2,368 research outputs found

    Development of a multiblock procedure for automated generation of two-dimensional quadrilateral meshes of gear drives

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    This article describes a new multiblock procedure for automated generation of two-dimensional quadrilateral meshes of gear drives. The typical steps of the multiblock schemes have been investigated in depth to obtain a fast and simple way to mesh planar sections of gear teeth, allowing local mesh refinement and minimizing the appearance of distorted elements in the mesh. The proposed procedure is completed with two different mesh quality enhancement techniques. One of them is applied before the mesh is generated, and reduces the distortion of the mesh without increasing the computational time of the meshing process. The other one is applied once the mesh is generated, and reduces the distortion of the elements by means of a mesh smoothing method. The performance of the proposed procedure has been illustrated with several numerical examples, which demonstrate its ability to mesh different gear geometries under several meshing boundary conditions

    A 2D finite element based approach to predict the temperature field in polymer spur gear transmissions

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    This article describes a new numerical approach to determine the temperature field of polymer spur gears during their operation. The approach is based on an uncoupled procedure in which a mechanical problem is solved to determine the amount of heat that is generated by friction during the meshing of the gears, and then this heat is considered as a thermal load to perform a thermal analysis of a finite element model of the transmission. The amount of heat generated by friction is determined from the results of a numerical loaded tooth contact analysis of the transmission, which is based on the finite element method. The generality of the finite element method enables this approach to be applied to any kind of spur gear transmission, regardless of the geometry and the material of the gears and lubrication conditions. The resulting approach is applied to determine the temperature field of a spur gear transmission where polymer and metallic gears are combined, under several different operating conditions. The results obtained from this approach are compared to those obtained from experimental analyses, showing a good degree of similarity between them

    Contribution of the deflection of tapered roller bearings to the misalignment of the pinion in a pinion-rack transmission

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    The misalignment of the gears is one of the main causes of premature failure in gear transmissions. This misalignment can be caused by different phenomena where the deformation of the elastic elements of the transmission usually has a major importance. In this paper, a pinion and rack transmission is used to investigate the misalignment of the pinion produced by the deflection of both shaft and bearings, focusing in the contribution of the bearings to this misalignment. For this task, a design space with 261 different cases of pinion and rack transmission has been explored. For each case, a realistic 3D FEM model (including gears, shaft and roller bearings) has been created and the coupled structural and contact problem has been solved. From the results of the FEM models, the different parameters of misalignment of the pinion have been computed and analyzed through five studies. These studies revealed the high importance of the elasticity of the bearings in the misalignment of the pinion and, in general, the important error that can be assumed when the bearings are not included in the structural models of gear transmissions.The authors express their deep gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) for the financial support of research project ref. DPI2013-47702-C2-2-P

    An adaptive mesh refinement approach for solving nonHertzian elastic contact problems

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    Semi-analytical methods are a common way of solving non-hertzian contact problems when designing mechanical components. These methods require of the discretization of the domain into a set of pressure elements and their accuracy and computational cost are related to the number of elements in which the domain is discretized. But, while the accuracy increases as the pressure element mesh is refined, the computational cost increases quadratically with the number of pressure elements. So in the great majority of the cases, a commitment between accuracy and computational cost must be achieved. In this work, a new approach has been developed to improve the performance of semi-analytical methods for solving contact problems. This approach uses an adaptive mesh refinement strategy, based on the quadtree decomposition of the domain. As a result, the computational cost decreases, while the accuracy of the method remains constant

    A New Framework for Kernelization Lower Bounds: The Case of Maximum Minimal Vertex Cover

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    In the Maximum Minimal Vertex Cover (MMVC) problem, we are given a graph G and a positive integer k, and the objective is to decide whether G contains a minimal vertex cover of size at least k. Motivated by the kernelization of MMVC with parameter k, our main contribution is to introduce a simple general framework to obtain lower bounds on the degrees of a certain type of polynomial kernels for vertex-optimization problems, which we call {lop-kernels}. Informally, this type of kernels is required to preserve large optimal solutions in the reduced instance, and captures the vast majority of existing kernels in the literature. As a consequence of this framework, we show that the trivial quadratic kernel for MMVC is essentially optimal, answering a question of Boria et al. [Discret. Appl. Math. 2015], and that the known cubic kernel for Maximum Minimal Feedback Vertex Set is also essentially optimal. On the positive side, given the (plausible) non-existence of subquadratic kernels for MMVC on general graphs, we provide subquadratic kernels on H-free graphs for several graphs H, such as the bull, the paw, or the complete graphs, by making use of the Erd?s-Hajnal property in order to find an appropriate decomposition. Finally, we prove that MMVC does not admit polynomial kernels parameterized by the size of a minimum vertex cover of the input graph, even on bipartite graphs, unless NP ? coNP / poly. This indicates that parameters smaller than the solution size are unlike to yield polynomial kernels for MMVC

    Adaptive Mesh Refinement Strategy for the Semi-Analytical Solution of Frictionless Elastic Contact Problems

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    Semi-analytical methods are commonly used to solve contact problems. These methods require the discretization of the domain into a mesh of pressure elements. In general, it can be said that their accuracy increases as the pressure element mesh is refined. However, the refinement of the pressure element mesh also implies an increase in their computational cost. So, in the great majority of the cases, a commitment between accuracy and computational cost must be achieved. In this work, a new approach is presented, whose main purpose is to improve the efficiency of the semi-analytical methods that are used to solve contact problems. To do so, an adaptive refinement of the pressure element mesh is implemented. This strategy allows for a reduction of the computational cost of the method, while its accuracy remains unaffected

    A simple procedure for generating locally refined 2D quadrilateral finite element meshes of gears

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    This article describes a new procedure for automated generation of two-dimensional locally refined quadrilateral meshes of gear drives. In this new procedure, a base mesh is generated using a multiblock meshing procedure. Then, selected elements of the base mesh are subdivided to obtain a refined mesh in certain parts of the gear teeth. The proposed procedure is completed with a mesh quality enhancement technique, which is based on an optimization-based smoothing. It also includes strategies that allow to automatically identify and refine those areas of the gear that are typically subjected to elevated stress gradients. The performance of the proposed procedure is illustrated with numerical examples, and it is compared to other existing meshing procedures, both in terms of mesh distortion and accuracy of the results

    Cyclists as a minority group?

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    In the social sciences, several definitions of minority group can be found. The definitions include different aspects such as power/status, number, distinctiveness, social category, group context, dispositions, and discrimination. Compared to motorized road users, cyclists are considered vulnerable road users because they lack physical protection. We argue that such definition does not capture the social and cultural aspects that characterize the membership within the group of cyclists. We offer arguments and reflections based on recent literature advocating that cyclists may share some features of the experience of minority groups. Although cyclists differ from other minorities in important respects, they manifest many of the characteristics by which minority groups are defined

    Zooplankton grazers as transformers of ocean optics: A dynamic model

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    A model was developed, based on data collected in the Southern California Bight region, to assess the effect of zooplankton grazing on the attenuation of light due to suspended particles. Diel vertical distribution and grazing activity of the principal zooplankton grazers in the coastal waters of southern California were studied during mid-March, 1986. Calanus pacificus exhibited vertical migration, but Acartia spp. and Paracalanus spp. did not. All species had a diel feeding rhythm, whether or not they migrated; grazing activity, measured by the gut fluorescence method, increased at night. Model parameters are temperature, particle doubling rate, particle size-frequency distribution, zooplankton grazing efficiency and zooplankton size-frequency distribution. With parameters at their standard values, the diffuse attenuation coefficient, Kp, remains approximately constant, decreasing by only 3.5% in one 24-h cycle. The model is most sensitive to changes in temperature and, secondly, to changes in the abundance of grazers. Without grazers, and at the reference value for particle doubling rate, Kp is expected to increase by 8.2% d−1. At the upper limit of zooplankton abundance grazing produces a decrease in Kp of 63.5% d−1; at the upper limit of particle growth rate, Kp increases by ≥50% d−1. We conclude that macrozooplankton can have a major effect on the optical characteristics of sea water


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    In this paper is presented the way we can use the thermovision in detecting of the degradationprocesses of the mobile mechanical systems. It is also presented a method for establishing of theprofitableness in using thermovision to identify priority applications of this technolog
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