16 research outputs found

    Ciència magazine, first period (1926-1933) : a project for the recovery and dissemination of the Catalan scientific heritage

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    In 1926, a new publishing project was realized: the magazine Ciència. Its nameplate included, in a programmatic declaration, the following subtitle: Revista catalana de ciència i tecnologia (Catalan Magazine of Science and Technology). The magazine became emblematic of a project of Catalanism that aimed at meeting the need of communicating science and technology to a growing interested public and of establishing a scientific and technical terminology in Catalan. In the current technological context and in the framework of different initiatives for the digitization, preservation, and dissemination of Catalan scientific heritage, the Institute for Catalan Studies has supported a distinctive initiative to archive the scientific, technological, and medical periodicals produced in Catalonia during the first third of the 20th century. This article introduces Ciència and the projects implemented to preserve and communicate Catalonia's scientific heritage, placing both in their historical context.L'any 1926 es va dur a terme un nou projecte editorial: la revista Ciència. La nova capçalera portava com a subtítol, en una declaració programàtica: Revista catalana de ciència i tecnologia. La revista va esdevenir emblemàtica d'un projecte de catalanisme que cercava tant la necessitat de comunicar la ciència i la tecnologia a un públic cada cop més interessat, com també la necessitat de fixar un lèxic científic i tècnic en català. En el context tecnològic actual i en el marc de diferents iniciatives de digitalització, conservació i difusió del patrimoni científic, l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans dóna suport a una acció singular de recuperació del patrimoni hemerogràfic científic, tècnic i mèdic produït a la Catalunya durant el primer terç del segle XX. Aquest article presenta i situa en context històric tant la revista Ciència com els projectes de conservació i comunicació d'aquest patrimoni

    El tercer sector i l’economia social a Barcelona

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    La data de publicació d’aquest document és inexacta, s’ha escollit una data aproximada.Forma part de la col·lecció: Quaderns del CES

    Highly sensitive microsatellite instability and immunohistochemistry assessment in endometrial aspirates as a tool for cancer risk individualization in Lynch syndrome

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    Women with Lynch syndrome (LS) are at increased risk of endometrial cancer (EC), among other tumors, and are characterized by mismatch repair (MMR) deficiency and microsatellite instability (MSI). While risk-reducing gynecologic surgeries effectively decrease EC incidence, doubts arise regarding the appropriate timing of the surgery. We explored the usefulness of highly sensitive MSI (hs-MSI) assessment in endometrial aspirates for individualizing gynecologic surveillance in LS carriers. Ninety-three women with LS, 25 sporadic EC patients (9 MMR-proficient and 16 MMR-deficient), and 30 women with benign gynecologic disease were included in this study. hs-MSI was assessed in prospectively collected endometrial aspirates in 67 LS carriers, EC cases, and controls. MMR, PTEN, ARID1A, and PAX2 protein expression patterns were evaluated in the LS samples. Follow-up aspirates from 8 LS carriers were also analyzed. Elevated hs-MSI scores were detected in all aspirates from MMR-deficient EC cases (3 LS and 16 sporadic) and negative in aspirates from controls and MMR-proficient EC cases. Positive hs-MSI scores were also detected in all 4 LS aspirates reported as complex hyperplasia. High hs-MSI was also present in 10 of 49 aspirates (20%) from LS carriers presenting a morphologically normal endometrium, where MMR protein expression loss was detected in 69% of the samples. Interestingly, the hs-MSI score was positively correlated with MMR-deficient gland density and the presence of MMR-deficient clusters, colocalizing PTEN and ARID1A expression loss. High hs-MSI scores and clonality were evidenced in 2 samples collected up to 4 months before EC diagnosis; hs-MSI scores increased over time in 5 LS carriers, whereas they decreased in a patient with endometrial hyperplasia after progestin therapy. In LS carriers, elevated hs-MSI scores were detected in aspirates from premalignant and malignant lesions and normal endometrium, correlating with MMR protein loss. hs-MSI assessment and MMR immunohistochemistry may help individualize EC risk assessment in women with LS

    Model d’atenció a la salut de les persones trans*

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    Persones trans; Atenció a la salut; Identitat de gènerePersonas trans; Atención a la salud; Identidad de géneroTrans people; Health care; Gender identityL'objectiu d'aquest document és l'ordenació de la cartera de serveis de l’atenció a la salut de les persones trans en el seu procés de transició en la identitat de gènere sentida a càrrec del sistema sanitari públic de Catalunya a partir d’un model consensuat i d’un protocol clínic marc per a l’atenció de la salut

    Micromón València (Universitat de València)

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    En Julio de 2017 se creó la red SWI@Spain, auspiciada por el grupo de Docencia y Difusión de la Microbiología (DDM) de la Sociedad Española de Microbiología (SEM), para desarrollar la iniciativa internacional Small World Initiative (SWI) en la península ibérica. En la Universitat de València (UV) se constituyó entonces el grupo de Innovación Docente en Microbiología (IDM) para implementar el proyecto a nivel local. Avalados por el Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa (SFPIE) de la UV, el grupo ha llevado a cabo diferentes iniciativas relacionadas con el objetivo fundamental del proyecto: divulgar la problemática actual relacionada con el uso inadecuado de antibióticos, el incremento de bacterias resistentes a éstos y la necesidad de encontrar nuevas moléculas con actividad antibacteriana para combatir las infecciones que provocan

    Ciència magazine, first period (1926–1933): A project for the recovery and dissemination of the Catalan scientific heritage

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    L’any 1926 es va dur a terme un nou projecte editorial: la revista Ciència. La nova capçalera portava com a subtítol, en una declaració programàtica: Revista catalana de ciència i tecnologia. La revista va esdevenir emblemàtica d’un projecte de catalanisme que cercava tant la necessitat de comunicar la ciència i la tecnologia a un públic cada cop més in teressat, com també la necessitat de fixar un lèxic científic i tècnic en català. En el context tecnològic actual i en el marc de diferents iniciatives de digitalització, conservació i difusió del patrimoni científic, l’Institut d’Estudis Catalans dóna suport a una acció singular de recuperació del patrimoni hemerogràfic científic, tècnic i mèdic produït a la Catalunya durant el primer terç del segle XX. Aquest article presenta i situa en context històric tant la revista Ciència com els projectes de conservació i comunicació d’aquest patrimoni.Paraules clau. periodisme científic-mèdic-tècnic · catalanisme ·  divulgació científica · identitat professional · públics de la ciència · lèxic científic-mèdic-tècnic catalàIn 1926, a new publishing project was realized: the magazine Ciència. Its nameplate included, in a programmatic declaration, the following subtitle: Revista catalana de ciència i tecnologia (Catalan Magazine of Science and Technology). The magazine became emblematic of a project of Catalanism that aimed at meeting the need of communicating science and technology to a growing interested public and of establishing a scientific and technical terminology in Catalan. In the current technological context and in the framework of different initiatives for the digitization, preservation, and dissemination of Catalan scientific heritage, the Institute for Catalan Studies has supported a distinctive initiative to archive the scientific, technological, and medical periodicals produced in Catalonia during the first third of the 20th century. This article introduces Ciència and the projects implemented to preserve and communicate Catalonia’s scientific heritage, placing both in their historical context.Keywords. science-medical-technology journalism · Catalanism ·  popular science · professional identity · science audiences · Catalan scientific-medical-technological lexico

    The car tank lid bacteriome: a reservoir of bacteria with potential in bioremediation of fuel

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    Bioprospecting of microorganisms suitable for bioremediation of fuel or oil spills is often carried out in contaminated environments such as gas stations or polluted coastal areas. Using next-generation sequencing (NGS) we analyzed the microbiota thriving below the lids of the fuel deposits of diesel and gasoline cars. The microbiome colonizing the tank lids differed from the diversity found in other hydrocarbon-polluted environments, with Proteobacteria being the dominant phylum and without clear differences between gasoline or diesel-fueled vehicles. We observed differential growth when samples were inoculated in cultures with gasoline or diesel as the main carbon source, as well as an increase in the relative abundance of the genus Pseudomonas in diesel. A collection of culturable strains was established, mostly Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, Staphylococcus, and Bacillus genera. Strains belonging to Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Achromobacter, and Isoptericola genera showed a clear diesel degradation pattern when analyzed by GC-MS, suggesting their potential use for bioremediation and a possible new species of Isoptericola was further characterized as hydrocarbon degrader

    Ciència magazine, first period (1926-1933) : a project for the recovery and dissemination of the Catalan scientific heritage

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    In 1926, a new publishing project was realized: the magazine Ciència. Its nameplate included, in a programmatic declaration, the following subtitle: Revista catalana de ciència i tecnologia (Catalan Magazine of Science and Technology). The magazine became emblematic of a project of Catalanism that aimed at meeting the need of communicating science and technology to a growing interested public and of establishing a scientific and technical terminology in Catalan. In the current technological context and in the framework of different initiatives for the digitization, preservation, and dissemination of Catalan scientific heritage, the Institute for Catalan Studies has supported a distinctive initiative to archive the scientific, technological, and medical periodicals produced in Catalonia during the first third of the 20th century. This article introduces Ciència and the projects implemented to preserve and communicate Catalonia's scientific heritage, placing both in their historical context.L'any 1926 es va dur a terme un nou projecte editorial: la revista Ciència. La nova capçalera portava com a subtítol, en una declaració programàtica: Revista catalana de ciència i tecnologia. La revista va esdevenir emblemàtica d'un projecte de catalanisme que cercava tant la necessitat de comunicar la ciència i la tecnologia a un públic cada cop més interessat, com també la necessitat de fixar un lèxic científic i tècnic en català. En el context tecnològic actual i en el marc de diferents iniciatives de digitalització, conservació i difusió del patrimoni científic, l'Institut d'Estudis Catalans dóna suport a una acció singular de recuperació del patrimoni hemerogràfic científic, tècnic i mèdic produït a la Catalunya durant el primer terç del segle XX. Aquest article presenta i situa en context històric tant la revista Ciència com els projectes de conservació i comunicació d'aquest patrimoni

    Dynamic simulation based assessment of supply chain sustainability

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    As sustainability becomes an increasingly important business factor, companies are looking for decision support tools to assess the impacts associated with their manufacturing operations and supply chain activities. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is widely used to measure the environmental consequences and more recently social/societal impacts of a product throughout its life cycle. However, LCA-based assessments are static as they do not consider the dynamics arising from the multitiered structure and the interactions along the supply chain. In this work, we describe a framework integrating dynamic simulation with LCA indicators for sustainability assessment that considers the dynamics in supply chain operations. The advantages of this framework are demonstrated through sustainability assessment scenarios involving changes in product composition, ordering policy, and supplier selection policy in the diaper and detergent supply chains.by Arief Adhitya, Iskandar Halim and Rajagopalan Srinivasa

    Ecology and resistance to UV light and antibiotics of microbial communities on UV cabins in the dermatology service of a Spanish hospital

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    Abstract Microorganisms colonize all possible ecological habitats, including those subjected to harsh stressors such as UV radiation. Hospitals, in particular the UV cabins used in phototherapy units, constitute an environment in which microbes are intermittently subjected to UV irradiation. This selective pressure, in addition to the frequent use of antibiotics by patients, may represent a threat in the context of the increasing problem of antimicrobial resistance. In this work, a collection of microorganisms has been established in order to study the microbiota associated to the inner and outer surfaces of UV cabins and to assess their resistance to UV light and the antibiotics frequently used in the Dermatology Service of a Spanish hospital. Our results show that UV cabins harbor a relatively diverse biocenosis dominated by typically UV-resistant microorganisms commonly found in sun-irradiated environments, such as Kocuria, Micrococcus or Deinococcus spp., but also clinically relevant taxa, such as Staphylococcus or Pseudomonas spp. The UV-radiation assays revealed that, although some isolates displayed some resistance, UV is not a major factor shaping the biocenosis living on the cabins, since a similar pool of resistant microorganisms was identified on the external surface of the cabins. Interestingly, some Staphylococcus spp. displayed resistance to one or more antibiotics, although the hospital reported no cases of antibiotic-resistance infections of the patients using the cabins. Finally, no association between UV and antibiotic resistances was found