155 research outputs found


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    This work investigates the increased share of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Brazilian food industry. In addition to conferring on Brazil the important role of attracting FDI to Mercosur (the Southern Common Market), this flow of investment has caused importance changes in the Brazilian industrial organization. Increases in competition, new strategies and changes in the number of employees in the industry are a few of the more remarkable results. The main objective of this work is to investigate the reasons of entry, encountered mainly in the characteristics of the Brazilian market, and the impacts on the local industry, and to signal the long-run effects of these recent changes.Agribusiness, International Relations/Trade,


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    O presente artigo está dividido em duas partes. Na primeira, atualiza informações sobre a geração de resíduos industriais por parte de empresas do setor coureiro-calçadista do Vale do Sinos, a partir de uma seleção crítica de informações com base em levantamento recente, realizado pela Fundação Estadual de Proteção Ambiental (Fepam/RS), e de entrevistas junto a administradores de centrais de gerenciamento de resíduos industriais da região. Ainda na primeira parte, constata a evolução quantitativa dessas centrais. Na segunda parte, o artigo propõe a realização de um estudo de avaliação da capacidade tecnológica dos consórcios que gerenciam os referidos resíduos, tendo como base pesquisa semelhante, com método já desenvolvido, amparada em teoria de Lall (1992).Palavras-chave: resíduos industriais; gestão de resíduos; consórcios de gestão de resíduos; capacidade tecnológica

    Building a Portuguese Food Microbiological Information Network

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    Introduction: The integration of food data from research, microbiological monitoring, epidemiological investigation and disease surveillance is crucial to manage foodborne risk. Consequently, INSA launched the Portuguese Food Information Resource Programme (PortFIR) in a partnership with GS1 Portugal to create national food chain expert networks and sustainable databases on food composition, consumption and chemical and microbiological contamination. Presently, the Food Microbiological Information Network (RPIMA) is being built. Purpose: The purpose is to build RPIMA including users and stakeholders, food microbiological data producers and regional authorities on agriculture and health to maximize resources (data, knowledge, financial, human, equipment…), spread knowledge and amplify the national capability. Methods: Potential users, stakeholders and data producers were identified and invited to participate in RPIMA through an e-mail questionnaire. A network meeting was organized to present, discuss and approve RPIMA’s goals. Structured brainstorming with experts of all food chain steps was used to define thematic working groups. Terms of Reference of PortFIR transversal working groups (WGs), “Users”, “Organization and Transfer of Information” and “Support to Standardization Work” were adapted to microbiology specificities through consensus within the WGs. Results: Currently the network has 82 members covering activity areas like food production and trade, risk assessment, research and education. RPIMA’s goals approved at its 1st annual meeting in October 2010 were a) to collect food microbiological information produced in different contexts, b) to standardize and c) analyse it and d) to make it available to national and international users and stakeholders namely risk assessors and risk managers. The brainstorming meeting took place on January 2011 and lead to the creation of 2 WGs: “Food Chain Microbiological Occurrence” and “Foodborne Outbreaks” whose reference terms are being defined. Presently, the Terms of Reference of the transversal WGs are under discussion. Significance: The results obtained so far regarding involvement and willingness to share data and knowledge indicate that RPIMA will allow to 1) monitor food microbiological occurrence, 2) biotrace foodborne outbreaks, 3) detect antibiotic resistance emergence, 4) provide scientific evidence for risk management, good hygiene practices and optimization of HACCP systems 5) quantify the impact of risk management decisions, 6) trace climate change impact and 7) identify information gaps to be researched in order to improve food safety

    Towards a Portuguese database of food microbiological occurrence

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    Aims: To expand the Portuguese Food Information Resource Programme (PortFIR) by building the Portuguese Food Microbiological Information Network (RPIMA) including users, stakeholders, food microbiological data producers that will provide data and information from research, monitoring, epidemiological investigation and disease surveillance. The integration of food data in a national database will improve foodborne risk management. Methods and results Potential members were identified and invited to participate in RPIMA. Currently the network has 82 members covering activity areas like food production, trade, risk assessment, research and education. RPIMA’s goals are to a) collect food microbiological information produced in different contexts, b) standardize and analyse it and c) make it available to national and international users. Two thematic working groups (WGs) were defined through a brainstorming meeting with experts of all food chain: “Food Chain Microbiological Occurrence” and “Foodborne Outbreaks” whose reference terms are being developed. The Reference Terms of already existing WGs from PortFIR-Portuguese Food Composition Network (“Users”, “Organization and Transfer of Information” and “Support to Standardization Work”) are being revised to be transversal to the both networks. Conclusions The results obtained so far regarding involvement and willingness to share data and knowledge with the national database indicate that RPIMA will allow to 1) monitor food microbiological occurrence, 2) biotrace foodborne outbreaks, 3) detect antibiotic resistance emergence, 4) provide scientific evidence for risk management, good hygiene practices and optimization of HACCP systems 5) assess the impact of risk management decisions, 6) evaluate climate change impact and 7) identify information gaps for further research. Significance of study RPIMA will provide scientific evidence for risk management and protection of public health through the sharing of data, knowledge and resources. It will allow centralizing, harmonising, analysing and disseminating microbiological data and information essential to improve food safety

    Genetic diversity and structure of the portuguese pear (Pyrus communis L.) germplasm

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    A rich heritage of traditional pear varieties is kept in national Portuguese collections. Out of these varieties, “Rocha” dominates national pear production. Although a noticeable phenotypic variation among clones of this variety has been reported, little is known about its genetic variability, as to date molecular studies have been performed on a single “Rocha” clone. Eleven Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR) markers were used to assess the genetic diversity of 130 local cultivars, 80 of them being “Rocha” clones. The results allowed the di erentiation of 75 genotypes of which 29 are “Rocha”. Three synonyms groups and four homonymous groups of other local varieties were confirmed. A Bayesian model-based clustering approach identified two distinct clusters. Using flow cytometry, six cultivars were found to be triploids. These results show high genetic variability among “Rocha” clones. In conclusion, there is a need for di erent “Rocha” clones to be preserved to enable the correct selection of the multiplication materialinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Elementos atmosféricos de loja mais valorizados por consumidores de bares de cerveja artesanal em Lisboa

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    A partir da década de 1970, os gestores passaram a fazer uso consciente e estratégico da estética das lojas, objetivando criar sentimentos específicos nos consumidores e, assim, potencializar o processo de compra. A experiência obtida pela atmosfera de loja resulta em diferencial competitivo a partir do momento em que se torna uma forma importante de diferenciação e geração de valor para o cliente. Esse valor é obtido pela experiência de consumo, que prevê, em alguns casos, que uma das características mais influentes no processo de decisão de compra de um produto/serviço é a atmosfera do local onde este é comprado/consumido. Nesta dissertação, investiga-se que elementos atmosféricos de loja são mais valorizados por consumidores de bares de cerveja artesanal em Lisboa. O estudo abrange uma etapa exploratória, visando à construção do referencial teórico, na qual foram examinadas publicações na área de marketing direcionadas, especialmente, para atmosfera de loja, experiencial de consumo e comportamento de compra do consumidor. Envolveu pesquisa qualitativa, com a realização de grupos focais, cuja análise do discurso sugere que os elementos mais valorizados são a estética rústica e vintage, com predominância de madeira, couro e pedra, música ambiente, iluminação moderada, variedade de cervejas e comportamento dos empregados

    Providing goods to the base of the pyramid: opportunities for micro, small and medium-sized local producers

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    The purpose of this research is to identify challenges and opportunities to micro, small and medium-sized producers that supply the base of the pyramid (BOP) market through small retails concerning products features and distribution system. A case study with 30 small retailers that provide goods to BOP was performed. The results indicate that for ordinary products (rice, beans, pasta, sugar), local brands have the preference and price is determinant. For aspirational products (cookies, chocolates), leading brands have the preference and local brands compete if homemade or rural taste is provided. In such cases, the local products occupy the interstices not fulfilled by leading brands. Local producers adapt the size of package to BOP´s money availability as well as introduce products innovation aiming to reduce production costs. Local producers should invest on partnership with dealers since they influence retailers´ purchase decision. The main results contribute to fulfil some academic gaps and could support local producers to develop and supply goods to BOP

    Rede Portuguesa sobre Composição de Alimentos (PortFIR - RPCA)

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    Capacidade tecnológica e gestão de resíduos em empresas de calçados do Vale do Sinos : estudo de dois casos

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    O gerenciamento ambiental tem sido visto, especialmente desde o início da atual década, como ferramenta de competitividade. Isto tem ocorrido no contexto da globalização dos mercados, cujas relações de comércio influenciam, de modo determinante, as vantagens competitivas ligadas à diferenciação de produto e à redução de custos. As empresas que se preocupam com a melhoria de seu nível de competitividade, aumentando continuamente sua capacidade tecnológica, supostamente estão mais aptas a adotar o gerenciamento ambiental. Este artigo propõe um modelo de análise da capacidade tecnológica e da gestão de resíduos sólidos para a indústria calçadista, que foi aplicado ao estudo de duas empresas do Vale do Sinos, maior aglomerado brasileiro de produção de calçados. O estudo dos casos mostrou que o modelo proposto é um instrumento útil que deverá ser submetido a novos testes. Conclui-se que as empresas, apesar de enquadráveis no mesmo nível de capacidade tecnológica, apresentam diferenças de desempenho tecnológico capazes de afetar o resultado em termos de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos industriais. Em outras palavras, melhorias promovidas na capacidade tecnológica condicionam, mas não necessariamente determinam, o bom desempenho em termos de gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos nas empresas.The environmental management in the current decade has been seen as a competitivity tool. This happened in the context of the globalization of the economy in which the commerce regulations influenced the competitive advantages linked to the product differentiation and to the cost reduction. It is usually assumed that the enterprises concerned with increasing their competitivity by increasing their technological capability tend to adopt environmental management. This article proposes an analytical model of technological capability and of solid wastes management for the footwear industry in the Sinos Valley, the Brazilian largest cluster of footwear industry production; the high indexes of industrial solid waste generation, as a consequence of the high levels of loss of raw material in the production process, are an economical and an ecological problem for the enterprises of the region. The results showed similarities between the enterprises in what is concerned with technological capability and some differences regarding to environmental management. The research instrument proved to be useful for diagnostic purposes but needs further improvements and testing

    Drivers, opportunities and barriers for a retailer in the pursuit of more sustainable packaging redesign

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    Redesign can reduce the environmental impact generated by product packaging. The literature presents the elements to be observed in a packaging redesign, as well as the important role of the retailer in delivering more sustainable outcomes through consideration of product packaging. However, the literature is almost silent on the motivations, opportunities and barriers faced by the retailers that try to improve the packaging of the items sold in their stores. To fill this gap, a case study approach was adopted which investigated a global supermarket chain through interviews with senior management and participant observation. Findings suggest that the greatest motivation to the packaging redesign seems to be the economic gains (for the supermarket and its suppliers), which co-generate environmental gains. The opportunities include the adjustment of the packaging size or type. Sizes could be increased when consumers buy more than one package during a single visit to the supermarket, or reduced when consumers discard part of a perishable product without consuming it (due to over-large packaging). Barriers result from commercial uncertainties associated with: how the new packaging will affect the sales of other items? How the new design will influence the number of times that a consumer visits the supermarket? And how the new design will affect the amount of money spent by the consumer on each visit? Further studies could investigate: how to mitigate these uncertainties? How to leverage sustainability based on the economic focus? How to identify redesign opportunities among thousands of sold items? And how to better convince the suppliers that reject the supermarket proposals? The understanding developed from the case study has facilitated the derivation of a number of propositions aiming to leverage sustainability gains from packaging redesign in practice