dioicious gametophytes) phases and the hypotheses explaining their maintenance are still debated. Classic models state that conditional differentiation between phases is required for the evolutionary stability of biphasic life cycles while other authors proposed that the uneven ploidy abundances observed in the field are explained by their cytological differences in spore production. Results We monitored the state and fate of individuals of the red seaweed Gracilaria chilensis periodically for 3 years in five intertidal pools from two sites with distinct conditions. We tested for differentiation in fecundity and spore survival among the gametophyte males and females (haploids) and the tetrasporophytes (diploids). We tested for the influence of fecundity and spore survival on the observed uneven ploidy abundances in recruits. The probability of a frond becoming fecund was size-dependent, highest for the haploid males and lowest for the haploid females, with the diploids displaying intermediate probabilities. Fecund diploids released more tetraspores than carpospores released by the haploid females. Spore survival depended on ploidy and on the local density of co-habiting adult fronds. An advantage of diploid over haploid germlings was observed at very low and very high adult fronds densities. Conclusions Neither spore production nor spore survival determined the highly variable ploidy ratio within G. chilensis recruits. This result invalidates the hypothesis of natural cytological differences in spore production as the only driver of uneven field ploidy abundances in this species. Diploid spores (carpospores) survived better than haploid spores (tetraspores), especially in locations and time periods that were associated with the occurrence of strong biotic and abiotic stressors. We hypothesise that carpospore survival is higher due to support by their haploid female progenitors passing-on nutrients and chemical compounds improving survival under stressful conditions.AHE was supported by fellowships SFRH/BPD/63703/2009, SFRH/BPD/ 107878/2015 and UID/Multi/04326/2016 of the National Science Foundation FCT of Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio