160 research outputs found

    Influência da função pulmonar e da força muscular na capacidade funcional de portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica = The influence of lung function and muscular strength on the functional capacity of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

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    Objectivo : Determinar que variável entre o volume expirado forçado no primeiro segundo (VEF1), a pressão parcial do oxigénio no sangue arterial (PaO2), a hipoxemia nocturna e a força muscular do quadricípite femoral pode predizer a distância percorrida no teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6) em doentes com DPOC. Doentes e métodos : Um estudo observacional do tipo transversal, envolvendo trinta doentes encaminhados a um programa de reabilitação pulmonar de um hospital universitário. A função pulmonar foi avaliada por espirometria, gasometria arterial e oximetria nocturna. A função muscular pela força muscular do quadricípite femoral e a avaliação da capacidade funcional pelo TC6. Resultados : A análise de regressão bivariada mostrou que a força do quadricípite femoral foi a única variá- vel que se mostrou estatisticamente significativa (p = 0,002) em predizer a distância, sendo responsá- vel por 38% da variância do TC6. Para essas variáveis a relação estabelecida estatisticamente foi que para cada quilo de força do quadricípite femoral, os doentes caminharam 5,9 metros no TC6. Conclusão : Os resultados indicam a importância da força muscular do MI em testes de esforço submáximo. Entre as variáveis estudadas, apenas a força muscular do quadricípite femoral pôde predizer a distância percorrida no TC6 em portadores de doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica. Aim : To determine which variable (forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2), nocturnal hypoxaemia and muscular strength of femoral quadriceps) can predict the distance walked in the six-minute walk test (6MWT) by COPD patients. Methods : A cross-sectional and observational study of thirty patients referred to a pulmonary rehabilita tion programme at a university hospital. Lung function was evaluated by spirometry, arterial blood gas analysis and nocturnal oximetry. Muscle function was evaluated by quadriceps strength and functional capacity by the 6MWT. Results : Bivariate regression analysis showed that quadriceps strength, was the only variable to correlate significantly with the distance walked in the 6MWT (p=0.002), accounting for 38% of the 6MWT variance. The statistical relationship established for these variables was 1kg of quadriceps strength equalled 5.9 metres walked in the 6MWT. Conclusions : Our results showed the importance of lower limb muscle strength in submaximal exercise testing. We conclude that femoral quadriceps muscle strength is the only one of the variables studied which can predict the distance COPD patients walk in the 6MWT

    Detection of cryptic species of Aspergillus with reduced susceptibility to antifungal agents in hospitals

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    Invasive aspergillosis is a fungal infection caused by Aspergillus spp. affecting mainly the immunocompromised. The mortality rate may reach 85%. Aspergillus identification should be based on molecular methods as there are species morphologically similar but distinct at the molecular level (cryptic species), with variable antifungal susceptibility profiles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelo impresso em 3D usado num planeamento cirúrgico de um cão com radius curvus

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    An 8 month-old, 10 kg male Azawakh dog was presented due to worsening forelimb gait and exercise intolerance. The right forelimb presented gross angular limb deformity with carpal valgus and radial procurvatum. Surgical planning based on radiographs allowed calculation of the centers of rotation and angularity (CORAs). The computer tomography data were used to generate 3D reconstructions of the antebrachium to aid the detection of the orthopaedic problems. With proper imaging software, the nature of the deformity and its degree were quantified using a previously unreported method based on the CORAs as a 3D printed model of anatomical area of interest. This 3D printed model was used by the surgeon to simulate the surgery with all orthopaedic steps, which included a partial ulna osteotomy and a double cuneiform osteotomy of the radius performed at the level of CORAs and stabilized with bone plates and screws. After 7 weeks, radiographs revealed bone union. At 8 months after surgery the animal presented a complete recovery of the involved forelimb. CORAs method combined with computed tomography and 3D model was useful to plan and simulate surgical procedures, including the corrective surgery of forelimb deformities in a dog which improved the surgical efficiency comparatively to the conventional pre-operative study.Um cão com 8 meses de idade, 10kg de peso vivo, macho da raça Azawakh foi apresentado à clínica devido à intolerância ao exercício e agravamento da marcha do membro anterior. O membro anterior direito apresentou uma deformidade angular com valgus carpal e com um procarvatum radial. O planeamento cirúrgico inicialmente baseado em exames radiográficos possibilitou o cálculo dos centros de rotação e angulação articulares (CORAs). O exame de tomografia computadorizada foi utilizado juntamente com um software de imagiologia para obter o modelo 3D virtual da área anatómica de interesse que foi posteriormente impresso em 3D e que permitiu quantificar micrometricamente a deformação óssea presente. Este modelo 3D foi utilizado pelos cirurgiões para executar uma simulação cirúrgica completa que englobou todos os procedimentos cirúrgicos, que incluiu a realização de várias osteotomias e aplicação do material cirúrgico (placas e parafusos). Com base na simulação cirúrgica foi executada a cirurgia ao animal. Decorridas sete semanas, as radiografias demonstraram uma correta regeneração óssea. Oito meses após a cirurgia o animal apresentou uma recuperação completa. O método dos CORAs juntamente com a tomografia computadorizada e com a utilização do modelo 3D revelou-se útil no planeamento e na simulação dos vários procedimentos cirúrgicos, resultando numa melhoria significativa da eficiência cirúrgica

    Bone grafts and substitutes in small animal orthopaedic reconstrutive surgery: a breaf review

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    We present here an overview of the scientific literature concerning the clinical application of autografts and allografts of the skeletal tissues and of the natural and synthetic bone graft substitutes available in small animal orthopedic surgery for resolution of congenital, traumatic and tumoral etiology situations or for reconstructive artroplastic surgeries. This article focuses the terminology, definitions and characteristics of the bone grafts and bone graft substitutes based in their functions and composition, the process of incorporation of the bone grafts and bone graft substitutes, the collection of autogenous cancellous or corticocancellous bone for grafting, the available commercial forms of bone graft or bone graft substitutes and the biologic/synthetic composite grafts, other accessible options in small animal orthopedic surgery with osteogenic and/ or osteoindutive characteristics (ex. collection and use of the autogenous bone marrow or platelet rich plasma), the principal clinical indications and surgical techniques in which are recommended the use of bone graft and/or bone graft substitutes and how to select the best option for each specific clinical case. At last, the future perspectives in reconstructive orthopedic surgery are also pointed, namely the tissue engineering of bone and cartilage tissues and the medical three dimensional biomodulation.Neste artigo pretendeu realizar-se uma revisão da literatura científica da informação disponível sobre os vários tipos de auto- e aloenxertos do sistema musculo-esquelético e substitutos ósseos naturais e sintéticos do tecido ósseo para utilização em cirurgia ortopédica dos animais de companhia com vista à resolução cirúrgica de situações clínicas do foro da traumatologia e ortopedia de etiologia congénita, traumática, tumoral ou em implantações artroplásticas. Abordam-se assim os conceitos gerais sobre a terminologia, definições e classificação dos enxertos e substitutos ósseos com base nas suas funções e composição, o processo de incorporação dos enxertos e substitutos ósseos, os principais locais de obtenção e a correta técnica de transplante de enxertos ósseos autógenos, os principais tipos de enxertos e substitutos ósseos comercializados e os enxertos compostos, outras abordagens autógenas acessíveis em animais de companhia com potencial osteogénico e/ou osteoindutor (ex. obtenção e utilização de medula óssea autógena ou plasma enriquecido em plaquetas), as principais situações clínicas e técnicas cirúrgicas em que se recomenda a utilização de enxertos e/ou substitutos ósseos e como selecionar em cada caso clínico a melhor opção disponível. Por fim, são também abordadas as perspetivas futuras em cirurgia ortopédica reconstrutiva, nomeadamente a engenharia do tecido ósseo e cartilagem e a biomodelação tridimencional médica

    Extended RDF: Computability and Complexity Issues

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    ERDF stable model semantics is a recently proposed semantics for ERDF ontologies and a faithful extension of RDFS semantics on RDF graphs. In this paper, we elaborate on the computability and complexity issues of the ERDF stable model semantics. Based on the undecidability result of ERDF stable model semantics, decidability under this semantics cannot be achieved, unless ERDF ontologies of restricted syntax are considered. Therefore, we propose a slightly modified semantics for ERDF ontologies, called ERDF #n- stable model semantics. We show that entailment under this semantics is, in general, decidable and also extends RDFS entailment. Equivalence statements between the two semantics are provided. Additionally, we provide algorithms that compute the ERDF #n-stable models of syntax-restricted and general ERDF ontologies. Further, we provide complexity results for the ERDF #nstable model semantics on syntax-restricted and general ERDF ontologies. Finally, we provide complexity results for the ERDF stable model semantics on syntax-restricted ERDF ontologies

    The OI Line Emission in Active Galactic Nuclei Revisited

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    UV, visible, and near-infrared spectroscopy is used to study the transitions of neutral oxygen leading to the emission of broad OI λ\lambda8446, λ\lambda11287 and λ\lambda1304 in Active Galactic Nuclei. From the strength of the former two lines, contrary to the general belief, we found that in six out of seven galaxies, L-beta fluorescence is not the only mechanism responsible for the formation of these three lines. Because OI λ\lambda13165 is almost reduced to noise level, continuum fluorescence is ruled out as an additional excitation mechanism, but the presence of OI λ\lambda7774 in one of the objects suggests that collisional ionization may have an important role in the formation of OI λ\lambda8446. The usefulness of the OI lines as a reliable reddening indicator for the broad line region is discussed. The values of E(B-V) derived from the OI λ1304/λ\lambda 1304/\lambda8446 ratio agree with those obtained using other reddening indicators. The observations point toward a break in the one-to-one photon relation between OI λ\lambda8446 and OI λ\lambda1304, attributable to several destruction mechanisms that may affect the latter line.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    A dual cohesin-dockerin complex binding mode in Bacteroides cellulosolvens contributes to the size and complexity of its cellulosome

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    The Cellulosome is an intricate macromolecular protein complex that centralizes the cellulolytic efforts of many anaerobic microorganisms through the promotion of enzyme synergy and protein stability. The assembly of numerous carbohydrate processing enzymes into a macromolecular multiprotein structure results from the interaction of enzyme-borne dockerin modules with repeated cohesin modules present in noncatalytic scaffold proteins, termed scaffoldins. Cohesin- dockerin (Coh-Doc) modules are typically classified into different types, depending on structural conformation and cellulosome role. Thus, type I Coh-Doc complexes are usually responsible for enzyme integration into the cellulosome, while type II Coh-Doc complexes tether the cellulosome to the bacterial wall. In contrast to other known cellulosomes, cohesin types from Bacteroides cellulosolvens, a cellulosome-producing bacterium capable of utilizing cellulose and cellobiose as carbon sources, are reversed for all scaffoldins, i.e., the type II cohesins are located on the enzyme-integrating primary scaffoldin, whereas the type I cohesins are located on the anchoring scaffoldins. It has been previously shown that type I B. cellulosolvens interactions possess a dual-binding mode that adds flexibility to scaffoldin assembly. Herein, we report the structural mechanism of enzyme recruitment into B. cellulosolvens cellulosome and the identification of the molecular determinants of its type II cohesin-dockerin interactions. The results indicate that, unlike other type II complexes, these possess a dual-binding mode of interaction, akin to type I complexes. Therefore, the plasticity of dualbinding mode interactions seems to play a pivotal role in the assembly of B. cellulosolvens cellulosome, which is consistent with its unmatched complexity and size.publishersversionpublishe