21 research outputs found

    URBAN AND COMMUNITY AGROFORESTRY: an experience in Campo Grande, West Zone of Rio de Janeiro

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    AGROFLORESTA URBANA E COMUNITÁRIA: uma experiência em Campo Grande, Zona Oeste do Rio de JaneiroAGROFORESTERÍA URBANA Y COMUNITARIA: una experiencia en Campo Grande, Zona Oeste de Río de JaneiroABSTRACTThe present study reports on an urban and community agroforestry project implemented in 2016, in a square located in Campo Grande, West Zone of Rio de Janeiro. We observed the results and performed a survey of plant species used. Observations showed that the collective agroforestry system combined production with environmental recovery, thus making a socio-environmental contribution to the community who visit the square, live in its immediate vicinity and members of the agroforestry task force, by establishing a place for interaction between people and between people and nature. Therefore, community agroforestry has the potential to be a space for environmental education.Keywords: Community Agroforestry; Environmental Restoration; Social Interaction; West Zone of Rio de Janeiro.RESUMOO presente estudo relata um projeto agroflorestal urbano e comunitário implementado em 2016, em uma praça localizada em Campo Grande, Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro. Observamos os resultados e fizemos um levantamento das espécies de plantas utilizadas. As observações mostraram que o sistema agroflorestal coletivo combinou produção com recuperação ambiental, trazendo assim uma contribuição socioambiental para a comunidade que visita a praça, mora em suas imediações e integrantes do mutirão agroflorestal, estabelecendo um local de interação entre as pessoas e entre as pessoas e a natureza. Portanto, a agrofloresta comunitária tem potencial para ser um espaço de educação ambiental.Palavras-chave: Agrofloresta Comunitária; Restauração Ambiental; Interação Social; Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro.RESUMEN El presente estudio informa sobre un proyecto agroforestal urbano y comunitario implementado en una plaza ubicada en Campo Grande de la Zona Oeste de Río de Janeiro en el año 2016. Se realizó un relevantamiento de las especies vegetales utilizadas, las observaciones mostraron que el sistema agroforestal colectivo combinó la producción con la recuperación ambiental. Constituyendo así un aporte socioambiental a la comunidad. En el que los habitantes frecuentan la plaza, viven en sus inmediaciones y miembros del grupo de trabajo agroforestal, al establecer un lugar de interacción entre las personas entre sí y con la naturaleza. Por tanto, la agrosilvicultura comunitaria tiene el potencial de ser un espacio de educación ambiental.Palabras clave: Agroforestería Comunitaria; Restauración Ambiental; Interacción Social; Zona Oeste del Río de Janeiro

    Floristic diversity in agroforestry systems in the state of Rio de Janeiro

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    The present article brings together existing plant diversity in agroforestry systems (AFS) in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The survey was carried out with digital databases, using terms in Portuguese and English, such as: ‘‘sistemas agroflorestais RJ’’, ‘‘agrofloresta RJ’’, ‘‘agroforestry RJ’’, and ‘‘agroforestry systems RJ’’, with fourteen AFSs being verified. The species present in the agroforests of Rio de Janeiro were listed when present in at least five of the fourteen AFSs found (35.71%). Fifteen species (8.82%) were among the most common, out of a total of 170 different species found, demonstrating the diversity of AFSs. Plant species are located in the following cities in the state of Rio de Janeiro: Seropédica, Rio de Janeiro, Três Rios, Paraty and Nova Friburgo. The most mentioned species were papaya (Carica papaya L.) and annatto (Bixa orellana L.). More AFSs were analyzed in the Metropolitan Region within the state of Rio de Janeiro, highlighting the municipality of Seropédica. Agroforests can contribute to the conservation or restoration of plant diversity, while promoting food and nutritional sovereignty and security, community subsistence, and local commercialization, among other benefits

    Volatile compounds from Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Baccharis dracunculifolia DC. Growing in southeast coast of Brazil

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    Chemical composition of leaf volatiles of Rosmarinus officinalis and Baccharis dracunculifolia cultured in Southeast of Brazil has been characterized by GC/MS after simultaneous distillation-extraction. The main components in volatiles of these species showed in common α-pinene, myrcene, 1,8 cineole and camphor. Camphor was the major component among volatiles of B. dracunculifolia and R. officinalis with concentrations exceeding 25%. B. dracunculifolia volatiles possessed more sesquiterpenes (21.4%) than R. officinalis (16.7%), such as caryophyllene (1.9%) and α-humulene (0.4%). Lower concentrations of nerolidol and spathulenol were achieved in volatiles of B. dracunculifolia. Considering both species, there was a predominance of monoterpenes

    Vasodilator activity of extracts of field Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K: Schum and A. zerumbet (Pers.) Burtt et Smith cultured in vitro

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    Nowadays, the high blood pressure is one of the main causes of death and cardiovascular diseases. Vasodilator drugs are frequently used to treat arterial hypertension. Experiments were undertaken to determine whether hydroalcoholic extracts obtained from leaves of field-grown Alpinia purpurata and A. zerumbet cultured in vitro under different plant growth regulators induce a vasodilator effect on Wistar rat mesenteric vascular bed pre-contracted with norepinephrine. Plant extracts were able to induce a long-lasting endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Efficiency on activity of A. purpurata reached 87% at concentration of 60 μg. The extract of A. zerumbet maintained in medium containing IAA, induced the relaxation (17.4%) at 90 μg, as compared to the control (MS0) that showed a better vasodilator effect (60%). These results are in agreement with the quantification of phenolic compounds in the extracts, which were 50% lower for those plants cultured in IAA. A. purpurata was assayed for the first time in relation to its vasodilator activity. This paper showed a strong probability of correlation between the pharmacological activities of A. purpurata with their content in phenolic compounds.Atualmente, a hipertensão arterial é uma das maiores causas de morte e de doenças cardiovasculares. Os vasodilatadores são freqüentemente utilizados no tratamento da hipertensão. Extratos hidroalcoólicos de Alpinia purpurata de campo e de A. zerumbet cultivada in vitro sob diferentes reguladores de crescimento vegetal foram ensaiados no leito mesentérico de ratos Wistar. Os extratos de A. purpurata e A. zerumbet produziram efeito vasodilatador com padrão de resposta dose-dependente de duração prolongada. Extratos da espécie A. purpurata tiveram efeito vasodilatador de 87% na dose de 60 μg. O extrato obtido de folhas de A. zerumbet oriundas das culturas mantidas em meio contendo AIA (ácido indol acético) inibiu o relaxamento (17,4%) na dose de 90 μg em relação ao controle (MS0), com o qual foi verificado melhor efeito vasodilatador (60%). Estes resultados estão de acordo com a concentração de fenóis totais que foi 50% menor para os extratos de plantas cultivadas in vitro em AIA. A espécie A. purpurata foi pela primeira vez ensaiada quanto à atividade vasodilatadora. Os resultados obtidos indicaram a presença de substâncias fenólicas provavelmente correlacionadas à ação terapêutica de A. purpurata

    In vitro development of green manures: phytotoxicity and remediation of 2,4-D / Desenvolvimento in vitro de adubos verdes: fitotoxicidade e remediação de 2,4-D

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    Evaluation of phytoremediation capacity under aseptic, controlled conditions can be achieved with the use of plant tissue cultures as a model, eliminating interference from the physical environment. Herein, we developed an in vitro culture protocol for green manures of Crotalaria juncea, C. spectabilis and Canavalia ensiformis, each of which contributes to a sustainable cropping system. In particular, we studied their behavior in the presence of the herbicide 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid). Disinfection of C. juncea seeds was efficient, and plantlets presented the best development of roots, stem and leaves. Thus, subsequent experiments were conducted only with C. juncea. For 2,4-D tolerance tests, C. juncea seedlings were transferred to Murashige and Skoog (MS) solid media under the following concentrations of 2,4-D: 0 (control), 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 mg L-1 for a 30-day period. After this period, MS culture media for C. juncea was analyzed by HPLC for quantification of residual 2,4-D. C. juncea development was observed to be sensitive to 2,4-D toxicity; however it was observed 2,4-D reduction in the media. Nonetheless, field assays are still necessary to evaluate the feasibility of using it as a phytoremediator, as well as determine the influence of environmental and plant density variables on 2,4-D absorption capacity from soil

    Vasodilator activity of extracts of field Alpinia purpurata (Vieill) K: Schum and A. zerumbet (Pers.) Burtt et Smith cultured in vitro

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    Nowadays, the high blood pressure is one of the main causes of death and cardiovascular diseases. Vasodilator drugs are frequently used to treat arterial hypertension. Experiments were undertaken to determine whether hydroalcoholic extracts obtained from leaves of field-grown Alpinia purpurata and A. zerumbet cultured in vitro under different plant growth regulators induce a vasodilator effect on Wistar rat mesenteric vascular bed pre-contracted with norepinephrine. Plant extracts were able to induce a long-lasting endothelium-dependent vasodilation. Efficiency on activity of A. purpurata reached 87% at concentration of 60 μg. The extract of A. zerumbet maintained in medium containing IAA, induced the relaxation (17.4%) at 90 μg, as compared to the control (MS0) that showed a better vasodilator effect (60%). These results are in agreement with the quantification of phenolic compounds in the extracts, which were 50% lower for those plants cultured in IAA. A. purpurata was assayed for the first time in relation to its vasodilator activity. This paper showed a strong probability of correlation between the pharmacological activities of A. purpurata with their content in phenolic compounds.Atualmente, a hipertensão arterial é uma das maiores causas de morte e de doenças cardiovasculares. Os vasodilatadores são freqüentemente utilizados no tratamento da hipertensão. Extratos hidroalcoólicos de Alpinia purpurata de campo e de A. zerumbet cultivada in vitro sob diferentes reguladores de crescimento vegetal foram ensaiados no leito mesentérico de ratos Wistar. Os extratos de A. purpurata e A. zerumbet produziram efeito vasodilatador com padrão de resposta dose-dependente de duração prolongada. Extratos da espécie A. purpurata tiveram efeito vasodilatador de 87% na dose de 60 μg. O extrato obtido de folhas de A. zerumbet oriundas das culturas mantidas em meio contendo AIA (ácido indol acético) inibiu o relaxamento (17,4%) na dose de 90 μg em relação ao controle (MS0), com o qual foi verificado melhor efeito vasodilatador (60%). Estes resultados estão de acordo com a concentração de fenóis totais que foi 50% menor para os extratos de plantas cultivadas in vitro em AIA. A espécie A. purpurata foi pela primeira vez ensaiada quanto à atividade vasodilatadora. Os resultados obtidos indicaram a presença de substâncias fenólicas provavelmente correlacionadas à ação terapêutica de A. purpurata

    Tissue culture techniques in the proliferation of shoots and roots of Calendula officinalis Utilização de técnicas de cultura de tecidos na proliferação de brotos e enraizamento de Calendula officinalis

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    The high demand for plant material from Calendula officinalis in the production of herbal medicines and cosmetics, turns the technique of plant-tissue culture into one of the alternatives for the improvement of crops over a short period of time. A protocol for tissue culture was developed from segments of seedlings of C. officinalis, in order to improve the proliferation of shoots and roots. We used a Murashige and Skoog (MS½N) medium, reduced to half the concentrations of NH4NO3 and KNO3 to verify the effect of different types of explants (basal, intermediate, and apical), a medium containing beach sand as support instead of agar, and the effect of auxins and cytokinins (TDZ tidiazuron; BAP, 6-benzylaminopurine, IAA, indol-3-acetic acid, IBA, indol-3-butyric acid, NAA, naphthalene-acetic acid) on plant development in vitro. The results showed pronounced rooting from the apical explants, as well as a greater elongation of shoots and number of leaves. The solid medium was more suitable for the C. officinalis cultures. Shoot proliferation was dependent on cytokinins with better results from the influence of TDZ or BAP compared to the other treatments. Plants regenerated from the medium containing TDZ displayed a glazed appearance and morphogenetic deformations. The highest rate for rooting (80%) was obtained using IAA 0.1mgL-1. Through in-vitro propagation, healthy C. officinalis plants were obtained with roots which can acclimatise, allowing the continuous supplement of raw material.A alta demanda por material vegetal de Calendula officinalis para produção de fitoterápicos e cosméticos, configura a técnica de cultura de tecidos vegetais como uma das alternativas para o aprimoramento das culturas em curto período de tempo. Um protocolo de cultura de tecidos foi desenvolvido a partir de segmentos de plântulas de C. officinalis, no intuito de melhorar a proliferação de brotos e o enraizamento. Foi utilizado o meio Murashige e Skoog (MS½N) reduzido à metade das concentrações de NH4NO3 e KNO3, para verificar o efeito de diferentes tipos de explantes (basal, intermediário e apical), meio contendo areia de praia como suporte em substituição do agar, e o efeito de citocininas e auxinas (TDZ, tidiazuron; BAP, 6-benzilaminopurina; AIA, ácido indol-3-acético; AIB, ácido indol-3-butírico; ANA, ácido naftaleno acético) no desenvolvimento vegetal in vitro. Os resultados mostraram pronunciado enraizamento a partir dos explantes apicais, e também maior alongamento dos brotos e número de folhas. O meio sólido foi mais apropriado para as culturas de C. officinalis. A proliferação de brotos mostrou-se dependente de citocininas, com melhores resultados sob efeito de TDZ ou BAP em relação aos outros tratamentos. As plantas regeneradas a partir do meio contendo TDZ apresentaram aspecto vitrificado e deformações na morfogênese. A maior taxa de enraizamento (80%) foi obtida utilizando AIA 0.1 mg L-1. Através da propagação in vitro foram obtidas plantas de C. officinalis saudáveis e com raízes, capazes de serem aclimatizadas, e permitindo contínuo suplemento de matéria-prima