1,182 research outputs found

    Wages and Job Satisfaction in Portugal

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    The interest in the analysis of job satisfaction has increased among economists. Indeed, reported levels of satisfaction have been seen as a good predictor of individual behaviour such as job turnover, productivity and absenteeism. Because of this, several studies have tried to identify the determinants of job satisfaction. This paper is concerned with job satisfaction in Portugal. For this purpose, we use the first six waves of the European Household Panel Data (ECHP). The panel nature of the data allows us to use a random effects estimator in order to control for unobservable individual heterogeneity. The results indicate that wages matter for job satisfaction but do not tell the whole story. In particular, having a good health status, a permanent contract and working the public sector influences positively the level satisfaction. We also find a great heterogeneity in satisfaction by regions, even in a small country as Portugal. These findings are valid for overall job satisfaction as well as for satisfaction with specific job domains such as pay, security, type of work and hours worked. Key words: job satisfaction, wages, regions, unobserved heterogeneity JEL Code: J28

    Regional Differences in Returns to Education in Portugal

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    This paper analyses differences in the return to education in Portugal across regions. For this purpose, we use an extended Mincer-type wage equation. OLS regression results indicate that differences in the rewards to education are substantially different across regions. In particular, they are much higher in Lisbon than in other regions. Since the average level of education in Lisbon is much higher in Lisbon than elsewhere such a differential is attributed to the fact that the demand for educated labour is much higher in Lisbon, likely due to differences in technology. A quantile regression analysis reveals that the return to education is not constant across the whole conditional wage distribution. This is valid for the 18 regions examined, although once again the impact of education on wages is higher in Lisbon regardless the quantile we examine.

    Da aprendizagem ao ensino da matemática: preocupações com a formação inicial do professor de educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental

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    Há a necessidade de desenvolvermos e investigarmos encaminhamentos que contemplem as novas concepções do professor como profissional que discute, avalia e investiga a sua própria prática. Por isso, acreditamos que a pesquisa sobre a análise das práticas, ainda na formação inicial, pode contribuir para a constituição desse processo como um momento importante de aprendizagem docente para o futuro professor

    Internet sales as a new mode of internationalization

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    The way that organizations explore the Internet has been the focus of a substantial body of scientific studies and non-academic reflection. The main goal of this study is to analyze the potential of the internet as a mode of internationalization and the factors that influence the results of the adoption of this mean to access foreign markets. For this purpose, we examine the determinants of the level of international sales made via internet estimating an ordered probit model. The results show that the importance of previous experience in using the internet and developing international activity, together with the level of internet marketing budget , the level of investment on internet sophistication, the firm dimension, the business age and the type pf activity are variables that determine the results obtain in the international sales trough the internet.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Portuguese Polar Program: Annual Report 2019

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    This Annual Report of the Portuguese Polar Program, PROPOLAR reports the main activities conducted between August 2018 and December 2019 The PROPOLAR is led by the CEG/IGOT University of Lisbon, under a Coordinating Committee that includes members of other 4 Portuguese research institutions CCMAR University of the Algarve, MARE University of Coimbra, CQE University of Lisbon, and CIIMAR University of Oporto The Program is funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia MCTES FCT) as a development of its former Polar Office The activities herein disclosed reflect a very busy and inspiring year The PROPOLAR supported fifteen projects that were successfully carried out in the Arctic and Antarctica Logistics continued to be based on international cooperation and on a Portuguese funded Antarctic flight open to partner programs Logistical support in Antarctica was mainly provided by Spain, Chile and the Republic of Korea, also with strong cooperation in research and facilities with Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, China, Peru, Turkey, United States of America and Uruguay Participation in international meetings and workshops, as well as the organisation of a symposium and an international meeting, and the support provided to the Portuguese Conference on Polar Science, fulfilled and enriched this very active period, also helping to reinforce the credibility and relevance of the program in the international polar arena B ringing together all these efforts and resources will surely attract and mobilise more young researchers into a Polar scientific career, thus ensuring the future of the Portuguese Polar science, and that the program will continue to blossom We are confident that the successes that PROPOLAR has had in 2019 will serve as an impetus for our very dynamic and committed community of polar researchers to move forward in in vesting in the future of the Portuguese P olar science and preparing to seize new opportunitiesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The increasing emphasis on the disclosure of the national and regional brands contributed in a significant way to the creation of new launch campaigns and stimulation of what the country and region has to offer. Therefore, in the literature it can be found numerous references to the influence of ―country-of-origin‖ in products sales. Less acknowledge is the influence of a specific region. However, when you have regions with financial and political autonomy, it‘s expectable that efforts are made to promote in a differentiate mode the local products. And both academic and firms expected that these investments would influence the ―region of origin‖ effect on regional buyers and decreases their price sensibility regarding local products. This is because understanding the influence of the ―Azorean brand‖ in the imaginations of the consumers, and the ethnocentricity of their behaviors, are directly related with the regional economic expansion. Knowing the clients‘ WTP toward Azorean products leads to an increase of new products and further stimulates the development of the local market. In this framework in mind, data was collected covering the CETSCALE dimensions and the WTP elements for grocery products. The results show the existence of three different patterns of ethnocentricity in Azorean consumers, as well as demonstrate that for most products ―region of origin‖ is not a strong influencer of wiliness to pay. Considering that the current research reflects different categories of Azorean products, the conclusions are general in nature, and conditioned according to the respondents‘ answers. This limitation can be seen as an opportunity for a more detailed research of consumers‘ behavior regarding different categories of regional products

    Portuguese Polar Program Annual Report 2020

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    The Portuguese Polar Program - PROPOLAR is funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia ( based at Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território ( of the University of Lisbon ( The coordination of PROPOLAR is led by the Centro de Estudos Geográficos from Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território University of Lisbon (CEG/IGOT ULISBOA), under a Coordinating Committee that includes members from 4 other research centres, namely the Centro de Ciências do Mar University of Algarve (CCMAR UALG), the Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente University of Coimbra (MARE UC), the Centro de Química Estrutural from Instituto Superior Técnico University of Lisboa (CQE/IST ULISBOA), and the Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental University of Oporto (CIIMAR U PORTO) Gonçalo Vieira (CEG/IGOT ULISBOA) is the Head of the program The remarkable effort and commitment of the Portuguese Polar scientists, within the framework of the International Polar Year ( 2007 08 were key to promote awareness of the importance of Polar science and research for Portugal A strategic plan encompassing three main objectives was then set out to i creating a Portuguese Polar Program focused on polar research and innovation and supporting the young generation of Polar scientists,scientists,( signing the Antarctic Treaty, and ( implementing a national Polar education and outreach program With the support of the FCT, PROPOLAR started in 2007 Portugal ratified the Antarctic Treaty in 2010 and the Madrid Protocol in 2014 and has established liaisons with major international Polar scientific and management organisations and networks PROPOLAR in close connection with the FCT, has ensured consolidation and sustainability of the development of Portuguese Polar scienceinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Wages and Job Satisfaction in Portugal

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    The interest in the analysis of job satisfaction has increased among economists. Indeed, reported levels of satisfaction have been seen as a good predictor of individual behaviour such as job turnover, productivity and absenteeism. Because of this, several studies have tried to identify the determinants of job satisfaction. This paper is concerned with job satisfaction in Portugal. For this purpose, we use the first six waves of the European Household Panel Data (ECHP). The panel nature of the data allows us to use a random effects estimator in order to control for unobservable individual heterogeneity. The results indicate that wages matter for job satisfaction but do not tell the whole story. In particular, having a good health status, a permanent contract and working the public sector influences positively the level satisfaction. We also find a great heterogeneity in satisfaction by regions, even in a small country as Portugal. These findings are valid for overall job satisfaction as well as for satisfaction with specific job domains such as pay, security, type of work and hours worked. Key words: job satisfaction, wages, regions, unobserved heterogeneity JEL Code: J2

    Um Estudo de caso preliminar: a evasão no Bacharelado em Química do Instituto de Química de São Carlos

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    Aquest treball presenta un estudi de casos destinat a la recopilació d'informació qualitativa i quantitativa sobre l'abandonament dels estudis del camp de la química de l'Institut de Química de São Carlos. Recentment, s'han estat avaluant els possibles factors que contribueixen a l'abandonament dels estudis mitjançant contactes amb els antics alumnes. Els motius més esmentats com a responsables de l'abandonament, en ordre decreixent, van ser: falta de vocació, l'adaptació a la ciutat de São Carlos, l'adaptació al curs i/o dificultats acadèmiques i el nivell socioeconòmic.This paper presents a case study aiming at gathering qualitative and quantitative information about the evasion from the chemistry course of Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos. Recently, it has been also assessing the probable contributing factors to evasion, by contacting with the former students. The reasons most frequently reported as being responsible for the evasion, in descending order, were: lack of vocation, adaptation to the city of São Carlos, adaptation to the course and/or academic difficulties, and socioeconomic status

    El imaginario de la ciudad que sobra del plano

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    La ciudad, como extensión lógico-racional del cuerpo, pero también como depositaria de sus excesos e impulsos, existe inserida en un determinado contexto histórico-social que configura el imaginario colectivo. Pensar el imaginario colectivo implica considerar, además de la histórica relación de la ciudad con la configuración biológica del cuerpo, como funciona la imaginación de la psique. El reconocimiento de la importancia del deseo en el proceso de pensamiento ha sugerido el principio de la inscripción corporal, mediante el cual se asume un vínculo profundo entre lo biológico y lo psíquico humano. Esta valoración de un pensamiento integrador de lo pulsional, de lo racional e de lo histórico, permite considerar dos aspectos que participan en la construcción de la ciudad: lo funcional y lo poiético. La lógica moderna, anclada a la concepción fragmentaria del cuerpo ? sumatorio de órganos ? estuvo en la base de la división del trabajo que generó el sistema capitalista. Sabiendo que la conciencia del propio cuerpo determina la relación con otros cuerpos y con el espacio, es reconocible una conexión entre la producción industrial y la vida urbana moderna, que ha degenerado en una ciudad abstracta ? resultado de una fragmentación espacial del todo en partes disociadas. La superposición del orden funcional de la máquina a la ciudad alimenta, así, una dualidad entre las ideas de cuerpo acabado - ciudad proyectada, heredadas de una lógica eminentemente racional y las ideas de cuerpo inacabable - ciudad circunstancial. La ciudad se halla en ese equilibrio inestable, entre el proyecto y el imprevisto, entre la coherencia de los lugares acabados y la incongruencia de los lugares casuales. La condición de apertura de los espacios que sobran del plano permite examinar las huellas del pasado y proporciona una mirada prospectiva sobre lo que la ciudad podría ser, sugiriendo una arqueología dual de regresión al pasado para intuir una proyección futura