345 research outputs found

    Science as Art: Axiology as a Central Component in Methodology and Evaluation of Arts-based Research (ABR)

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    This article introduces key terms and concepts in arts-based research (ABR) that are represented across different disciplines. In so doing, it presents four functions of art in research: art as an adjunctive method in qualitative research, art as a primary method in qualitative research, art as its own methodology in research, and art as a radical event in research. Ways of adhering to ABR as its own methodology are examined, emphasizing axiology, rather than epistemology, as a core consideration when designing, implementing, and evaluating ABR. Aesthetic concerns and ethical challenges, primary values in axiology, are considered when evaluating the rigor of research design and results. Finally, this article describes the author’s own creative decision-making while developing an ABR study, illuminating issues of axiology while doing so


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    Permasalahan jumlah timbulan sampah plastik di Indonesia adalah salah satu permasalahan besar, banyak masyarakat yang masih belum menyadari akan pentingnya menjaga ekosistem keseimbangan alam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Green Marketing Mix dan Green Brand Image terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dengan Green Trust sebagai variabel mediasi (Studi pada Gerai Starbucks Coffee Karang Tengah). Objek pada penelitian ini adalah konsumen gerai Starbucks Coffee Karang Tengah. Sampel penelitian ini terdiri dari 190 responden dengan metode purposive sampling. Pengambilan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah anaslisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Green Marketing Mix berpengaruh Negatif tidak signifikan terhadap Green Trust, Green Brand Image berpengaruh Positif signifikan terhadap Green Trust, Green Marketing Mix berpengaruh Positif signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian, Green Brand Image berpengaruh Positif signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian, dan Green Trust berpengaruh Positif tidak signifikan terhadap Keputusan Pembelian

    Aesthetic Sense and Sensibility: Arts-based Research and Music Therapy

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    The year is 2091. I am walking down a simulated path in the woods created by artificial intelligence. My destination is unclear but my mission is not: In the midst of crippling global unrest and environmental decay, I was sent what appears to be an extraterrestrial message to “look for evidence of the humanity that binds people together.” Artists have become increasingly valued for their methods and sensibilities. No longer minimized as mere entertainment, people have begun to realize that the artistic process holds certain knowledge that is needed at this crucial moment in time. Post-positivistic researchers have worked on the computer intelligence that has led to the creation of this wooden path that I am now walking. Phenomenologists and grounded theorists have conducted endless interviews and observation to understand the essence of being in nature. The knowledge gathered by these mixed methods have

    Public spending and growth: the role of government accountability

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    This paper examines the role of institutions in the nexus between public spending and economic growth. Empirical results based on a newly assembled dataset of 80 countries over the 1970-2010 period suggest that particularly when institutions prompt governments to be accountable to the general citizen does public capital spending promote growth. Taking account of the type of financing for this spending, we show that the growth promoting effect under an accountable government appears to prevail for various financing sources, including a reallocation from current spending, an increase in revenue, and a rise in the budget deficit. However, government accountability does not seem to play a key role in the growth effects of current spending

    Bariery i możliwości rozwoju tanich linii lotniczych w Europie. Studium przypadku Polski i Portugalii

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    Travelling by air transport surpasses all other existing means of transportation. According to the UNWTO data, in 2014, more than half of all tourists travelled to their destinations by air. This success is expressed, among other things, in the rapid expansion of routes and strong growth in demand. With low-cost carriers (LCC) it has become an essential form of air transport to peripheral regions such as Portugal or “new” destinations in CEE countries, e.g. Poland. In 2016, Portuguese airports handled 40.9 million passengers on international flights, of whom about 47% travelled using LCC flights, whereas in Poland, in 2017, Polish airports handled nearly 5 million passengers with 57.3% share of LCC. The purpose of this article is to analyze some of the factors that influenced the success of LCCs in the two countries, and their strengthened role in the aviation market.W ciągu ostatniego dziesięciolecia nastąpił wyraźny wzrost częstotliwości korzystania z transportu lotniczego w Europie. Było to związane z pojawieniem się nowego segmentu działającego w sektorze linii lotniczych, czyli przewoźników niskokosztowych. W artykule dokonano analizy wpływu dostępności infrastruktury regionalnych portów lotniczych na kontynuowanie występującej tendencji na przykładzie dwóch peryferyjnie położonych europejskich destynacji – Polski (do 2004 r. obszar stosunkowo „odizolowany” od mobilności typowej dla Europy Zachodniej) i Portugalii. Jak pokazują przeprowadzone analizy, udział tanich linii w analizowanych rynkach jest duży i wykazuje tendencję wzrostową. W 2016 r. lotniska w Portugalii obsłużyły 40,9 mln pasażerów zagranicznych, z czego około 47% przypadło na tanie linie. Na rynku polskim natomiast w 2017 r. udział ten oszacowano na poziomie prawie 60%

    Picking battles: The impact of trust assumptions on the elaboration of security requirements

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    This position paper describes work on trust assumptions in the con-text of security requirements. We show how trust assumptions can affect the scope of the analysis, derivation of security requirements, and in some cases how functionality is realized. An example shows how trust assumptions are used by a requirements engineer to help define and limit the scope of analysis and to document the decisions made during the process

    A unified and flexible solution for integrating CRL and OCSP into PKI applications

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    Public key certificates (PKCs) are used nowadays in several security protocols and applications, so as to secure data exchange via transport layer security channels, or to protect data at the application level by means of digital signatures. However, many security applications often fail to manage properly the PKCs, in particular when checking their validity status. These failures are partly due to the lack of experience (or training) of the users who configure these applications or protocols, and partly due to the scarce support offered by some common cryptographic libraries to the application developers. This paper describes the design and implementation of a light middleware dealing with certificate validation in a unified way. Our middleware exploits on one side the libraries that have already been defined or implemented for certificate validation, and it constructs a thin layer, which provides flexibility and security features to the upper layer applications. In our current approach, this layer boasts an integrated approach to support various certificate revocation mechanisms, it protects the applications from some common security attacks, and offers several configuration and performance options to the programmers and to the end users. We describe the architecture of this approach as well as its practical implementation in the form of a library based on the famous OpenSSL security library, and that can be easily integrated with other certificate-aware security application

    Poder de Polícia e a garantia do Devido Processo Legal no Processo Administrativo Ambiental: Recurso Especial 1.133.965/BA

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    O meio ambiente não manifesta vontade, sendo a lei sua porta-voz. Entretanto, nem sempre a lei consegue expressar em totalidade tais desígnios, cabendo ao Poder Executivo prestar-lhe a dicção, através da edição de decretos e regulamentos para a sua fiel execução. Nesse contexto, desborda o Recurso Especial nº 1.133.965/BA, julgado pela Primeira Seção do Superior Tribunal de Justiça em 24 de abril de 2018. No acórdão, restou configurado abuso da função regulamentar pelo Chefe do Poder Executivo quando da edição do Decreto nº 3.179/99, ao condicionar a restituição de veículo apreendido em decorrência de infração administrativa ambiental ao recolhimento da multa. A restituição, consoante o aresto, é tão somente viabilizada quando oferecida defesa administrativa, e com a constituição de fiel depositário na figura do proprietário do veículo. Dentro deste panorama, o presente estudo busca estabelecer um diálogo entre o acórdão proferido pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça e os institutos aplicáveis de direito ambiental e administrativo, apurando-se eventuais deficiências causadas na proteção do meio ambiente

    Poder normativo e (des)regulamentação: recurso especial 1.133.965/BA

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    O meio ambiente não manifesta vontade, sendo a lei sua porta-voz. Entretanto, nem sempre a lei consegue expressar em totalidade tais desígnios, cabendo ao Poder Executivo prestar-lhe a dicção, através da edição de decretos e regulamentos para a sua fiel execução. Nesse contexto, desborda o Recurso Especial nº 1.133.965/BA, julgado pela Primeira Seção do Superior Tribunal de Justiça em 24 de abril de 2018. No acórdão, restou configurado abuso da função regulamentar pelo Chefe do Poder Executivo quando da edição do Decreto nº 3.179/99, ao condicionar a restituição de veículo apreendido em decorrência de infração administrativa ambiental ao recolhimento da multa. A restituição, consoante o aresto, é tão somente viabilizada quando oferecida defesa administrativa, e com a constituição de fiel depositário na figura do proprietário do veículo. Dentro deste panorama, o presente estudo busca estabelecer um diálogo entre o acórdão proferido pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça e os institutos aplicáveis de direito ambiental e administrativo, apurando-se eventuais deficiências causadas na proteção do meio ambiente.https://repositorio.uniceub.br/jspui/retrieve/36847/21387698.pd


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    Penerimaan pajak setiap tahun selalu meningkat namun tidak diimbangi peningkatan tax ratio. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penerimaan pajak belum optimal sehingga masih ada potensi pajak yang bisa digali oleh pemerintah. Salah satu kendala yang dapat menghambat penerimaan pajak yang optimal adalah kepatuhan wajib pajak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh tax amnesty, pengetahuan perpajakan, dan pelayanan fiskus terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif kausalitas. Populasi penelitian ini adalah wajib pajak, baik wajib pajak orang pribadi maupun wajib pajak badan yang terdaftar pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (KPP) Pratama Surabaya Tegalsari. Sampel ditentukan dengan metode accidental sampling, yaitu pengumpulan informasi dari wajib pajak yang kebetulan ditemui peneliti. Sampel yang didapatkan sebanyak 88 responden. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuesioner dengan menggunakan skala likert 1 sampai 5. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linier berganda menggunakan program SPSS for Windows. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh positif tax amnesty dan pengetahuan perpajakan. Sedangkan pelayanan fiskus tidak berpengaruh terhadap kepatuhan wajib pajak