1,941 research outputs found

    Dual-Band Tunable Recursive Active Filter

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    This letter presents a novel recursive active filter topology that provides dual-band performance, with independent tuning capability in both bands. The dual-band operation is achieved by using two independent feedback lines. Additionally, linear phase shifters based on left-handed cells are included in these two branches in order to tune the center frequency of both pass bands

    The effect of information and communication technologies on creativity in collaborative design

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    This study compares the degree of creativity of forty-two conceptual designs proposed as solutions to two innovative design problems developed in face-to-face and virtual collaborative environments. The solutions obtained were evaluated by three experts applying the Moss metric, which considers the level of usefulness and the level of unusualness. The average values and the trends of the data were obtained and an analysis of the variance was also performed to determine whether the environment influences the degree of creativity. The results show that it cannot be proved that the level of creativity is influenced by working face-to-face or virtually, that is, whether Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are used or not has no effect on the final result

    A new geometrical method for 3D evaluation of non-rigid registration methods for radiotherapy in prostate cancer

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    Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy aims at delivering a high dose of radiation to the tumour, while sparing the surrounding normal tissue to a maximum extent. Image registration is an essential tool for monitoring radiation therapies, since allows morphological comparisons in presence of anatomic variations. The evaluation of non-rigid registration methods is very complicated owe to the absence of a known pointwise correspondence. The use of analysis of variations in target volume delineations has been proposed in the past for the evaluation of non-rigid registration methods. Delineation of the target volume is usually accomplished by outlining the contour of the volume in each separate tomographic slice. In the studies of reference, the 3D surface is rendered from the contours by means of a Delauney triangulation. This geometrical method only works correctly for convex structures. However the volumes involved on pelvic anatomy, such as bladder or prostate including the seminal vesicles, have relevant concavities that introduce a huge error in the evaluation. A new geometrical method for the evaluation of convex-concave target volumes delineation is proposed

    Ahout the bryoflora of La Herrería oakwood (San Lorenzo del Escorial, Madrid)

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    LOPEZ, C., MAZIMPAKA. V. & LARA, fl. 1993. Datos sobre la brioflora del Meiojar de la 1-terrena (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid). Bat. Camplurensis 18: 241-249 En este estudio sobre la bnioflora de uno de los enclaves de gran interés ecológico de la provincia de Madrid, se presenta un catálogo de 92 briófítos (7 hepáticas y 85 musgos) confeccionado a partir del material recogido por los autores. Se aportan cinco nuevas o segundas citas provinciales.LOPEZ, C., MAZIMPAKA. V. & LARA, F. 1993. About the bryoflora of La Herrería oakwood. (San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid). Boí. Complutensis 18: 241-249 Ris study deals with the bryoflora of a Que/cus pyrenaica Wiltd. wood, located in one of the most ecologically interesting sites within the province of Madrid. A catalogue of 92 taxa (7 liverworts and 85 mosses) from fíeld-collected saínples, is presented. Five taxa are new or second records for the province. Rey words: Bryoflora, marceseent oak wood, Quercus pyrenaica, Madrid, Spain. Botánica compluiensis 18: 241-249. Edit. Universidad Complutense 1993 242 Carmen López, Vicente Mazinipaka y Francisco Laj

    Estudio anatómico-histológico de las flores del endemismo Lamottea diania (Asteraceae) y de los efectos del ozono troposférico sobre su desarrollo.

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    "Estudio anatómico-histológico de las flores del endemismo Lamottea diania (Asteraceae) y de los efectos del ozono troposférico sobre su desarrollo". Lilloa 53 (2). Plantas del endemismo Lamottea diania se expusieron en cámaras OTC (Open Top Chambers) a aire ambiente filtrado y a aire ambiente no filtrado más 30 ppb de ozono para observar el efecto de este contaminante sobre el desarrollo de sus flores, particularmente sobre su androceo. Hemos comprobado, mediante estudios de microscopía óptica y electrónica, que el ozono afecta el proceso de desarrollo y maduración de los estambres y del polen. Las anteras se ven afectadas, en unos casos al abortar algunos estambres en su desarrollo y, en otros, impidiéndose el desarrollo correcto de los sacos polínicos en el interior de las mismas. Asimismo, el ozono impide la formación correcta del polen encontrando numerosos granos de polen sin desarrollar o desarrollados y madurados de forma anómala en el interior de los sacos polínicos. Los resultados indican que el ozono es el responsable del desarrollo anormal del androceo y del polen en plantas de L. diania. Anatomical and histological study of endemism flowers of Lamottea diania (Asteraceae) and the effects of tropospheric ozone on their development'. Lilloa 53 (2). Plants of endemism Lamottea diania were exposed in cameras OTC (Open Top Chambers) to filtered ambient air and ambient air unfiltered over 30 ppb ozone to observe the effect of this pollutant on the development of its flowers, particularly on its androecium. We have found, through studies of optical and electron microscopy, that ozone affects the process of development and maturation of stamens and pollen. The anthers are affected, in some cases by aborting some stamens in their development and in other, prevented the proper development of the pollen sacs within them. In addition, ozone prevents proper formationand maturation of pollen found many undeveloped pollen grains or developed abnormally inside the pollen sacs. Results indicate that ozone was responsible for the abnormal development of androecium and pollen in L. diania

    Are fit indices really fit to estimate the number of factors with categorical variables?: some cautionary findings via Monte Carlo Simulation

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    This paper is not the copy of record and may not exactly replicate the authoritative document published in the APA journal. Please do not copy or cite without author's permission. The final article is available, upon publication, at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/met0000064An early step in the process of construct validation consists of establishing the fit of an unrestricted "exploratory" factorial model for a prespecified number of common factors. For this initial unrestricted model, researchers have often recommended and used fit indices to estimate the number of factors to retain. Despite the logical appeal of this approach, little is known about the actual accuracy of fit indices in the estimation of data dimensionality. The present study aimed to reduce this gap by systematically evaluating the performance of 4 commonly used fit indices-the comparative fit index (CFI), the Tucker-Lewis index (TLI), the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), and the standardized root mean square residual (SRMR)-in the estimation of the number of factors with categorical variables, and comparing it with what is arguably the current golden rule, Horn's (1965) parallel analysis. The results indicate that the CFI and TLI provide nearly identical estimations and are the most accurate fit indices, followed at a step below by the RMSEA, and then by the SRMR, which gives notably poor dimensionality estimates. Difficulties in establishing optimal cutoff values for the fit indices and the general superiority of parallel analysis, however, suggest that applied researchers are better served by complementing their theoretical considerations regarding dimensionality with the estimates provided by the latter metho

    Kinetic study of pilot-scale supercritical CO2 extraction of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaves

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    NOTICE: This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Journal of Supercritical Fluids. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 55 (2011). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.supflu.2010.09.030Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) extracts were obtained in a supercritical pilot-scale plant. Based on experimental information available in the literature for analytical or low-scale processes, extraction temperature and pressure were selected to be 313 K and 30 MPa. At these extraction conditions, the kinetic behavior of the pilot-scale overall extraction curve were determined with respect to yield, antioxidant activity and carnosic acid content. The overall extraction curve was represented using Sovova’s model; the average deviation between measured and calculated yields was lower than 2%. Mass transfer coefficients in the fluid and solid phases were determined and were compared with previous data reported in the literature for low-scale rosemary supercritical extraction. A two-stage depressurization procedure was accomplished and the effect of both on-line fractionation and extraction time on the antioxidant activity of the samples collected was studied. The antioxidant activity of the different fractions could be straight correlated with the carnosic acid content with a regression coefficient of 0.92This work has been financed by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (ALIBIRD-S2009/AGR-1469) and project FUN-C-FOOD, CSD2007-00063 (CONSOLIDER-INGENIO) from Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain

    Territory impact on the performance of Spanish vacation hotels

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    Although Spain is among the world's most visited tourist destinations, not all Spanish regions receive the same flow or number of tourists, and the type of visitor varies from one region to another. This paper analyses the structure of the tourism industry across the six most important tourist regions in Spain. Its main aim is to identify the most relevant factors for each of these regions, explaining the differences between them not only in terms of the number of tourists they receive but also in terms of tourist behaviour. The authors select two theoretical models empirically validated in previous studies: Porter's Diamond model, which helps to explain why the tourism industry is more competitive in some Spanish regions than in others, and the theory of tourist districts, which clarifies why the tourism industry tends to develop in very specific geographical areas.This study forms part of the project TRACE2009–0200, financed by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Does a creative environment help the acquisition of creative skills?

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    Comunicació presentada al 23rd International Congress on Project Management and Engineering (Málaga, 10-12 July 2019).Numerous studies have shown that the environment affects creativity. This means that the creativity of an individual can be enhanced by placing him or her in an environment with the appropriate stimuli. However, these studies focus on the creativity of results in situ. The present study differs from the previous ones in that the aim is to analyse the effect of this environment on the acquisition of creative skills, since nowadays most university classes are taught in conventional classrooms, without any of the so-called creative stimuli of the environment. For this purpose, the present work shows the results of a practical experience, in which a number of creativity classes in the field of design engineering have been given to two homogeneous groups of students. For the first group the classes were given in a conventional classroom, while for the second group the same classes were given in a classroom with creative stimuli. In order to compare the level of acquisition of creative skills, two groups solved the same creative problem in the same classroom without stimuli, so that it was not the classroom stimuli that influenced the creativity, but that it was only due to the competence acquired by them.Está demostrado en numerosos estudios que el entorno afecta a la creatividad. Se puede potenciar la creatividad de un individuo colocándolo en un entorno con los estímulos adecuados. Sin embargo, estos estudios se centran en la creatividad de los resultados in situ. El presente estudio difiere de los anteriores en cuanto que lo que se pretende analizar es el efecto de dicho entorno en la adquisición de las competencias creativas, puesto que hoy en día la mayoría de las clases universitarias se imparten en aulas convencionales, sin estímulos creativos de entorno. Para ello, el presente trabajo muestra los resultados de una experiencia práctica, en la que se ha impartido un número de clases de creatividad en el ámbito de la ingeniería de diseño a dos grupos homogéneos de alumnos. Para un primer grupo las clases fueron impartidas en un aula convencional, mientras que para el segundo grupo se les han en un aula con estímulos creativos. Para comparar el nivel de adquisición de competencias creativas, sendos grupos resolvieron el mismo problema creativo en una misma aula sin estímulos, para que no fueran éstos los que influyeran en la creatividad, sino que ésta se debiera únicamente a la competencia adquirida

    Plantación trufera en Barracas (Castellón, Valencia)

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    [ES] En el presente trabajo de final de grado se detallan los pasos necesarios para realizar una plantación dedicada a la producción de trufa negra en Barracas (Castellón). La parcela está situada en el polígono 7, parcela 31, y tiene una superficie de 16,29ha. El marco de plantación utilizado es de 6x6, por tanto, habrá una densidad de 277 árboles/ha, es decir, un total de 4524 encinas. La especie elegida es Quercus ilex spp Ballota y el hongo húesped Tuber Melanosporum Vitt. Además, se ha propuesto un cerramiento de la parcela para evitar daños por parte de animales, y se ha realizado un sistema de microaspersión para suplir las deficiencias hídricas, necesarias para obtener una producción de calidad de trufa negra. El cabezal de riego se introducirá en una caseta existente en la parcela, donde se insertarán el equipo de impulsión y los controladores, además de establecer la red de riego mediante laterales, tuberías primarias y secundarias. Por último, se detallan una serie de actuaciones que requiere la plantación, junto a su calendario de actividades para obtener unos rendimientos máximos. Los ingresos obtenidos serán exclusivamente del cultivo y la posterior venta de la trufa negra. La vida útil de la plantación será de 50 años, a partir de los cuales se arrancarán los árboles.[EN] The present work of end of degree details the necessary steps to realize a plantation dedicated to the production of black truffle in Barracas (Castellón). The plot is located in the polygon 7, plot 31, and has an area of 16,29has. The plantation frame is of 6x6, therefore, there will be a density of 277 trees/ha, a total of 4524 oaks. The specie chosen is Quercus ilex spp ballota and the host fungus Tuber Melanosporum Vitt. In addition, an enclosure of the plot has been proposed to prevent damage by animals, and a micro-sprinkler system has been made to supply the water deficiencies necessary to obtain a quality production of black truffle. There is an irrigation booth built in the crop field, where the driving equipment and controllers will be inserted, as well as establishing the irrigation network by laterals, primary and secondary pipes. Finally, a series of actions required by the plantation are detailed, together with its calendar of activities to obtain maximum yields. The income obtained will be exclusively from the cultivation and subsequent sale of black truffle. The useful life of the plantation will be 50 years, from which trees will be uprooted.[CA] En el present treball de final de grau es detallen els passos necessaris per a realitzar una plantació dedicada a la producció de trufa negra en Barraques (Castelló). La parcel·la està situada en el polígon 7, parcel·la 31, i té una superfície de 16,29 has. El marc de plantació utilitzat és de 6x6, per tant, hi haurà una densitat de 277 arbres/ha, és a dir, un total de 4525 alzines. L’espècie triada ès Quercus ilex spp ballota i el fong hoste Tuber Melanosporum Vitt. A més, s’ha proposat un tancament de la parcel·la per a evitar danys per part d’animals, i s’ha realitzat un sistema de micro-aspersió per a suplir les deficiències hídriques, necessàries per a obtindre una producció de qualitat de trufa negra. Hi ha una caseta de reg construïda on s’inseriran l’equip d’impulsió i els controladors, a més d’establir la xarxa de reg per mitjà de laterals, canonades primàries, i secundàries. Finalment, es detallen una sèrie d’actuacions que requerix la plantació, junt amb el seu calendari d’activitats per a obtindre uns rendiments màxims. Els ingressos obtinguts seran exclusivament del cultiu i la posterior venda de la trufa negra. La vida útil de la plantació serà de 50 anys, a partir dels quals s’arrencaran els arbres.García Moreno, VF. (2020). Plantación trufera en Barracas (Castellón, Valencia). http://hdl.handle.net/10251/143734TFG